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"All The News That Sulzberger's  Propaganda Rag  Saw Fit To Distort"
A Daily Web Page Summary of the Dirty Lies, Glaring Omissions,

Half Truths & Globalist Bias of The NY Times Front Page Headlines





"We read and rebut their vile crap so you won't have to!"



Image result for happy new year



NY Times (AP): Virginia Gun Rights Activists Vow to Fight New Restrictions

NY Times: Official: Gun Sanctuary Resolutions Have 'No Legal Effect'


There's a storm brewing down in the divided state of Virginia. On one side, we have the gun-grabbing, post-birth baby-killing, Communist Governor Ralph Northam and the new Demonrat legislative majority poised to assume control in January 2020. Standing in opposition to the Red tyrant are thousands of citizens, over 100 towns, and the majority of county sheriffs who have announced their intention to disobey the new gun laws soon to be imposed, and declared their counties as “Second Amendment Sanctuaries.”
As of now, Northam and his Demonrat goons haven't shown any signs of backing down on their announced enforcement of a whole slew of coming "gun control" laws -- including enhanced universal background checks, a ban on "assault weapons" and "red flag" laws that would allow the "temporary" removal of guns from someone whom the "authorities" deem to be "dangerous."

Image result for ralph northam gun control Image result for virginia gun control protest Image result for sanctuary counties virginia gun control

1. The tyrant Ralph Northam. // 2. His gun-grabbing scheme has stirred up  the good ol' boys of rural Virginia. // 3. The rural counties in red have all declared their defiance. The Demonrat base is mainly located in the urban and "diverse" areas.


The Marxist mask is off. Soros' wholly-owned demons in the state where CIA-Langley is based don't give a whiff about "public safety." No. Northam and his greasy gang of Globalists are only concerned about centralizing power, and disarming the rural White men in preparation for the round-up and slaughter which all commies pray (to Satan) to see one day.

Also being targeted are pro-gun police officers. Marxist Millennial Demonrat Legislator Lee Carter, 32, has sponsored a bill which would punish any cop who “willfully refuses to perform the duties of his employment” with termination. That particular piece of tyranny was filed just days after Northam threatened the counties and towns that adopted the Second Amendment sanctuary resolutions Northam: “If we have constitutional laws on the books and law enforcement officers are not enforcing those laws on the books, then there are going to be consequences, but I’ll cross that bridge if and when we get to it.”

Image result for Democrat Legislator Lee Carter Image result for virginia trans gender assembly Image result for chris hurst fiance shot

1. Demonrat Assemblyman Lee Carter wants to cleanse Virginia law enforcement of all good cops who refuse to go after innocent gun owners. // 2. Tranny Assemblyman -- woman -- thing Danica Roehm, 35, is another outspoken gun-grabber. // 3. CIA crisis actor Chris Hurst, 32, whose fiance was fake-killed on live TV is also a member of Virginia's demonic delegation.


In addition to the hand of Soros (cough cough) in Virginia, billionaire Bolshevik Michael Bloomberg (cough cough) dropped $2.5 million to help the statehouse become narrowly Democrat (a 21 to 19 state Senate & 55 of 100 seats in the House of Delegates.) The incoming Demonrats,  seized on that narrow majority to announce coming prohibitions on the sale, transfer and possession of  “assault weapons” and standard magazines. Violating the measure would be a state felony -- which means that law abiding citizens who currently own these firearms would have to surrender them to the "authorities."

There is even talk among some Demonrats of calling out the National Guard to handle the rebellion and enforce the intended confiscation. Should that happen, expect the situation to blow up. In a way, to quote Thomas Jefferson, the Virginian father of the Declaration of Independence, some bloodshed of both "tyrants and patriots" would be necessary to water the "tree of liberty." But we suspect that at some point, Northam will blink. The whole country would explode if Demonrats started arresting or even killing the patriots of Virginia -- and Trump would have the perfect pretext to intervene on behalf of the Second Amendment activists.

We'll be keeping an eye on this dangerous drama down in Virginia. Stay tuned, and Happy New Year!.



Image result for jefferson madison washington
America's three most significant Founding fathers were all Virginians. L-R: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison
Jefferson on liberty:  "What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. It is it's natural manure."




Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that the Governor of Virginia is not going to back down to the NRA gun nuts who are threatening to defy gun control laws.

Boobus Americanus 2: Good. It's about time someone stood up to the gun lobby.


 St. Sugar: Bring it on, Boobuss. Bring it on!
Editor: As much as I don't want to see good people get hurt or killed, an armed rebellion -- led by police and military patriots -- may be the only way out.


Email address:

E-mail: GreatTomatoBubble2@gmail.com



NY Times: In Donald Trump’s Worldview, America Comes First, and Everybody Else Pays


Though written by a pair of chosenites and tagged with a mocking headline, this article itself is a generally fair and objective summary of Trump's positions. Unfortunately, it is the headlines that leave the strongest impression. 'America First' may come as music to the ears of the average patriotic red-blooded American man-in-the-street-of-Heartland-USA -- but to New York City chosenites, Globalists, Marxists and assorted libtards, the phrase is a Pavlovian attack bell that gets them to instant salivation and attack mode.

The article quotes Trump:

"Not isolationist, but I am America First,” he said. “I like the expression.” He said he was willing to reconsider traditional American alliances if partners were not willing to pay, in cash or troop commitments, for the presence of American forces around the world. “We will not be ripped off anymore,” he said.

Admiral Chester Ward, once a "window dressing" member of the world-government-promoting Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), put this term in proper perspective:

 "In the entire CFR lexicon, there is no term of revulsion carrying a meaning so deep as 'America First'”


http://www.newsfocus.org/images/CFR/ward.jpg https://www.proteaboekwinkel.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/9/7/9780000798725.jpg https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8b/Phyllis_Schlafly_by_Gage_Skidmore.jpg

In the book 'Kissinger on the Couch', co-authored with Phyllis Schlafly, Admiral Chester Ward gives us an insider's perspective on how much the term 'America First' repulses 'The Establishment'. Mrs. Schlafly (above, Image 3) has endorsed Donald Trump.


Over the course of the last century, in addition to Trump, there have been four other very well-known public figures whose political activism went forth unapologetically under the banner of 'America First'. Not at all coincidentally, each of these men are still hated with a demonic passion by the usual suspects. Hop into the time machine and see what we mean.



After 120,000 American lives had been frittered away in the Great War (World War I), Ohio Senator Warren Harding and his running mate, Massachusetts Governor Calvin Coolidge, ran against liberal Democrat Globalists James Cox & Franklin D Roosevelt. Harding promised a "return to normalcy" and fierce opposition to ever joining the Globalist 'League of Nations'. Running with the slogan of 'America First', the Harding/Coolidge ticket cruised to a historic 2-1 landslide victory. Remember that the next time you hear about some "poll" of court-historians who always rank Harding as "the worst President in history" (here)


https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/13/9d/18/139d183edde493174af0448cdd096d47.jpg http://www.oldpoliticals.com/ItemImages/000013/17218_lg.jpeg http://izquotes.com/quotes-pictures/quote-i-don-t-know-much-about-americanism-but-it-s-a-damn-good-word-with-which-to-carry-an-election-warren-g-harding-79359.jpg

'America First' sloganeering originated with the "worst President," Warren Harding.



The 2nd incarnation of 'America First' occurred during the anti-Roosevelt peace movement of 1940 & 1941. Charles Lindbergh, the famous aviator, became the figurehead of this powerful force that warned the public that "Roosevelt and the Jews" were plotting to drag the USA into World War II. The America First Committee quickly fizzled out after the justifiable Japanese attack on the US Navy based at Pearl Harbor, in what was then the territory of Hawaii.

To the dwindling number of modern-day American's who know that Lindbergh was the first man to fly across the Atlantic (1927), "Lucky Lindy" remains a heroic figure. But the chosenites of academia have always reviled him for being "pro-Nazi" -- and his father, Congressman Charles Lindbergh (R-MN), for being anti-Federal Reserve and "anti-Semitic" TM. Perhaps that explains the bizarre kidnapping and murder of the great aviator's baby boy -- which conveniently took place during Passover of 1932.



1. Lindbergh was decorated by German Air Marshal Goering (1938) // 2. Dr. Suess cartoons often ridiculed Lindbergh. The one above depicts goose-stepping American "fascists" supporting Lindbergh.


http://www.charleslindbergh.com/images2/am_first.jpghttp://www.charleslindbergh.com/images2/medal.gif http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/517JMRDTHEL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg

1- 1941: Lindbergh speaks before the 'America First Committee' -- warns about FDR and "jewish influence". // 2- "Heil Lindbergh" -- Lindbergh was attacked for accepting a medal from Hitler's Germany. // 3- 2004 bestseller, 'The Plot Against America', by Philip Roth (cough cough) tells of a fictional scenario in which Henry Ford and "President" Charles Lindbergh engineered a 'Nazi' takeover of America.



After incumbent Republican President George HW Bush the Elder openly declared that he was working to establish a "New World Order", former Ku Klux Klansmen David Duke kicked-off a Republican primary challenge against him. Older readers may recall that former Ku Klux Klansmen David Duke was actually quite popular back then; and that the slogan that former Ku Klux Klansmen David Duke chose for his campaign was 'America First'.

In order to derail former Ku Klux Klansmen David Duke and keep the term 'America First' somewhat "respectable", conservative political commentator Patrick J Buchanan also threw his hat into the ring and adopted the term. With the 'America First' vote thus diluted (perhaps by Buchanan's design?) Globalist Bush was able to fend-off the nationalist challenge.

Buchanan would run again in 1995-96. That campaign (against Bob Dole) started out well, but crashed after relentless media attacks took their toll on "Pitchfork Pat". As for former Ku Klux Klansmen David Duke, his name still remains toxic -- unfortunate given the excellent books and articles he has written.


http://ronwade.freeservers.com/buchanan2009line-1x5.jpg http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51Z4y2Jw7VL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg

The 1990's smear campaign against "America Firsters" Buchanan and Duke were intense and dishonest.


Yes, Admiral Ward was indeed correct. Say it again, Admiral: "In the entire CFR lexicon, there is no term of revulsion carrying a meaning so deep as 'America First'” 

Tell it, Admiral. Tell it.




Boobus Americanus 2: The anti-Semitic overtones of that slogan are very unsettling.



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Image result for Putin Rebuffs Western Criticism of 1939 Stalin-Hitler Pact

NY Times: Putin Rebuffs Western Criticism of 1939 Stalin-Hitler Pact


Regular readers of The Anti-New York Times already know how much "The Editorial Board" admires and respects Vladimir Putin for being such a formidable adversary of the New World Order Crime Syndicate. Nevertheless, we cannot sit by quietly when Bad Vlad -- be it out of political necessity or from true belief -- starts spouting the usual Russian mythology about World War II. Sorry, Mr. Putin, but with all due brotherly love and concern, ANYT has got to take you to the nearest Siberian woodshed for some ass-whoopin' over your latest rendition of Fake History regarding the "glorious" Soviet-Russian role in "The Bad War."


Related image Related image Image result for stalin fdr

1. Dear Vlad: Stalin was an evil, filthy, conquering Bolshevik MONSTER whose European, American and Asian agents played a critical role in inflaming the world. // 2. Dear Vlad: The Soviet Rape Army captured Berlin only because the traitor Eisenhower slowed down General Patton's rapid advance --- repeatedly! // 3. Dear Vlad: The Soviet Union could not have defeated Germany without the additional war-fronts, merciless & unremitting aerial bombardments of German cities, and endless "Lend Lease" military supplies provided by Franklin Demono Rosenfeld.


Slimes: Russian President Vladimir Putin countered European criticism of a 1939 Soviet pact with Nazi Germany on Tuesday, ....

Rebuttal: The western version of the 1939 "Ribbentrop-Molotov" Non-Aggression pact holds that Hitler and Stalin conspired to divvy up poor little innocent Poland. In reality, Germany's only motivation was to thwart the publicly known efforts (here) of certain British warmongers to build a British-French-Polish-Soviet alliance to encircle and attack Germany.

Slimes: .. charging that collusion with Adolf Hitler by Western powers paved the way for World War II.

Rebuttal: This version, set forth by Putin, is just as absurd as the western lie. What he refers to as western "collusion"  (Munich 1938) was actually a fair and just deal to spilt up the artificial gangster state of Czechoslovakia into various ethnic states, with the captive Germans of the Sudetenland strip returning to German sovereignty.

Slimes: Speaking at a meeting with Russia's top military brass, Putin described a recent European Parliament resolution that blamed the 1939 nonaggression pact for the war's outbreak days later as “sheer nonsense.”

Rebuttal:  Now we come to Putin's understandable (yet nauseating) motive for making his recent statements. The anti-Russia EUSSR is deliberately tweaking Mother Russia by partly blaming Russia / USSR for starting World War II. Putin is simply responding to Globalist Fake History with his own Fake History. "You helped Hitler!" --- "No. YOU helped Hitler! --- You're a Nazi! --- No. YOU are a Nazi! --- "Oh yeah, you're mother is a Nazi!"


https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4c/MolotovRibbentropStalin.jpg https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/c6/ff/93/c6ff939a88454d6bc548a85ae09432b2.jpghttp://images.rarenewspapers.com/ebayimgs/1.33.2012/image008.jpg
1. Molotov (seated and signing) and Ribbentrop (standing behind Molotov, next to Stalin)
2 & 3 - The western-juden press mocked and condemned the agreement.


Slimes: His remarks were the latest in a series of recent statements in which the Russian leader angrily rejected the West's characterization of the Soviet treaty with Nazi Germany.

Two weeks after Germany invaded Poland on Sept. 1, 1939, the Soviet Union invaded Poland from the east. Adolf Hitler and Soviet dictator Josef Stalin carved up Poland and the Baltic states based on a secret protocol in the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact they signed on Aug. 23, 1939.

Rebuttal: There was indeed a "secret protocol" --- but it would only be activated in the event that Poland started a war with Germany, which it did. (here). As far as the "carve up," Germany only reclaimed that territory which was stolen from her by the illegal and monstrous Treaty of Versailles that followed World War I.

Slimes: Putin cast the Molotov-Ribbentrop treaty as a move the Soviet Union was forced into following nonaggression agreements some other European nations had signed with Hitler.

He cited a 1938 agreement reached by Germany, Britain, France and Italy that allowed Hitler to annex Czechoslovakia as an example of Western leaders' alleged “collusion” with Hitler.

Rebuttal: (palm to face, sighing, shaking head) Dear Vlad  --- Hitler only annexed the 98% German Sudetenland. The rest of the shitty little corrupt gangster-state of Czechoslovakia was divided into ethic states of Bohemia & Moravia (Czechs) and the Slovak Republic. Not only do you know that, but we know that you know that.

Slimes: The Russian leader focused his criticism Tuesday on Poland, citing archive documents that he claimed had the Polish ambassador to Berlin praising Hitler's plans to rid Europe of Jews (by shipping them to Africa).

Rebuttal: Thanks Vlad, for informing the world that the Poles had also grown sick & tired of the Bolshevik chosenites too. If you did that on purpose, then we salute you for your cunning. If not, well, we understand the position you are in.

Slimes: In an angry outburst, Putin denounced the ambassador as a “scum” and “anti-Semitic swine.”

Rebuttal: Hmmm. The use of such strong language really does call attention to the fact that the Poles hated the usual suspects. Not sure what to make of Putin's true motive, but it is intriguing. Many people now knows about this long dead Polish ambassador and his previously unknown comments. Nice!


Image result for Józef Lipski, czechmap2.gif http://www.warrelics.eu/forum/attachments/polish-armed-forces-second-republic-si-y-zbrojne-ii-rzeczypospolitej-polskiej-1918-1939/327171d1333332484-order-poland-restored-polonia-restituta-general-smigly-rydz.jpg

1. Now made famous by Putin's condemning remarks (hmmm) , obscure Polish envoy to Germany Jozef Lipski, in 1938, said of Hitler's idea for giving the Jews a homeland in Africa: "If he can find such a solution we will erect him a beautiful monument in Warsaw." // 2. Neville Chamberlain neither "colluded with" nor "appeased" The Great One. They simply made a fair and just deal in 1938 which thwarted the schemes of British and Czech warmongers. // 3. In 1939, Dictator Edward Rydz-Smigly of Poland started the war which doomed his nation.


