At this time, I plan to (as Quine) patch the IDA.WLL in order to add some new functions on IDC laguage. Nothing new you think, Quine just do it before! Yeah, I got a new IDA 3.75 version, which include the Exec command... And because you know Ilfak is not a lazy guy, he could have take benefits on such enhancement to change protection scheme. ================ BEGINNER SECTION ========================== To ensure the feasibility of that (Everything is possible, but I'm too lazy to plan to crack such a protection before patching the prog which is a job (not hard but long) enough. First find this array with those 3 pointers: ptr[0] -> string of the IDC command ptr[1] -> pointer to the IDC function it-self ptr[2] -> pointer to the argument description array. Create an IDA structure in order to hold array element (I can't imagine doing this without the help of this amazing IDA ) IDCtoken struc ptr[3] dd 3 dup(?) <- Apply offset attribute on this IDCtoken ends Take the first element of the array Name it something usefull e.g.: arrIDCtokens Apply the structure, now make as array of. !STOP! QUESTION: How long is this array? Page down many times.... Find something different ... a dword dd 134h, plus an offset to arrIDCtokens Name this offset again: lp_arrIDCtokens Read the address Jump to address -> arrIDCtokens Calculator (IDA one) Enter: (0xBBB0 - 0xAD40) / 12 ^- sizeof(void far *) * 3 ANSWER: 308 Have you payed any attention now? If yes you have certainly denote that 134h is absolutly equal to decimal value 308. IDA as just tell you few seconds ago. IDA is clever, IDA knows what you want, even before you know you want something.... :-)) Name this dword ... let's try @arraysize$q12arrIDCtokens, and activate demangling on name. At this time jump to all of those XRefs that refer to either the dword and the offset, and rename them something like deal_with_IDCtokens_####. (Could help subsequent reading) If you're stuck with message like .ERROR 'too many lines (more than 500)', just try to change margin to 120 on text representation. OK, now we got the array, a dword that we suppose (it is) represent the number of element into this array. So, it's time to quit IDA, and take your preferred HexEditor, refind this 0134h (this is reverse engeenering pages, not hexedito for dummies) patch it with some value... Patch with 0133h is a good idea... Start IDA with the IDA.WLL patched. Load some database. I works... (what a great crack you have done) ... which mean that Ilfak have not implement such CRC check or any other new protection on IDA.WLL Now open IDC command popup, and try OpHigh(1,1,1); IDA complain 'Attempt to call undefined function ...' The patch works 1 function is missing now. Recover now the genuine IDA.WLL, and start the next more interresting part. ========================== NOVICE SECTION ====================================== First problem to solve now, is to make grow the array. I don't plan to use such trick that Quine as (well) describe. The idea, is to optimize some code, in order to got some extra byte free to implement some extra token. Each token (as previously view ) as 12 bytes long ... Just following the array, we got the long that represent the size in number of element of this array, then the offset (pointer) to the array itself, then 2 pointer on 2 functions, then start the data of the argument array (please refer to Quine essay II for explaination of values ). For those beginners that haven't stop reading, you must make an enum to map thoses values as something readable... enum VTYPE VT_VOID = 0 VT_STR = 1 VT_LONG = 2 VT_FLOAT = 3 VT_WILD = 4 At this time, if you pay attention, you will see that some offset for IDC token names jump in a middle of some string already used for another tokens e.g. Dword & MakeDword The arg list array got same optimisation ( Ilfak or compiler ? If the M$ compiler was used, I would answer Ilfak, but I don't know enought Borland to answer that (interesting?) question...) Anyway I have made a list (handwrited) with the full serie of sslll0 (s for VT_STR, l for VT_LONG,... and so on) needed to fill all of thoses args array, and make some optimisation... (if I can do it, that certainly mean that initial optimisation have been made by such a compiler). The initial list use space from BBC0 to BC15 which represent 54h, subtract 7 because of mixed string in this area equal 4Ch (76 bytes). Now my new table is: lls0 5 llllll0 7 lsw0 4 llsl0 5 llllls0 7 sll0 4 lsllll0 7 === 39 bytes (nice slim fat isn't it?) Make the first part of the patch mean save bytes by just optimizing the array of args, move the length Dword ( arraysize(arrIDCtokens) ) forward of ...?!?... 