Interview with Walrus
By Slagehammer

[August 2000]

Tell us something about you (country, age, whatever else,.. :)

Well im from the UK, 23 years old and male. I currently code Macro/VBS viruses/worms.

Why did you choose your handle and has it a special meaning?

Its from a song "I Am The Walrus" by the Beatles. One of my favourite songs.

When was your first contact with a computer?

My first computer was a Spectrum 128k. I learned Basic from books. I diddnt get a PC till I was 16.

What was your first contact with the genre 'virus'?

I learned about the existence of computer viruses from magazines and newspapers etc. Whether they know it or not they promote viruses. They make them seem mystical, like living creatures. I strived to learn as much as I could about how they worked. I read every book and source code I could get my hands on.

How long have you been in the VX scene?

About a year I think.

How did you make your way in the VX Scene ?

From reading zines and source code I realized that a "scene" existed where people of this nature met. I mailed a few people first asking advice on problems I was having etc. I also discovered that these ppl also met in chatrooms. So I set up mIRC and joined the channels. I kept to myself at first to learn the ropes etc.

How do you see the virus scene? Past, present and future...

The scene now can be very good sometimes. It is very good for sharing ideas, source code, and generally chatting to like minded people. However it can also be very bad. There seems to be a lot of bitchiness at times and a hostility to people who just want to learn. Some people seem to be power orientated and abuse this. Also there seems to be certain people who are generally untrusted by many due to them having AV, legal links. This is not good and promotes paranoia. Of the past I cant comment, although from texts ive read it seems that more comradery was present. Of the future we can only hope things change for the better.

Which programming languages do you know?

VBA, VBScript and a little C++. Ive also dabbled in mIRC Script on some of my viruses/worms.

How many viruses have you coded ?


How do you spread your viruses? :o)

I dont..... honest

Are any of you viruses in the wild?

Dont know, I dont think so.

How do you name your viruses?

Just on how im feeling or perhaps on the viruse characteristics. Sometimes naming them can be the hardest part.

Do you have any new ideas for viruses you want to write in the near future?

Id like to create a mailing virus. Not a mass mailing one like melissa but one that attaches itself to mails as you send them. Therefore not creating mail traffic. Also id like to venture into html virus coding and in the future win32 asm.

Which was your best virus you ever coded til yet?

Best, I think is Furio. It does not infect the Normal Template at all and does not rely on Auto Macros to infect documents. It also has a nice payload (see below)

Which viruses do you think are the viruses of the next generation ?

I definatly think that HLL viruses will be the most significant ones in the future. This is the current trend.

What did you think about destructive payloads in viruses ?

I dont agree with destructive payloads. I think they are counter productive. Just trying to remove a virus from your system can be destructive in itself. However I dont frown on people who use destructive payloads, thats their choice.

Which payloads did you try in your viruses? Any special one?

For a description of my first (Fools Gold) see Ive also used IRC messaging (Help), Riddles that require answering before word can be used again (Riddler), Changing homepage to my page (SuperNova), random word swapping (WordBug), CD tray open/close (Jackal). I especially like my newest (Furio). It Opens Notepad and types a message it also displays a user form.

What is your oppinion about virus construction kits?

To code them is very good. To learn the basics from them is ok. To use them to produce your own viruses and then promote/spread them as your own is very lame.

What is your favourite virus/virus generator/poly engine?

My favorite virus is CIH without a doubt. It spread so well, had revolutionary ideas, was fairly small i believe and contained relativley few bugs. I am also an admirer of the Melissa virus/worm, the original Class virus and the Happy worm.

My favorite Virus Generators are the ones by VicodinES (CPCK and VMPCK). They are coded well, work properly (not like some other kits) and are visually great.

Which guys do you respect most in the virus scene?

Currently Zulu, he seems to be able to produce revolutionary codes consistantly. Im also a fan of Jackie. Also VicodinES and the usuals like Dark Avenger, Dark Angel, Priest etc

Which VX groups do you like best? and why?

Well 29a, Metaphase because theyve got some history and yet are still producing. From the past Phalcon/Skism.

What were/are the best virus magazine in your oppinion?

Well im a big fan of VDAT and was even before I new how to code a virus. Also I like the Line0 and 29a zines. In the past I also read a lot of the Phalcon/Skism zines 40Hex.

Are you in any VX group?


Tell us something about your group?(general info,members,etc)


What do you think about AV's (and their products)? Which are best/worst?

Some people dislike AV's for various reasons however I think that they fill a role in this whole thing. They need us to keep them in business and in turn I think we need them. They set the standards for new viruses. They push virus authors further and further into making undetectable and new viruses. For the best I think AVP, it is very good at detecting and naming a virus. For the worst McAfee.

We all heard rumors about No Mercy Virus Team so are they disbaned?

eh? Dont care :-)

Besides viruses coding, what do you do in real life?

Work, Drink, and Sleep Although not enough of the latter.

Do your close friends, parents, girlfriend know you write Virus?

Very close friends yes, girlfriend also (although she does not approve). Parents and the rest no.

What music do you like?

I like all sorts of music. I can listen to anything. My favorite type is Rock and Roll cause I play it on guitar. Typically 60's music from bands like The Beatles, Kinks, The Who, Rolling Stones, Small Faces. I also like modern music like Oasis, Stereophonics, Primal Scream etc and even the odd dance tune!

Do you have any hobbies beside computer?

Hobbies, not really, no special hobbies. Just interests like everyone else, eg football, cars, music etc. I play the guitar. Thats a hobbie I suppose :-)

What is your best advice to a newbie in vx scene?

Id advise reading and learning yourself rather than asking everyone simple questions.

Greets to other virus people and groups

In no particular order.

Perikles, Phage, Exe-Gency, VirusBuster, Paul Zest, Jackie, Knowdeth, Tally, Roadkil, Slage Hammer,Yello, Dageshi, $MOOTHiE and anyone ive spoke to but missed.

Any comments so far?

I can be reached by e-mail at


Or in the IRC Undernet channels #Virus #VXTrader