Slimes: Putin's remarks followed a similar statement he issued Friday that drew an angry rebuke from the government in Warsaw, which accused the Russian president of echoing Soviet propaganda.

Rebuttal: As it was in 1939, the dumb and unwitting ultra-nationalistic Poles, at the behest of the Globalist West, are again antagonizing a nation which means them absolutely no harm. To the contrary, Putin, like The Great One (that's Hitler for you newbies & normies) seeks sincere friendhip and cooperation with Poland.

Slimes: World War II evokes painful memories in Russia, which lost an estimated 27 million people in the war.

Rebuttal: Now it's "27 million?" It had always been "20 million!" Bullshit propaganda numbers that came from Stalin, and have since been increased. Thanks to the intrepid work of British historian David Irving, we know that Stalin privately told Churchill that 5 million Soviets had died. The numbers then expanded, partly due to propaganda, and partly due to Soviet refugees and Soviet POWs who were rounded up and murdered or imprisoned after the war.

Slimes: The Kremlin is anxious to see Soviet sacrifices and the nation's role in defeating the Nazis duly recognized as it prepares to mark the 75th anniversary of the Allied victory in May.

Rebuttal: Oh great. Another sanctimonious, vainglorious WW2 parade in Moscow's Red Square. Old mythologies die hard -- even in a nation which is currently under assault by the very same forces of evil which unleashed hell on innocent Germany.


Image result for russia victory day parade Image result for russia victory day parade

1. Though it is great to see Russian national pride and power on display during "Victory Day," the whole World War II mythology -- which is by now so deeply embedded that it can't be rolled back so easily -- is nauseating to behold. // 2. Now they are pounding Russian pre-schoolers with this bullshit.  



Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that Putin condemned a 1930's Polish ambassador for praising Hitler's plan to ship Jews to Africa.

Boobus Americanus 2: I had never heard of such a plan. I always though Hitler had planned to kill the Jews from Day 1.


 St. Sugar: Think Boobuss. Think!
Editor: Unfortunately, it will take more than just a clue or two for Boobus to ever get curious and start thinking critically on his own -- especially when it comes to the song that never ends about the event that never happened -- the Holohoax.


Email address:

E-mail: GreatTomatoBubble2@gmail.com



Image result for Putin Rebuffs Western Criticism of 1939 Stalin-Hitler Pact

NY Times: Putin Rebuffs Western Criticism of 1939 Stalin-Hitler Pact


Regular readers of The Anti-New York Times already know how much "The Editorial Board" admires and respects Vladimir Putin for being such a formidable adversary of the New World Order Crime Syndicate. Nevertheless, we cannot sit by quietly when Bad Vlad -- be it out of political necessity or from true belief -- starts spouting the usual Russian mythology about World War II. Sorry, Mr. Putin, but with all due brotherly love and concern, ANYT has got to take you to the nearest Siberian woodshed for some ass-whoopin' over your latest rendition of Fake History regarding the "glorious" Soviet-Russian role in "The Bad War."


Related image Related image Image result for stalin fdr

1. Dear Vlad: Stalin was an evil, filthy, conquering Bolshevik MONSTER whose European, American and Asian agents played a critical role in inflaming the world. // 2. Dear Vlad: The Soviet Rape Army captured Berlin only because the traitor Eisenhower slowed down General Patton's rapid advance --- repeatedly! // 3. Dear Vlad: The Soviet Union could not have defeated Germany without the additional war-fronts, merciless & unremitting aerial bombardments of German cities, and endless "Lend Lease" military supplies provided by Franklin Demono Rosenfeld.


Slimes: Russian President Vladimir Putin countered European criticism of a 1939 Soviet pact with Nazi Germany on Tuesday, ....

Rebuttal: The western version of the 1939 "Ribbentrop-Molotov" Non-Aggression pact holds that Hitler and Stalin conspired to divvy up poor little innocent Poland. In reality, Germany's only motivation was to thwart the publicly known efforts (here) of certain British warmongers to build a British-French-Polish-Soviet alliance to encircle and attack Germany.

Slimes: .. charging that collusion with Adolf Hitler by Western powers paved the way for World War II.

Rebuttal: This version, set forth by Putin, is just as absurd as the western lie. What he refers to as western "collusion"  (Munich 1938) was actually a fair and just deal to spilt up the artificial gangster state of Czechoslovakia into various ethnic states, with the captive Germans of the Sudetenland strip returning to German sovereignty.

Slimes: Speaking at a meeting with Russia's top military brass, Putin described a recent European Parliament resolution that blamed the 1939 nonaggression pact for the war's outbreak days later as “sheer nonsense.”

Rebuttal:  Now we come to Putin's understandable (yet nauseating) motive for making his recent statements. The anti-Russia EUSSR is deliberately tweaking Mother Russia by partly blaming Russia / USSR for starting World War II. Putin is simply responding to Globalist Fake History with his own Fake History. "You helped Hitler!" --- "No. YOU helped Hitler! --- You're a Nazi! --- No. YOU are a Nazi! --- "Oh yeah, you're mother is a Nazi!"


https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4c/MolotovRibbentropStalin.jpg https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/c6/ff/93/c6ff939a88454d6bc548a85ae09432b2.jpghttp://images.rarenewspapers.com/ebayimgs/1.33.2012/image008.jpg
1. Molotov (seated and signing) and Ribbentrop (standing behind Molotov, next to Stalin)
2 & 3 - The western-juden press mocked and condemned the agreement.


Slimes: His remarks were the latest in a series of recent statements in which the Russian leader angrily rejected the West's characterization of the Soviet treaty with Nazi Germany.

Two weeks after Germany invaded Poland on Sept. 1, 1939, the Soviet Union invaded Poland from the east. Adolf Hitler and Soviet dictator Josef Stalin carved up Poland and the Baltic states based on a secret protocol in the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact they signed on Aug. 23, 1939.

Rebuttal: There was indeed a "secret protocol" --- but it would only be activated in the event that Poland started a war with Germany, which it did. (here). As far as the "carve up," Germany only reclaimed that territory which was stolen from her by the illegal and monstrous Treaty of Versailles that followed World War I.

Slimes: Putin cast the Molotov-Ribbentrop treaty as a move the Soviet Union was forced into following nonaggression agreements some other European nations had signed with Hitler.

He cited a 1938 agreement reached by Germany, Britain, France and Italy that allowed Hitler to annex Czechoslovakia as an example of Western leaders' alleged “collusion” with Hitler.

Rebuttal: (palm to face, sighing, shaking head) Dear Vlad  --- Hitler only annexed the 98% German Sudetenland. The rest of the shitty little corrupt gangster-state of Czechoslovakia was divided into ethic states of Bohemia & Moravia (Czechs) and the Slovak Republic. Not only do you know that, but we know that you know that.

Slimes: The Russian leader focused his criticism Tuesday on Poland, citing archive documents that he claimed had the Polish ambassador to Berlin praising Hitler's plans to rid Europe of Jews (by shipping them to Africa).

Rebuttal: Thanks Vlad, for informing the world that the Poles had also grown sick & tired of the Bolshevik chosenites too. If you did that on purpose, then we salute you for your cunning. If not, well, we understand the position you are in.

Slimes: In an angry outburst, Putin denounced the ambassador as a “scum” and “anti-Semitic swine.”

Rebuttal: Hmmm. The use of such strong language really does call attention to the fact that the Poles hated the usual suspects. Not sure what to make of Putin's true motive, but it is intriguing. Many people now knows about this long dead Polish ambassador and his previously unknown comments. Nice!


Image result for Józef Lipski, czechmap2.gif http://www.warrelics.eu/forum/attachments/polish-armed-forces-second-republic-si-y-zbrojne-ii-rzeczypospolitej-polskiej-1918-1939/327171d1333332484-order-poland-restored-polonia-restituta-general-smigly-rydz.jpg

1. Now made famous by Putin's condemning remarks (hmmm) , obscure Polish envoy to Germany Jozef Lipski, in 1938, said of Hitler's idea for giving the Jews a homeland in Africa: "If he can find such a solution we will erect him a beautiful monument in Warsaw." // 2. Neville Chamberlain neither "colluded with" nor "appeased" The Great One. They simply made a fair and just deal in 1938 which thwarted the schemes of British and Czech warmongers. // 3. In 1939, Dictator Edward Rydz-Smigly of Poland started the war which doomed his nation.


Slimes: Putin's remarks followed a similar statement he issued Friday that drew an angry rebuke from the government in Warsaw, which accused the Russian president of echoing Soviet propaganda.

Rebuttal: As it was in 1939, the dumb and unwitting ultra-nationalistic Poles, at the behest of the Globalist West, are again antagonizing a nation which means them absolutely no harm. To the contrary, Putin, like The Great One (that's Hitler for you newbies & normies) seeks sincere friendhip and cooperation with Poland.

Slimes: World War II evokes painful memories in Russia, which lost an estimated 27 million people in the war.

Rebuttal: Now it's "27 million?" It had always been "20 million!" Bullshit propaganda numbers that came from Stalin, and have since been increased. Thanks to the intrepid work of British historian David Irving, we know that Stalin privately told Churchill that 5 million Soviets had died. The numbers then expanded, partly due to propaganda, and partly due to Soviet refugees and Soviet POWs who were rounded up and murdered or imprisoned after the war.

Slimes: The Kremlin is anxious to see Soviet sacrifices and the nation's role in defeating the Nazis duly recognized as it prepares to mark the 75th anniversary of the Allied victory in May.

Rebuttal: Oh great. Another sanctimonious, vainglorious WW2 parade in Moscow's Red Square. Old mythologies die hard -- even in a nation which is currently under assault by the very same forces of evil which unleashed hell on innocent Germany.


Image result for russia victory day parade Image result for russia victory day parade

1. Though it is great to see Russian national pride and power on display during "Victory Day," the whole World War II mythology -- which is by now so deeply embedded that it can't be rolled back so easily -- is nauseating to behold. // 2. Now they are pounding Russian pre-schoolers with this bullshit.  



Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that Putin condemned a 1930's Polish ambassador for praising Hitler's plan to ship Jews to Africa.

Boobus Americanus 2: I had never heard of such a plan. I always though Hitler had planned to kill the Jews from Day 1.


 St. Sugar: Think Boobuss. Think!
Editor: Unfortunately, it will take more than just a clue or two for Boobus to ever get curious and start thinking critically on his own -- especially when it comes to the song that never ends about the event that never happened -- the Holohoax.


Email address:

E-mail: GreatTomatoBubble2@gmail.com



NY Times: China to Expel Peter Dahlin, Swedish Human Rights Advocate

From Egypt to Hungary to Russia to China to India to Thailand to Malaysia -- more and more governments around the world have gotten wise to the NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) scam of sending agents to foreign countries to cause trouble under the guise of protecting "human rights ,"or promoting "democracy ," or providing "aid", or "covering the news," or carrying our "missionary work,"or whatever other clever phony cover the N.W.O. ghouls in Langley, Virgina can concoct. Whole NGO's and numerous individual trouble-makers are being bounced out of rebellious nations left and right. We here at the Anti-New York Times would prefer to see these specimens of vermin publicly flogged with spiked whips and then hanged, but that wouldn't be prudent from a geo-political public relations standpoint.
Behind the mask of the high-sounding names and mushy mission statements, Satanic scum such as George Soros lurks behind the "humanitarian" NGO's.
The latest case to set the seditious scribblers of Sulzberger's Slimes to sobbing surrounds a sissified-looking Swedish "human rights activist" named Peter Dahlin. Being a Swedish "male," it's not surprising that Dahlin cracked so easily and sang like a bird under questioning by Chinese authorities. Especially sweet about this case is that the Chinese humiliated both pinko Petey and his western handlers by airing his confession on television!
From the article:
"Mr. Dahlin’s abrupt expulsion from China followed rising concern from Western governments after he was shown on Chinese television confessing to misdeeds. He was detained the first week of January while trying to leave China for Thailand."
For the experienced decipherers here at The Anti-New York Times, a thorough "reading-between-the-lines" of this piece tells us all we need to know -- and pass on to our readers. Unfortunately, the various libtarded loons, normie-on-the-street, and geo-political novices who hear of these expulsions will believe that the governments of China (and India, and Russia, and Thailand etc.) are just brutal anti-Western tyrannies who oppose "human rights." Similar sob stories about journalists expelled from Germany, Italy, and even Latvia etc. appeared in the Piranha Press during the 1930's build-up to World War II.
 "Lies and slander of positively hair-raising perversity are being launched about Germany. Horror stories of dismembered Jewish corpses, gouged-out eyes, and hacked-off hands are circulated for the purpose of defaming the German Volk in the world for a second time, just as they had succeeded in doing once before in 1914. The animosity of millions of innocent human beings, peoples with whom the German Volk wishes only to live in peace, is being stirred up by these unscrupulous criminals. They want German goods and German labour to fall victim to the international boycott. It seems they think the misery in Germany is not bad enough as it is; they have to make it worse!"

They lie about Jewish females who have supposedly been killed; about Jewish girls allegedly being raped before the eyes of their parents; about cemeteries being ravaged! The whole thing is one big lie invented for the sole purpose of provoking a new world-war agitation!

- The Great One, March 28, 1933
At least this article does briefly present China's reasoning behind the expulsion of Ms. Dahlin -- albeit in an understated way and in a lower paragraph (typical). Quoting the Slimes, quoting a Chinese news agency:
“Western anti-China forces had planted Dahlin and some other people in China to gather negative information for anti-China purposes, such as smear campaigns,” Xinhua, China’s official news agency, said last week."
The world has truly turned upside down when the "Communist" Chinese, Russian and Iranian news services consistently make more sense and now hold more credibility than "the mainstream media" of America and Europe. Good on peaceful and market-oriented "Communist" China for smoking out this little Swedish rat, humiliating him, and expelling him. 
Image result for swedish girl assaultedImage result for swedish girl assaulted
 Go home and start protecting the "human rights" of the beautiful women of Sweden from Soros' Turd World "migrants" -- you half-a-faggot commie sneak!

   Boobus Americanus 1: I read an article in The New York Times today about how China humiliated and expelled a Swedish human rights worker.


Editor: Try not to say 'Soros' with your feline speech impediment. Just say NGO.



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Image result for giuliani vs soros
New York Times: Rudy Giuliani Says He’s ‘More of a Jew’ Than George Soros
Mr. Soros, a liberal billionaire, is a Holocaust survivor from Hungary.


Oh this is some good stuff. Time to refill the popcorn bucket, boys and girls. On the heels of direct anti-Soros attacks by Q-Anon (a known project of Team Trump); and anti-Soros statements made by Attorney General William Barr; Trump operative, legendary crime-conspiracy buster, and long-time friend of Trump, Rudy Giuliani is publicly smashing George Soros -- and, in the process, ripping away that veil of relative anonymity which is so comforting and necessary for high-level conspirators such as Soros. You see, we "right wing" news-junkies may know all about Georgie, but the clueless mass of misinformed normies of "centrist" America have no idea who he is or what he does. That may be all about to change. Quoting Rudy:

“Soros put all four ambassadors there (Ukraine). And he’s employing the FBI agents. Don’t tell me I’m anti-Semitic if I oppose him.

