Name: Living Turmoil
Origin: International
Status: Disbanded
After a bumpy road that started with Dark Conspiracy, stopped at Living Turmoil and LT/RSA the group emerged back on the scene in the beginning of 1997 as Living Turmoil. Remnants of the group can be found here [August 2000]. Also see: FS
Known Members (Past & Present):
Executioner Warblade Wild Worker Krackbaby Yosha Tornado White Angel TNSe iCE14 Wintermute Random Killer Alchemy
Publications: Turmoil
See: Interviews (Wild Worker)
See: Interviews (Executioner)
See: Interviews (Yosha)
See: Interviews (Tornado)
See: Interviews (Random Killer)
See: Interviews (Wintermute)
Name: LT/RSA
Origin: International
Status: Disbanded
The result of the merger of Living Turmoil and Ruthless Stealth Angels. Many ex-members of Dark Conspiracy found a home here after the death of their group. After an inactive period Living Turmoil started back up in the beginning of 1997. RSA was initially inactive as well but started back up early/middle 1997. Also see: FS
: Living Turmoil / Ruthless Stealth Angels
Known Members (Past & Present):
Executioner Warblade Wild Worker Krackbaby Yosha Tornado White Angel TNSe iCE14
Publications: Turmoil
See: Interviews (Wild Worker)
See: Interviews (Executioner)
See: Interviews (Yosha)
See: Interviews (Tornado)
Name: Mandragora
Origin: Paraguay
Status: Unknown
One of the few manifestations of a computer virus scene in South America. Details about this group are unknown. Some of the Xav virus strain were released by members of this group.
Known Members (Past & Present):
Arthax Coder Death Insane Xavier Hacker
Name: Matrix
Origin: International / Russia
Status: Active
Group that started November 1st 1999. Ultras is known for his macro virus work. (UCK, UAMP, UMPE, UMP, UHE, ME, MUCK, AMG, ZSZPE). They can be found here [August 2000] or through this redirection [August 2000]. Member sites can be found for DelArmg0, Mort and Ultras.
Known Members (Past & Present):
Ultras NBK Mort DelArmg0 Henky tgr Anaktos LordDark Publications: Matrix Zine
Name: Metaphase VX Team
Origin: International
Status: Active
A 1998 addition to the virus scene this group combines the 'talents' of several solo virus creators. After minor signs of activity late 1999 and period of apparent dormancy the group has again released a new zine late August 2000. They can be found here. [August 2000]
Known Members (Past & Present): Sinixstar Knowdeth Sensory Overload Demonphreak_ Raven Sblip Mofolamer Nucleii SW2A1 Black Jack jackie twoflower Evul Metalkid VXFaerie JFK Lys Kovick
Publications: Metaphase Magazine
See: Interviews (Knowdeth)
See: Interviews (Evul)
Name: Mikee's World
Origin: International?
Status: Unknown
Group that was started by Mikee early 1998. No activity has been observed lately.
Known Members (Past & Present):
Mikee Sha'iich Desert Twister Shef Corruptz Hippie Ragazza Phyloxeria
See: Interviews (Mikee)
Name: Misdirected Youth Allstar
Origin: Russia
Status: Active
Group that started April 1999 in Moscow. Many members are/were active participants in the Top Device Online project that can be found here [August 2000] or here [August 2000]. More information is available here [August 2000].
Known Members (Past & Present):
Mongoose Uazz Klingun Kellny John Darland CyberPoizon Yanush Milovski
Publications: Social Distortion
Name: TNN
Origin: USA
Status: Disbanded
Group that emerged in the middle of 1997. VicodinES is responsible for the tutorial "Theory Of Better Virus Distribution", several 32-bit (Win32 and Windows 95) and macro viruses and the VicodinES Macro Poppy Construction Kit (VMPCK). VicodinES joined The Codebreakers in June 1998.
