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Siege James Mason

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Where History Stopped

It never hurts to possess a comprehensive understanding of history and the development of Aryan culture, not to mention that of our enemies. This however requires much time and study, that is, assuming that one can even get hold of the required literature for such study. For purposes of revolutionary understanding as well as revolutionary recruiting, all that needs to be comprehended well are the occurrences of the past century. It's all contained there within the span of a few short generations: the fall of the White Race from the very heights of power and culture to the bottom depths of servitude and degradation. And then, of course, there is the Greatest Story Ever Told which still lies within the memories of half the people yet alive today. That is the saga of Adolf Hitler, the birth and rise of the NSDAP and the Third Reich in Germany . There compressed within an incredibly short time-frame, twenty five years, is the total revelation of an entire age of man. Truly where history– as it had been known since the end of Classical Civilization– came to its end.

To go even further, a person who is truly aware really needs to look no further than what he finds around him here, in the present day. That may be asking a bit too much as practically all living vestiges of a great past have been erased. Still I hold that a person who is strong and natural within will know by the filth and disease all about him that things are not right and will be able to arrive at his own conclusions (also based on who is running the show, and who it is they most curse). Charles Manson, to be sure, has never cracked open one of the Right Wing books about the Illuminati, etc., and his grasp of things is total (and how the Establishment curses him!). Indeed, as he himself points out, books can be dangerous as they have the power to suck one into them and the era and place they are representing. How true this has been of the entire Right Wing– if they haven't been living in 1933, they've been living in 1865.

I've seen too many who flaunt their prowess at talking Right Wing trivia and laying claim to this intellectual trick as some kind of grounds for leadership. Some of it might be of interest for a genuine student of history– as I am– who doesn't mind lectures, but it is counter-productive in the extreme where revolutionary personalities and temperaments are involved, that is, among the more directly action-minded. They want to hear present-day reality put into simple terms of explanation– they want to hear flaming, living rhetoric to forge together a hardcore Movement, and most of all to hear about the future, not the past.

Just as not everyone was ever intended (at least not by Nature) to fall into the System's universal, compulsory liberal education, not everyone who might possibly gravitate into the Movement is intended to be aware of everything that has happened throughout history from antediluvian times to the present. For all but the most tiny few, such knowledge is useless baggage. The fact is that most couldn't care less. To try to push it on them is to alienate and lose them. Give them instead what will most set them on fire: the way to deal with the present rather than be victimized by it and, most of all, the way to conquer the future!

[Vol. XIII, #6 – June, 1984]


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