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Siege James Mason

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What We Can Dispense With

We can unburden ourselves of all useless wreckage and lumber. Things like idle complaint. We cannot complain about "what's going on", we can only complain about OURSELVES as yet not having reached a point where we can do something about it. Right now, we'll do very well to concentrate on ourselves for, until we have done that, we can't do much about anything else.

It is an error to complain about politicians. It is a worse error to complain about any specific politician by name. This is because that to do so is to extend to them a certain legitimacy and, at the same time, to go so far as to place yourself in the same league, on the same level with them. As though they are your leaders and you don't approve of what they're doing. To fall into, or, more often, to fail to get out of this line-of-thought is fatal one hundred percent of the time and no one who has ever towed a line like that has ever succeeded at anything. As to "what the Jews are up to", "what the Blacks have pulled lately", etc., it is all the same. People and groups will do as it is their nature and will to do. They cannot be predicted to do as might be "expected" when a society has broken down as this one has. Anyone who cannot see that has no business whatsoever in any movement calling itself politically revolutionary.

The Enemy is the Enemy and aliens are aliens. All politicians– high and low are PIGS in a Pig System. If they weren't, they wouldn't be there. From President to dogcatcher, they are all the same bureaucratic, sell-out swine. No distinctions are to be drawn. Meaningless considerations of "parties", of "Left" and "Right", even individual identities, names, etc, are simply not to be used. To kill an "ism" you have to kill the "ists". Their words and actions are absolutely predictable and no one should ever express any sense of shock or outrage at them. We must view them as a mountain range, or a fetid swamp, or a series of storm clouds: just there. A factor to be noted and taken into account, upon which to base future strategy. In the present we have to work around them, in spite of them, never extending to them the invitation to send in their pigs to break up these, our most early and rudimentary efforts. In the future, we have to break up their power base and unseat them from the positions of authority which they usurped from real American leaders who haven't existed now in several generations. In the end, we have to simply kill them, as expeditiously and unceremoniously as possible.

As for what any Black or group of Blacks may do– likewise with any alien congregations– it should concern us not. For this is not our country and these are not our people. They are not doing anything to us; not taking anything away from us. They are but players on a common chess board. They are merely aliens on this continent which has mostly seen throughout its existence the parlances of groups of aliens, vying one against another for greater dominance. There is no indication that this long-established trend will not go on. If anything, they serve to unsettle and unhinge the drive for total control by the Big Brother Pig Bureaucrats of the System. At this point, anything which contributes to friction, chaos and anarchy can only help us in the long run. Should we then express any particular shock when any member of these alien groups commits some transgression against the old Anglo-Saxon laws which once, long ago, were devised to govern this land?

Outrages and offenses to the sensibilities of any truly civilized individual have long since become the rule and not the exception. We must view it merely as the element in which we swim, in which we struggle. And of course, as we all know, it continues to degenerate further with each passing year. You do not complain about this. You either choose to swim or not to swim. You ADAPT to it so as to be able to function most effectively in it. You don't have to like it. You never accept it but you view it as only the primary aspect of the greater game plan in which everyone is caught up. Others will view it differently but they will be deluding themselves. You don't "worry" about any of that– you only worry about what YOU are going to be doing next, on your own, in relationship to it.

[Vol. XIII, #6 – June, 1984]


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