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Siege James Mason

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Background to Siege

Perhaps what it all boils down to is outlining two ways– the easy and the hard– of getting the stars out of one's eyes, for, until that is done, by whatever means, that person is going to be a victim to all the pitfalls and hostile forces which surround him. And to clear the record, I do not advocate "intellectualizing" ourselves or our struggle. Our enemies are intellectualized, computerized, mechanized, de-humanized. And, for that reason, they wouldn't FIGHT for a damned thing. As Manson would say, we are Pro-Life, Anti-Death. We still have the spark and the feel of life within us. And that is why we fight. I simply say that we pick up the fight in earnest approximately at this moment in time despite any and all exhaustive effort gone before. But, at least, we're pretty much sobered up. We'll need to be.

Cold rationality can only carry you so far, then it leaves you stranded in the middle of a field. In talking with people, I may use terms like "spiritual" but, more precisely, I mean gut INSTINCT as dictated by millions of years of genetic development. This is as close to a literal translation of being in direct communication with one's distant ancestors as we'll probably ever get. At the same time, being in abidance with one's true gods would also come under this heading. Noble thoughts and ideals. Irrational as hell. But this provides us with our biggest advantage over our enemies; our legitimate reason for existing as individuals; our purpose in Life. Something bigger than ourselves, and certainly, as big as the universe itself. That is an experience these liberal types can never know and can never understand. Alone, it sustains us. COMBINED with the weaponry of cold thought process, it will lead us to victory over all odds.

It is here where political activity should properly enter the picture. Politics, if it is serious, is the coldest of human endeavors. Colder still than war because war is only an extension of politics. Commander Rockwell called true politics the highest art form because it embodies all the other art forms. Accepting this as the case, as anyone who has studied art will know, it demands the highest degree of discipline and training in order to bring the artist's own natural instincts and abilities to full flower. My own idea and understanding of the word politics means this for its own ends. This is where the confusion must be eliminated. Once the ideals are established arid the decision to fight is made, then the rules of going about gaining the power to put them into practice can be summed up by saying, "Play the ball as it lies."

There is NO ROOM for sentimentality of any kind in the practice of politics. And I emphasize again that, in terms of the present, politics and revolution are practically synonymous. That "it's the sentiment that counts" is garbage. The bullet put in the head of your opponent by you, or vice versa, gets there precisely the same way and means exactly the same thing to either. That is "Phase One" politics. "Phase Two" politics may get around to just why you put that bullet there in the first place but, by that point, the questions are all over anyway.

[Vol. XII, # 7 – July, 1983]


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