Soros is hardly a Jew. I’m more of a Jew than Soros is. I probably know more about — he doesn’t go to church, he doesn’t go to religion — synagogue. He doesn’t belong to a synagogue, he doesn’t support Israel, he’s an enemy of Israel. He’s elected eight anarchist DA’s in the United States. He’s a horrible human being.” 
Tell it, Rudy. Tell it! And when pressed hard on the matter by certain "critics" (cough cough), Rudy stood firm and "doubled down" on his "anti-Semitism ."
  • Headline: Huffington Post: Rudy Giuliani Doubles Down On Anti-Semitic Attacks Against George Soros
  • Headline: Israel National News: Giuliani Doubles Down on Comments
  • Headline: The Times of Israel: Rebuked for ‘Offensive’ Remarks, Giuliani Doubles Down
Image result for giuliani soros Image result for ukraine soros Image result for ukraine soros
1 & 2. Giuliani's investigations into money laundering in Ukraine have got some big people very worried, including King Soros himself. // 3. Soros (left, gray hair) instructs his Ukrainian puppets --- who have since left office.
Now, we realize how stomach-turning it is to have to hear Rudy brag about his honorary Jewishness. But given how the whole Soros-Rothschild defense -- as played by their puppets at the defamatory Anti-Defamation League (ADL)-- is based upon labeling the exposers of the New World Order Crime Syndicate as "anti-Semites" ™, Giuliani's butt-kissing of The Tribe here is a stroke of strategic genius because it keeps the clueless element of Jewry pacified. Once the dreaded Anti-Semitic Card is counter-played like this, the Jewish Mobsters lose a critical layer of protection. By the way, this is the real reason why Trump goes out of his way to boast of his love for the Jews and Israel. To quote Rudy again:
"I prosecuted Italian mobsters. I prosecuted Jewish mobsters. I think I may have even prosecuted a few Martian monsters."
A caricature of George Soros as a tentacled monster has appeared on various right-wing and pro-Russian web sites since at least 2015. Image result for gotti time magazine Image result for boesky ivan

1. Headline & Image: October 11, 2018: The ADL website: "The Anti-Semitism Lurking Behind George Soros Conspiracy Theories" // 2. As a U.S. Attorney, Giuliani took down Italian mobster, John Gotti. // 3. Giuliani also prosecuted Jewish scammer, Ivan Boesky.
 We have a special place picked out for GS.
- Q
Now, a word of caution and a word of hope about Rudy Giuliani. As Mayor of Jew York Shitty on 9/11 , there is absolutely no way that he does not know the truth about that false flag mass murder which the Soros Globalists and the Satanyahoo Israel Firsters, though often bitter rivals, collaborated on. It was Rudy's office which, inexplicably, ordered the "melted" and strangely twisted steel from the collapsed towers to be so rapidly removed and shipped to Asia for recycling. For his cover-up services, Rudy the Recycler was sainted by the Piranha Press as "America's Mayor" and duly awarded Slime Magazine's "Person of the Year" front cover. That appears to make him a criminal and traitor.
But what if (just speculating here) Rudy, and others like 2001 FBI Director at the time and current secret Trump ally Bob Mueller, were themselves trapped in a high-level power matrix from which they could neither rebel against nor escape from? Have "youse guys" ever seen the movie, Gladiator? In it, there is a character named Quintas --  head of the evil Emperor Commodus' Praetorian Guards. Throughout the film, Quintas serves and protects his cruel murderous Emperor because he has no choice. But in the film's climax, when the hero Maximus faces off with Commodus in the Gladiator pit, Quintas refuses the order of the suddenly disarmed and powerless Emperor to hand him a new sword --- shouting to his men "Sheath your swords! Sheath your swords!" Maximus then finishes off the evil tyrant. Quintas had redeemed himself.
Is Rudy having his own "Quintas moment?" Only time will tell, and only full disclosure of 9/11 truth (which Q Anon has promised) will redeem him. Stay tuned.
Image result for giuliani time magazineRelated image Image result for maximus kills commodus
1. In 2001, Mayor Rudy was puffed-up and rewarded handsomely for going along with the 9/11 scam -- but now the Piranha Press HATES him. // 2. When the evil Emperor was vulnerable, once-loyal Quintas finally felt liberated enough to be able to defy his orders. // 3. Thanks to Quintas' unexpected disobedience to Commodus, Maximus was able to kill the tyrant. Can Rudy become a "Quintas?"


Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that Rudy Giuliani is attacking George Soros.

Boobus Americanus 2: I'm surprised to hear that because Rudy is certainly not an anti-Semite.



    St. Sugar: Your on the right track, Boobuss. I know it'ss hard for you ... but keep thinking.

Editor: I am really curious to see where this will be going in 2020.



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German Jews from Würzburg and Kitzingen, in Bavaria, being deported to ghettos and concentration camps.

NY Times: Mapping the Holocaust: How Jews Were Taken to Their Final Destinations


What's this? A Holocaust (aka "The Shoah" ) story appearing in the putrid pages of The Jew York Slimes? No frickin' way! Now there's something ya don't see too often (rolling eyes in sarcasm). Break out the tissues and violins; and pay no attention to those "White guys" who run the media, Hollywood, the banks, academia, the government, etc. Diversion and protection -- that's always been the game with this "Shoah Business."
Gas masks and goggles on, truth seekers. Into the mythical mist of the Zyklon B we go to sing a few bars of the song that never ends about the event that never happened -- this latest verse being about "transport routes."

https://images-eu.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51Pdgym-yGL._SL500_AA280_.jpg Related imagehttps://www.kleenex.com/~/media/images/kleenex/boxdesigns/anti-viral-tissues/sku_001_01.png?mh=441&la=en-US&h=380&w=441&mw=441

"There's no business like Shoah business like no business I know." -- Sing it, Ethel. Sing it!


Slimes: Nini Ungar clearly recalled that Friday in February 1942 when the Nazis loaded her, her husband and her parents on a cattle cart and transferred them....

The Viennese were standing and laughing. ‘Finally they got the Jews out!’ ” Ms. Ungar, who was born Mina Tepper ... recounted in video testimony."

Rebuttal: Assuming Ms. Unger's account of the Viennese "standing and laughing" as the Jews departed is even true, dare we ask why the Austrian-Germans were so happy to see the Jews being deported? Y'all must have done something really bad to piss-off the famously polite, civil, yodeling people of Austria. What might that have been? Hmmmm?


http://antimatrix.org/Convert/img/Judea.Declares.War.594.png Image result for 40000 roar protest against hitler https://antizionistleague.files.wordpress.com/2013/06/boycott-german_goods.jpg

Always the "victims" -- eh? The images above are from 1933, a full 9 years BEFORE most Jews and Communists were interned during World War II.


Image result for anschluss poster Image result for jews vienna clean sidewalks Related image

 1. Poster depicts Austrian Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg and a bunch of Jews fleeing from the Swastika banners after the extremely popular Austria-Germany merger of 1938. // 2 & 3. After the merger (known as "The Anschluss") Austrians made the Jews of Vienna scrub their pro-Schuschnigg graffiti off of the sidewalks.


Slimes: Her journey across a wintry Europe can now be traced on a database that documents about 1,100 transports, searchable by train (or boat or bus) or victim’s name.

Rebuttal: How about a tear or two for the 5 million Germans booted out of their homes after World War I; or the 15 million forced out after World War II? At least the Jews had sheltered transportation. The poor Germans were forced to trek westward while exposed to the elements.

Slimes: A project of Yad Vashem, Israel’s Holocaust memorial and research center ...

Rebuttal: Yad Vashem, eh? Those are the same censoring sons-of-bitches who, in 2017, pressured Amazon into finally banning the once-best-selling "The Bad War" (by yours truly) and a bunch of other great authors.

Slimes: ... the database sheds new light on the cross-border, Europewide nature of the stages leading to the mass extermination of some six million Jews, known in Hebrew as the Shoah.

Rebuttal: Where are the actual remains of these "six million" bodies? Oh, that's right. There were turned into ashes in a handful of crematoria the size of frickin' pizza-ovens! https://myrichhouse.files.wordpress.com/2014/06/emoticon-rolling-eyes.gif

Slimes: “Very often people think of the Shoah as something that took place in the camps and killing sites in Eastern Europe from a geographical perspective,” said Joel Zisenwine, who has directed the “Transports to Extinction” project since 2008. “By focusing on the transports, I think we provide a more precise image of the Final Solution.”

Rebuttal:  So, the Jews were "transported" to the camps? Wow. That's interesting. We never knew that. We just figured they hitch-hiked to the camps; or perhaps flew there by flapping their arms. Ya learn something new every day.


http://cdn.history.com/sites/2/2013/12/Japanese-Internment-Hero-AB.jpeg Image result for japanese internment

1. Dutch Jews boarding a train bound for an internment camp.// 2 & 3 - Japanese-Americans were also interned by FDR. The only difference between the two events was that the Japanese-Americans had never expressed any hostility towards their adopted country.


Slimes: “In Paris, Amsterdam or Salonika, people may not have witnessed mass murder,” he said, “but they did witness Jews being marched to the train station.”

Rebuttal: (palm to face, shaking head, sighing) This is really getting ridiculous.

Slimes: On arrival at the Skirotava station in Riga, the deportees were told that they had to walk miles to the ghetto, and that those unable to make the distance could take buses instead.

Rebuttal: So, the big bad genocidal Germans were considerate enough to allow elderly Jews to ride buses instead of walking the last few miles? That was nice of them, eh?

Slimes: Yad Vashem researchers said the vehicles were not buses but gas trucks, and their passengers were murdered.

Rebuttal: Ah yes. Of course. That explains it. The old "the-bus-is-actually-a-gas-chamber-on-wheels" trick. Those clever Germans!

Slimes: Half a dozen researchers are beginning the next phase: mapping the transports in Eastern Europe, where documentation is harder to come by.
Rebuttal: What exactly does the "mapping" of the transports prove? No one had ever disputed that Jews and Communists (plenty of overlap there!), as a temporary wartime security measure, were placed in internment camps as enemy aliens. Show us some forensic or documentary evidence of the Holohoax -- not "transportation routes."

Slimes: He described one of the sisters — it was not clear which — approaching the commander of the camp, showing him an identifying document, saying she was the sister of Sigmund Freud and asking to be given light office work. The commander said there must have been a mistake and told her that in two hours there should be a train to Vienna.

Rebuttal: That was also nice of the big bad Germans, eh?

Slimes: “She could leave all her valuables and documents here, have a bath, and after the bath she would receive her documents and a travel permit to Vienna. The lady, of course, went to the bath house, from which she never returned.”

Rebuttal: Ah yes. Of course. That explains it. The old "the-bathroom-is-actually-a-gas-chamber" trick. Those clever Germans!

One thing we must concede about the Tribe -- they sure do produce some funny comedy writers!


http://cdn.quotationof.com/images/henny-youngmans-quotes-6.jpg https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/a/a1/Don_Rickles_Speaks!.jpeg/220px-Don_Rickles_Speaks!.jpeg http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51K%2BuSryEKL._SY300_.jpg https://13movies.files.wordpress.com/2013/04/seinfeld-jerry.jpg

"A Jewish guy walks into a bar and asks if he can use the bathroom......"





  Boobus Americanus 1: I read an interesting piece in the New York Times today about the transport routes used during the Holocaust.

Boobus Americanus 2: I can't imagine the horror the 6 million Jews must have felt -- not knowing what or where they were being shipped to.

 1 http://12bytes.org/wp-content/uploads/auschwitz-ukrainian-choir.jpg

Editor: It's not what it seems, Sugar. You see, unbeknownst to the choir, the conductor is actually releasing Zyklon B gas from his baton.


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   NY Times: Greenland Is Melting Away


This river is one of a network of thousands at the front line of climate change.



The deceptive shock-headline accompanying this bit of Fake News -- collectively crapped-out by a team of four fiction writers (to give it effect)-- along with the psychologically manipulative shock-photo of "melting Greenland," dominate the better half of a whole page of Sulzberger's Slimes. The headline and photo are intended to propagate the illusion of a massive Global Warming induced meltdown of the icy far northern landmass. Weak-minded libtards will surely wet their pink panties over this shocking bit of "evidence." Between sips of their Starbucks lattes they will shriek: "Look! The ice is melting in Greenland!"

Calm down girlie-boys and manly-girls. It's called a river -- you know, a flowing body of water usually fed by melting snow and ice. A photo of a flowing river in Greenland is no more indicative of Global Warming than an image of the Hudson River flowing beneath the George Washington Bridge. Yes, you heard right -- Greenland has, and has always had, thousands of liquid rivers -- and happy inhabitants too! Of course, most of the massive island is uninhabitable (though some glacierized portions were actually once warm enough to have been settled by Vikings during the "Medieval Warming Period") -- but it ain't all Antarctic-ish either. Nothing to be alarmed about here boys and girls; but shame on Sulzberger's Slimes for frightening the child-like simpletons who still read that stinking garbage with its notoriously out-of-context imagery and hype.



Greenland is an autonomous country with 58,000 inhabitants, a Queen and a Prime Minister. We ought therefore not be shocked by images of fast-flowing rivers, seasonal melting and greenery.


As for the accompanying article, some of it is just a rehash of typical pseudo-scientific alarmist dog shit. For example, a Professor Laurence C. Smith, head of the geography department at UCLA, and the leader of the team that worked in Greenland this summer, makes the following shock claims:

“The rivers melt down faster than the surrounding ice, like a knife through butter.”

And ---

“The ice sheet is porous, like Swiss cheese. We didn’t know that until this year.”


Image result for melted butter https://ak5.picdn.net/shutterstock/videos/186715/thumb/1.jpg

1 & 2. Oh the bloody drama!  The ice is like "Swiss Cheese!" Ans it is "melting like butter." // 3. "Please, Congressman. I must have more money to study this dangerous phenomenon!"


*Note: According to the Danish Meterorological Institute, the ice shelf has slightly expanded over the past 5 years. The article below, from 1940, tells of a warming spell in Greenland. (here)


ScreenHunter_2165 Jun. 02 08.53ScreenHunter_2162 Jun. 02 08.39


But the main subject of the article is not so much about the "science" as it is about the funding cuts for Global Warming research that Trump has made. Here are a few very telling excerpts from the article, accompanied by some analysis from The Anti-New York Times:

From the story: Each year, the federal government spends about $1 billion to support Arctic and Antarctic research by thousands of scientists like Dr. Smith and his team.

Analysis: One BILLION dollars?! That amount of taxpayer-cash can feed a whole harem of scientific sluts such as Dr. Smith for a long time! Several state governments, the E.U., the U.N. and various tax exempt Left Wing Foundations and NGO's also fund this gravy train.

From the story: Any cuts directly affect the work of Dr. Smith and his team, who are supported by a three-year, $778,000 grant from NASA.

Analysis: In other words, if a no-talent punk like Dr. Smith wants to keep eating, he better find some "melting ice-shelves" and frozen "swiss cheese" to scare the commie kiddies with.

From the story: Every scientist, Dr. Smith said, is keenly aware that the research costs “a tremendous amount of taxpayer money.”

Analysis: This is known as a "yeah-but". Psychos will often utilize this tactic to patronizingly pacify you, before returning to their original position. The true sentiment expressed here is : "Yeah. Yeah. I know it costs taxpayers a lot of money. But we need it --- so screw you!"


Academic con-men like Dr. Smith and friends should immediately and totally be cut off from the government teat. Better still, they ought to be thrown in Federal prison for fraud. No, scratch that. Too lenient. Prosecute, flog and hang these lying sons-of-bitches for TREASON! But ultimately, these university usurpers aren't the problem. They amount to little more than hired "expert witnesses" -- similar to the ones that a crooked ambulance-chasing lawyer would use to "prove" his case. Forget Smith, for now. It's the "big boys" that we should focus on -- the ones that even some of the most vocal "skeptics" of Global Warming never want to talk about - and we know who those "big boys" are, right?

On Planet Rothschild, all roads lead to the Globalist Crime Syndicate. Global Warming   is about instituting "carbon taxes", controlling private enterprise, stifling the development of rich and poor countries alike, and absorbing national sovereignty. Sulzberger's seditious scribblers know this, but the pathetic "intellectuals" who worship the unholy scripture of "the paper of record" do not.


Image result for 'The World in 2050' BOOKImage result for greta thun how dare you

1 & 2. Laurence Smith's apocalyptic 'The World in 2050' was puffed by the Piranha Press. But book-sale income and a fat university salary still aren't enough for the profiteering pinko professor. He wants to keep his government grants too! // 3. "Mike King! How dare you?!" --- Aw, shut up Greta -- and go get a frickin' life, you filthy little demon-possessed communist brat.




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Prime Minister Sanna Marin became the world’s youngest prime minister when she was appointed last week. 
Prime Minister Sanna Marin became the world’s youngest Prime Minister when she was appointed last week.
New York Times: Estonia Apologizes After Minister Calls Finland’s Leader a ‘Sales Girl’
Mart Helme, the Estonian interior minister, insulted Prime Minister Sanna Marin and claimed that Finland was led by “Reds” bent on destroying the country.


