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Date Events
March/April 2000 My my, haven't updated in quite some time. Nothing much to update too though. This time, a new tutorial from Mankind on keygenning Visi Font Gold v2.0, a VB5 program.
February 2000 A great tool by NetWalker, PEBuilder v0.7 for editing PE files. There's also a new link in the assembly section, to Assembly Journal. 3 new tutorials from Mankind, and an old tutorial is updated.
January 2000 Amazing... I survived ;-) Anyway, there's nothing new for me to add to my site... yet. I have finally decided to cut down on my online time to spend more time on my studies. I will still be accepting contributions from the public, but I can't guarantee that it will be uploaded soon, but I can guarantee that it WILL be done. Also, I will no longer reply any e-mails from the public (I'm getting quite fed up with requests for Interactive Disassembler Pro v4.x, which I *DO NOT* have access to... BUY IT YOURSELF). I'm also considering removing all the commercially available tools from my site (including Softice). Only tools written by crackers/reverse engineers, and freewares/sharewares (without cracks) will stay.
December 1999 Well well well... last month of the century :-) Lets hope that the y2k bug doesn't bite us. Anyway, we have new tutorials this month by Mankind, and a newcomer, cLUSTER! (but old timer to the scene ;-). Thanks to Mankind for sending me cLUSTER!'s *excellent* tutorial.
November 1999 October was a really busy month, therefore explains the lack of updates. This month, we have a few new tutorials from Thog, and a newcomer, ManKind. All tutorials that have been sent to me since my old site is up (finally :P). If there are any missing tutorials that I have missed, please do not hestitate to contact me. Interactive Disassembler v4.00 is out, with GUI :-). But do not expect to get it from my site. A new tool, JAD v1.5.5.2, is added.
September 1999 Datarescue finally found out about the pirated IDA in my site :-). It has been removed now and I won't be uploading it anymore. Good luck in finding other versions ;-). Added Hiew v6.16.
August 1999

Lots of things happening recently, therefore lack of updates towards my site. There are still some tutorials in my old site which I have not put in here yet, so I hope those who have contributed something, please be patient while I slowly sort things out. As for tools that have been sent to me before, I am very sorry to say that I have lost them during a hard disk crash :(. So, I hope the contributers can resend their works to me again. New tutorials are RevX's general cracking tutorial for serial number protections, and Kwazy's Cracking Like Kwazy. New tools are Eclipse's release of Interactive Disassembler v3.84b and Numega Smartcheck v6.03. I also added new links to cRACKER's n0TES, Public Tutorial Search Engine, Learn to Crack, The Procdump32 Site and Cracking Gurus. Here's something extra for those who have nothing else to do ;-). Hope you'll enjoy it.

I seem to be running short of web space in my 50mb site (VERY small). So I'll take this opportunity to cry for help to anyone who is willing to spare me a stable ftp space to store tools. But if you want something in return, the only thing I can give you is the knowledge found in my site (and also more tools, of course). Please contact me at

July 1999 Well, looks like I've been away for way too long already. It's time for a comeback ;). Anyway, hope you like the reworking of this site. Also, I won't be replying to emails regarding the hard-to-navigate features of my site, since it is extremely hard for me to cope with so many wishes of the public. There are already new tutorials and new tools, so take your time to look around.


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