36 bytes (I guess we must respect the alignment), and adjust all the offset that refer to this pointer, plus adjust all the offset that refer to array of args into arrIDCtokens. ************************************************ During this analysis, take a look on thoses names...: _lpoke, _poke, _peek, _time, _call, ____, GetVxdFuncName, AssignKey. _call is really amazing (look on the code) ************************************************ ************************************************ If you just want to implement 1 function, spend some time to re-read the array.... Have you seen that MakeStruct is referenced twice ? ************************************************ At this time, we don't manipulate those 3 offset (pointer) which are lp_arrIDCtokens, plus those 2 following pointer to function, because it involve manipulating fixup (aka reloc). If you have follow my structure definition, you can use the following IDC function to manipulate the offset. static PatchXref() { auto nea, ea, xref, i, len, yn,w; ea = ScreenEA(); nea = ea; nea = AskAddr(ea,"New Xref point to..."); nea = nea & 0x0FFFF; for(xref = DfirstB(ea); xref != BADADDR; xref = DnextB(ea,xref)) { Message("Patching at 0x%08x...",xref); w = Word( xref+8 ); if (w == (ea & 0x0FFFF)) { Message("done\n"); PatchWord(xref+8,nea); } else { Message("refused.(0x%04x)\n",w); } } } Then assign a hotkey on such function... As soon as you have finished this patching operations, under IDA, produce a DIF with again IDA...and leave (we will come back soon :-) Use now tools like patch engine to apply thoses changes to IDA.WLL (personaly I use IDA it self, ... :)) Restart IDA now, you normally have no problem with any IDC function. Every of them works fine as if we haven't change anything. We have exactly change nothing into the program at this time, but we have now some space to play with... Now to do something more interresting, start the next section... ========================== INTERMEDIATE SECTION ====================================== We now want to move thoses 3 pointer ( lp_arrIDCtokens, and 2 following function pointer), in order to move and change the arraysize(arrIDCtokens) long value, and then add our own IDC function. First thing to do is of course to move data them-selves, then adjust offset on thoses values, then ... adjust fixup of those 3 pointer. You can of course do that manually, with all the risks of mistakes. But the question is can we do that IDA controlled. We known that IDA keep track of thoses fixup info, the question is did it produce diff if we change Fixup infos thru SetFixup/DelFixup function ? The answer seems to be no. Did IDA produce fixup informations when it produce the EXE? Unfortunatly I was not able to use such function (I wonder why). So... Let first move memory information... with such IDC script: static MoveMem() { auto begin, end, sense, srcEA, tgtEA; auto i, value, fillup, lim; auto fxtyp, fxsel, fxoff, fxdispl; begin = SelStart(); end = SelEnd() - 1; if (begin == BADADDR) { Warning("No memory range selected!\nAction aborted."); return 0; } sense = 1; srcEA = begin; if (ScreenEA() == begin) { sense = -1; srcEA = end; } tgtEA = AskAddr(srcEA,form("Enter new block address for %08Xh (%s)",sense==1?"normal":"REVERSE")); if ((tgtEA > begin) && (tgtEA <= end)) { Warning("Memory block overlap...