Following are some oft-repeated ad hominem attacks by a long-time USS Liberty antagonist who routinely avoids any discussion (substantive or otherwise) of the USS Liberty incident preferring instead to fabricate evidence in an apparent - but unsuccessful - attempt to convince people that those who do not meet his standards of political correctness deserve to be victims of War Crimes that have been committed against the United States with impunity and without remorse. Such ad hominem attacks are never initiated by and are usually ignored by his targets. Most of these remarks are untrue, out of context, or gross distortions by Mr. Kahl. John and Rocky have both said they come from Jewish families. Neither has denied those statements or contradicted them. Yet Mr. Kahl continues to post hundreds of messages claiming that they have said publicly that they are not Jewish. Contrary to Mr. Kahl's assertions, we survivors who post here are all American citizens and veterans who vote only in this country and place America above all others. All of our sources--except materials from Israel which are provided for balance and perspective--are either American citizens or official documents from the US government. You will see some references to a "deposition". For several months Mr. Kahl has had some kind of strange obsession with a "deposition" which he imagines to exist. There has never been a deposition of USS Liberty crewmen, nor has any responsible person made such a claim. There were a few unofficial statements taken from crewmen prior to the Court of Inquiry including a statement of my own. These were not "depositions". Unfortunately, they appear to have been destroyed. Mr. Kahl for reasons known only to himself continues to insist that depositions exist, that we have them, and that for some strange reason we are withholding them. If there were depositions, we would publish them as we are confident they would help prove our case. Following are Murrayisms from talk.politics.mideast: =========================================================== Try the ones where we prove you are a liar, antiJewish and antiArab. I've considered setting up a home page where you may have a portion. It will probably be titled, The U.S. Liberty group, neoNazis, bigots, antiJewish and antiArab among other disgusting traits. See them convicted in their OWN WORDS. Sounds good to me. Congratulations on learning HTML is such a short period of time. I didn't know an old man had it in him. Following is a list of some of them (I have much more): * Joe tells of his childhood in Saudi Arabia (left when he was 15 but has returned at least once with his wife) and cannot says his wife finds it oppressive--but not him. He says he was an Aramco brat. Not a single mention of how the Saudi family mistreats people on the outside. The CDLR would not agree with his comment! * Joe accuses entire US administrations of treason but has nothing negative to say about the Saudis. * They mock "Jewish accents." *Joe tells of a "detailed deposition" that Jim gave. Jim denied it and now he just waffles. Why is it hidden? * Joe posts that "Rocky and John" are Jewish to show he has a Jewish following. John denied it and Rocky won't say. Both were posted here. * Jim just posted that some knew of the intelligence gathering effort of the ship and that includes Joe. But he refuses to give any details. * Jim deprecates Loftus and Aaron's book and volunteers a writeup of his book that compares his book to works of fiction (again here). * They say the act was a violation of the 4th Geneva (war crimes) and it can't be (Israel is not a signatory, On the West bank, Israel voluntarily accepted some restrictions). They have yet to post any proof. That has occurred here. I have much more. The above are simply lies and points out that nothing they say can be trusted. Except for their posts here, I have copies of the above and if you wish, I will repost. This is not an issue of Middle East politics but of lies versus truth. Most of their responses are canned and I have seen them many times before. Some of their favorites: * Why respond if we are ... * How many stars on your flag? * I am not against Jews only Zionists. * I will repost your article under . . . * Talking about the machine gunning of life rafts and never volunteering they were empty. there are more. You are stupid as you know that I have never seen your page. I call you a liar again. I don't waste my time reading your trash. For a good book read "The Secret War Against the Jews." They have your number!!!!!!!! You admit I have NEVER seen your garbage and, de facto, an admission of yet another lie. When have I ever said I know everything about the Liberty; you lie again. Now post something to that effect and prove me the liar, How would you know an American source? as you don't pay homage to the American flag. Tell us what you are hiding and especially why you keep your "detailed deposition" a secret? You are a sad case!!!! . . . . as a relic of past wars relegated to dust and ashes, why not focus on topics such as your present support of the Saudi despots and your commensurate animosity to ordinary working Arabs.