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Siege James Mason

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Cowboys and Niggers

Years ago, while still a dues-paying novice at this, I used to get discouraged. But no more-because it came over me some time ago that the revolution we dream of, speak of, and write of has not faltered or failed, for the simple reason that it hasn't gotten started yet. It's going to start– it must start. I don't care how badly the disease of liberal democracy has infected our people; human nature remains the same and it will rise to the surface and show itself sooner or later. For there to be smoke, there's got to be fire someplace. And you've certainly got to crawl before you can walk, much less run. Evidently things are beginning to happen, and happen right, in this country. Whether we are to believe the System bureaucrats who say that a "deranged maniac" is on the loose, or whether we believe Jesse Jackson who swears that a small band of extreme radicals is at work, hardly matters. The fact remains that SOMEBODY is starting to do it RIGHT!!!

The past thirty days have been outstanding ones for news. What began as a hopeful trickle has turned into a positively electrifying flood! On September 26th the headlines began on this upbeat note: "Killer Stalks Buffalo Blacks". That incident involved the shooting of four Blacks that left three dead within thirty-six hours in that city. Next item out of Buffalo was, "Vicious Murders Spark Massive Manhunt". It was thus reported on October 10th that two more Blacks had not only been killed but had had their hearts cut out. From what we gather, the fourth shooting victim died and there was a strangulation attempt that was not successful against still another Black. Police in Buffalo claim four "composite drawings" of a suspect or suspects. District Attorney Edward Cosgrove made this very pregnant statement: "I can't imagine a more serious, traumatic situation occurring in a U.S. community." Well, brother, we sure as hell can.

On October 7th it was reported that a "prime suspect" in the shooting of Vernon Jordan had been identified as one Joseph Franklin. At the same time it came out that Franklin had been known to appear in Nazi uniform, giving the Hitler salute, this tidbit supplied by his ex-wife in Louisiana. But it seems as though Franklin is a real traveling man. Wanted for the killing of two Black "youths" in Salt Lake City, Utah, while police in Cincinnati, Ohio, want to question him (I'll bet!) regarding the killing of two more Negro "youths" in that city, so far Franklin is credited with ten killings and is wanted in five states. Best of all is the fact that Franklin supposedly has been killing mixed couples... the rotten Whites right along with the Blacks. Bravo!!

Then finally there is the business in Atlanta, Georgia, of whomever it is that believes the proper target is the offspring rather than the adult. At last report, on October 11th, there were eight dead Black offspring in the Atlanta area over a period of fifteen months. These occurrences are the closest thing yet amounting to what is actually needed in this country.


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