Somewhere in "The Good Book," there is verse about the curse of being ruled by women and youths.  Hold on, let me look it up. Be right back.



Found it!

Isaiah 3:12: Youths oppress my people, women rule over them. My people, your guides lead you astray; they turn you from the path.

This tragic epidemic of silly little Generation X / Millennial Red girls (and fags) being handed the reins of political power afflicts the "progressive" Scandinavian states even worse than those on the the mainland of Libtarded EUSSR. But now, Finland has taken it to a new level of insanity by anointing Sanna Marin-- an immature, unaccomplished, just-turned 34-year-old self-described "Rainbow Daughter" of two lesbians -- as its Prime Ministerette. Marin's rise has drawn ridicule from a "far Right" Estonian politician, followed by the predictable apologies of the libtarded Estonian government. From the article:

"The interior minister, Mart Helme, 70, who is the leader of the far-right Estonian Conservative People’s Party, made the comment about Ms. Marin, who is 34, during a Sunday morning radio talk show as part of a larger tirade against the center-left government of Finland, which he said was trying to destroy the country from within.

“'Now we can see that a sales girl has become prime minister and some other street activist and uneducated person has also become a member of the government,'” Mr. Helme said. He claimed that Finland was led by Reds who “are now desperately trying to liquidate Finland, making it a Euro-province.'”

Well --- he's right, ya know.
Estonia's own Soros-owned Prime Ministerette, a homely-as-heck hag named Kersti Kaljulaid, 49, was quick to come to baby-girl Sanna's defense -- personally calling her Finnish counterpart to apologize for the absolute truth spoken by the old White guy. Welcome, to the European clown show -- the final product of "The Bad War" (1939-1945).
Image result for Sanna Marin Mart Helme, the interior minister and leader of the far-right Estonian Conservative People’s Party. He accused Finland’s leaders of trying to turn their country into “a Euro-province.” Related image

1. Marxist Sanna Marin, 34, of Finland // 2. Mart Helme of Estonia made rightful mockery of the young "sales girl" turned Prime Minister. // 3. Gruesome Prime Ministerette of of Estonia, Kersti Kaljulaid, comes to Moron Marin's defense.


As of now, four of the five Scandinavian nations have Prime Ministerettes (Norway, Denmark, Iceland & Finland) -- and all five, including Sweden, have parliaments which are populated at rates of 50% or more by the childless loony ladies of the Left. Talk about the de-balling of the Vikings! And just like the Frumpy Frau of occupied Germany, these Marxist mammas of the nanny state push for maximum government and migration.


More Scandinavian Prime Ministerettes


Related image Image result for Mette Frederiksen Image result for Katrín Jakobsdóttir

1. The sainted cow, Erna "the Refrigerator" Solberg of Norway, 58.  // 2. Mette Frederiksen, 42, of Denmark // 3. Katrín Jakobsdóttir of Iceland, age 43


It is not out of disrespect for women, but rather, to the contrary, out of the highest respect for women that "The Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times can only heap mockery upon this sordid spectacle of European women worship. A woman's place -- especially for a new mother -- and her ultimate satisfaction in life is to be found in the "hearth and home," not the bloody, nasty, and intrinsically dishonest world of politics.

Indeed, British Queen Victoria -- though she naively allowed the despicable Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli (cough cough) to undermine the long term interests of the Empire -- was spot-on correct when she looked into the future and warned about feminism and women in politics:



"I am most anxious to enlist everyone who can speak or write to join in checking this mad, wicked folly of "Women's Rights", with all its attendant horrors, on which her poor feeble sex is bent, forgetting every sense of womanly feelings and propriety. Feminists ought to get a good whipping. Were woman to "unsex" themselves by claiming equality with men, they would become the most hateful, heathen and disgusting of beings and would surely perish without male protection. I love peace and quiet, I hate politics and turmoil. We women are not made for governing, and if we are good women, we must dislike these masculine occupations."


Tell it Queenie, tell it!

And yet, we doubt that even Queen Victoria could have foreseen this idiotic modern freak show that is still developing all across the western world.


http://cdns.yournewswire.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Angry-hillary-clinton-emails-FBI-678x381.jpg http://thehill.com/sites/default/files/article_images/elizabethwarren_getty.jpg https://i.ytimg.com/vi/__gbPAPZmfc/hqdefault.jpg


A few of the "hateful, heathen and disgusting" finger-waving maniacs that Queen Victoria accurately foresaw: Killary Rotten Clinton, Senator Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren, Congresswoman Maxi-Pad Waters.


Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that a 34 year old woman became Prime Minister of Finland.. and some old far right fart is making fun of her.

Boobus Americanus 2:Well, we should give the ladies a try. They have superior motherly instincts.


 St. Sugar: Boobuss, we need these sstupid ssilly manlike women at home making and raissing kittens if western civilization is to ssurvive!
Editor: Exactly. Also, their smothering mothering brand of politics is incompatible with the principless of liberty and prossperity.


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Slimes Caption: Diane Foley, the mother of the murdered photojournalist James W. Foley, and the artist Bradley McCallum with paintings Mr. McCallum made based on Mr. Foley’s photographs.


NY Times: Life After Horrific Death for the Journalist James Foley


Break out the violins and pass the tissues. From the article:

"Mrs. Foley has a desperately keen understanding of what happens in a conflict zone. “Jim” was her son, the freelance photojournalist James W. Foley. He was kidnapped in 2012 while covering the Syrian civil war, held hostage for 21 months and brutally murdered in 2014 by members of the Islamic State in an execution filmed by his captors and released online."
Approaching the one-year anniversary of having lost a pair of loved ones myself (Pops & Sugar), you might expect the remaining member of "The Editorial Board" to be showing a bit more empathy for "Diane Foley" -- the eternally grieving mother of the "beheaded" photo-journalist, "James Foley." Well, weep not for "Mrs. Foley," boys and girls, because she, and her "beheaded" son, and her "husband," and her other "children" are all dirty, stinking, deceitful, treasonous, low-life CIA Deep State crisis actors. And just like so many of the crisis actors associated with so many fake shootings and so many fake bombings of the past 8 years or so, fake-ass "Mrs. Foley" -- of the fake-ass "James Foley Legacy Foundation" (cha ching!)-- is, as this article confirms, still collecting shekels for her bad acting.
Let's tear the Marxist mask off this brazen sorceress who is now partnering up with an artist to adapt Jim Foley's photos for a for-profit museum exhibit.
http://www.thepoliticalinsider.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/front82014.jpg Image result for james foley sister brother laughing Related image
1. The comically fake You Tube "beheading" of Jim Foley and others (produced by CIA & Mossad Studios) succeeded in providing the phony pretext needed for Obongo and friends to deploy troops to Syria. The real target was Assad, not "ISIS." // 2 & 3. "Mr. & Mrs. Foley" act out their "grief" over the news of Jim's "beheading." (Nice Hollywood touch with the "come home Jim" yellow ribbon on the door) --- Dear Lord! These people really need to take some acting lessons!
Image result for james foley sister brother laughing Image result for james foley sister brother laughing
And if you thought "mom and dad" were bad, you should have seen the brother and sister fake-cry, smirk, smile, stutter and laugh their way through a TV interview with Katie Couric! (Here) ... The Jewish-looking girl playing the part of "Katie Foley" also starred as "Alex Israel" in the Sandy Hook School Shooting Hoax.
Image result for "James Foley Legacy Foundation"Image result for "James Foley Legacy Foundation"
 A "foundation," eh? Ah, show us the shekels, "Diane." Show us the shekels.
Incredibly, this was the very same "James Foley" who had been kidnapped in Libya three years prior to his kidnapping in Syria! That event sparked the short-lived "Free Foley" marketing campaign. Evidently, with the fall and subsequent street-murder of Libyan leader Qaddafi, that tear-jerking scam from 2011 was no longer needed and Foley was soon "freed" by his scriptwriters, er, captors (rolling eyes) after 44 days.
Not wanting a good story to go to waste, CIA-Mossad productions did a "spin-off" on 2014 -- "Free Foley II."
Image result for foley parents libya Image result for james foley libya free james foley
1. Why were the "Foleys" so happy while their son was still in the custody of terrorists back in 2011? That earlier edition of the "Free Foley" show was cancelled when it was no longer needed. Notice that corny yellow ribbon again. // 2. Jim comes home from Libya to his momma safe and sound -- only to be "kidnapped" again, in Syria, in 2014.
It is amazing, isn't it? Almost surreal. Only we the "woke" will ever know how these goofy, amateurish, laughing-our-butts-off black pajama & orange jumpsuit stunts, by succeeding in causing the deployment of U.S. troops to Syria, within close proximity of Iranian and Russian forces, very nearly got us to World War 3. All that was needed after the "beheading" hoaxes, tear-jerking Syrian migrant videos and subsequent troop deployment was for the expected president, Killary Rotten Clinscum, to start the fight in 2017 -- and believe you me, that vicious she-devil from the pit of hell damn sure would have!
As it stands now, with Trump pulling the troops out of Syria as Turkey, Russia, and Iran (much to the increasingly irrelevant Bibi Satanyahoo's dismay) assume protective control of the region, the multiple media-hyped beheading hoaxes have all come to naught. Oh how (((they))) must hate Trump for this!
Image result for hillary tweet pull out syriaImage result for trump bombs  syria Image result for HILLARY NEW LOOK FACE
1. As far back as 2013, Trump (and many in the military) warning against Obongo's intervention in Syria. As President, his phony missile attacks of 2017 and his insults of "Assad the Animal" were all just part of a strategic show designed to conceal his ultimate plan of pulling us out and leaving Syria to Russian, Turkish and Iranian protection. // 3. As it was with the tragedy of Libya, former Secretary of State Killary was one of the architects of the horrible proxy war against Syria. --- We see that you had some cheek work done recently, eh Killary? But aren't Brazilian butt-lifts supposed to be done on, well, the butt? Just sayin'.



  Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today about a new art exhibit based on the works of James Foley -- that photographer who was beheaded by ISIS a few years ago.

Boobus Americanus 2: I remember watching that horrible event. The evil ISIS bastards had put it up on YouTube.




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Senator Chuck Schumer proposed a trial beginning Jan. 7 that would give each side a fixed amount of time to present their cases.
New York Times: Schumer, Pushing McConnell to Negotiate, Lays Out Plan for Impeachment Trial


The Editorial Board of The Anti-New York Times had been of the opinion that this whole impeachment charade was just an empty threat on the part of the Demonrats -- political theater to tarnish Trump. But now, it actually appears as though the suicidal House D's, contrary to the country's position on the matter, are going to go through with this farcical folly of impeachment -- to be followed by a trial in the Senate. From the opening line:

"As the House prepared to make President Trump only the third president in American history to be impeached, the Senate’s top Democrat on Sunday laid out a detailed proposal for a Senate trial “in which all of the facts can be considered fully and fairly.”

What is going on here? Don't the Demonrats see that this is a trap, baited by "The Maestro" Trump himself? Do they actually believe that 20 out of 53 Republican Senators can be flipped into voting to convict and remove a president whose party faithful approve of him by a margin of 95%? Do they not understand that a Senate trial would be governed by Lindsey Graham (R-SC) -- an ex-anti-Trumper who -- in the wake of the probable execution of his former butt-buddy, John McStain, by the military -- has since been house broken into Trump's most obedient attack dog in the U.S. Senate? Are they not aware of the basic rules of jurisprudence, which will allow Trump's counter-attacking lawyers and Senate Republicans to subpoena and document any witness or document they choose to? Do the Demonrats really want to see Hunter Biden -- the crack-head thieving son of Creepy Pedo Joe Biden -- roasted alive in the hot-seat over his shady dealings in Ukraine? Do the D's not see how Trump is smashing all fund-raising records as a direct result of this impeachment push? Have the once shrewd and cunning Demonrats lost their collective minds?


Image result for pelosi impeachment Related image
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1. "Nervous Nancy" Pelosi -- herself as corrupt as they come -- has changed her mind and now wants to impeach. // 2. Lindsey Graham is now owned by Trump. As chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, he is going to crush Trump's enemies in the upcoming trial (assuming the House does impeach as expected) // 3. Trump taunting tweet to Demonrats:  "If you are going to impeach me, do it now, fast."


This rush to impeach and have a Senate trial destined to "boomerang" back on the D's is especially baffling because Demon House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had initially, and strongly, resisted the loud impeachment pressure coming from the loony ladies (or Trump plants?) of "The Squad." But now, she's on board 100%, in spite of the fact that her own son has been linked to shady dealings in Ukraine. What does this all mean? Two hypotheses here:

Hypothesis A: The investigative nooses of Messrs Horowitz, Huber, Durham & Barr are tightening so fast around the Demonrats that they have no choice but to, in American football parlance, throw up a last-second "Hail Mary" pass in the hopes that it will work, against all odds.
Hypothesis B: In addition to a number of Demonrats that may actually be working for Trump, there may be a bunch who have been brought under control by having received "an offer they can't refuse." Under this scenario, Trump himself would be the one maneuvering the impeachment drive. This would also explain why, after the big Demonrat election victories in 2018, Q Anon and Trump (one in the same) almost seemed pleased the Demonrats did so well in the House (driving out a bunch of criminal anti-Trump Republicant's) -- while the Repub's (now mostly pro-Trump) gained a 53-47 majority in the Senate. A Dem House impeaches... and a GOP Senate unleashes hell on the Demonrats. Perfect!
Or, most likely, a combination of both options.
Image result for horowitz report Image result for durham john
1. Contrary to the spin of the Fake News, the "Horowitz Report" was actually very damning. // 2. Attorney General Bill Barr has all but said that arrests are coming soon. // 3. Prosecutor John Durham has assembled Grand Juries -- which can crank out large numbers of indictments in secret.
Get your popcorn ready, boys and girls, because some serious fireworks are coming. Don't be surprised if, within the coming year, we see some big names -- like Brennan, Killary, Biden, Kerry, Obongo et al -- rounded up, indicted and forced to do the perp walk. As Trump wrote in one of his own books: "I always get even!" And don't think for one minute that he has forgotten the public humiliation he was forced to endure at the 2011 White House Correspondence Dinner when Obongo mocked Trump up and down as the then private citizen Trump just sat there steaming quietly as all of official Washington laughed at him. (video here)
As a video clip, from a movie, which was posted by Q Anon a few weeks foretold about the coming events: "I'm gonna pull the whole thing down. I'm gonna pull the whole f***g diseased corrupt temple down on your head. It's going to be biblical." And we do believe that it will rock this nation. However, as we have said many times before and will reiterate once more -- if these opening salvos on crimes related to Ukraine corruption and fraudulent FISA warrants, as serious as those crimes may be, do not ultimately lead to bigger fish such as 9/11 truth, fake shootings, the Scalia assassination, voter fraud, Satanic child sex trafficking, rape & sacrifice, the arrest of George Soros etc, then it's all just fun and games in the big scheme of things. Now Q Anon has said that the relatively smaller crimes will serve the purpose of psychologically preparing the public for disclosure of the really demonic stuff. That's gives us a bit of hope. But until the goods are delivered as promised, we withhold final judgement on Trump / Q Anon. But so far, so good.
Stay tuned.
Image result for 9 11 attack Image result for voter fraud cemetery
Image result for q anon satanic child sacrifice
Q Anon (Trump Team) has promised us that things like 9/11, massive organized voter fraud and Satanism among the elites will all be brought to light. Let's wait and see where the coming "Storm" takes us.
Order copies of the Q-Anon 120 Year Timeline and pass them out to friends / family. (HERE)
Q Post: 20 Jun 2018

They want you DIVIDED!
They call us names.
They make threats.
They censor.
They lie.
They project.
They cheat.
They steal.
They harm.
They are sick.
They are evil.
At some point the streets (for them) will not be safe.


Boobus Americanus 1: It looks like Trump is actually going to be impeached and put on trial in the Senate.

Boobus Americanus 2: I have a feeling that this is all going to backfire on the Democrats.


St. Sugar: You bet your asss it iss, Boobuss! And I can't wait to ssee the sstupid look on your bewildered face when ssome of your political heroess sstart falling!

 Editor: Fun times are coming --- but let's see how deep into the swamp that the machete of justice will cut.



