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Siege James Mason

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A Break With The Past

I'm a National Socialist first and foremost. Have been for over half of my life and will be for the rest of it. But those familiar with the philosophy of SIEGE will see that I view the Party in Germany together with its tactics, etc., purely as a phenomenon of that time and that place, totally unworkable here in the present. (And I must add that Commander Rockwell and his strategy were not of the past or another place and could have worked had he lived to see it through. ) But Hitler and Rockwell shared one thing in common which is no longer valid: they both believed– as Hitler proved and as Rockwell was successfully demonstrating– that the existing institutions of the day, though in many cases subverted and taken over by our enemies, were still usable and could be co-opted, or worked through, in the building of the Movement and the seizing of power.

This is no longer the case at all.

From now on, all our thoughts and strategy must be based upon this realization. It is unpleasant and uncomfortable to be without the old guideposts and landmarks of the past which stood largely unchanged for centuries. Yet the fact remains that for the first instance in a very long time we are absolutely NOT the masters of our own country, our own affairs. Our people are totally disenfranchised as a race and there are no exceptions to be found in" White" company men or "White" shabbez goyim. Do not make fools of the rest of us by complaining to, pleading with, or barking at the System. There have at times been intelligent and sincere people in sympathy with our Cause who'd admonish us in the most helpful and polite terms, which I can and do respect, that the Nazi approach can't make it mainly because something new is required... something "new". No argument could I ever find with that, though neither could I nor anyone else come up with that new "something". Those who pretended they had were only fooling themselves for what they created was only a weakened and watered-down version of Fascism and National Socialism with different names and symbols. Furthermore, never in practical application did any of it come close to having the effect that Commander Rockwell and his A.N.P., or subsequent efforts of later Nazi fronts had. These "new" attempts were in fact backward steps.

While I cannot go for any of these sneaky approaches, any of these "krinklejammers", because of a personal commitment and devotion to what Hitler brought forth and out of practical common sense, neither can I allow myself to believe that history's march stopped in 1945. The pages of history read pretty dull since that time but yet in historic terms the ensuing thirty-odd years don't really represent much of a span of time. The best that can be said for these past three decades is that a number of embryonic things have developed, one or more of which could mature into something. Which ones and how, no one can know...

[Vol. X, # 9 – Sept., 1981]


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