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Siege James Mason

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The Mathematics of Terror

I am immediately reminded of Fred Cowan and all those very early White Heroes who sacrificed everything and who died in the glimmering, pre-dawn hours of the true American Revolution which is about to break upon us. (I mean specifically revolution as opposed to the War of Independence in the Eighteenth Century and specifically civil war rather than the War Between the States in the Nineteenth Century.) The all-important difference now is that, one, the killings all have been multiple and, two, the System has its filthy hands on NO ONE as yet. This is a HUGE difference and spells out the dividing line between sporadic incident and revolution. And it is compounded by the fact that it is nationwide and involves a number of White Patriots rather than just one, lonely fighter. While on this aspect let us give some thought to what the next logical step might be toward opening the way to full, revolutionary conflagration in the United States: from almost random shootings and immediate death or capture of the killers, to select and consecutive assassinations by various Movement people in different parts of the country simultaneously, to... ??? We've already seen the killing of two vile, System creeps in San Francisco by Dan White. If I were asked by anyone of my opinion on what to look for (or hope for) next I would tell them a wave of killings, or "assassinations", of System bureaucrats by roving gun men who have their strategy well mapped-out in advance and well-nigh impossible to stop.

But as we have been saying in the NSLF, the revolution will be a case of action and reaction. So let us look at some of the reaction to those acts we mentioned in the previous segment. As everyone reading this should realize, and as all those Right Wing newssheets rely on for their grist, Whites have been getting "offed" in similar ways in an ever-increasing rate ever since Blacks were first turned loose upon this society. But nobody cares or gives a damn. When the Negroes get a taste of this medicine here's what occurs: from Buffalo we now have reports of Blacks stoning and shooting at Whites and that same D.A. saying that, "The tension is so thick you could cut it with a knife."; in Indiana there has been posted a $60,000 reward for the person who shot Jordan; but it is Atlanta where the heat is really on. It was announced that literally hundreds of people are going to be involved in a HOUSE TO HOUSE search for someone, something, anything which might crack the case of the missing and/or dead Black offspring.

Perhaps the primary equation here is that the System held a two-day "conference" which included police literally from all over the country to discuss what the hell to do about one man: Joseph Franklin. What if there currently were three, or six, or a DOZEN other "Joseph Franklins" at work now all over the United States ? What would the System do but go crazy? You must understand that this is something altogether NEW that they have never had to face. When Whites are killed, nobody lifts an eyebrow; when Blacks are killed there are nationwide "manhunts" and "conferences"; now what will be the case when BUREAUCRATS and JEWS start getting killed? It could trigger total panic. The mathematics of terror is this: they have not got the power– regardless– to spark a revolution. No outrage, nothing on their part can do it. Therefore the initiative must be only ours if anything at all is going to happen. Not only that but the advantage as well is ours if only we will take it! A good friend of the Movement commented only the other day that, when it starts really happening all over, all at once, we will have reached the point of "effectively".


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