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Siege James Mason

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When Indomitable Wills Despair

When this occurs it is definitely time to look out. No greater dynamite, potential or otherwise, can I imagine. I know... I'm one and I know what I have in mind. This is the exact point at which revolution appears within any society. It of course, at first, appears silently and unknown even to that person within whose brain it is beginning to hatch. It takes time to find its definition and take its form. It takes more time still to get into action and to manifest itself. But it always traces its start to within those who, in better times, would more likely be found among society's professional classes. When enough of these people despair of anything positive then, truly, anything can happen.

If there is anything that I desperately want to believe in it is the old, historic maxim that every action will result inevitably in an equal and opposite reaction. This after all would be the very thing we've all been waiting for: the pendulum to return. But I refuse to hold out any childish hope for anything that, in my carefully cultivated cynicism, qualifies as only a pretty theory. It was this feeling that led me from the Right Wing– where dreamers are forever building "parties" to "take over" the country and "clean things up". No, as I have said in the past, this is Death Watch 2000 and only the most grim and remorseless can hope to make it all the way out to the end and be around for the final body count. This is where I intend to be.

Not only is this where revolution begins, it also happens to manifest itself as what the simple-minded and quaint see as "evil". Nietzsche would understand but precious few others could ever cope with it. Damned few can understand what it means to write your own rules as you go along. Or doing whatever it is you have to do at the moment in order to get the mission accomplished. And only a fraction of a percent know what it means to carry on in this manner and yet possess the highest calling, to give a damn for nothing as it exists in the present circumstances and yet proceed in a coldly methodical pattern ever-toward the highest ideal. Most aren't capable. In order to be to able to do this then, one must arrive at an understanding of those masses of people which surround him.

The masses are approximately the same regardless where you find them or during what time you find them. They have a way of killing their Christs. They'd kill us if given a good, clean shot at it. A whole world full of one, big Parisian mob. Never at any time are the masses to be found "in the right" of the most profound issues. By the time they have accepted these, they have long since gone stale and flat, just as with Christianity. They will forever reject and try to destroy that which is new and vital. This much of an understanding is necessary if one is not to bash his own brains out in a vain and gullible attempt at setting the world straight (a world, by the way, that doesn't want to be set straight).

[Vol. XIII, #6– June, 1984]


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