WIN32 Api Hooks, The stub approach
Advanced reversing
by Lone Runner
30 October 1998

Well, well, well... another OUTSTANDING Fravia comes out of the web-void and gives
us incredible reading material. I'm very happy to host this essay, a milestone on
the difficult path to reverse engineering wizardry. Read, re-read, understand, re-understand,
work on this, re-work on this... you get the pattern :-)

WIN32 Api Hooks, The stub approach
(or How to change dinamically your Win32 system code)
(or also How to cook eggs on the back of your old grandma)
by Lone Runner/Aegis
I. Opening the fridge
Ok, it has now been a while since i read articles on Fravia, and
specially what is bound with the
win32 api, beeing a lot interested with undocumented functions and how
to take full control over
what happens inside the win32 black box. I've decided today that i
could take some time to write
an small article on how i achieved the goal of controlling the API.
Of course you have softice for that, you can trace out all what you
want but if you need to insert your
code in here, its not as easy as it was in the good old dos with an
resident code in int 3...
What about forcing the win32 to report all what it does, and maybe
decide to prevent any action from
the system... that could be interesting... well, applications are
numerous, so i won't make a list.
Be carefull, if you're not experienced with system win32 code, you'll
have big problems to debug
anything here, or even get a working system at all. Touch at your own
risks. It works for me, but
i know what i do, if you think you prefer not to temper with system
files, go play the NOP game with
If you feel the guts, then here we go.
II. Finding eggs
One of the most known approach (microsoft gives an example to do this
in the VisualC++ Cd) is to
run the target process as a child, and then modify its function
pointers to make them point to your
code. Well that's a good approach but it has some drawbacks. For
example you need to know the process
id of the target process, for that you have to run the process as
child. This can be a problem. Also
you will only be able to intercept api for this child. But if this
child has another child, he
won't be hooked.
Our method, in contrast, will let all process run and go thru our own
code (a bug here is deadly).
Of course, this method has drawbacks also, for example you have to
replace a system dll. But this has
very good points. You do intercept everything everytime so you can
prevent everything in the win32
api to happen.
The base of the system is to make your own USER32.DLL to act as a stub
for the real USER32.DLL which
you renamed (for example to MSUS32.DLL), same goes with KERNEL32.DLL
But its not as easy as that, we will have to be carefull about some
III. Finding your grandma
My exemple will be on a project i had and then dropped. The aim of the
game was to intercept the
DefWindowProc function (quite often used) in all applications
throughout the system. This was to change the
default behaviour of windows (in my case, modify the window appearance
by handling differently WM_NC*
We will stub only USER32.DLL (where DefWindowProcA and DefWindowProcW
reside). Our goal
is to intercept only those two functions and make then chat using IPC
with a user application to tell
USER32.DLL to dynamically load (and unload) a DLL. This will be very
usefull since once this is done
and working, we'll be able not to reboot to change USER32.DLL between
each compile (thanks!).
First, we must stub all functions of the original DLL, this means, all
exported functions, not only
documented ones, but all. For that, a nice MS utility called DUMPBIN
will be perfect.
Here is the beginning of the output for user32.dll :
ordinal hint name
1 0 ActivateKeyboardLayout (00015F25)
2 1 AdjustWindowRect (0000ABC4)
3 2 AdjustWindowRectEx (0002AA7A)
4 3 AnyPopup (0003E44F)
5 4 AppendMenuA (0001080C)
6 5 AppendMenuW (00029A5A)
7 6 ArrangeIconicWindows (0002EE3D)
8 7 AttachThreadInput (000144FA)
9 8 BeginDeferWindowPos (0001067E)
10 9 BeginPaint (000023B4)
11 A BringWindowToTop (0000A7DC)
12 B BroadcastSystemMessage (0003F39D)
With this complete list, simply make a very basic C file :
// Function ActivateKeyboardLayout
__declspec ( naked ) void _my_ActivateKeyboardLayout(void)
__asm jmp far dword ptr ActivateKeyboardLayout;
// Function AdjustWindowRect
__declspec ( naked ) void _my_AdjustWindowRect(void)
__asm jmp far dword ptr AdjustWindowRect;
a simple 4Dos script will be excellent for this task
The ( naked ) tag is VERY important. This will ensure that VC will not
play with the stack nor
with anything at the beginning and end of the function. Its kindof like
the old __interrupt tag in
We do this because we won't need to intercept most of the functions.
Only DefWindowProc* will be
declared with arguments. Others functions will only be passthrough so
we avoid quite some work
by not declaring arguments and using ( naked ), this ensure the stack
is preserved and the original
API function gets it right.