\nTry use %s mode.",sense==1?"reverse":"forward"); return 0; } if (AskYN(0,form(form("%s\n%s\n%s\n \nSure you want to proceed?", "You are about to move memory block:", " from: %08Xh - %08Xh", " to: %08Xh - %08Xh (data will be lost)"), srcEA, srcEA + ((end - begin)*sense), tgtEA, tgtEA + ((end - begin)*sense))) != 1) return 0; fillup = 0; fillup = AskAddr(fillup,"Enter pattern for quitting region..."); fillup = fillup & 0x0FF; lim = (end - begin) + 1; for(i=0; i < lim; i++) { value = Byte(srcEA + (i*sense)); fxtyp = GetFixupTgtType(srcEA + (i*sense)); fxsel = GetFixupTgtSel(srcEA + (i*sense)); fxoff = GetFixupTgtOff(srcEA + (i*sense)); fxdispl = GetFixupTgtDispl(srcEA + (i*sense)); if (fxsel != BADADDR) DelFixup(srcEA + (i*sense)); PatchByte(srcEA + (i*sense), fillup); PatchByte(tgtEA + (i*sense),value); if (fxsel != BADADDR) SetFixup(tgtEA + (i*sense),fxtyp, fxsel,fxoff,fxdispl); } } Now adjust any offset to refer to that area (long job!). We got a problem now if we want to create an IDC script. This is because IDA give us the begin address which refer to a particular address, so it seems hard to automate offset adjustment. In fact if we are on address Z refered by addresses A,B,C, somewhere in the area of each of thoses addresses (A,B,C) it exists a fixup that refer to Z... So, let's change this PatchXref function that we have previously defined... static PatchXref() { auto nea, ea, xref, i, len, yn, fxoff; ea = ScreenEA(); nea = ea; nea = AskAddr(nea,"New Xref point to..."); for(xref = RfirstB(ea); xref != BADADDR; xref = RnextB(ea,xref)) { Message("Patching xref code "offset.class" tppabs="" at 0x%08x...",xref); len = ItemSize(xref); yn = 0; for(i = 0; i < len; i++) { fxoff = GetFixupTgtOff(xref+i); if (fxoff != ea) continue; PatchWord(xref+i,nea & 0x0FFFF); SetFixup(xref+i,GetFixupTgtType(xref+i), GetFixupTgtSel(xref+i),fxoff,GetFixupTgtDispl(xref+i)); Message("+"); i = i+1; yn = 1; } if (yn) { Message("done.\n"); continue; } Message("fail due to offset not found!\n"); } for(xref = DfirstB(ea); xref != BADADDR; xref = DnextB(ea,xref)) { Message("Patching xref data offset at 0x%08x...",xref); len = ItemSize(xref); yn = 0; for(i = 0; i < len; i++) { fxoff = GetFixupTgtOff(xref+i); if (fxoff != ea) continue; PatchWord(xref+i,nea & 0x0FFFF); SetFixup(xref+i,GetFixupTgtType(xref+i), GetFixupTgtSel(xref+i),fxoff,GetFixupTgtDispl(xref+i)); Message("+"); i = i+1; yn = 1; } if (yn) { Message("done.\n"); continue; } Message("fail due to offset not found!\n"); } } According to those nice patch we have applyed, we normaly got something just like the extraction from IDA dead-listing (LST file): . . . DATA:0048BB8C dd offset aExec, offset idc_Exec, offset vtyp_s ; lp[3] DATA:0048BB98 dd offset aGetidadirector, offset idc_GetIdaDirectory, offset vtyp_0 ; lp[3] DATA:0048BBA4 dd offset aOphigh, offset idc_OpHigh, offset vtyp_lll ; lp[3] DATA:0048BBB0 HCU_space db 28h dup(0) ; <== The job we have just done... :-) DATA:0048BBD8 _Funcs dd 134h ; wQty ; DATA XREF: deal_with_IDCtokens_4476D4+2E.r DATA:0048BBD8 ; deal_with_IDCtokens_460464+5.r ... DATA:0048BBD8 dd offset arrIDCtokens.lp[3] ; lp_functArr DATA:0048BBD8 dd offset startup_409664(void) ; lpfnStartup DATA:0048BBD8 dd offset shutdown_409678(void) ; lpfnShutdown DATA:0048BBE8 aLi db '%li',0 ; DATA XREF: idc_MakeLocal+37.o DATA:0048BBEC aS_14 db '%s',0 ; DATA XREF: idc_Warning+E.o idc_Fatal+E.o DATA:0048BBEF vtyp_llss db VT_LONG ; DATA XREF: DATA:0048B5BC.o DATA:0048BBF0 vtyp_lss db VT_LONG ; DATA XREF: DATA:0048B970.o DATA:0048BBF1 vtyp_ss db VT_STR ; DATA XREF: DATA:0048AFEC.o DATA:0048AFF8.o ... DATA:0048BBF2 vtyp_s db VT_STR ; DATA XREF: DATA:0048AD40.o DATA:0048AF20.o ... DATA:0048BBF3 vtyp_0 db VT_VOID ; DATA XREF: DATA:0048B058.o DATA:0048B10C.o ... DATA:0048BBF4 vtyp_llllll db VT_LONG ; DATA XREF: DATA:0048B064.o DATA:0048BBF5 vtyp_lllll db VT_LONG ; DATA XREF: DATA:0048B6C4.o DATA:0048B868.o DATA:0048BBF6 vtyp_llll db VT_LONG ; DATA XREF: DATA:0048AF14.o DATA:0048B07C.o ... DATA:0048BBF7 vtyp_lll db VT_LONG ; DATA XREF: DATA:0048ADD0.o DATA:0048AE3C.o ... DATA:0048BBF8 vtyp_ll db VT_LONG ; DATA XREF: DATA:0048AD4C.o DATA:0048AD7C.o ... DATA:0048BBF9 vtyp_l db VT_LONG, VT_VOID ; DATA XREF: DATA:0048AD58.o DATA:0048AD94.o ... DATA:0048BBFB vtyp_lsw db VT_LONG ; DATA XREF: DATA:0048B37C.o DATA:0048BBFC vtyp_sw db VT_STR, VT_WILD, VT_VOID ; DATA XREF: DATA:0048B034.o DATA:0048B040.o ... DATA:0048BBFF vtyp_llsl db VT_LONG ; DATA XREF: DATA:0048B64C.o DATA:0048B874.o