: The Narkotic Network
Known Members (Past & Present):
VicodinES Klonopin.Jones Fastin.Blee
See: Interviews (VicodinES)
Name: No Mercy
Origin: Indonesia
Status: Dormant [end 1999]
Group that slowly emerged in 1996. Responsible for many WordBasic macro viruses, the CVCK and NEG virus creation kits and the NVLR database. The group went dormant in the midst of the Indonesian political unrest late 1999. Limited signs of activity can still be found here [August 2000] or here [August 2000].
Known Members (Past & Present):
Foxz Crazyman Lucifer SafeGuard SlageHammer Guritha Sentot Knowdeth AsmHead
See: Interviews (Foxz)
See: Interviews (Slage Hammer)
See: Interviews (Knowdeth)
Name: NoP
Origin: International
Status: Disbanded [end 1999]
March 1998 group that joined some well known members. Virogen quit producing viral material and is now mainly known for his 32-bit programming.
Known Members (Past & Present):
Virogen Memory Lapse Johnny Panic VirusBuster Evil Avatar
See: Interviews (Virogen)
See: Interviews (VirusBuster)
See: Interviews (Evil Avatar)
Name: NuKE
Origin: International
Status: Disbanded / Reactivated
Virus authoring group with members spread around the world responsible for an unknown large number of viruses. Group member Nowhere Man released the first virus construction kit in 1992, Virus Creation Laboratory (VCL) 1.0. Some individual members are still working the VX scene but the group is either inactive or has been disbanded. In 1999 the name NuKE was reinstated by some new identities on the virus scene. No major projects are known so far but some of the new members have contributed work to Metaphase zine #2 and the upcoming zine. They can be found here [August 2000]
Known Members (Past & Present):
Nowhere Man Talon Savage Beast Omega Rock Steady Phrozen Doberman Silent Shadow Azrael Screaming Radish Shindaq Arl'hur The Dark Elf Death Angel Firecracker The Weird One Night Hawk Hades Aristotle Lord Venom Lone Wolf Screaming Jesus Mr. Twister Wolfee J Virogen Dr. X Dark Fiber Stalker-X Viper Malinas Ford Fairlane Falcon Pure Energy
Known Members [NuKE Revisited] (Past & Present):
GzR Masey Deloss Angelskitten Twizter Ignite
Publications: Nuke Info Journal
See: Interviews (Aristotle)
See: Interviews (NuKE)
See: Interviews (Dark Fiber)
See: Interviews (Virogen)
Name: Phalcon-Skism
Origin: USA / Canada
Status: Disbanded
One of the first and more notorious virus authoring groups it started as a merger of the hacking group Phalcon and the virus writers from SKISM (Smart Kids Into Sick Methods) and has an international. Continous competition and "flaming" went on between Phalcon-Skism and NuKE, resulting in many viruses and two competing virus creation tools, VCL and PS-MPC. Some individual members are still working the VX scene but the group is either inactive or has been disbanded.
Known Members (Past & Present):
Hellraiser Garbage Heap Piff' Dark Angel Priest Instigator Nightcrawler Decimator Lazarus Long Stormbringer Firststrike Time Lord Crypt Keeper Demogorgon Count Zero Memory Lapse Stingray Joshua Tower Paragon Dude Renegade Nick Haflinger Skism One The Punisher
Publications: 40 Hex
See: Interviews (Hellraiser)
See: Interviews (Skism One)
See: Interviews (Stormbringer)
Name: PVW
Origin: Philippines
Status: Dormant
Started by two virus writers from the Philippines this group mainly covers the Philipino virus scene. They can be found here [August 2000].
: Pinoy Virus Writers
Known Members (Past & Present):
Zoom 23 Mandragore Lorz Kryten Fire Clan
Publications: PVW Magazine
Name: Power Empire Virii Faction
Origin: International
Status: Disbanded
As part of the larger Power Empire group this "faction" is responsible for the virus creation. Several "regular" and macro viruses by this group are known.
The members started The Codebreakers September/October 1997.
Known Members (Past & Present):
Spooky Arsonic Horny Toad
See: Interviews (Spooky 1)
See: Interviews (Spooky 2)
See: Interviews (Arsonic)
See: Interviews (Horny Toad)
Name: Rabid
Origin: USA
Status: Disbanded
Virus authoring group from the early nineties responsible for around 30+ viruses. The group is either inactive or has been disbanded.
