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Siege James Mason

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A large segment of the racialist Movement in this country is devoted to Identity [a branch of Christian religion which claims that the White Races are the true Israelites]. None may be found which devotes itself to or refers to itself as Alienation. Yet, in the present-day society, there is a lot more to be alienated by or from than there is to identify with. In the pages of SIEGE we try to concern ourselves with that which "makes things go 'round" instead of engaging in wishful thinking. It is not negativism if we can gain understanding of the forces which exist and which tend to work in our favor so that we might better put them to use.

Before anyone can hope to understand or appreciate revolutionary or outlaw mentality and morality they must first know alienation. It is impossible to sympathize fully with this kind of philosophy unless one shares a healthy appreciation of alienation and it is just as impossible to become a revolutionary oneself unless one is himself alienated. I'm not talking about born losers, common weirdoes or run-of-the-mill anti-social types. I'm not talking about those who wouldn't make it in any society due to personal deficiencies. I am speaking of people who do not fit into THIS society because of what it IS and what THEY are. To be outside this society is a marked badge of honor. I'm speaking of people who didn't have the luxury of making a choice; people who aren't in this for fun.

Members of the Establishment– though some may think in our direction– only seek a way out. They yearn for a return to the days of brisk business and high profits, i.e., "business as usual". To them, revolution is a dirty word because it carries a distinct connotation of being bad for profits. They are set to believe if everyone would just go out and get a steady job, all would be well. They hardly even want to rock the boat– only unload or perhaps rearrange some ballast. They appear to take us as one more form of Hard Right Winger, albeit the kind which they must be careful to hide any connection with (for profits' sake). They really do not comprehend that WE ARE AT WAR WITH THIS SOCIETY and that it is them or us. We, as part of our revolutionary program, intend to blast to hell their filthy, scum-tainted System of profit values. Were they to become fully aware of this, it is likely that our fringe supporters would begin to leave us.

So much is said about alienation that perhaps it might be wise to add a prefix– SUPER-alienation– to the term to bring out its meaning. This super-alienation marks the actual difference between a mere asocial and a genuine political radical. The asocial considers, "To hell with it." The politically-oriented radical is determined to get in his licks. The asocial is only separated, hanging in space, while the radical is girded and made unflappable in the face of a hostile world.

Most significantly the radical has found his own set of rules to go by. As often as not, he makes up the rules as he goes along. No superstitions exist to him such as the abstracts of "good" and "evil". There is only that which works and that which does not. Those behavioral aberrations that so dismay members of the Establishment really are not "bad" per se. To get the job done, it calls for whatever traffic will allow. If anything, the situation calls for a greater number of increasingly alienated, radicalized people.

Only occasionally so far in SIEGE have I invoked the name of Charles Manson. Those who have begun to understand the thrust of the overall philosophy may be beginning to see how Manson fits into the scheme of things. Aside from that it can be said that the name of Manson evokes the same kind of instantaneous division of thought INSIDE the Movement that the name of Hitler does outside the Movement. It was once said of Hitler and the Swastika that they represented the "threshold of anger". At the very mention most will curse you, a few will join you, none will remain neutral. I have found the same is true of Manson and the Swastika, even within the Nazi Movement. Manson is the threshold of alienation. Some in the Movement have begun by calling me insane (along with Manson, of course) and have gone on to become believers themselves in record short time. Others, for the sake of friendship arid unity, have opted to bypass the issue with some embarrassment. Some Nazi sympathizers actually denounce Manson as a freak and a murderer. What company do we keep these days!?!

We have plenty of conservative reactionaries who freely don the Swastika and sing the praises of Hitler. But we have no conservative reactionaries who accept Manson. A pissed-off conservative might exclaim in mixed company how we need "another Hitler" to straighten out the mess. But how many come right out and state their belief in DOING AWAY with the mess entirely? How many in the Movement actually relish it every time the Establishment and its economic value system takes another direct kick in the teeth? How many are out to SINK the boat, not merely rock it?

Manson represents the great divide between those persons who imagine there still are choices to be made casually on the basis of Establishment mores and those who have a profound, individual sense of "no going back". I believe it is this– and not the abstract idea of "realism"– that is the great sustainer and inner-flame of all true revolutionaries.

"These are not my people", views the alienated radical. Life and the struggle are greatly simplified in that manner.

[Vol. XI, # 6 – June, 1982]


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