DATA:0048BC00 vtyp_lsl db VT_LONG ; DATA XREF: DATA:0048AFC8.o DATA:0048AFE0.o ... DATA:0048BC01 vtyp_sl db VT_STR, VT_LONG, VT_VOID ; DATA XREF: DATA:0048AEFC.o DATA:0048BC04 vtyp_llllls db VT_LONG ; DATA XREF: DATA:0048B6DC.o DATA:0048BC05 vtyp_lllls db VT_LONG ; DATA XREF: DATA:0048B418.o DATA:0048BC06 vtyp_llls db VT_LONG DATA:0048BC07 vtyp_lls db VT_LONG ; DATA XREF: DATA:0048AE24.o DATA:0048AECC.o ... DATA:0048BC08 vtyp_ls db VT_LONG, VT_STR, VT_VOID ; DATA XREF: DATA:0048AD64.o DATA:0048AD70.o ... DATA:0048BC0B vtyp_sll db VT_STR, VT_LONG, VT_LONG, VT_VOID ; DATA XREF: DATA:0048AF2C.o DATA:0048B124.o DATA:0048BC0F vtyp_lsllll db VT_LONG, VT_STR, VT_LONG, VT_LONG, VT_LONG, VT_LONG, VT_VOID ; DATA XREF: DATA:0048B844.o DATA:0048BC16 aIdc_arrayS db '$ idc_array %s',0 ; DATA XREF: sub_7194+D.o DATA:0048BC25 aSegbyname db 'SegBy' ; DATA XREF: DATA:0048AD40.o . . . Now still the problem of thoses fixups... How to patch the EXE according thoses modifications? We known of course the theory about relocation tables on PE image file, but we need now to make the step forward in order to fully adapt this table to our needs. In order to get a view of this relocation table (aka fixup), we need a powerfull tool. What's about IDA (again?). Start a new IDA (new work directory), and take IDA.WLL as file to disassemble, then choose manual loading for segment on the first screen. Answer yes to all the questions. Now stop auto-analisys (Alt-o, O, A) when IDA start thinking! Jump to segment '.reloc'. Now with our knowledge on PE file structure, we known that we find on that segment list of fixup table organized as follow (for 32bit image file): a DWORD that represent the preferred base address a DWORD that represent the size of the table a list of WORD organized as follow: F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 | flag | offset | the flag can take value from 1 to 5 (actually 3) the offset is the offset in the current 4K page ************************************************ More informations on PE file structure at ************************************************ Just use our knowledge to organise data representation: . . . 004AC000 ; Segment type: Pure data 004AC000 _reloc segment para public 'DATA' use32 004AC000 assume cs:_reloc 004AC000 ;org 4AC000h 004AC000 org_01000 dd 1000h 004AC004 dd 1A0h 004AC008 dw 3001h, 3009h, 301Ah, 3027h, 3033h, 3047h, 3057h, 305Ch, 3073h 004AC008 dw 307Bh, 3083h, 308Ch, 3099h, 30C2h, 30D2h, 30DAh, 30E3h, 30F0h 004AC008 dw 30F9h, 310Dh, 3135h, 313Eh, 3167h, 317Eh, 318Dh, 3192h, 31A7h . . . You can easily make an IDC script that do the job for you (number of element into the array is size of the section / 2 minus 4. Now jump into the page org_8B000. Remember the first page refer to offset on first page of the first segment (.text) and IDA have implement this segment at 00401000h in it's own address space. On each offset we have the flag positioned to 3 specifying that this is a HILOW 32bits offset. Reloc data in page org_8B000 represent fixup in the range 0048B000h - 0048BFFFh in IDA address space. In order to got better representation just request IDA to present those WORD data as user defined offset... Press Ctrl-R, then enter the beginning IDA page address minus 3000h (because of the flag). Now if you apply name and structure definition into the area as we have applyed the previous patch, you will certainly got something like this: . . . 0048AD40 dd offset aGetidadirector, offset sub_409C64, offset vtypArgTable+1 ; lp[3] 0048BBA4 dd offset aOphigh, offset loc_409AF8, offset vtypArgTable+0Ch ; lp[3] ; DATA XREF: .reloc:004B25E0.o 0048BBA4 ; .reloc:004B25E0.o ... 0048BBB0 arraysize(arr) dd 308 ; DATA XREF: CODE:00447704o CODE:0046046B.o ... 0048BBB4 lp_arrIDCtokens dd offset arrIDCtokens.lp[3] ; DATA XREF: CODE:004476D8o CODE:00460474.o ... 0048BBB8 lpfn_sub_409664 dd offset sub_409664 ; DATA XREF: CODE:00463025r CODE:0046302E.r ... 0048BBBC lpfn_sub_409678 dd offset sub_409678 ; DATA XREF: CODE:004649E1r CODE:004649EA.r ... 0048BBC0 vtypArgTable db VT_STR, VT_VOID, 2 dup(VT_LONG), VT_VOID, VT_LONG, VT_STR, VT_VOID ; DATA XREF: DATA:arrIDCtokens.o 0048BBC0 db 2 dup(VT_LONG), VT_STR, VT_VOID, 3 dup(VT_LONG), VT_VOID, VT_STR ; DATA:arrIDCtokens.o ... 