INTRODUCTION I have been watching all these sites on cracking and hacking.. and I have not found any crack on EDA tools...may be that very few people use it. Some time back I needed a crack for VERIWELL and I had posted a request on alt.2600, for which I did not get any reply, so then and there I decided to get into cracking and I learned lot of things about cracking from Fravia's page... now I am in a postion to write an essay on cracking...please understand that this is my first essay and that I am very bad at writing long essays Well in this essay I will tell you how I cracked some targets which have been protected by STUPID dongles. I hope you all will like it, and I hope this will teach all shareware programmers reading this, that dongles, contrarily to their advertisement, are not a very good option if you intend to protect seriously... you don't believe me? Just read on... TOOLS REQUIRED Hexedit (I like the win 3.1 version, as it is very fast) Win32dis (You all know it) (So I won't even use softice to crack a couple of dongles :-) TARGET URLs THINGS YOU MUST REMEMBER 1) Always try to find the golden routine that checks for the dongle. 2) Try to understand what it is doing...before jumping into patching it. 3) Have lot of patience. ESSAY PART I Download any PC version tool from all the tools from interhdl has got same stupid dongle protection (why can't they think something better :-) Here my target is verilint..after downloading you have install it and after that just go to dos prompt and type verilint example.v this will give a error message and then it will terminate. the error message is "checking out hardware key" so there are two things going on 1) check for hardware lock 2) terminate if hardware lock not found first we will disable the call responsible for dongle check so search for the string "checking out hardware key" * Referenced by a CALL at Address:00482081 | :00482090 81EC00080000 sub esp, 00000800 :00482096 E895050000 call 00482630 :0048209B 83F803 cmp eax, 00000003 :0048209E 7507 jne 004820A7 * Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"Checking out hardware key..." | :004820A0 68EC3F5000 push 00503FEC once you have found this, just scroll up till you find the call which has called this routine. below is the code which has called this routine. you see that this routine has been called by another call instruction at location please go to the location 0004821f. * Referenced by a CALL at Address:0048217F | :00482070 8B44240C mov eax, dword ptr [esp+0C] :00482074 8B4C2408 mov ecx, dword ptr [esp+08] :00482078 8B542404 mov edx, dword ptr [esp+04] :0048207C 6A00 push 00000000 :0048207E 50 push eax :0048207F 51 push ecx :00482080 52 push edx :00482081 E80A000000 call 00482090 :00482086 83C410 add esp, 00000010 :00482089 C3 ret this is the code which you find at that location..and this is the code which refers to that golden call well what do you see here... :0048217F E8ECFEFFFF call 00482070 //just returned from call :00482184 83C40C add esp, 0000000C :00482187 83F801 cmp eax, 00000001 //compare eax with 01 :0048218A 740A je 00482196 // if good guy jump to 00482196 :0048218C 6A01 push 00000001 :0048218E E81DF40100 call 004A15B0 //if bad guy call terminate the program... //you may ask how do I know...well trace the call 004a15b0 :004A15B0 8B442404 mov eax, dword ptr [esp+04] :004A15B4 6A00 push 00000000 :004A15B6 6A00 push 00000000 :004A15B8 50 push eax :004A15B9 E832000000 call 004A15F0 // this is the main call which call the KERNEL32.TerminateProcess, //if you don't think so can trace the above call * Referenced by a CALL at Addresses:004A15B9 , :004A15D9 | :004A15F0 A11C045100 mov eax, dword ptr [0051041C] :004A15F5 53 push ebx :004A15F6 55 push ebp :004A15F7 8B6C240C mov ebp, dword ptr [esp+0C] :004A15FB 83F801 cmp eax, 00000001 :004A15FE 56 push esi :004A15FF 750E jne 004A160F :004A1601 55 push ebp * Reference To: KERNEL32.GetCurrentProcess, Ord:00D3h | :004A1602 FF15D8215100 Call dword ptr [005121D8] :004A1608 50 push eax * Reference To: KERNEL32.TerminateProcess, Ord:0246h | :004A1609 FF15D4215100 Call dword ptr [005121D4] //so atlast that compare eax.01 as resulted in this terminate program all you have to do is make that jump on equal to Always jump :0048218A 740A je 00482196 //change 74 to EB Don't forget to nop the call that checks for dongle..other wise your program will waste lot of your time. :0048217F E8ECFEFFFF call 00482070 9090909090 nop PART-II Second target is a verilog simulator tool from wellsring, this target has got bit good protection then the checks for the hardware lock and if present it stores some values in some locations and it checks for dongle four time.from four different need to patch only first two..but don't worry about it every dongle protection can be cracked............ first Download the from the download page of and install it. Once you are through this you can follow what I'll tell you Now run the veriwell, you see that it shows the following message " this is free version of bla..bla..bla" Hey I forgot to tell you that this software runs in demo mode if hardware lock is not present, the above message was therefore due to this feature of veriwell. Now that you have found this, you can fire your win32disa and dissamble the veriwell.exe and search for the string "this is free bla..bla" or you can search for the string "serial number" :0041015F A122785500 mov eax, dword ptr [00557822] :00410164 50 push eax * Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->" Serial number %d" | :00410165 68A4255300 push 005325A4 :0041016A E8AD33FFFF call 0040351C Veriwell reaches this line only if the hardware lock is preset so We need to trace where this was do this we just page-up till we reach this piece of the code :00410052 F6058078550001 test byte ptr [00557880], 01 :00410059 7522 jne 0041007D //hardware lock is present then jump to 00410070 :0041005B 33C0 xor eax, eax //if bad guy store zero in following locations :0041005D A35CC95400 mov dword ptr [0054C95C], eax :00410062 A33CCA5400 mov dword ptr [0054CA3C], eax :00410067 A324CA5400 mov dword ptr [0054CA24], eax :0041006C A32CCA5400 mov dword ptr [0054CA2C], eax :00410071 A348CA5400 mov dword ptr [0054CA48], eax :00410076 A320CA5400 mov dword ptr [0054CA20], eax :0041007B EB5F jmp 004100DC I bet this is very easy to patch all you have to do is open the hexedit and find the byte and nop them jne <= nop xor <= nop after you have doen this run the veriwell again, you see that it does not show the "free version banner" but still we have a problem...when ever we run the veriwell it takes lot of time to we have to disable the dongle check routine..So we page-up till we reach this peace of code :0041001E E85FE40500 call 0046E482 //this is tha call that chscks for the dongle..just get into the call and change the first bye of the call to that the call returs back as soon as it executes the reutrn code. now once again run the veriwell ...we find that it display the following message "this is (%) of free version once again we search for the this string and again pageup till we reach up to this code * Referenced by a Jump at Address:0042E1E7(C) | :0042E1C7 A1A4785500 mov eax, dword ptr [005578A4] :0042E1CC 03C1 add eax, ecx :0042E1CE 83C102 add ecx, 00000002 :0042E1D1 81F980000000 cmp ecx, 00000080 :0042E1D7 8A10 mov dl, byte ptr [eax] :0042E1D9 8A5801 mov bl, byte ptr [eax+01] :0042E1DC 8818 mov byte ptr [eax], bl :0042E1DE A1A4785500 mov eax, dword ptr [005578A4] :0042E1E3 885408FF mov byte ptr [eax+ecx-01], dl :0042E1E7 7CDE jl 0042E1C7 :0042E1E9 B901000000 mov ecx, 00000001 :0042E1EE 66850D80785500 test word ptr [00557880], cx :0042E1F5 7525 jne 0042E21C //change this to nop :0042E1F7 33C0 xor eax, eax //change this to nop :0042E1F9 890D3CCA5400 mov dword ptr [0054CA3C], ecx :0042E1FF A35CC95400 mov dword ptr [0054C95C], eax :0042E204 890D24CA5400 mov dword ptr [0054CA24], ecx :0042E20A 890D2CCA5400 mov dword ptr [0054CA2C], ecx :0042E210 A348CA5400 mov dword ptr [0054CA48], eax :0042E215 A320CA5400 mov dword ptr [0054CA20], eax :0042E21A EB5F jmp 0042E27B once you have have done this...veriwell is yours.. FINAL NOTES This EDA tools are very "costly" compared to normal software, but I don't understand one thing..if their software is really so costly, why don't they protect it better? It would be pretty easy, seen the above code...
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