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Siege James Mason

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"The True Believer"

This is the title of a well-known book that is generally frowned upon by idealistic Movement people as hailing the antithesis of what we're supposed to be all about and what motivates us. I disagree. The thrust of this work by Eric Hoffer has it that all people of a fanatic bent, regardless of persuasion, have in common the fact that they are deficient in one or more fundamental human areas. These then seek to compensate, or over-compensate for this by joining fanatic causes as they see their mortal, earthly existence as ruined or worthless. I think Hoffer is very close to correct.

Do we as National Socialists not agree that the individual self is not the end-all but that it is the Race itself which is of supreme importance? And even if one were– as are so many millions today– so self-centered, can it be denied that this materialistic society has rendered the business of going about life a pretty tired, miserable affair? Intolerable in fact, without some higher purpose? So what would it take to FORCE a person out of the mould, out of the rut and into an entirely new and different framework? It would seem that it would have to be something profound, deep within, something that a person cannot escape from, a fire that cannot be extinguished. Good or bad, anything, just so he is separated from the mainstream of the System and the Establishment. From there it has a great deal to do with the person, what stuff he is made of, and, to a far lesser degree, the breaks he does or doesn't receive.

Mason, the True Believer.

To assume that people in general can be "shown the light" and be expected to drop the rest and go with it is to exhibit a naiveté in assessing human nature which approaches the ludicrous. It is toward that KIND of humanity that Nietzsche and Hitler strove but, as we each know, those plans have been seriously set back. No, it remains biological but at the same time it remains immutable if we can only understand its workings, come to grasp it and be able to USE it toward our own ends. That is subject matter which we have discussed previously in SIEGE.

My point here is that each of must first recognize and then decide WHICH type he chooses to be and then really go at it with a vengeance so as to make his mark a significant one. To "not fit" into this society can be a distinct badge of honor– it doesn't have to be but it can be. To "not make it" in a money-based society oppressed, exploited and persecuted by money-men and by money considerations– and to be scorned and ridiculed by a conventional world, does not mean that one is a "loser" in the true sense necessarily. Is one to struggle in order to exist at the bottom rung of an alien society in failure and abject misery or should one rebel completely and stand forth as a different, and possibly superior, kind of being? Not as a left-over from the dead past but rather as a point-man securing a path for the coming of the wave of the future. Nobody ever said this would be easy, and obscure poverty-stricken endings are very large possibilities.

But again, it is to choose, which type is superior and, thereby, more desirous: an historic breed which changes faces and reappears according to the changing of the eras, or that kind of person who would be only what he is– part of the scenery– in any era? An historic breed or an ever-present type? Those who make history or those who make the background?

Our TYPE– the True Believer– will one day rule again. The rest, under whatever society, will go on being serfs. Take your pick.

[Vol. XI, #12 – Dec., 1982]


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