0048BBC0 db VT_LONG, VT_VOID, 4 dup(VT_LONG), VT_VOID, VT_STR, 2 dup(VT_LONG) 0048BBC0 db VT_VOID, VT_LONG, VT_STR, VT_LONG, VT_VOID, 2 dup(VT_STR), VT_VOID . . . 004B25D8 org_8B000 dd 8B000h 004B25DC dd 5E8h 004B25E0 dw (offset arrIDCtokens+2C0h - offset loc_488000), (offset arrIDCtokens+2C4h - offset loc_488000) 004B25E0 dw (offset arrIDCtokens+2C8h - offset loc_488000), (offset arrIDCtokens+2CCh - offset loc_488000) 004B25E0 dw (offset arrIDCtokens+2D0h - offset loc_488000), (offset arrIDCtokens+2D4h - offset loc_488000) . . . 004B448C org_99000 dd 99000h ; file offset 0A2E8Ch (delta 00411600h ) ?? 10600h ?? 004B4490 dd 90h 004B4494 dw (offset off_499004 - (offset aVDM+0Bh)), (offset off_49900A - (offset aVDM+0Bh)) . . . 004B4494 dw (offset off_499190 - (offset aVDM+0Bh)), (offset aVDM+0Bh - (offset aVDM+0Bh)) 004B451C db 0E4h dup(0) ; => 6Eh fixup free in 1 page 004B4600 algn_4B4600: 004B4600 align 1000h ; Unexplored 004B4600 _reloc ends 004B4600 004B4600 004B4600 end start As you see, to calculate data offset into the raw file we need to do some calculations... Why? Let's figure out how image file is organized on disk: +-------------------+ | MS-DOS | <--^ | MZ Header | | +-------------------+ | | MS-DOS Real mode | | | Stub program | | +-------------------+ | | PE File Signature | | +-------------------+ | | PE File Header | | +-------------------+ | | PE File | | | Optional Header | 600h +-------------------+ | | .text Section hdr | | +-------------------+ | | .bss Section hdr | | +-------------------+ | | .rdata Section hdr| | +-------------------+ | | .edata Section hdr| | +-------------------+ | | .idata Section hdr| | +-------------------+ | | .reloc Section hdr| <--v +===================+ | .text Section | ------> moved at loader CODE selected base address +-------------------+ | .bss Section | ------> moved at loader DATA selected base address +-------------------+ | .rdata Section | +-------------------+ | .edata Section | +-------------------+ | .idata Section | +-------------------+ | .reloc Section | +-------------------+ Ok ok, for guys like you it's not a surprise, and then you all knew about that. So why have we create a new database just for viewing that? PAY ANY ATTENTION NOW: Jump to ea 48BBB8, then request to patch word... at the popup enter 0000 ?!? (trust me). Request now IDA to produce a DIF file... Open this DIF file ... What are you thinking about that? Stop don't hurry answering previous question.... Go to your Window$ directory... Copy file CALC.EXE to ZEN.EXE... Start IDA and choose ZEN.EXE to disassemble... When IDA start thinking, stop auto-analisys... Mark current position to unknown, patch word (whatever you want..) Back to you Window$ directory, and erase this cool ZEN.EXE Back to the IDA, produce DIF file... And now, what is the answer? Yeah, we (I) have just (re)discover that IDA cache the original segment data. The question is now, can we force IDA to make the ".reloc" segment, then path this segment on the fly when process memory move, then .... ZEN PATCH. Let's try Load Binary File, select the same file on whatever base you want, patch, then request the DIF file... IDA warn about skipped data... blah blah... As far, it don't seems feasible to make and populate a IDA segment (using IDC), in order that IDA will use it for binary comparaison... BUT if we have load any segment when we have start disassemble this file, (which is allways a good idea IMHO :), we can easilly create Zen tools, for Zen optimisations... ********************************************************************* I tell you that it is a good idea to load all segment, BUT for this IDA.WLL I HAVEN'T... :-((( Why? Because it's allways the same, Do what I say, not what I do! (No truly it was because of disk space ;). My problem is now, a huge*huge commented database that I can't save with such lame database dump as IDC. Oh yes I can dump, then awk this, that, ... and then re-apply this schema to my database..., but if, you will never see the end of this essay.... BTW I use one of the most powerfull