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A demonstration against right-wing populism on Saturday packed St. John at the Lateran Square in Rome.
A demonstration against right-wing populism on Saturday packed St. John at the Lateran Square in Rome.Credit.
NY Times: Italy’s New ‘Sardines’ Movement Packs Piazzas to Protest Far-Right Leader
A liberal, grass-roots movement aims to support civility, equality and a candidate to undercut Matteo Salvini’s anti-migrant rhetoric.


The seditious directors, producers and scriptwriters based at Hollywood-Langley studios, with local affiliates in all countries, have recently rolled out a new production in Italy -- the "Sardines Revolution" ( pending). The "grassroots" (ha ha ha ha) anti-nationalist / anti-populist movement among the Globo-commies and their migrant-loving, EU-worshipping libtarded dupes takes its name from their supposed ability to pack the public squares (piazzas) of Italy  with "spontaneous" mobs of protesters -- like crowded or canned "sardines."  Get it? (rolling eyes).
From the article:
"A grass-roots movement protesting the populism of the far-right Italian leader Matteo Salvini demonstrated its surging strength on Saturday, drawing tens of thousands of people to a vast square in Rome in its first national rally.

The Sardines movement, named for its ability to pack piazzas, reflects a general disgust among many liberal Italians over Mr. Salvini’s anti-migrant and anti-European language."

The "Sardines Movement".... Mamma Mia! Who writes these corny and increasingly ineffective scripts?


Image result for sardines movement Image result for sardines movement Image result for sardines movement
Libtards are so mature, aren't they?
The "Sardines Movement" offers us a good "teachable moment" to review how the Left has, since the days of the Felonious French Revolution, engineered these types of "grassroots" movements to overthrow targeted regimes. Once you know the "recipe," the stage-managed scams become very easy to recognize. We are re-publishing below a very popular TB piece which ran almost three years ago -- one which is definitely worth re-reading every now and again.



   Image result for painting liberty leading 1832
Liberty Leading the People (France / The "July Revolution" of 1830)



Are you having a problem with pesky nations that refuse to comply with the Globalist or Zionist program? Worried about the cost and unintended consequences of another Neo-Con war? Well, before you do anything rash, try overthrowing the target government with a "Soft Power" revolution instead. See recipe below.

Billionaire Soft Power specialist George Soros owns Obongo!


  • A ton of American cash from the CIA and/or George Soros
  • Small army of undercover CIA agents
  • Controlled "Human Rights /Pro Democracy" groups
  • Idealistic "Western wannabee" college brats
  • Easily manipulated do-gooder "libtards"
  • Professional signs & banners written in English
  • Bribable / blackmailable journalists
  • Bribable / blackmailable politicians
  • Bribable / blackmailable academics
  • Corrupt union bosses
  • Violent "Agent Provocatuers"


Dispatch your CIA, MI6, & Mossad agents to the target nation. Use various covers such as "exchange student", "tourist", "aid worker", "businessman", "journalist", "diplomat". Be creative!


Soros and CIA drug money is limitless! Pass it around!


Use the humanitarian guise of "pro democracy" or "human rights" to start up your NGO's (Non Governmental Organizations) inside of the target nation. Provide cover for yourself by doing actual good works, while building up your NGO with local malcontents, libtards, and gullible idealists.

"Feed the children!"

Promote "democracy."



Recruit your network of domestic traitors. Target intellectuals, academics, politicians, journalists, and, if possible, military men. Use bribery to target those who can be bought. Use blackmail to target those who have some stain in their private life. 

If bribery doesn't work......

...use Blackmail.


If the target nation has large Labor Unions, corrupt labor bosses will be very happy to cooperate with you. Yankee dollars are king!




(Now you are ready to get cooking!)

Pick a catchy theme or color for your "revolution".  Examples include "Prague Spring" (Czechoslovakia, 1968), "Velvet Revolution" (Eastern Europe 1989), Saffron Revolution" (Myanmar), "Cedar Revolution" (Lebanon), "Rose Revolution" (Georgia), "Orange Revolution" (Ukraine), "Green Revolution" (Iran), "Yellow Revolution" (Philippines), Arab Spring" (Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Syria etc) and Hong Kong's "Umbrella Revolution". It's all about marketing, baby!

Green (Iran)

Orange (Ukraine)

Rose (Georgia)

http://newsrescue.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/umbrella-revolution.jpg See the source image
Umbrella Revolution (Hong Kong) // At Killary's concession speech in 2016, the purple-clad Clintons signalled the beginning of an attempted "Purple Revolution" to overthrow Donald Trump -- a color coup which has since backfired.

Kick off your "revolution" with a "spontaneous protest." Use your CIA agents and their controlled NGO idiots to make allegations of "human rights abuses, or "government corruption," or "election fraud." It doesn't matter if the allegations are true or not. Just be passionate! 
See the source image Image result for anti trump protests  
Green Revolution in Iran (failed) // Anti-Trump Revolution in USA (failed)


STEP 7. 

 Roll out your "spontaneous" banners and protest signs, written in English. You are, after all, trying to manipulate American policy makers and the gullible American public.




Add in your wholly-owned labor bosses, academics, and spoiled "Western wannabee" college brats. Turn up the heat on the target government. This will swell the ranks of the protesters to include malcontents, people with legitimate grievances, "bandwagon" types, and folks who are just plain bored and want something to do.

Egyptian college kids on facebook were suckered into "The Arab Spring"
Brazil is being punished for killing the Free Trade Zone of the Americas and trading with Iran.

The major American and European media outlets will now assist you by portraying the uprising as a "popular" and "spontaneous" reaction to corruption / tyranny / voter fraud etc. Tell your agents not to laugh as the cameras are filming them.




Now that "the world is watching", stage an incident. If you can manipulate some fanatic into setting himself on fire, do so! Otherwise, fake an atrocity, Use fake blood, fake tear gas, and photo shopped images. Make sure the "victim" is a woman! The international media and your paid local propagandists will run with the atrocity story. The destabilized target government will soon lose support among many of its own people!

The same staged "tear gassed lady" propaganda photos in Turkey and Brazil!

Iran: Remember "Neda" from the CIA's failed Iranian "uprising"

Where did all this "blood" suddenly come from?


Add in your violent agent provocateurs. Use them to FORCE the police into violent acts. This will embarrass, intimidate, and destabilize the government to the point where it becomes de-legitimized in the eyes of "the world community."

Make the police hit you!

Add in your traitor politicians and wait for the US, UN, & EU to "pressure" the "oppressive" target government into submission. The threat of economic sanctions, "no-fly zones," bombing, or even an armed "rebel" uprising, should convince the government to either bend to your wishes, or to step down and call for new elections.



If "Color Revolution / Spring" should fail, then prepare for military action -- to "make the world safe for democracy!"


Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today about a new and spontaneous grassroots protest movement that is taking Italy by storm. It's called the Sardine Movement.

Boobus Americanus 2: It's amazing how these mass movements come together so organically. The power of the people can never be suppressed totally.



St. Sugar: Sseeple-power, not people-power! The invisible handlers are always in Langley!

 Editor: Aw, that sounds like a "conspiracy theory" now.



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Rabbi Hara Person, the chief executive of the Central Conference of American Rabbis, saw the president’s action and worried.
Rabbi Hara Person, the chief executive of the Central Conference of American Rabbis, saw the president’s action and worried.
NY Times: Trump’s Order to Combat Anti-Semitism Divides American Jews


Some of our beloved but misguided "far right" friends from the "Trump-is-a-Zionist-puppet" and "Mike King is a disinfo op" chorus have already started screaming the house down over this latest strategic display of seeming Israeli ass-kissing by The Maestro. Relax, boys and girls. This move to punish the college commies who wish to boycott Israel (only because of Israeli nationalism) is pure tactical genius, a la Sun Tzu.
Let's get real. The shitty little state, though still shitty, isn't going to disappear anyway. The best we can hope for now is to keep it well-behaved towards its Arab neighbors; and to not drag us into anymore wars against them. The decline and looming fall of Satanyahoo -- who Trump has dumped like a steaming hot turd in the toilet -- may be an important step in that regard.
Just like Trump's "controversial" decision to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem (who cares?), and to recognize Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights (which was stolen a half-century ago and has been, for years, already populated by Jews), and to recognize certain settlements as Jewish (again, already stolen and occupied for years) -- this latest move to withhold Federal money to universities that promote the George-Soros-funded BDS (Boycott, Divest, Sanction) movement serves two important strategic political objectives:
1. It further insulates Trump from the "kiss-of-death" charge of "anti-Semitism" which the "usual suspects" on the Left have been working very hard to brand him with.... and..
2. It divides all-mighty Jewry in half, bringing in a bunch of Jewish voters in key "swing states" -- who, though they may be libtarded, are not necessarily Marxists -- and great big bundles of shekels into the pro-Trump / GOP camp.
Make sense?
Image result for bds movement Image result for jews in bds movement
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1 & 2. The BDS Movement is headed by hard core Leftists, and funded by scum such as George Soros. The hidden agenda has got nothing to do with Palestinian rights, and everything to do with bringing the "Israel First" faction of the shitty little state under Globalist control.  3. The Globalist Jew Soros is no friend of the Zionist nationalists. This provides Trump with the opportunity to skillfully divide all-mighty Jewry while still promoting America Firstism.
From the article:
"Jewish communities across the country viewed the order, which is aimed at college campuses, in competing and discordant ways."
In other words, and the article clearly reveals this: The Communist / Globalist Jews -- already worried about Trump's astonishing (for a nationalist Republican) 31% approval (and growing) rating among the self-chosenites -- are not happy about Trump's Executive Order.
Now, having said all this, it is indeed hard to stomach the public spectacles attached to this strategic ass-kissing. But on an operational level, what, other than the cosmetic, has Trump actually done for the Satanyahoo faction of Israeli politics, besides getting the Soros mob off of Israel's back? Assad of Syria survived the Zionist onslaught, thanks to Trump and Putin. Iran and Russia are now the dominant powers in the region, again, thanks to Trump and Putin. World War III for the sake of "Greater Israel" (from the Euphrates to the Nile) has been averted, thanks to Trump. The massive blackmail operation of the invaluable child-sex-slave Mossad operative Jeffrey Epstein has been shut down and the matter is being quietly investigated, thanks to Trump. And, through his wholly controlled Q-Anon operation, Trump has openly fingered the Mossad for influencing the Fake News and being "in cahoots" with the despicable impeachment inquisitor and child-sex-monster, Adam Schiff (cough cough).
It has been established, without a doubt, that Q Anon is a project of the Trump Team. Whether or not "The White Hats" can win in the end, remains in question.
Image result for schiff mossad q anon
1. Q Anon / Trump posts that CIA & Mossad (C_A / MOS) are attacking and infiltrating the forum where Q posts. // 2. Q Anon / Trump lists Mossad as controlling the politicians and media. // 3. Q Anon / Trump posted an image, taken from the Twitter of Adam Schiff, showing Schiff with his father, son and brother. The boy is wearing a black T-Shirt which reads: "Mossad - Since 1949.
As they say in football parlance, keep your eyes on the ball, boys and girls --- not the head fakes. Politics may make for strange bedfellows, but Trump is absolutely  NOT an Israeli puppet. (Incoming hate-mail in 3... 2...1)


Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that Jews are deeply divided over Trump's latest Executive Order to discourage anti-Israeli activism on college campuses.

Boobus Americanus 2: He's just doing this to get more Jewish votes.



St. Sugar: Jew votess and Jew shekels being harnessed for the causse of anti-Globalissm? It'ss the frickin' sstuff of geniuss!

 Editor: It's a reverse divide & conquer, for a change.... I wonder what would have happened had The Great One of Germany taken such an approach.



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Image result for time magazine person of year greta

NY Times: Greta Thunberg Is Time Person of the Year for 2019
The 16-year-old from Stockholm rose to global prominence this year with her impassioned pleas for governments to take far-reaching action to avert climate catastrophe.


Hark! The trumpets of Mount Olympus doth call us all to prayerful worship of the newest saint. Fake News at its absolute fakest! The once-influential but still highly visible Slime Magazine has just anointed the deranged, suspiciously boyish-looking, little Communist she-devil, Greta Thunberg, as "Person of the Year." Just how dangerously loony is this 16-year-old Globalist greaseball -- this rancid Red rascal  -- this demonic "Damien" in drag? From the fawning article, the latest demented rant from the annoying Swedish urchin:
“Adults keep saying, 'We owe it to the young people to give them hope.' But I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act.”
Ya know, Greta, you're right to say that we should all "feel the fear," -- but the fear should not be about non-existent Global Warming / Climate Change , but rather, over the fact that a scummy little front monster like you can be so laughably glorified by Fake News, and then actually sold to millions of gullible boobs as the precocious "founder" of a "grassroots" movement. 
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1. Such a miserable, hateful, demonic, deceitful joyless child. Her Marxist parents ought to be arrested, tried, publicly flogged with spiked whips and then swiftly hanged for deliberately manufacturing such a mendacious Marxist monster. // 2. On the cover of GQ -- a men's fashion magazine -- dressed like man. // 3. Is it a girl? Or a tranny-in-training?
It takes a person of paralyzing stupidity not to be able to infer that Ghastly Greta is but a mere child prop -- merely the poison-carrying tip of a very long spear being pointed at humanity by the Rothschild-Soros Crime Syndicate. But her immediate handlers are, of course, her  degenerate actor / actress parents -- Svante Thunberg (Father) and Malena Ernman (mother). Greta the Grim has herself played small parts in a film. Are the advocates for "the children" on the Left not concerned over how this wretched little ghoul is being pulled out of school and used in this manner?
Recently, Greta Inc. has expanded the never-ending road show to the cause of "anti-racism" -- with the little script-reading monster bitching and moaning about how Global Warming / Climate Change disproportionately impact the world's "indigenous peoples" . Speaking through the demonic avatar, the producers at Greta Inc. had this to say at their latest spectacle, in Madrid:
“Their rights are being violated across the world and they are also among the ones being hit the most and the quickest by the climate and environmental emergency.” 
Ironically, the "indigenous peoples" are indeed being disproportionately harmed -- not by the climate, but rather, by the hoax associated with the climate. Vlad the Bad Putin, speaking of Great the Grim, said it well:

“No one has explained to Greta that the modern world is complex and different and ... people in Africa or in many Asian countries want to live at the same wealth level as in Sweden.”
Putin, as always, was being diplomatic. The colorful Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil, however, was less "diplomatic" when speaking of the demon child:
"Greta has said that the Indians died because because they were defending the Amazon. It's amazing that the press gives space to this kind of brat."
Tell it, Mr. President. Tell it!
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1-3. The Marxist Thunberg family wearing black "anti-fascist" T-Shirts. // 4. Video has recently emerged of Greta's pig mother simulating sexual intercourse for a live play. // 5. Bolsanaro called the little brat, a brat.
To close this on a more uplifting note, The Anti-New York Times would like to give a bit a well-deserved hype to its own limited audience -- about another young lady that (((they))) don't want "youse guys" to know about because, opposite of the front-monster for Greta Inc., she exudes love and produces beauty, not ugliness. Akiane Kramarik, 24, is an American poet and painter who began drawing when she was four years old. Her best-known painting is Prince of Peace, which she completed when she was only eight years old.

Image result for Akiane Kramarik

The lovely and sweet, and definitely female, Akiane --- no mass media mania for her on Satan's lost planet.


Akiane (of Lithuanian descent) is a self-taught, child prodigy painter who claims to have received divine message to start painting her visions. Her paintings are often spiritual, involving likenesses of Jesus, children, and animals. According to Kramarik, her main inspiration comes from her visions of Heaven. By age 12, she had completed sixty large, and stunning, paintings. Working non-stop for 20 years, she completed over 200 artworks, 800 literary works, and has published two best-selling books. And over the course of that time, though she has garnered some media attention, it doesn't amount to one millionth of the puffed-up hype bestowed upon Gloomy Greta. Have a look at a few of her works. It will take the nasty taste of demon-child Greta out of your mouth, for sure.


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 Related image Image result for Akiane Kramarik Image result for Akiane Kramarik



Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that Greta Thunberg was just named Time Magazine Person-of-the-Year.

Boobus Americanus 2: What an amazing and talented young lady.


