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Siege James Mason

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Ready For What?

One might be able to imagine, after reading some of what I have to say about "Right Wingism", how I personally feel about the want-something-for-nothing inquiries that still come to my address occasionally from fossilized remnants of the "Right Wing Age". I feel insulted by their presence and am offended at their wanting "free samples" of revolutionary literature. We're struggling; they're piddling.

Usually these take the form of a partial sheet of school-kid's notebook paper on which has been scrawled, "Please send samples of your literature." Never any money, seldom even a request for subscription rates.

Then there are those who feel that if they provide a good, standard Right Wing litany in letter form then they are entitled to a freebie request thrown in at the conclusion of the letter, and all is even. (You always get the sinking feeling that at the end of each of these "pep-talks" there IT will be: the "bite". And you're right every time.)

Readers of SIEGE will know that I hate idle complaint and try to avoid it wherever I can. But one of these letters came in about a month or so ago which sort of broke the camel's back and prompted this particular segment to be written. It was "standard" all the way except that at the close it had, "READY TO FIGHT!", above the author's signature. It was too much for me.

I didn't gag but I did get steamed and still do whenever I stop to consider it. "Ready to fight." "Ready to fight." "Ready to fight." Kick it around in your mind and roll it over your tongue a few times. I'll bet I could draw you a PICTURE, complete with personal background and history, on that individual just going from experience with these types and making a composite... but I won't because that would make me sick for sure.

"Ready to fight"? Yes, I sent a copy of SIEGE in response– which probably scared the hell out of him if it didn't entirely confuse him– and, no, there wasn't any further communication. But "Ready to fight"? Ten years ago I might have stopped and written him a letter containing much of what I am saying here, but not today. I have vowed to cut waste.

"Ready to fight", eh? So what's the delay? Waiting for a bell for the next round? Waiting for some "hippie" or "nigger" to come jumping up onto YOUR porch? If you're really READY to fight, why not take it on your own like Cowan, Spisak, Mathews or a dozen others who FOUGHT?? What in HELL are you waiting for?!

Is this the conscious evasion of a coward or an idiotic lack of understanding on the part of a blowhard? I know how the rest of it goes- like this: "Ready to fight... when the time comes." Even when the fighting is, and already has been going on, it's still never quite "time".

No. Not everyone is a fighter. That's understood around here. But don't come on like a fool and don't use that term to hide behind. I will show respect for anyone who approaches me in seriousness and who is willing to apply themselves seriously. And a serious approach in this case would have been something like, "Ready to work." or "Ready to serve." As it was, this person wasn't even ready to subscribe!

This is an insult to all who DO work and serve, in quiet, without fanfare. And ESPECIALLY an insult to those who DO fight and who pay the ultimate price. I can't tolerate it anymore and I won't. Let the fakers keep to themselves as there are plenty of faker-style groups out there who thrive on hot air. Not around here.

"Ready to fight."

Son of a BITCH!

[Vol. XIV, # 3 – Mar., 1985]


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