tools for reverse-engeneering (IDA), so I just have to start a new disassembling process, and apply by hand 2/3 names... and then apply just the change into the ".reloc" segment, then make the DIF with the same name as previous IDA instance, and... IDA ask me if I prefer to overwrite or append?...good boy ^----- :-)) ********************************************************************* Ok you got your file loaded with your ".reloc" segment appearing raw... We need to be able to patch it according to the modifications applied on fixups informations, thru DelFixup/SetFixup. Let's try first to put some organisation into this ".reloc" segment, using a IDC script... static Unknown( ea, length ) { auto i; for(i=0; i < length; i++) { MakeUnkn(ea+i,0); } } static cookSegReloc() { auto ea, i, siz; ea = BADADDR; for(i = FirstSeg(); i != BADADDR; i = NextSeg(i)) { if (SegName(i) == ".reloc") { ea = i; break; } } for(; ea != BADADDR; ) { Unknown(ea,4*2); MakeDword(ea+4); siz = Dword(ea+4); if (siz == 0) { ea = BADADDR; continue; } MakeDword(ea); MakeName(ea,form("FIXUP_%08X",Dword(ea))); Unknown(ea+8,siz-8); MakeWord(ea+8); MakeArray(ea+8,(siz-8)/2); ea = ea + siz; } } Which command from those 2 is the entry point? DON'T be so lazy, read this script, and you'll known which function you need to execute... If you don't... (remember you are reading INTERMEDIATE section!!!) => RTFM! Ok now we just need to create a clever memory block mover, which is able to patch the appropriate fixup table every time it encounter a IDA fixup. ======================================================================================= WARNING - WARNING - WARNING - WARNING - WARNING - WARNING - WARNING - WARNING - WARNING ======================================================================================= In order to have to following function works, you need to take care of page boundary. This mean that this function is NOT ABLE to fix fixup if you move from one page to another... In that case human brain is much more clever than any programmatic gas-factory --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static MoveMemWithFixup() { auto begin, end, sense, srcEA, tgtEA; auto i, value, fillup, lim; auto fxtyp, fxsel, fxoff, fxdispl; auto fxtable, fxwas, fxnow, j, sa, ta; begin = SelStart(); end = SelEnd() - 1; if (begin == BADADDR) { Warning("No memory range selected!\nAction aborted."); return 0; } sense = 1; srcEA = begin; if (ScreenEA() == begin) { sense = -1; srcEA = end; } tgtEA = AskAddr(srcEA,form("Enter new block address for %08Xh (%s)",sense==1?"normal":"REVERSE")); if ((tgtEA > begin) && (tgtEA <= end)) { Warning("Memory block overlap...\nTry use %s mode.",sense==1?"reverse":"forward"); return 0; } if (AskYN(0,form(form("%s\n%s\n%s\n \nSure you want to proceed?", "You are about to move memory block:", " from: %08Xh - %08Xh", " to: %08Xh - %08Xh (data will be lost)"), srcEA, srcEA + ((end - begin)*sense), tgtEA, tgtEA + ((end - begin)*sense))) != 1) return 0; fillup = 0; fillup = AskAddr(fillup,"Enter pattern for quitting region..."); fillup = fillup & 0x0FF; lim = (end - begin) + 1; for(i=0; i < lim; i++) { value = Byte(srcEA + (i*sense)); fxtyp = GetFixupTgtType(srcEA + (i*sense)); fxsel = GetFixupTgtSel(srcEA + (i*sense)); fxoff = GetFixupTgtOff(srcEA + (i*sense)); fxdispl = GetFixupTgtDispl(srcEA + (i*sense)); if (fxsel != BADADDR) DelFixup(srcEA + (i*sense)); PatchByte(srcEA + (i*sense), fillup); PatchByte(tgtEA + (i*sense),value); if (fxsel != BADADDR) { SetFixup(tgtEA + (i*sense),fxtyp, fxsel,fxoff,fxdispl); sa = srcEA + (i*sense); ta = tgtEA + (i*sense); fxtable = LocByName(form("FIXUP_%08X",((sa & 0x00FFF000) - 0x00400000))); fxwas = sa & 0x0FFF; fxnow = BADADDR; for(j=fxtable+8; j < fxtable+Dword(fxtable+4); j = j+2) { if ( (Word(j) & 0x0FFF) == fxwas ) { fxnow = (ta & 0x0FFF) | ( Word(j) & 0x0F000 ); Message("fxtable=0x%08lXh, was:0x%04lXh, now:%04lXh\n",fxtable,fxwas,fxnow); PatchWord(j, fxnow ); break; } } if (fxnow == BADADDR) { Warning("Huh! I can't find fixup information for %08lXh / %08lXh", sa,ta); } } } } Ok you now have many tools and knowledge to manipulate, crack, patch an EXE, in order to