      1 Image result for akiane painting of cat

St. Sugar: She'ss a piece of communisst dog-sh*t, Boobuss! Have a look at what a truly "amazing and talented young lady" has produced, much of it while sshe wass sstill a child.

 Editor: Now how did I know that you would pick the cat portrait as your favorite Akaine painting?!



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The punishment leaves open the possibility that Russian athletes will appear at next year’s Tokyo Games.
NY Times: Russia Banned From Olympics and Global Sports for 4 Years Over Doping
Under the ban, Russia’s flag, name and anthem would not be allowed at the Tokyo Games next summer or the Beijing Winter.



Since the days of the anti-Great One propaganda surrounding the 1936 Berlin Olympic Games, down through the recipricating 1980 & 1984 boycotts of the Russian and American Summer Olympics respectively, and up until the present day, geo-politics has often been injected into the quadrennial spectacles that are the Summer Olympic Games, the Winter Olympic Games, the World Cup of Football (Soccer), and various other events. With massive global audiences glued to their TV's, attempts to ruin the dreams of innocent athletes by playing politics with sports are as inevitable as they are disgraceful.

Dating back to the jubilant and peaceful reunification of the formerly "Ukrainian" Crimea Peninsula with the Russian Motherland, the past six years have witnessed an all-out Globalist assault aimed at Russian athletics -- a propaganda campaign set against the dangerous backdrop of NATO's ongoing "in-your-face" military build-up along Russia's borders which, thanks solely to Donald Trump, has subsided. Nonetheless, it is the Deep State, not Trump, who control the various international sports bodies. In that shpere, the war against Putin's Russia rages on.From the article:

"The world’s top antidoping authority on Monday banished Russia from international competition — including next summer’s Olympic Games in Tokyo — for four years, the latest and most severe punishment yet connected to a yearslong cheating scheme that has tarnished sports, rendered Russia a sports pariah and exacerbated tension between Moscow and the West.

Under the ban, Russia’s flag, name and anthem would not be allowed at the Tokyo Games next summer or the Beijing Winter Olympics in 2022, though Russian athletes not implicated in doping are expected to be allowed to compete in the Olympics and other world championships, but only under a neutral flag.

The World Anti-Doping Agency also barred Russian sports and government officials from the Games and prohibited the country from hosting international events."
Such nastiness!

http://www.currybet.net/images/articles/2008/olympic_dissent/1980_newsweek_cover.jpg http://img.timeinc.net/time/magazine/archive/covers/1984/1101840521_400.jpghttps://ceefootball.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/racism1sr.jpg

1980 - 1984 - 2006

Athletes used as geo-political pawns.



June, 2015: FIFA (International Football/Soccer) President and "friend of Putin" Sepp Blatter is forced to resign after strongly defending "aggressor" Russia's right to host the 2018 World Cup tournament.

March, 2016: FINA (International Swimming Federation) suspended Russian World Champion Yulia Yefimova for testing positive for meldonium. Meldonium had always been a legal supplement. Only in 2016 was it suddenly (and quietly) added to the banned substance lists of various sports. (here) Moreover, scientists who have taken a good luck at this alleged "performance enhancing" substance have even dismissed its "doping" effects as roughly equivalent to that of a strong cup of coffee.

April, 2016: After testing positive for meldonium, the EBU (European Boxing) stripped Russian boxing champion Igor Mikhalkin of his "light-heavyweight" championship title and banned him from boxing for 2 years. (here) We repeat, meldonium had always been legal. Only in 2016 was it suddenly added to the banned substance lists of various sports.


http://cdn1.pri.org/sites/default/files/story/images/RTR3YFFI.jpg Related image Image result for Igor Mikhalkin

1. FIFA boss Sepp Blatters "bromance" with Putin was mocked by the western press. // 2. World Champion Yefimova: suspended for testing positive for meldonium -- only weeks after it was quietly added to list of banned substances. // 3. World Champion Mikhakin: suspended for testing positive for meldonium.


April, 2016: Ice Skating pair Bobrova and Solovyov banned from World Championships due to the meldonium scam.

April, 2016: The ENTIRE Russian U18 (Under 18) Hockey Team was suspended and replaced with younger players after several players tested positive for meldonium. (here)

May, 2016: At the last minute, a heavyweight boxing championship fight between Alexander Povetkin and Black American hype job Deonte Wilder was cancelled because a Doctor Irene Goodman's (cough cough) drug testing operation claimed to have found a microscopic trace of meldonium in Povetkin's blood! (here)


http://fs-gossips.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/bobrova-soloviev.jpg http://gdb.rferl.org/D2488461-284F-45FB-8959-0B79C10D30F4_mw1024_mh1024_s.jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CisRpsZVEAU_MGE.jpg

1. Bobrova & Solovyov --- meldonium & meldonium (here) // 2. The meldonium trick was used to bait and replace the entire Russian U18 team with weaker, younger players. (here) // 3. Povetkin was also meldoniumed. (here)


June, 2016: Russian tennis superstar Maria Sharapova received a 2-year suspension for innocently taking meldonium, which, we repeat, had always been legal. Like the boxer Mikhalkin and the swimmer Yefimova, she also appears to have been set-up by the World Doping Agency's sudden ban (here). Meanwhile, professional tennis "looks the other way" at the obvious steroid use of Black American "female" tennis star Serena Gorilliams.

June, 2016: After Russian and British fans clashed at the European Cup in France, UEFA (European Football) issued a "suspended disqualification" of the Russian team, which means that one more misstep by Russian fans will disqualify the Russian team. Though the British fans were at least as responsible for the fighting, Britain was not disciplined.

Said Putin, sarcastically, of the controversy:

“I don’t know how 200 Russian fans could beat several thousand of the British.”


 Related image http://static.independent.co.uk/s3fs-public/styles/article_large/public/thumbnails/image/2016/06/14/08/england-russia-fans.jpg

1. Sharapova was also "meldoniumed" --- banned for 2 years while steroid-user Serena Gorilliams just keeps getting bigger, faster, and better at age 38 (very old for a tennis player). // 2. English fans, notorious for their hooliganism, were just as violent as the Russian fighters. But only Russia was punished!


June, 2016: And finally, under the pretext of "doping violations," the IOC (International Olympic Committee) banned the entire Russian Track & Field Team from the upcoming Summer Olympics to be hosted by Brazil -- crushing the hopes and dreams of so many world class Russian athletes who had trained for many years. Of course, the IOC continues to ignore the international reality of performance-enhancing substances in sports.

Regular readers of The Anti-New York Times don't need to be told what's going on here. Thanks to the NWO gang, the Cold War refuses to did a natural death, with Russian athletes -- and only Russian athletes (guilty or not) -- being caught in the middle of it. 

Yes, Indeed. Killary Clinton wasn't joking when she said:

"Russia (and China) will pay a price for standing up for the Assad regime (in Syria)."

Barring a dramatic, Q-Anonish reshaping of both the national and geopolitical power structure, after the age of Trump is over, it won't be long before we go baco "Square 1" regarding U.S.-Russia tension. This war on its athletes tells us what's to come if and when (((they))) reclaim the White House in 2020, 0r 2024.


https://cdn.theatlantic.com/assets/media/img/mt/2016/06/RTX1Q5OF/lead_large.jpg?1466177205 Image result for russian athletes banned https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2015-02/4/16/enhanced/webdr11/grid-cell-16059-1423086763-5.jpg


An entire track & field team tarred with one broad brush and banned from the Olympics. Years of sacrifice and grueling training --- cruelly flushed down the drain just weeks before their dreams could be realized.



Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that the Russian name, flag and anthem may be banned from next year's Olympics in Rio.

Boobus Americanus 2: It's about time these international sports bodies did something about Russian cheating.


St. Sugar: "Boobuss! If you don't get your frickin' head out of your asss ssoon, you're gonna have much more sseriouss sstuff to worry about than meldonium!"

Editor: I have a bad feeling that Boobuss won't wake up until Europe is in flames -- at which point, he'll be sure to blame Putin.


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Deborah Remington’s “Apropos or Untitled” (1953).
Deborah Remington’s “Apropos or Untitled” (1953)
NY Times: The Women Who Helped Create Abstract Expressionism 

It is a known fact that "Modern Art" has always been promoted by various tentacles of the New World Order crime gang. And when we here at the Editorial Board of The Anti-New York Times throw out a term like "known fact," it is not used as a rhetorical ploy like the slimy scribblers of Sulzberger's Slimes do. No sir; we actually mean that it is a known fact -- Google: (CIA & Modern Art: here) -- (Communist Party & Modern Art: here) -- (Rockefeller Family & Modern Art: here) -- (Rothschild Family & Modern Art: here) -- (Soros Family & Modern Art: here) -- (The United Nations & Modern Art: here) etc., etc., etc.



George Soros seen arriving at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, September 20, 2013. The 83-year-old billionaire investor is in New York to marry health care and education consultant, Tamiko Bolton http://www4.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/2016+Museum+Modern+Art+Party+Garden+Inside+cYy61L9HOD0l.jpg

1- George Soros arrives at the MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) in New York for his pre-third-wedding cocktail party in 2013. // 2- The late David Rockefeller, honored at the MoMA -- a cesspool of ugliness which his family has funded and directed since 1929


Add to that high-powered list of "patrons of the arts" the Sulzberger-Ochs Family -- whose "paper of record" has long puffed-up creepy charlatans such as the openly Stalinist Pablo Picasso and the madman Jackson Pollock. This particular pro-Modern Art article is just one of the thousands that the Slimes has published since the Ochs-Sulzberger crime family bought the newspaper from its previous White owners in 1896. The Slimes Art section actually gives their impressionable readers a "twofer" with this write-up about Modern Art and women artists finally being recognized -- you know, the usual tommyrot about "breaking the glass ceiling. "

From the article:

"Abstract Expressionism is usually treated as a boys-club affair. But it wasn’t, as an exhibition called “Women of Abstract Expressionism” at the Denver Art Museum proves. .. Organized by Gwen F. Chanzit, the show brings together some fabulous work. And whether it looks classical or radical, it upends the existing histories of a style."

Indeed! Hear hear! It is high time that we all recognize the fact that artsy-fartsy gals can indeed expel commie crap onto canvass that is every bit as repulsive, every bit as demented, and every every bit a non sensical as what the hipster boys can churn out. Congratulations ladies. You've come a long way, baby! Now let's have a look at what these oh-so-talented yet heretofore unappreciated she-devils so obscurely crapped-out.


Image result for Helen Frankenthaler https://mintmuseum.s3.amazonaws.com/filer_public/3b/85/3b85cec4-9565-4470-9f5e-669fcbb331d0/hartigan_the_massacre_1952.jpg Related image

http://img.huffingtonpost.com/asset/scalefit_970_noupscale/577139c42200002e00f8320f.jpeg http://www.denverpost.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/ae12faabstract-001.jpg?w=755 https://rhystranter.files.wordpress.com/2016/02/joan-mitchell-grace-hartigan-helen-frankenthaler.jpg?w=724&h=497

Joan Mitchell, Grace Hartigan, Helen Frankenthaler -- every bit as deranged, er, "talented" as Picasso, and it's time they were recognized!

What is the agenda behind this century-old movement (proudly referred to as "anti-art" by its early leftist practioners (here)) to replace the good stuff with neurotic garbage? What does it prosper the Globalists to plaster the walls of the nation's museums with such mutli-colored devil's dung? It's simple. You see, boys and girls, Modern Art -- just like much of Modern Music, Modern Literature, Modern Science etc. -- distorts the appreciation and understanding of truth and beauty. Convince the "intelligentsia" that up is down, black is white, crap is gold, gold is crap, and soon you can sell them anything. Indeed, if the Food Section of Sulzberger's Slimes were to authoritatively announce that "studies have shown"that dog-shit sandwiches are delicious and nutritious; libtards from coast-to-coast would gleefully begin to gulp them down like White Castle mini-hamburgers. "Mmmmmm. Yummy! Tastes just like beef!"

The essence of "modernism" is to suppress your own common sense and critical thinking, and then choose to believe in nothing --unless, of course, the (((elites))) instruct you to believe in something. The modernist painter or sculptor of ugliness is not at all concerned with beauty and truth. To a degenerate soul, truth is only a point of view that drifts with the polluted tide of "popular opinion" -- that manufactured dogma which is little more than a mass psychosis shaped by the "usual suspects." In both literature and art, and even "theoretical science," there is now a complete rejection of truth and beauty. Heck! Even the Pinko Pope refuses to call sin by its rightful name. Although the Argentinain ass-clown did indeed pass very strong judgements about Global Warming and secured national borders, but I digress.

In the end, a people that can no longer distinguish truth and beauty from falsehood and ugliness, is a people that is ripe for all manner of deception, oppression and enslavement. And that is why Modern Art is the art-of-choice for the cultural vandals behind the New World Order --- and it is also why The Great One (that's Hitler for all you newbies and normies), a talented painter himself (see examples below), protected his people from this massive financial and psychological con-game that is still going strong today.


https://media1.britannica.com/eb-media/58/129958-004-C9B8B89D.jpg Related image http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/01/28/15/30AA061E00000578-0-image-m-115_1453995192955.jpg
The Great One: "Works of art that cannot be understood but need a swollen set of instructions to prove their right to exist and find their way to neurotics who are receptive to such stupid or insolent nonsense will no longer openly reach the German nation."

Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today about an exhibit that just opened up in Denver. It features the works of previously unknown female artists who helped to shape Abstract Impressionism.

Boobus Americanus 2:  My understanding is that a number of women artists also contributed to the development of early 20th Century Dadaism.



St. SugarSstop trying to ssound cultured, you sstupid f@#&^#! The elitess are laughing at you!

Editor: The Emperor's New Clothes 


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Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, center, with Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki of Poland, second from right, at the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum in southern Poland on Friday.
The Frumpy Frau of Germany with Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki of Poland at the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum in Poland
NY Times: Visiting Auschwitz, Merkel Warns Against Danger to Liberal Democracy


This billionth or so incantation of the song that never ends about the event that never happened takes us to Stalin's Disneyland theme-park -- aka, the Bullschwitz "extermination camp"-- for an oh-so-solemn visit by that vile, villainous, vicious vixen -- Marxist Mamma Merkel. Hazmat suits, hip waders, and gas masks on, boys and girls. Into the toxic mist of the Zyklon B gas we go for a bit of rebutting clean-up work.


Image result for merkel in auschwitz Related image

Enough of this shameful self-flagellation already, over a hoax!

"To stand here and speak to you today as Germany's chancellor is anything but easy for me I feel a deep sense of shame for the barbaric crimes that were here committed by Germans — crimes that are unfathomable." -- The Frumpy Frau


Slimes: At a time of rising nationalist and authoritarian movements,...

Translation & Insinuation: Right from the start, the sleazy scribbler, Melissa Eddy, without mentioning names, is obviously likening Trump, Putin, Xi, Erdogan to the falsely maligned Hitler, Mussolini, and Hirohito.

Slimes: Angela Merkel on Friday made her first visit as Germany’s chancellor...

Analysis: We are surprised to hear that Ferkel (German for piglet) hadn't visited Stalin's Disneyland before, at least not in an official capacity. The way this Globalist gorgon dutifully services Hymie, one would have thought the nasty harridan would have made the pious pilgrimage several times by now --- or even purchased a second-home condo within walking distance of the site.

Slimes: ...to Europe’s most potent symbol of extremism, the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp, ...

Rebuttal: "Death camp" mein butt-crack! It was a work camp from which many internees not only survived, but would later tell stories about their spirited football (soccer) matches, orchestras, children's activities and even camp romances. Did "youse guys" know that 3,000 Jew babies were born and cared for at Bullschwitz? True story -- (here)

Slimes: .. and warned that liberal democracy must be protected against “a very dangerous historical revisionism.”

Translation: The Frumpy Frau and her handlers (cough cough) know that the Holohoax scam, given its manifest absurdity, is vulnerable to exposure. For (((these people))), truth has always been a "dangerous" thing.


http://i.ytimg.com/vi/OlqL38hUC4E/hqdefault.jpg http://www.7thart.com/images/films/Liga_Terezin_keyArt.jpg

Yakov Tzur testimony, March 2009: "I played soccer games at Auschwitz in 1944." (YouTube here)

(Other camps had actual Jewish soccer leagues.)


