Interview with ^wrm^
By The BugHunter

January 2000

'd you give me an interview, pls?


Give me a short description about you, please (age, sex, location, caracter)

30+, male

Where can you be reached (ICQ, E-Mail, IRC)?

I don't want the feds to get this kind of info if I give u e-mail- even yahoo - they'll trace me when I read mail

Where/How did you get your handle?

I just invented it

When did you discover the world of computers?

at age 24

How long you are active in the scene?

since june 1999 - when zf came out

How did you come to the virus/worm business?

I had a period at work that I had nothing 2 do - only paper work
I was getting bored
I was surfing a lot on the web a was reading about viruses and then I decided - since I gon nothing better 2 do - let's try so- that's the story ...

Why are you writing viruses/worms?

to improve my programming skills

Which goals do you have as virus-/wormwriter?

no special goals - just to understand any new technology to such an extent - that I can infect it..

What programming-languages you are familiar with?

asm-x86, asm motorola, c, C++, VB, Delphi

Which of those is your favorite one?


How many viruses/worms you have written?

just one

How do you name your viruses/worms?

I don't AViers name them as they please

Have you ever written a destructive payload, will you ever write one?

yes - I did - but I wasn't really think it would do such a damage

Would you stop virus- /wormwriting if one of your viruses/worms kills people (when it infects hospitals or something like that)?

yes - absolutely !

What would you do if one of your viruses/worms spreads in a school/government?

I would rely on AViers to handle it

Do you encourage destructive payloads?

no -

If you don't encourage then why you have written one?

I did mine - because I wasn't really aware of the possible dammage and I didn't mean to spread it

Have you ever considered to write a GOOD virus/worm (something with useful tools for the infected person)?

yes - I have some ideas already

Do you think that it 'd be a bad idea to write something like this?

no - it could be as much challenge as ordinay virii

Who in your real life knows that you are writing viruses/worms?

just my wife

What does she think about your 'hobby'?

she told me never 2 do it again..
she thinks I risk our future needlessly

Do you think virus/worm writing should be illegal?

nop - I believe any one should have the freedom to hit his keyboard in any sequence he wishes ...
it's not his fault that there r exploits

Will you continue writing viruses/worms?

yes - but I don't think I'll spread
I'll give it to collectors - and they'll do as they wish

Are you member of a VX-group at the moment?

yes - TSVG

What do you think about the 'battle' between VX and AV?

this is a false battle - AV need VX to make a living

Did/Will you ever put a virus/worm 'into the wild'?

I did ...

What was it's name??


What do you think about Lamers?

I thing they r the lowest creatures
I think they do it to impress

What do you think about VCLs (Virus-Creation-Labs)?

I think they're kewl
I don'y know exactly why...
I believe virri writers play a big role in the AV scene that if there were not enough virii coders AV would have opened their own VCLs and I'm not sure thy're not doing it already there is big money in AV - but u need VX for that

Do you have any greets or last word?

I'd like to thank all the ppl whom without I wouldn't be here today... especially to MS - who contributed wonderfull exploits and holes to work with !
one last thing to our readers: don't ever forget to do a backup - at least once a week...
and another piece of info: zf wasn't finished when it got out -
the following features were planned and were missing:
NT Bcakup tape erasure - code was done - but was not integrated
a veriety of mail messages - not just the known one
a veriety of attachment names - not just "zipped_files.exe"

Thanks for answering my Questions ;)