make it works as you like... But now it's time to do the real work... Are you ready? ============================== EXPERT SECTION ======================================== Still there?? Mean that you want to do your own IDC function? Yeah? Go... First, which function?? For study purpose, we'll implement the _getenv function. Second how we implement?? Jump to the beginning of this article, and start reading. Third where to implement?? - Into magic holes... :-)) Forth and last how do we code?? - Be patient... The magic holes: When the programmer create his own program, he use compiler and/or assembler to create the EXE.. The EXE as a specific file format (in our case PE) which implement some prerequisits. One is alignment, and some of you have already understand what does it mean. The most important thing to understand is that there are not one, but 2 sort of alignment in the case of PE image. One is the alignment of the segment when this one is in memory, the second (more interresting) is the alignment of sections into the image file it-self. To be practicle, on PE file, usualy, alignment is 4K bytes in memory (1000h) when it is 1K bytes in image file (400h). Thoses 2 values are not constants, and can be changed as programmer request... (We all of us expect that not most of them will do that otherwise, bye-bye easy HUGE patching... ;-? Remember, to protect your program against stupid cracker, you must understand how they patch your programs... Re-read the full Fravia university NOW :))) MESSAGE TO PROGRAMMERS ====================== IMHO a programmer is not a good one 'til he knows how such wonderfull Xnth generation tools make an EXE... Trust me, during porting operations, I discover that some compiler generate wrong code "for.class" tppabs="" well writed source code... If you have sometimes to do that kind of job, you better knows at that moment what assembly language is... And how you would have write this by your own if you have no compiler... I don't claim you have to program in assembly language (except for critical purpose (?anti-crack?)), but if you don't know what assembly is, I bet you don't have the ability to understand what exactly are convention call, memory models, shared-library/DLL... So we got 2 alignment (in fact more). What a great information! What can we do with that? Suppose you got an alignment of 8bytes on image file and 16bytes into memory... Zoom now on the hexa dump of or code section: SOMEWHERE+3F0: 5E 5B C3 90 00 00 00 00 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ^ ^ ^ ^ | | | + At load time, the loader will allocate | | | this area into memory, but normally | | | it didn't fill it | | | | | + Padding bytes to respect image section alignment | | | + The end of object block alignment (can be different | than 90h. Most of the time CCh/00h on M$ compilers. | Borland make such alignment by generating dummy code | such as mov ax,ax,... ) | + This is the last function op-code of this segment. In this case there are nearly 5 bytes that can be changed without changing size of the image body. This is what I have just called magic holes. Of course, it can happens that there is no alignment padding on the image file, but usually you would find some (and sometimes a lot). To terminate about alignment, know that every segments have some, even the ".reloc" one.... How do we code: For many of you this will not represent a big issue, for the other, the most simple to do, is to copy interresting part of already coded function from our IDA.WLL image. Take for example the beginning of the idc_strlen function in order to push the first argument into the stack ( our function is fastcall convention, and call the runtime function _getenv which is cdecl convention ...) Then take the end part of idc_Name in order to return the result in an IDC string. To finish, you need to patch the arrIDCtokens array to add the appropriate entries, increment by one the arraysize, then patch fixup segment (move subsequent table far enought (4 bytes aligned) in order to add as many entries (there 3) into the appropriate table). Of course, you do that under IDA it-self, then when the result is