Known Members (Past & Present):
Data Disruptor Zodiac High Evolutionary Soltan Griss
Name: Red Elephant
Origin: Norway
Status: New / Active
Although this is a new virus authoring group (summer 2000) some members have already come and gone Not many projects or viruses of this group are known. They can be found here [August 2000]
Known Members (Past & Present):
Dr. Copy Flux Toro Xacco
Name: Rioters
Origin: Russia
Status: Disbanded
New group that started out in March 1998. Ultras has written the Ultras Construction Kit (UCK) and several macro viruses. Apparently this group was short lived. After a brief stay with SOS and a period of independance Ultras started his own group, Matrix.
Known Members (Past & Present):
Qudan Ultras
Name: RSA
Origin: Ukraine
Status: Unknown
After a short inactive period after the split with Living Turmoil (LT/RSA) this group became active again early/middle 1997.
: Ruthless Stealth Angels
Known Members (Past & Present):
Wild Worker White Angel Awescream
Publications: RSA
See: Interviews (Wild Worker)
Name: RVM
Origin: Russia
Status: Non Starter
Unknown. Apparently an unsuccessful attempt to start a group.
: Russian Virus Makers
Known Members (Past & Present):
Publications: RVM
Name: Sector Infector Inc.
Origin: USA
Status: Unknown
Virus authoring group / writer responsible for about 10+ , mostly hacked, viruses.
Known Members (Past & Present):
The Weasel
Name: SG
Origin: International
Status: Active
A early to mid '90's addition to the virus writing scene. Initially only known in the Ukranian/Russian scene they later spread to the rest of the world. After an extended period of online inactivity in the late '90's renewed signs of activity of this "cyberunderground" group can be found here [August 2000].
: Stealth Group (formerly known as Stealth Group World Wide)
Known Members (Past & Present):
LovingGOD Populizer Eternal Maverick Beer IntMaster DeadSaxon Light General Crazy Dirty Nazi Vecna Black Angel Brand Lord ASD Mad Rocker JFK Hellraiser Ritual Beast ShadowMaker
Publications:Infected Voice and Infected Moscow
See: Interviews (Vecna)
See: Interviews (Eternal Maverick)
See: Interviews (LovinGOD)
Name: Shadow Dancer Team
Origin: Indonesia
Status: Active
Little information is known about this group except that their young members started out late 1999 and are new to the scene. Their website disappeared with the massive shutdown of SOK4Ever but was relocated to here [August 2000]. Ding Lik created the Ding Lik C Virus Generator (DLCVG).
Known Members (Past & Present):
Ding Lik Daze Shadow Despiro Morpher Zero Code Publications: Shadow Dancer Zine
Name: ShadowVX Group
Origin: International
Status: Active
A group with some well known and lesser known members.They can be found here [August 2000]. The ShadowVX site hosts several other VX related websites.
Known Members (Past & Present):
Ruzz Kamaileon VXFaerie Bow2DaCow AcidFlux Bhunji Vrinidad Vein Dageshi Zero wrm Rapture LifeWire Lys Kovick e-GAIA Publications: ShadowVX Zine
See: Interviews (Ruzz)
See: Interviews (Bhunji)
See: Interviews (^wrm^)
See: Interviews (LifeWire)
Name: Silicium Revolte
Origin: Poland
Status: Active
A recent (early 2000) addition to the computer virus scene this group has both a computer virus and software cracking background.They can be found here [April 2000] or here [August 2000].
Known Members (Past & Present):
Caspar Dr. Dark Varna Woody Cliph
Name: Skamwerk Labs
Origin: International
Status: Unknown
SkamWerks Labs Infection Connection
Started by the creator of the SkamWerks Labs WCCK this groups is mainly active with macro viruses. No recent activity has been observed.
