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Siege James Mason

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God Can Stay but The Church Must Go

I'll never be part of a war on something that is unseeable and unknowable. So this is not a war on God. George Lincoln Rockwell wrote often that the positions of the religious fanatics and of the fanatical atheists were equally ridiculous and impossible. For no human being can know whether there is a Supreme Being and no human being can know whether there is not. All I say is that no supportive evidence exists to indicate there might be. But that's why no argument can really be had on the matter– there exists nothing upon which to base an intelligent, reasonable argument. That is not the point of the following segments of SIEGE.

We are playing no favorites– Jew, Christian, Moslem, Hindu, Buddhist, Shinto, etc. These huge and powerful, wealthy and influential institutions based upon Man's greatest fears and weaknesses, created upon pure superstition, which have wrought so much damage, destruction, confusion and unwisdom, and are getting worse and worse with each year, have got to be viewed by all true revolutionaries as among the primary tentacles on the body of Big Brother. Organized religion when speaking in terms of the White Race– is a terrible and deadly enemy. We'll examine some of the reasons why later on but I am prompted now to print this piece which has been in preparation for many months because of such things as the "Moral Majority" craze and similar such movements afoot in the conservative backlash camp. We cannot and must not fall victim to this, their hogwash, ourselves.


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