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Siege James Mason

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In the past I've spoken on the phoniness of the "survivalist" syndrome as one of the latest Right Wing escapist fads. But actual survival is no joke. Naked facts of life are taken into account when survival is spoken of in earnest. Where are you going to find food, water, shelter, heat, medicines, weapons and ammunitions in a world collapsed? If, for example, the trucking industry shuts down– for whatever reason– the cities will begin to starve within two weeks. And, for another example, should Big Brother's Pigs be unable to control rioting and looting, that figure could drop to two days. Are you located in a city and dependent on centralized electricity, gas, water? These things will be OFF the first few hours of a general collapse. When we spoke of real survival before, we began by saying that the city is no place to be, now and especially later.

It's not getting any easier even in these "normal" times. Again, gradualism at work. Most evenings this time of year one can watch on the news of how more and more laid-off working families and old people cannot afford to heat their homes. There are the (as yet) isolated cases of those freezing to death. What's the difference between a gradual emergency arid a sudden one? Only that you are robbed of the chance to react appropriately and effectively. Meeting mortgages, rents, buying food, etc.- it's the same now for most: a day-to-day struggle for existence. And how much more can the situation tolerate before it goes over the brink? Primary to survival, to my way of thinking, is that at least out in the countryside you stand a CHANCE. Beyond that, it is up to YOU how well you prepare for the day when the point of no return is reached. And, as I said before, one of the things the Movement has done a commendable job of has been making available a large amount of very good survival literature. Buy it! Read it! Use it!

[Vol. XII, #1 – Jan., 1983]


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