whatever you want, you generate the DIF file, then patch the genuine image file... THE RESULT... (no all patched data reproduced) . . . CODE:004892F5 90 90 90 align 4 ; We must think about alignment ( filled with NOP ) CODE:004892F8 CODE:004892F8 ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CODE:004892F8 ; S u b r o u t i n e CODE:004892F8 CODE:004892F8 idc__getenv proc near CODE:004892F8 53 push ebx CODE:004892F9 8B D8 mov ebx, eax CODE:004892FB 56 push esi CODE:004892FC 8B F2 mov esi, edx CODE:004892FE 8B 43 01 mov eax, [ebx+1] CODE:00489301 50 push eax CODE:00489302 E8 D9 CB FA FF call _getenv CODE:00489307 59 pop ecx CODE:00489308 8B D6 mov edx, esi CODE:0048930A E8 91 03 F8 FF call make_an_idc_string(char *) CODE:0048930F 5E pop esi CODE:00489310 5B pop ebx CODE:00489311 C3 retn CODE:00489311 idc__getenv endp CODE:00489311 CODE:00489311 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CODE:00489312 00 00 00 00 ... db 0EEh dup(0) ; TODO: Add your specialized functions there :-)) CODE:00489312 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CODE:00489311 align 1000h . . . DATA:0048BBB0 D0 BB 48 00+ dd offset a_getenv, offset idc__getenv, offset vtyp_s ; <== This line added DATA:0048BBB0 F8 92 48 00+ DATA:0048BBB0 F2 BB 48 00 DATA:0048BBBC 00 00 00 00 ... db 14h dup(0) ; this is the remainder of space we have generated DATA:0048BBD0 5F 67 65 74 65+ a_getenv db '_getenv',0 ; the IDC function name DATA:0048BBD0 76 00 DATA:0048BBD8 34 01 00 00+ _Funcs dd 135h ; Incremented by 1 DATA:0048BBD8 40 AD 48 00+ dd offset arrIDCtokens.lp[3] DATA:0048BBD8 64 96 40 00+ dd offset startup_409664(void) DATA:0048BBD8 78 96 40 00 dd offset shutdown_409678(void) DATA:0048BBE8 25 6C 69 00 aLi db '%li',0 DATA:0048BBEC 25 73 00 aS_14 db '%s',0 DATA:0048BBEF 02 vtyp_llss db VT_LONG DATA:0048BBF0 02 vtyp_lss db VT_LONG DATA:0048BBF1 01 vtyp_ss db VT_STR DATA:0048BBF2 01 vtyp_s db VT_STR DATA:0048BBF3 00 vtyp_0 db VT_VOID DATA:0048BBF4 02 vtyp_llllll db VT_LONG DATA:0048BBF5 02 vtyp_lllll db VT_LONG DATA:0048BBF6 02 vtyp_llll db VT_LONG DATA:0048BBF7 02 vtyp_lll db VT_LONG DATA:0048BBF8 02 vtyp_ll db VT_LONG DATA:0048BBF9 02 00 vtyp_l db VT_LONG, VT_VOID DATA:0048BBFB 02 vtyp_lsw db VT_LONG DATA:0048BBFC 01 04 00 vtyp_sw db VT_STR, VT_WILD, VT_VOID DATA:0048BBFF 02 vtyp_llsl db VT_LONG DATA:0048BC00 02 vtyp_lsl db VT_LONG DATA:0048BC01 01 02 00 vtyp_sl db VT_STR, VT_LONG, VT_VOID DATA:0048BC04 02 vtyp_llllls db VT_LONG DATA:0048BC05 02 vtyp_lllls db VT_LONG DATA:0048BC06 02 vtyp_llls db VT_LONG DATA:0048BC07 02 vtyp_lls db VT_LONG DATA:0048BC08 02 01 00 vtyp_ls db VT_LONG, VT_STR, VT_VOID DATA:0048BC0B 01 02 02 00 vtyp_sll db VT_STR, VT_LONG, VT_LONG, VT_VOID DATA:0048BC0F 02 01 02 02 02+ vtyp_lsllll db VT_LONG, VT_STR, VT_LONG, VT_LONG, VT_LONG, VT_LONG, VT_VOID DATA:0048BC0F 02 00 . . . RELO:004B25D8 00 B0 08 00 FIXUP_0008B000 dd 8B000h RELO:004B25DC F0 05 00 00 dd 5F0h ; <== Incremented by ...@+!#@ ... 8 (alignment is 4bytes for entry list) RELO:004B25E0 00 30 04 30 ... dw (offset arrIDCtokens+2C0h - offset $org_00488000h), (offset arrIDCtokens+2C4h - offset $org_00488000h) . . . RELO:004B25E0 B0 3B B4 3B+ dw (offset addedToken - offset $org_00488000h), (offset addedToken+4 - offset $org_00488000h) ; Thoses 3 entries added RELO:004B25E0 B8 3B DC 3B+ dw (offset addedToken+8 - offset $org_00488000h), (offset lp_arrIDCtokens - offset $org_00488000h) ; this come from move a previous EA+8 (reverse mode) RELO:004B25E0 E0 3B E4 3B+ dw (offset lpfn_Shutdown_48BBE0 - offset $org_00488000h), (offset lpfn_Startup_48BBE4 - offset $org_00488000h) RELO:004B25E0 00 00 00 00 dw 2 dup((offset $org_00488000h - offset $org_00488000h)) RELO:004B2BC8 00 C0 08 00 FIXUP_0008C000 dd 8C000h RELO:004B2BCC 08 01 00 00 dd 108h . . . RELO:004B4524 00 00 00 00 ... db 0DCh dup(0) RELO:004B4600 ?? ?? ?? ?? ... align 1000h ================================ END OF SECTIONS =========================================================== Before to let you play with this, I must apologize for my poor English... I hope that this have disturb you too much because of laugh :-)) _ _ / mjm /
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