Known Members (Past & Present):
Skammy Voidimage Max Kuffs Lysergica =9 Neo MKVG #2 Lys Kovick
See: Interviews (Lys Kovick)
Name: SLAM
Origin: International
Status: Disbanded
A new Internet based group that emerged at the end of 1996 among several other groups. Ex-members of VBB found a new home in this group. Although the group initially started out with an emphasis on macro viruses SLAM issue #3 showed the group also embracing the more traditional coded viruses. Additional information on the group is limited.
Known Members (Past & Present):
Neophyte Nightmare Joker Underground Prophet Cyborg Aurodreph Phardera DarkChasm Cursor Luxor CyberYoda Lone Rider Casio / Raid Dark Chakal Darkside1 Virtual Daemon Lord Of Navan Sir Death Knight Hyperlock Stealth Warrior Kid Chaos Trigger Darx Kies Forms Shaitan Yesna Blue Skull Lord Julus
Publications: SLAM Magazine
See: Interviews (Virtual Daemon)
See: Interviews (CyberYoda)
See: Interviews (Stealth Warrior)
See: Interviews (Aurodreph)
See: Interviews (Raid)
See: Interviews (Trigger)
See: Interviews (Lord Julus)
See: Interviews (Nightmare Joker)
Name: SMF
Origin: Russia / International
Status: Active
A group that started in the middle of 1998. Not all of its activities are computer viruses related and one member is responsible for the majority of its viral output. The group can be found here [August 2000]. Member sites of Duke and Cybershadow are available [August 2000].
: Super Malware Force
Known Members (Past & Present):
Duke SMT Gorlum Pruslas Voodoo Cybershadow Defekt
Publications: DVL Magazine
See: Interviews (Duke)
See: Interviews (SMT)
Name: SOS
Origin: International
Status: Unknown
This group was started in August 1998 by Nightmare Joker (ex SLAM) and joins several solo virus writers and some writers with past virus group experience. The emphasis of the group's activities lies with macro and HLL virus technology. The group never really succeeded as is rumored to have been disbanded.
: Sign Of Scream
Known Members (Past & Present):
Nightmare Joker Wombat Dimensional Axiom Dr. Beckmann PFlonk VEiN VPAM ZemacroKiller98 Flitnic Water Wisdom Lord Arz Ultras Ruiner See: Interviews (ZeMacroKiller98)
Name: SPS
Origin: Russia
Status: Unknown
Not a lot is known about this group except that they just have a minor interest in computer viruses.
: Scientific Programming Society
Known Members (Past & Present):
Scout Kaa Nice Landy Sem Publications: LMD VMag
Name: SVAT
Origin: Asia
Status: Disbanded
A litlle known group that has produced several viruses. The group was disbanded due to lack of time to create new viruses.
: Special Viruses And Trojans
Known Members (Past & Present):
Stealthfork Networker Hyperslash Memwalker
See: Interviews (Stealthfork)
Name: SVL
Origin: Slovakia
Status: Disbanded
This group started late 1992 and has produced several viruses (Slovakia and SVL viruses) and the polymorphic engine MDevice. In june 1996 the group announced the end of it's activities.
: Slovak Virus Laboratories
Known Members (Past & Present):
The Professor Jonny X Blesk MGL
See: Interviews (MGL)
Name: SVS
Origin: Korea
Status: Disbanded / Merged
Group with unknown number of members responsible for 50+ viruses. Merged with the old CVC and CVL to create the new CVC.
: Seoul Virus Society
Known Members (Past & Present):
Knight Of Virus Red_Fox SVS-009
Name: TAVC
Origin: Russia
Status: Disbanded
'Group' that has been around for a while but was just recently (1998) 'discovered'. Apparently disbanded early 1999. Their Moon Bug publication still appears regularly as a combined effort of the Russian VX scene.
: Tula Anti & Viral Club
Known Members (Past & Present):
Publications: Moon Bug magazine.
Name: TDJ
Origin: Unknown
Status: Unknown
New group that emerged in the middle of February of 1998. No activity has been observed recently.
: The Diabolical Judges
Known Members (Past & Present):
White Lion Cxsxi
Publications: TDJ magazine.
Name: Team Necrosis
Origin: Unknown
Status: Unknown
New group that emerged in November 1999. Their activities covered exploits and macro virus issues.
