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Siege James Mason

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Retreat To Reality

The talk is big regarding a White Redoubt in the U.S. Northwest where, it is said even today, FBI, etc., don't care to venture. The reality of this is looming larger every day as things deteriorate and even this quiet spot in Ohio begins to lose more and more credibility as a place to dig in and hang on while the storm rages overhead. I remind each of you of what has been said before: just because we may be part of a Movement in opposition to all this insanity does not mean we are or shall be somehow magically immune to any of it when things break full force. It was also said that an organization which does not plan for its future isn't likely to have one.

Those who want to LIVE and possibly go on later to make a significant IMPACT on the course of national and world affairs are going to have to strategically withdraw from grandiose designs of what might have been and surrender all illusions of what should be. For there is only what IS and that forever remains harsh reality.

[Vol. XII, #1 – Jan., 1983]


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