SolarGeneral Proudly Presents...

Siege James Mason

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"400 Potential Assassins"

That's what the media says the System has a list of. As we found out the day after the assassination attempt, Yours Truly is on that list. Somehow the figure of four hundred seems incredibly small, all things considered. We're not surprised or offended by this as it would tend to confirm what has been set forth before in SIEGE: Big Brother AIN'T comprehending what's happening around him. As long as they're watching me that close– a damned editorial writer– that frees a dozen others to move. If they consider four hundred to be "official", fine and dandy. But they'd better, if it is to be considered "effective", revise it now to read "399".

There has always been a good, round figure of a thousand kooks and nuts in the Nazi sphere alone in the U.S. Take in the Klan, etc., and the figure jumps. But that figure of four hundred "potential assassins" is supposed to take in everybody! The Commies and even the religious weirdoes!! Either they have one hell of a low estimation of us (which isn't likely due to their galloping paranoia) or it takes some real credentials to be thus counted. There are those now clamoring to know: "What's it take to get on that list?" Must be some kind of honor. I hereby propose that we hold "400 Club" reunions to commence one year after the revolution.

If it does really signify anything– and I seriously question that it does– to have spooked the bureaucracy to the point where they "list" your name as a "potential assassin", then as one that has been so "listed" I want to tell you something in that regard. For many a moon we, as a Movement, have crept along on our bellies, first as conservatives, then as Right Wingers, then as Nazis and today as revolutionaries. We have flickered back and forth from "cult", to "conspiracy", and to "underground" briefly with Tommasi. However many of us are represented in that list of four hundred, it doesn't matter too much. Let 'em maintain their "lists" for what else can you expect them to do? If the uphill phase of the struggle here lasts thirty years then twenty-eight or twenty-nine of those will be pretty damned "dry" just as with today and in the past. The revolution will be born when the tens of thousands who are NOT on that list act.


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