Known Members (Past & Present):
Fatal Error Decay Hash Nex
Name: TI
Origin: International
Status: Unknown
A VX group that emerged late 1998. No recent activity has been observed and their website has disappeared [April 2000].
: Technological Illusions
Known Members (Past & Present):
Techno Phunk Aperson DoxtorL Polymath Septic Lord Arz Virus-X Dark Rage
Publications: TI
See: Interviews (Techno Phunk)
See: Interviews (DoxtorL)
Origin: Taiwan
Status: Unknown
Virus authoring group responsible for 15+ viruses. Dark Slayer is responsible for mutation engines like DCSE and DSME. Dark Killer released his DKME mutation engine in TPVO magazine #3. During 1996 the group was later renamed to OVEL. Actvity has been limited due to military draft commitments of the members.
: Taiwan Power Virus Organisation
: Organization of Virus Examination Lab
Known Members (Past & Present):
Pentium Lee God Man TPVO Fuck Godfather Suzuki TPVO Bye.Bye Silver Xpress Spencer Vivian Dark Killer CD-ROM boy Zhuge Jin Ghost Shadow Min Jean H.D. Bill Yang Dark Slayer
Publications: TPVO / OVEL magazine.
See: Interviews (Dark Slayer)
Name: TridenT
Origin: The Netherlands
Status: Disbanded
A notorious Dutch virus authoring group that, together with Phalcon Skism and NuKE, shaped the beginning of the computer virus era. It is responsible for 150+ viruses and the well known TridenT Polymorphic Engine (TPE).
Known Members (Past & Present):
Masud Khafir Dark Ray John Tardy / Glen Benton Dark Helmet Bit Addict Crom-Cruach Omega
See: Interviews (Masud KHafir)
See: The virus career of Masud Khafir
See: Interviews (John Tardy)
See: Interviews (Dark Helmet)
See: Interviews (Crom-Cruach)
Name: Trinity
Origin: USA
Status: Disbanded
Virus authoring group responsible for an unknown number of viruses.
Known Members (Past & Present):
Havoc The Chaos Morrissey Hitman Wildcat Misguided Youth Damion Reality Tripper Flatliner Llarian Terminal Silicosis
Publications: The Source
Name: The Trinity
Origin: International
Status: Disbanded
Virus writing group that started somewhere in 1994 but hasn't been heard from recently.
Known Members (Past & Present):
God Moses Jesus (AKA Stormbringer) Noah Holy Spirit
Publications: Revelation
See: Interviews (Jesus AKA Stormbringer)
Name: UCSI
Origin: International
Status: Disbanded July 2000
A group that was started February 1998 as a group of virus collectors and people interested in computer viruses. It now also has virus producing members but the future of the group will be mainly based on security issues.
:Ultimate Chaos Security InternationalKnown Members (Past & Present):
Rhape79 Roadkil DX100h MidNyte Spyda f0re The Might Gigabyte Morphine Pax Silence Clau Stramonium Evul Electric Eye PhreakX Bumblebee Ruzz ThePsyko The Gatekeeper Publications: Final Chaos
See: Interviews (Rhape79)
See: Interviews (The Might)
See: Interviews (Midnyte)
See: Interviews (Ruzz)
See: Interviews (Spyda)
See: Interviews (Evul)
Name: VBB
Origin: International
Status: Unknown
A recent addition to the virus writing scene. Like so many of them this group went inactive after their initial start. In the end of 1996 some members started a new group, SLAM.
: Virus Bits & Bytes
Known Members (Past & Present):
Dark Night Aurodreph God@rky Phardera Liquid Cool Rickdogg Neophyte Pyro Spider
Publications: VBB Magazine
See: Interviews (Phardera)
Name: VDV
Origin: Germany
Status: Disbanded
Virus writing group responsible for the release of the virus creation tool VCS (Virus Construction Set).
: Verband Deutscher Virenliebhaber (The German Association of Virus Lovers)
Known Members (Past & Present):
None known
Name: VHC
Origin: Russia
Status: New / Active
Virus authoring / writer group that was started early 1999 in Siberia, Russia. Activities have been close to non existent lately. The group labels themselves as "beginners" and they have only produced DOS viruses but are looking to move to the Win32 arena.They can be found here [August 2000].