Slimes: “Auschwitz was a German death camp, run by Germans,” Ms. Merkel said,...

Rebuttal: Again with the "death camp" mantra! Does this sainted-sow not know that the International Red Cross enjoyed full and unfettered access to Bullschwitz, right up until just weeks before the Germans abandoned the camp, and never once mentioned anything about "zee gas chambers" or abuse / neglect of the inmates? Of course she does.

Slimes: ... stressing the importance of preserving evidence of those offenses as a warning to future generations.

Rebuttal: If it's not too "dangerous," mein Frumpster, may we ask: What "evidence" is that, exactly? Even the Jewish High Priests of Holohoaxianty concede the facts (here) that no bodies were discovered, no documentation of the mass killings exists, and that no traces of poisonous gas can be detected in the stonework of "zee gas chambers ."

Slimes (Quoting Frumpy): “We Germans owe it to the victims ....

Rebuttal: Cut the crap, bitch. You ain't no "German," Frau "Kasner" (cough cough).

http://www.scrapbookpages.com/AuschwitzScrapbook/Photos2005/GasChEntrance.jpg http://jan27.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/ausch-gas-chamber_2012.jpg 

Images 1 & 2 are of the Soviet-era reconstruction of the "gas chambers". Image 3 depicts the ruins of the what is said to the original "gas chamber". Jewish Holohoaxers and Polish museum curators concede that what is shown to gullible tourists are NOT the actual "gas chamber". As you can see, both the "original" and the reconstruction are not very big - the size of a 3-car garage.


Now, lets have a look at a typical NFL football stadium.


NFL Stadium Capacity: 80-85,000


1,100,000 / 82,000 = 13.4 football stadiums full of people "gassed" in a 3-car garage.






 A 'Baker's Dozen' full of NFL stadiums, "gassed" in small increments in a room that looks like this....




Excuse us, dear reader. We'll be right back....



OK. We're back. Here is another illustration of this point, in side-by-side approximated scale for just one stadium:


Image result for small house silhouette          http://img2.10bestmedia.com/Images/Photos/244679/mt-bank3_54_990x660_201404250404.jpg

Gas Chamber                        NFL Stadium


Fit the stadium population into that "gas chamber" ....13.4 TIMES!

Slimes (Quoting Frumpy): ... and we owe it to ourselves to keep alive the memory of the crimes committed, ..

Rebuttal: Agreed on that one! The historical "memory" of the horrific crimes of the Hamburg Firebombing, the Dresden Firebombing, the Berlin carpet-bombing, the deliberate dam-busting, the sinking of the Wilhelm Gustloff, the Soviet mass rapes, the American rapes and sex-for-food "arrangements," the mass executions of "Nazi" officials, the Eisenhower open-air death camps, the mass deportations of Germans to Siberia, the mass expulsion of millions German families from their homes in Prussia & Sudetenland, and the Nuremberg Show Trials and subsequent lynchings should indeed be "kept alive."

Slimes: (Quoting Frumpy): ... to identify the perpetrators ...

Rebuttal: Hear, hear! Human filth like Franklin Demono Rosenfeld, "Uncle Joe" Stalin, Winston Churchill and, above and behind them, of course, a rogue's gallery of International Bankers (cough cough) and Media Moguls (cough cough).

Slimes: (Quoting Frumpy): .. and to commemorate the victims in a dignified manner.

Rebuttal: (palm to face, sighing, shaking head) The complete inversion of reality and the psychotic projection on display here is the stuff of Satan, truly.

Slimes: (Quoting Frumpy): This is not open to negotiation.

Rebuttal: Hmmm. You're sounding a bit "authoritarian" there, aren'tcha Angie? Is that why you locked up that sweet "dangerous" elderly lady, Ursula Haverbeck, in prison?

Slimes: On the eve of her visit, Ms. Merkel said that Germany would contribute 60 million euros, or $66 million, to the Auschwitz-Birkenau Foundation

Rebuttal: Well that's mighty magnanimous of you to be so generous with other people's money, Hag Kasner, and all for damn slanderous HOAX! Nice little Satanic touch with the "60" million Euros / "66" million dollars. And the "usual suspects" were very quick to wink-wink at each other over over all the 6's:

  • Headline: Jewish Telegraph Agency: Angela Merkel Announces Germany Will Donate $66 Million to Auschwitz Museum
  • Headline: Times of Israel: Merkel Pledges 60 Million Euros to Auschwitz Museum


Slimes: The German government also agreed on Thursday to cover the cost of providing security to synagogues across the country.

Rebuttal: That's nice -- because we all know that synagogues need constant protection from certain fly-by-night "Nazis" (cough cough) and their cans of spray paint.




Image result for germans dead in dresden Image result for germans expelled from sunderland Image result for big three yalta

1. Genocide by fire in beautiful Dresden -- in which the bodies of fleeing women and children actually melted into the dissolving pavement // 2. Mass expulsion of innocent traumatised Germans with little more than the clothes on their back. // 3. The "Big Three" Monsters -- aka "The Good Guys" -- who, at the behest of the International Globalist Jewish Mafia, engineered the grand history-shaping disaster of disasters.


Image result for haverback in jail Image result for hey rabbi whatcha doin Related image

1. The "dangerous" Ursula Haverbeck -- aka "The Nazi Grandma" -- remains locked up in one of Mamma Merkel's prisons for having refuted the Holohoax with facts and logic. // 2. No explanation needed. // 3. Angie Ferkel - an evil, tyrannical Marxist bulldog devoid of any womanly virtues or feminine attributes.


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Image result for macron trudeau mock trump
New York Times: Trump Abruptly Exits NATO Gathering After Embarrassing Video Emerges

New York Times:


Having long fallen hook, line & sinker for the Fake News' & Fake Academia's romanticized mythology of Utopian Canada & Utopian Europe where everything is "free" and everyone is prosperous and happy; American libtards, in trashing their own country, will always point to those "progressive" governments which comprise the majority of "the developed world" in order to support their idiotically fallacious arguments. A few examples:

"The United States is the only country in "the developed world" which does not provide free healthcare for its citizens." 


"The United States is the only country in "the developed world" which does not have strict gun control laws." 


"The United States is the only country in "the developed world"  that does not provide paid maternity leave for working women."

And so on and so on and so on. For the proper logical response to these sorts of juvenile whines, let us recall the wise words of my dearly departed mother (hospital-murdered 4 years ago today) -- and surely, a whole bunch of other old school moms -- whenever she heard one of her children invoking the "but-all-the-other-kids-are-doing-it" plea --  "If everyone else is jumping off the George Washington Bridge, are you going to jump too?"

Tell it, Mamma King. Tell it!


Image result for european liberals Image result for the welfare state poster Image result for macron and merkel and tusk

1. Nanny State Europa is dominated by females, homosexuals and de-balled men in the background. // 2. The staggering tax-debt-regulatory-inflation cost of all the "free" stuff provided by the European Welfare State is what causes people to have to rely on the Welfare State in the first place! // 3. In the blind eyes of American libtards, Euro-Scum like Maricon, Tusk and Merkel are admired as brilliant and noble statesmen who can do no wrong.


So, in light of all this EU-worship, when a small gaggle of Globalist greaseballs, in particular, Emmanuel Maricon (not a typo, Spanish for faggot) of France and the ridiculous Justine Trudeau of Canada, were "accidentally" (yeah, right) video-recorded on a "hot mic" as they childishly mocked Donald Trump behind his back at the recent NATO Summit in London, you absolutely knew that all of Libtardia was going to pounce on it. "You see?! You see?! The whole world is laughing at Trump!" Within 24 hours, the campaign of Creepy Pedo-Biden put out an attack-ad describing Trump as: "A president the world is laughing at." This coming from a clown who is so comically notorious for his verbal gaffes and missteps that he's got the Demonrat Establishment extremely worried about his electoral viability.

It is quite obvious that Trump hates these two-faced sons-of-bitches and hates having to even attend these goofy nerd proms. Though the demonic, deranged American Left took this staged stunt as vindication of its own hatred for Trump -- to any rational, fair-minded observer, Maricon and Trudeau, as well that unkempt buffoon Boris Johnson of Britain (who doesn't speak in the video but appears to find the back-stabbing of Trump amusing just the same) all come off like gossipy little envious High School bitches -- a mini-flock of silly Globalist Geese talking trash about the America First Eagle who dominates the "world stage" like no other.

Apart altogether from the insignificance of their back-stabbing banter; the fact is, there are a bunch of world leaders who respect Trump while laughing at fools like Trudeau and Maricon. Evidently, in the lying eyes of the provincial Piranha Press, the leaders and peoples of several massive nations, as well as many other small to large states, are not part of "the international community ."


Image result for world leaders mock trump Image result for world leaders mock trump Image result for trudeau and macron greet
A "hot mic" my ass! The Maricon / Trudeau girly cheap shot routine about Trump's lengthy press conference and tardiness was planned in advance and meant to embarrass him on "the world stage ."
Image result for donald tusk tweet seasonal turbulence
 Outgoing President of European Council Donald Tusk (Poland) tweeted an image of himself "shooting" Donald Trump in the back at NATO Summit. His cryptic post read: "Despite seasonal turbulences our transatlantic friendship must last." #Trump #NATO

So, the "whole world" hates or is "laughing at" Trump, eh Pedo Joe? Eh Sulzberger? Well, the sheer number of articles, mainly from "mainstream" sources, clearly indicate otherwise. Let's have a look at just a small sampling of what the Slimes has deemed not "fit to print" -- or at least not fit to emphasize.



  • The Hill: June 27, 2019: Putin Praises Trump as "Talented" -- Says Liberalism is Obsolete
  • South China Morning Post: July 17, 2018: Putin Praises Trump as "Well-Qualified"
  • CNBC: October 2, 2019: Vladimir Putin Praises Donald Trump's Economic Policies 



  • The Daily Mail: November 20, 2019: China Thanks Trump for Supporting "One China" During Xi Call
  • The Hill:April 10, 2018: Trump Thanks Xi for "Kind Words"
  • New York Post: November 8, 2017: China Welcomes Trump with Elaborate Ceremony

... as compared to...

  • The Guardian (UK): September 4, 2016: Obama Deliberately Snubbed by Chinese
  • The Independent (UK): September 4, 2016: Barack Obama Snubbed on Tarmac Arrival in China 



  • The Fair Observor (India): October 10, 2019:  Did Modi Cross a Line With His Tacit Endorsement of Donald Trump?
  • USA Today: September 22, 2019: Trump Bromance with Narendra Modi on Display


Image result for putin trump Image result for xi trump Image result for modi  trump

Putin, Xi & Modi



  • Wall Street Journal: May 16, 2017: Erdogan Praises Trump
  • Washington Jewish Week: November 20, 2019: The Trump Erdogan Bromance



  • Roll Call: March 19, 2019: Trump, Bolsonaro Flaunt Nationalist Bromance
  •  AP News: March 19, 2019: Trump Buddies Up with Bolsonaro, the 'Trump of the Tropics'



  • MSN: May 27, 2019: Japan’s Abe Praises Trump, Calling their Bond ‘Unshakable’


Image result for erdogan and trump bromance Image result for bolsonaro and   trump Image result for abe and   trump

Erdogan, Bolsonaro & Abe



  • Reuters: April 30, 2018: South Korea President Says Trump Deserves Nobel Peace Prize



  • The Guardian (UK): November 13, 2017: Duterte Sings Love Song for Trump: 'You are the Light'



  • Politico: Juky 30, 2018: Giuseppe Conte, Donald Trump's Italian Cheerleader


Image result for MOON JAE-IN and trump Image result for duterte and   trump Image result for conte and trump

Jae-In, Duterte & Conte



  • The Economist: March 30, 2017: Why Egypt's Ruler Loves Donald Trump



  • The Economist: October 24, 2018: Why Donald Trump is Popular in Africa
  • The Africa Report: June 7, 2019: Why Africa Gives a Thumbs-Up to Donald Trump's America 
  • Newsweek: July 1, 2017: Who Likes President Trump? In Africa, Nigerians are Big Fans

... as compared to...

  • Politico: July 24, 2015: Africa's Disappointment with Obama


Image result for sisi and trump Image result for african leaders and trump

Sisi and African leaders


It is as interesting as it is telling to note that the pro-Trump world leaders -- who now represent the bulk of the world's population, territory and economic output -- tend to manifest classic "Alpha Male" characteristics in their manner of direct speech, body language and policy actions. On the other limp-wristed hand; the back-stabbing anti-Trump Globalists such as pretty-boy Trudeau and secret penis-lover Maricon absolutely stink of childishness, cowardice, dishonor and duplicity. I don't know about "youse guys," but given a choice between gaining the admiration and approval of one of those two groups, I'd take Alpha "bas asses" like Vlad, Xi, Sisi, Modi, Duterte, Erdowan et al over those gossiping, giggling, globo-girly boys --- any day!



Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that world leaders were mocking Trump at the NATO Summit.

Boobus Americanus 2: How embarassing. The whole world is laughing at him.


      1 Related image Related image

St. Sugar: Boobuss, you frickin' small-minded, provincial, Fake Newss-worsshipping ignoramouss! The libtarded poltical leaders of Western Europe and Canada hardly repressent "the world."

 Editor: Indeed. At most, Justine & Maricon (what a pair!) only have the support of just about half of their own hapless subjects.



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Image result for Serbia PRESIDENT VUCIC AND ANA
Serbia's President Aleksander Vucic and Prime Minsiter Ana Brnabic accuse Russia.
NY Times: Serbia's President Accuses Russia of Spying


Et tu, Serbia? Et tu? (Even you, Serbia. Even you)

The historical close relationship between Slavic Orthodox Russia and Slavic Orthodox Serbia dates back to the Middle Ages. After the Ottoman Turks invaded Serbia in the 1300's, many Serbians found refuge in Russia. The grandmother of 16th Century Russian Tsar and legendary "anti-Semite" Ivan the Terrible, was actually Serbian. The Serbs and Russians also fought side-by-side during the Russo-Turkish war of 1877-78. And, recall that it was Russia's commitment to defend its Orthodox ally against Austria-Hungary which triggered World War I.

The "special relationship" endured during the Cold War years -- when Russia was part of the since-disintegrated Communist Soviet Union, and Serbia part of the since-disintegrated Communist Yugoslavia -- as well as the post-Soviet War era. But now, thanks to years of relentless scheming, bribing and blackmailing by the bloody West (cough cough), comes this bit of sad news, from the article:

"Serbian intelligence agencies have uncovered a wide-ranging intelligence operation involving Russian spies and members of the Serbian military, President Aleksandar Vucic said."

But Vucic, who tries to straddle the fence between Russia and the EUSSR, was quick to add that "Putin did not know."  

Taking a harder line on the latest Fake News of Russian mischief was Serbian Prime Ministerette Ana Brnabic, who said of the non-event / false flag: "if true, it is a serious problem." That is not surprising because she (or is it a he?) is either a lesbian or a tranny.Yes, you heard right. The gruesome Prime Ministerette of historically conservative Serbia plays for the Rainbow Team. Let's digress from this phony spying "scandal" and explore this scandalous development.

Related image Image result for serbia russia friendship

1 & 2. The strong ties between Russia and Serbia are racial, historical, cultural and even religious. // 3. pre-World War American cartoon from July, 1914: "A Threatening Situation" -- "If Austria attacks Serbia, Russia will fall upon Austria, Germany upon Russia, and France and England upon Germany."


After years of fornicating with decadent Western Europe in the wake of the Soviet Union's disintegration, it was only a matter of time before the ex-Soviet bloc East contracted the cancerous venereal wart of FDPT Mania (Fags, Dykes, Pedos & Trannies). It just goes to show how the ebb and flow of history can be as ironic as they are unpredictable.

After the tragic defeat of The Great One of Germany in 1945, might it not have been, in retrospect, better for Europe in the long-run had Stalin's horrible hordes just rolled all the way to Portugal? At least the Soviets didn't tolerate homosexuality and other forms of cultural insanity which they properly derided as "western decadence."

