Difference Between AT&T and Intel Assembly Syntax ------------------------------------------------- Shok (Matt Conover), shok@dataforce.net The difference -------------- This document is more related to coding than hacking, although assembly is a very useful programming language, as its machine level and provides direct access to the CPU, hardware, etc. Now in all Unix-derived systems, the compilers like gcc use att syntax assembly and not intel. For example: movl %esp, %ebp Now this is unfortunate for DOS assembly programmers who recently switched to Unix-derived systems. They are used to Intel syntax, whereas Linux (and others) uses AT&T syntax. Where in the example above you would use: mov ebp, esp. I wrote this because I have only seen one document that explained the differences between AT&T and Intel syntax. That document was the GAS (GNU assembler) reference manual. You can get the GAS reference manual at: http://www.cs.utah.edu/csinfo/texinfo under "gas" First let me give a few examples. Intel: push 4 AT&T: pushl $4 All the immediate operands have a $ in front of them, in intel syntax, you don't have prefix. The register operands, have a % in front of them, intel has none. Intel: mov eax, 4 att: movl $4, %eax You notice there is a diff in intel/att's src/dst... Intel: you do dst, src like mov ax, 2 att: it's the opposite, src, dst like movl $2, %ax You can use 'b' for byte, 'w' for word, 'l' for long, etc...as the memory suffix: movl, movb, movw, etc. in intel you wold do this like mov ax, byte ptr foo... The far instruction for att is lret $stack-adjust, in intel it's ret far stack-adjust. The l in front of mov, is the byte/memory operand..... this is actually more convient if you ask me. In Intel you have: section:[base + index*scale + disp] disp = displcement scale = 1 if not given In AT&T, however, you would have: section:disp(base, index, scale) So "es:[ebp-5]" in Intel would be "%es:-4(%ebp)" in AT&T syntax. Intel: [foo] AT&T: foo(,1) the ,1 means an index of one... Inte: [foor + eax*4] AT&T: foor(, %eax, 4) I hope this helps :) How to Get some assembly examples in unix: ----------------------------------------- Now how to get a few examples on how to get some assembly code for Unix. Use this (assuming you called it test.c): void main() { printf("hi\n"); } now to compile it, do gcc -S test.c, this will make a file test.s in assembly......look at it it contains great info....and some examples of the macros and what not defined/shown in gas' (GNU assembler) manual. (Which can be found at http://www.cs.utah.edu/csinfo/texinfo, under gas. here is what test.s will look like: .file "test.c" .version "01.01" gcc2_compiled.: .section .rodata .LC0: .string "test\n" .text .align 4 .globl main .type main,@function main: pushl %ebp movl %esp,%ebp pushl $.LC0 call printf addl $4,%esp .L1: leave ret .Lfe1: .size main,.Lfe1-main .ident "GCC: (GNU)" As you know, the l's in front of push, mov, add, etc....that means it's type long. and the % goes in front of all register operands, whereas in intel syntax, it is undelimited. Likewise, the immediate operands, have a '$' in front of them, whereas once again, intel is undelimited. movl $3, %eax is equal to: mov eax, 3 in intel The other way to get asm code is with gdb......you compile your program with gcc -g .......and for even more......gcc -g -a... here is our test.c ......in gdb, we do 'disassemble main': (gdb) disassemble main Dump of assembler code for function main: 0x8048474
: pushl %ebp 0x8048475 : movl %esp,%ebp 0x8048477 : pushl $0x80484c8 0x804847c : call 0x8048378 0x8048481 : addl $0x4,%esp 0x8048484 : leave 0x8048485 : ret End of assembler dump. That is with just -g.......with -a as well you can see the difference (more instructions show up that usually wouldn't): (gdb) disassemble main Dump of assembler code for function main: 0x80485d8
: pushl %ebp 0x80485d9 : movl %esp,%ebp 0x80485db : cmpl $0x0,0x8049a6c 0x80485e2 : jne 0x80485f1 0x80485e4 : pushl $0x8049a6c 0x80485e9 : call 0x80488fc <__bb_init_func> 0x80485ee : addl $0x4,%esp 0x80485f1 : incl 0x8049b78 0x80485f7 : pushl $0x8048978 0x80485fc : call 0x8048468 0x8048601 : addl $0x4,%esp 0x8048604 : incl 0x8049b7c 0x804860a : leave 0x804860b : ret End of assembler dump. I of course need to give credit of this to the gas manual, as parts were taken from there. Shok (Matt Conover) Email: shok@dataforce.net Web: http://www.w00w00.org ----------------