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21 June 2002

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There already exist a lot of cracking sites. So, why another one?
This site focuses on spreading the 'cracking knowledge' So... no cracks here!

This site is 100 % legal according the european laws.

Our main goal is to offer a deeper insight in win32 assembly.
Instead of searching for cracks, try to make them yourself!
No more frustrations with bad cracks, wrong versions,...
You can learn it here!!

"Give a man a crack, and he'll be hungry again tomorrow,
teach him how to crack, and he'll never be hungry again"

Read and learn. Ignorance is bliss, but knowledge is power...

Get rewarded for solving crackmes!
For every crackme you solve and write a tutorial for you receive points.
The more points, the higher you'll be listed in the Hall-Of-Fame.

This site is 'always' under construction... :)
Check this site regularly!
New tutorials, code, utilities, crackmes,... are added almost daily!!

This site is for educational purposes only!! We or our ISP cannot be held responsible if you use any of the information or programs on this site for illegal reversing purposes or if using programs or techniques provided on this site cause any damage whatsoever.
The usage of this site constitutes the acceptance and understanding of these terms and conditions!
Trademarks on this site are property of their respective owner, and articles are property of their author.
This site is completly legal according the European laws. more
If you like a program: buy it!!