Without the American-Jewish lordship over post-war Europe, and given the fact that post-Stalinist Soviet rulers were less rigid and brutal as Stalin and his Bolshevik henchmen had been; might a Soviet Europe, in due time, have evolved into a modern China-style of "communism" which now values private enterprise, champions national sovereignty, protects its borders and promotes the positive influence of family, religion and morality? It might have. Today's infertile, decadent and "diverse" Marxist Europe certainly could not possibly have been worse off.


http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-_9jIJTfgyZ0/UIcHzXIkT8I/AAAAAAAABJ8/58iTHJWZ3Vw/s1600/krushchev-fidelvasquez.jpg https://media1.britannica.com/eb-media/54/62054-004-2F39436D.jpg https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/10/Eastern_block_flags.png/300px-Eastern_block_flags.png

During the days when Khrushchev and Brezhnev led the communist Eastern Bloc, at least homosexuality was illegal and other forms of "western decadence" were frowned upon. --- That said, Communism still sucks.


With Satanic satisfaction , the Globalist ghouls at Sulzberger's Slimes, upon Bnarbic's ascension in 2017, gushed thusly: 

"When President Aleksandar Vucic of Serbia nominated Ana Brnabic to the powerful post of prime minister this month, the West hailed it as a landmark decision that put her on course to become the country’s first female and first openly gay premier. But some deeply conservative politicians called her nomination part of a degenerate Western plot."


President Vucic, though he seeks good relations with Moscow, is also a European Unionist. He knows that in order for Serbia to be accepted into the ever-expanding EU, he has to demonstrate to the libtards of Brussels that socially conservative Serbia is on board the sodomite bandwagon. Both Serbian politicians on Vuscic's "right" and also to his "left" are criticizing him for appointing this dyke / or tranny Prime Minister --- the "right wing" because she is a degenerate, and the ultra-libtards because they see it as a ploy by Vusic to build up his FDPT credentials in order to impress Mamma Merkel and her Marxist minions.


Image result for Aleksandar Vucic http://patriot.rs/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/anabrnabic2016-09ch-820x410.jpg Related image

1. President Aleksandar Vucic of Serbia kinda looks like he might play for The Pink Team himself. //  2 & 3. Strong-jawed Prime Minister Ana Brnabic ---  A female lesbian? ... or a male who wants to be a female, so that he-she- it can be a lesbian? (Keeping track of all these "genders" and "orientations" is really getting confusing in this day and age, aint' it?)


Expect Europe's growing list of openly queer and barely-closeted Prime Ministers to continue to be "hailed" by the (((usual suspects))) until, like the numerous queer Emperors of ancient Roame, it all becomes routine, business as usual. Afterwards look for a openly tranny Prime Minister to rise within the next 5-10 years years. Already there have been and/or are openly tranny MP's (Members of Parliament) in the United Kingdom, as well as legislators in Massachusetts & Virginia (USA), Poland, France, and New Zealand.
Once the anchor to Nature and Nature's God has been severed, there is no telling how far a lost ship may drift over time. And one day in the not-too-distant future (10-15 years from now?), the final batch of trend-setting politicians will be the open pedos.  Don't be surprised. The pedo-rapists (like Adam Schiff), and lots of them, are already there now, -- just closeted.
http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/05/15/23/28B8C4B900000578-3083944-image-a-3_1431729013525.jpg https://3a09223b3cd53870eeaa-7f75e5eb51943043279413a54aaa858a.ssl.cf3.rackcdn.com//c2d9a8a4430294047fd7c96eb50c1799967b2844-1495305965-59208eed-620x348.jpg https://www.naijanews.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Emmanuel.jpg
1. Luxembourg's fag Prime Minister Gauthier Destenay (waving) and his "husband."  2. Ireland's sodomite Prime Minister Leo Varadkar (half-Indian)  3. The 41-year-old Prime Minister of France, Emmanuel Macron, is married to a 66 year-old woman who had been his married-with-children high school teacher in the mid 1990's. In addition to being a home-wrecker and a weirdo, Macron is widely suspected of playing for "both teams." Unlike the little-known homosexuality of Mr. & Mr. Obongo, the allegations of Macron's perversion were widely known throughout France -- but he was still elected anyway (with the help of voter fraud.)


Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that the Russians are up to their usual tricks in Serbia.

Boobus Americanus 2: Putin ... bad.



  St. Sugar: At leasst you won't ssee any frickin' butt-boyss in the Russsian parliament, Boobuss!

 Editor: And that's another reason why (((they))) hate Russia sso much.


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Politically, rural America is increasingly a world apart.
Politically, rural America is increasingly a world apart.

New York Times: America's Red State Death Trip

New York Times: Getting Real About Rural America

New York Times: H.I.V. Is Coming to Rural America... and Rural America is not Ready


The elitist denigration of America's country / rural class has long been a journalistic staple of the (((city-slickers))) at Sulzberger's Slimes. But lately, with talk of abolishing the electoral college in favor of the straight popular vote -- a deliberate subversion of the Constitution which would leave country folk politically disenfranchised as urban Demonrat voters overpower them in presidential elections -- we notice that the malicious Marxists at the Manhattan Madhouse on 8th Avenue have been launching more and more of these snobbish cheap shots at the good and Godly people of Thomas Jefferson's America. 

In all nations and in all ages -- virtue, religion, tradition, self-reliance and love of liberty have always been more deeply-rooted in rural / agricultural regions than in the big cities. Much like typhus, the metaphorical "lice" of corruption spread much easier and faster in the crowded financial centers than in the open spaces where people work hard for an honest living. Indeed, whereas Alexander Hamilton and, decades later, Karl Marx favored the cities, Jefferson, (the main Father of the Declaration of Independence & 3rd President), once wrote to James Madison, (the main father of the U.S. Constitution & 4th President):

"I think our governments will remain virtuous for many centuries as long as they are chiefly agricultural; and this will be as long as there shall be vacant lands in any part of America. When they get plied upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, they will become corrupt as in Europe."

Tell it, Mr. President. Tell it!


Image result for jefferson and madison Image result for karl marx

1 & 2. Thomas Jefferson & James Madison -- The two Virginians understood the importance of a thriving rural class as the true foundation for morality and liberty. // 3. The anti-family degenerate control-freak Karl Marx, on the other hand, was pro-big-city.


The content of the Slimes articles listed above is as offensive as it is inaccurate. How is it that the journalistic hyper-sensitivity manifested toward the delicate feelings of "the Jewish People ," Asians, "people of color ," faggots, dykes, trannies, alien invaders and even child-sex monsters is suddenly discarded when it comes to spewing raw, ignorant bigotry at the rural country class? Though none of the above-referenced pieces preach overt hatred, the patronizing "looking-down-their-hooked-noses" condescension is apparent. The spin, though not blatantly stated, is unmistakable to a semi-discerning reader: --- Rural folk are not "educated" .... Rural folks are xenophobic .... Rural folk are homophobic and remain prudishly anti-"sex education" in the face of sexually transmitted diseases... and, of course, the bottom-line, quoting Paul Krugman (cough cough) -- the author of two of the three articles listed above:

"Rural America is also pretty much the only place where Donald Trump remains popular."


There it is! The true Globalist Bolshevik motive behind the sudden spike in attacks against the true America: Those damn, rebellious, backwards-ass, "fly-over country" rural folks, in spite of our Fake News barrage, continue to support Donald Trump!

Of course, in that oh-so-typical narcissistic psycho manner which these (((slicksters))) are notorious for; Putrid Paulie preemptively rebuts the expected objections to his anal analysis by feigning empathy as he assures "rural readers" (does he actually believe he has "rural readers?")  that what he just said is not really what he just said:

"I’m sure that some rural readers will be angered by everything I’ve just said, seeing it as typical big-city condescension. But that’s neither my intention nor the point.

Ok, Paulie. That's very gracious of you. I'm sure that Billy-Bob, Jethro & Bubba are quite moved by that clarification (rolling eyes).


 Image result for paul krugmanImage result for scheming jew and paul krugman

Does Creepy Krugman reminds youse guys of someone? In accordance with UN "Agenda 21," Paulie & Schemer want all the rural folk disarmed and then herded into easily controllable and easily corruptible cities.


Image result for election 2016 map Related image Image result for the beverly hillbillies

1. Election 2016: Trump won rural counties in Red -- Killary won the urban counties in Blue. // 2. The Electoral College system blocked the crowded cities from dominating the rural voters. Though Killary won the popular vote (due to fraud), Trump still won the election. // 3. CBS TV's Jewish-produced "Beverly Hillbillies" made mockery of southern rural folks. It's all connected.


This thinly-veiled hatred for the country class by the likes of Krugman, Sulzberger, Soros, Rothschild and the rest of the loony Left mirrors that which the Jewish Bolsheviks of revolutionary Russia had for the "kulaks." The kulaks were those Russian peasants who -- after Tsar Alexander's emancipation of the serfs in 1861 -- became independent enough to own a farm and hire labor. For years after the Jewish Bolshevik revolution, the conservative kulaks resisted Lenin's, and then Stalin's forced agricultural collectivization schemes. Millions of kulaks -- as well as millions of non-land-owning rural Christian conservative Russian folk -- were exiled, starved, arrested, tortured, raped and murdered by the hate-filled Jewish-run Checka and its secret-police successor organizations. Make no mistake about it. If odious semi-human scum such as Krugman -- notwithstanding his pathetically feigned and apologetic qualifiers for his "rural readers" -- had his way, a modern-day Cheka would be unleashed to kill off many millions of America's rural "deplorables" too -- albeit more humanely.


Image result for felix dzerzhinsky Image result for cheka victims... Image result for basket of deplorables

1 & 2. Red Monster Felix Dzerzhinsky (cough cough) formed the dreaded terroristic Cheka. Under his command, as many as 90,000 Bolshevik Jewish agents killed and, in many cases, sadistically tortured countless millions of rural Christian Russians. // 3. Killary Rotten Clinton -- who wants to abolish the electoral college and go to urban-driven popular vote only -- made this overtly bigoted comment during the 2016 campaign: “You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic—you name it."



Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that rural America is less educated, more resistant to change, and more racist than urban America.

Boobus Americanus 2: That's Trump country for ya!


 Editor: I wouldn't exactly categorize all those illiterate and alien urban voters as "educated" either, Boobus.



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New York Times: It’s Not Just Unfair: Inequality Is a Threat to Our Governance


So much fakery, so little time to expose and correct all of it. There is Fake News, Fake History, Fake Science, Fake Psychology, Fake Philosophy, Fake Art and, the subject of today's rebuttal, Fake Economics. Specifically, this Marxist manure about "income inequality" -- a "crisis" which ex-President Obongo termed “the defining challenge of our time” and the Pinko Poofter Pope of phony CathloCommunism has called a "sin."

While acknowledging that there are people swimming in cash and assets while millions of other hard-working Americans (and Europeans, Canadians, Australians etc) must somehow content themselves with living out a soul-numbing hand-to-mouth existence, let us not misdiagnose the problem. It is not "income inequality" that needs to be addressed and corrected, but rather, income suppression -- and there is a big difference between the two terms, which we will elaborate on further down.

The stupid article selected for today's rebuttal is actually a book review for "The Crisis of the Middle Class Constitution: Why Economic Inequality Threatens Our Republic", by Ganesh Sitaraman -- an Associate Professor at Vanderbilt Law School and a Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress (commies). From 2011 to 2013, Sitaraman served as Policy Director to Communist Elizabeth Warren during her Senate campaign, and then as her Senior Counsel in the U.S. Senate.


https://law.vanderbilt.edu/news/manage/wp-content/uploads/Ganesh-Sitaraman-and-Elizabeth-Warren.png https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41BY4uXObgL._SX327_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg

1. Lizzy Borden Warren and her young protege Ganesh Sitaraman -- the fake Indian conspires with the real Indian.// 2. Sitaraman evidently considers himself a constitutional scholar. 

Only in his early 30's, Sitaraman is already a member of the "prestigious" Council on Foreign Relations. That alone qualifies this kook as an enemy of America. From the book review:

"In his fine book, both history and call to arms, Ganesh Sitaraman argues that the contemporary explosion of inequality will destroy the American Constitution, which is and was premised on the existence of a large and thriving middle class. He has done us all a great service, taking an issue of overwhelming public importance, delving into its history, helping understand how our forebears handled it and building a platform to think about it today."

In his book, the young whipper-snapper son of Indian immigrants schools us dumb White Americans on the philosophy of our founding fathers by dishonestly twisting Thomas Jefferson's and James Madison's ideal of establishing equality of liberty and opportunity for all into into a call for "progressive taxation," socialized medicine and compulsory voting. The swarthy maniac thinks he can just re-write the Constitution as if it were the rules of a board game. The most amusingly idiotic of Harvard boy's new game rules calls for the establishment of an additional branch of government to be comprised of 51 citizens (50 States + DC) selected by a random drawing from the bottom 90 percent of the income distribution. This Council of the Clueless would be able to veto one statute, one executive order and one Supreme Court decision each year. The random representatives of  Sitaraman's mob (Marx's proletariat) would also be empowered to call for referendums and impeach federal officials.


http://www.historyguide.org/images/marx-bio.jpg Image result for revolutions of europe http://bloximages.chicago2.vip.townnews.com/niagara-gazette.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/editorial/7/47/7476e34a-a964-11e6-99ff-17bba6ae16f1/5827fe534580f.image.jpg?resize=1200%2C694

Centuries pass, but the Reds' scheme stays the same. Karl Marx advocated universal suffrage (voting privileges) and regarded the poor rabble mobs as the key to getting enough idiots to vote themselves into a Communist "dictatorship of the proletariat."


Laugh at this diploma decorated-dickhead if you will, but the fact that a puffed-up millennial crackpot such as this has found the ear of a powerful (and insane) US Senatorette / presidential candidate; gained membership in the all-mighty CFR; and been given voice by "the paper of record" are all indications of where this country is headed when its masters swing us back hard-leftward in the post-Trumpian years.

Now, let's talk about that distiction between "income inequality" and income suppression. Inequality just means that someone has more than you do. Only a petty envious loser would be upset over someone else's wealth. But income suppression, on the other hand, means that no matter how hard you work, you simply cannot bring home enough money to support a decent life for you and your family. Now that is a problem that a civilized and compassionate society must rectify -- and not by stupid schemes such as raising the minimum wage, or handing out "food stamps," or setting up a council of lottery-drawn quasi-retards as the 4th branch of government. No, the real solution to income suppression lies in discovering why it is that, in the midst of so much industrial and technological advancement, so many people must struggle to make ends meet. Who is responsible for this income suppression? Answer: Marxist/Cronie Capitalist scum such as Sulzberger, Sitaraman, Obongo, Clinton, Warren, Sanders et al. -- the very people who pose as champions of the downtrodden. What tragic irony!

You see, debt-based currency, excessive taxation, excessive regulation, excessive inflation / currency debasement (the Fed), excessive litigation, excessive immigration, waste, corruption and perpetual war are all government-caused factors which serve to drive up the cost of essential goods and services -- while driving all forms of taxes up and up and up -- while keeping wages flat. Add to that Marxist mix the socially destructive impact of "Frankfurt School" cultural liberalism (millions upon millions of fatherless children, millions upon millions of broken families etc) and we end up with tens of millions upon tens of millions of frustrated and alienated working (and non-working) people trapped in a perpetual motion hamster-wheel which they cannot even understand, let alone escape from.  These broken hordes of "working poor" are the disposable debt & tax slaves created by arrogant self-righteous Harvard libtards who serve the Globalists, who serve the international Jewish Crime syndicate.

That's the truth about income suppression; and one doesn't need a framed piece of parchment from Harvard or a membership invitation from the CFR to figure it out. To learn more about who the real culprits behind America's (and Europe's) economic problems really are, read The Allegory of the Great Tomato Bubble and BANCAROTTA! -- both by yours truly.



Unlike the Hindu hot-shot from Harvard, Sugar and I identify real problems and offer real solutions in easy-to-grasp language.




Boobus Americanus 1: I read a book review in the New York Times today. A Harvard-educated Indian-American has put forth some rather interesting ideas for addressing income inequality.

Boobus Americanus 2: The best thinkers come out of the Ivy League.


St. Sugar: Oh really, Boobuss? If the Ivy League crowd isss frickin' ssmart, then why do we have sso much 'income inequality' in the firsst place?

 Editor: Because libtards exist to solve the problems that libtards cause.



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