: Viral Hazard Crew
Known Members (Past & Present):
ByteSV Trottler SST
Name: Viper
Origin: USA
Status: Disbanded
Virus authoring / writer group responsible for a small number of simple viruses.
: Viral Inclined Programming Experts Group.
Known Members (Past & Present):
Stingray Venom Moribindity Guido Sanchez
Publications: Anaconda
Name: ViroGenic Junkies
Origin: Unknown
Status: Non starter
Virus authoring group that never was. It ended up being a staging area for virus writers in search of a group. Septic and Virus-X from the short lived Janus Virus Syndicate ended up in Technological Illusions (Virus-X in the mean time has left TI). Mandragore ended up with DDT.
Known Members (Past & Present):
Septic Acidbytes Mandragore Virus-X
Name: Virulent Graffiti
Origin: USA
Status: Disbanded
Virus authoring group responsible for around 10 viruses.
Known Members (Past & Present):
The Attitude Adjuster Accupunk
Publications: Infectious Disease Magazine
Name: VLAD
Origin: Australia
Status: Disbanded
Virus authoring group responsible for around 40 viruses. Group with international members but originated in Australia. In the last year of its existence the membership list changed many times. With many members retired the end of 1996 appeared to be the end of this prolific virus writing group.
: Virus Laboratory And Distribution
Known Members (Past & Present):
Metabolis Automag Qark Antigen Darkman Quantum Rhincewind Absolute Overlord Coke Sepultura
Publications: VLAD Magazine
See: Interviews (Metabolis [1])
See: Interviews (Metabolis [2])
See: Interviews (Quantum)
See: Interviews (Qark)
See: Interviews (Sepultura)
Origin: USA
Status: Disbanded
A 1996 addition to the virus writing scene. Several viruses and a de/encryption tool have been released. Member of the Alliance.
: Virus and Other Fine Code Authors
Known Members (Past & Present):
Sniper Cinder
Name: VXI
Origin: India
Status: Active
One of the few manifestations of a computer virus scene in India. Exact details about this group are unknown. They can be found here [August 2000].
: VX India UnlimitedGroup's Note:
Group Philosophy
* Learn more and more about operating systems and vulnerabilities
* Support all true learning taking place in systems programming
* Not to cause any harm to any innocent people
* Ensure that viruses which spread in wild only do minimal effects
* Surpassing limits set by Companies and people
* To make new friends with similar ideology and attitude
* To respect all thoughts and views
* Make viruses which are based on the SIUS principle (read on
* Have a few checkmates on the AV industry
* Make aware people that all is not safe and that trust is explicit, not implicitKnown Members (Past & Present):
MaskBits Jadugar Mr. Mudhutman
Name: V-Zone
Origin: Irkutsk
Status: Unknown
Not a lot is known about this group from Irkutsk. The group has produced some viruses and an e-zine.
: Virus Zone
Known Members (Past & Present):
Cybershadow Sla_Tech NKM_Soft Publications: V-Zone
Name: WAVE
Origin: International
Status: Unknown
Virus authoring group that at the end of 1997 emerged from the UHA (United Hackers of Amsterdam) hacking group. No recent activity has been observed.
: World Association of Virus Enhancement
Known Members (Past & Present):
The Wombat Endless Mind Tactix One4You Grid Fly McQuaid Phobia
Name: Youths Against McAfee
Origin: USA
Status: Disbanded
Virus authoring group responsible for around 30 viruses and the Instant Virus Production Kit (IVP).
Known Members (Past & Present):
Admiral Bailey Traumantic Stress Death Angel Napoleon Soltan Griss
Publications: Evolution
Name: ZeroGravity
Origin: International
Status: Active
Renamed 3C Group (early 2000). The groups explores both the computer virus and the hacking scene. They can be found here [August 2000].
Known Members (Past & Present):
BSL4 Yozak Higuita Ph0tek Reverant $moothie