Then you need a .DEF file to create your DLL withe the right exports
(we cannot name our functions
the same as USER32.DLL since it's linked with our dll, but we can
change export names). We'll get
something like :
ActivateKeyboardLayout=_my_ActivateKeyboardLayout @1
AdjustWindowRect=_my_AdjustWindowRect @2
AdjustWindowRectEx=_my_AdjustWindowRectEx @3
AnyPopup=_my_AnyPopup @4
AppendMenuA=_my_AppendMenuA @5
AppendMenuW=_my_AppendMenuW @6
ArrangeIconicWindows=_my_ArrangeIconicWindows @7
AttachThreadInput=_my_AttachThreadInput @8
BeginDeferWindowPos=_my_BeginDeferWindowPos @9
BeginPaint=_my_BeginPaint @10
BringWindowToTop=_my_BringWindowToTop @11
BroadcastSystemMessage=_my_BroadcastSystemMessage @12
Notice USER33.DLL. I urge you not to name your C file USER32.C or
you're going into deep troubles with
the linker =)
We should give it a dedicated loading address to be good boys, so we'll
add /base:0x65E70000
(for example) as parameter to the linker.
IV. Convincing your grandma to cooperate
The next problem is undocumented functions. imports for those functions
do not exist in USER32.LIB
so we'll have to either create a new LIB or load them with
GetProcAddress. The first solution is of
course the clean solution. But, who knows why, it did not work with me.
I had a clean new USER32.LIB
generated from exports in the DLL, but it would not link.
So i had to go for the second solution, include a DllMain function and
load exports by hand.
if (!UndocLoaded)
HInstance = hModule;
hInstUser32 = LoadLibrary("MSUS32.DLL");
(FARPROC)WCSToMBEx = GetProcAddress(hInstUser32, "WCSToMBEx");
(FARPROC)MBToWCSEx = GetProcAddress(hInstUser32, "MBToWCSEx");
(FARPROC)CascadeChildWindows = GetProcAddress(hInstUser32,
(FARPROC)ClientThreadSetup = GetProcAddress(hInstUser32,
(FARPROC)CreateDialogIndirectParamAorW =
GetProcAddress(hInstUser32, "CreateDialogIndirectParamAorW"
(FARPROC)DdeGetQualityOfService = GetProcAddress(hInstUser32,
(FARPROC)DeregisterShellHookWindow = GetProcAddress(hInstUser32,
(FARPROC)DialogBoxIndirectParamAorW = GetProcAddress(hInstUser32,
(FARPROC)DrawCaptionTempA = GetProcAddress(hInstUser32,
(FARPROC)DrawCaptionTempW = GetProcAddress(hInstUser32,
Repeat that for all undocumented functions and you're done.
So what do we have now ? a DLL that acts as stub for user32 functions,
barely, it does nothing else for
now. But will it work ? No.
Because inside USER33.DLL the real USER32 imports are still here. So
what do we have to do is :
- Patch USER33.DLL to replace any "USER32.DLL" string with "MSUS32.DLL"
- Patch it again to replace "USER33.DLL" with "USER32.DLL"
- Reboot to DOS
- Rename USER32.DLL to MSUS32.DLL
- Copy USER33.DLL as the new system USER32.DLL
Thats all. Now we have a working stub.
V. Boiling the water
But it does nothing. Okay :-)
Lets make something usefull with it.
To avoid too many reboots, the right choice is to write a simple IPC
api to change our system code
dynamically. What we'll need is :
- Tell our USER32.DLL the name of the DLL it'll have to load
- Tell our USER32.DLL to load the custom DLL and if successfull,
redirect specified functions to our DLL code
- Tell our USER32.DLL to release the DLL and stop hooking (acting as
other passthru functions)
A very simple way to do that is to make the USER32.DLL create a window
that will be used for IPC using
messages. For an arbitrary application it's easy to find a window with
a specified name so that'll be
our starting point.
Here is a minimal but working implementation :
char *DLLName[DLLMAX];
LPARAM lParam)
switch (message)
switch (wParam)
*DLLName = 0;
char *p = DLLName;
while (*p) p++;
if (p > DLLName + DLLMAX) break;
*p++ = (unsigned char)lParam;
*p = 0;
if (DWPHookOK)
if (DWPHookOK)
return DefWindowProc(hwnd, message, wParam, lParam);
void LoadDLL(void)
DLLInstance = LoadLibrary(DLLName);
if (!DLLInstance) return;
(FARPROC)MyDefWindowProcW = GetProcAddress(DLLInstance,
if (MyDefWindowProcW == NULL)
void UnloadDLL(void)
DefWindowProc beeing split in two parts (A & W), we'll make a comon
function for both:
// Function DefWindowProcW
_my_DefWindowProcW(HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
return CommonDefWindowProc(hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam, 1);
// Function DefWindowProcA
_my_DefWindowProcA(HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
return CommonDefWindowProc(hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam, 0);
Note that these functions are not ( Naked ), because we retrieve
parameters so we need a stack
Here is the common code :
LRESULT WINAPI CommonDefWindowProc(HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam,
LPARAM lParam, int Wide)
if (DisableIPC) // DisableIPC is a security flag. If set, no more hook
return Wide ? DefWindowProcW(hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam) :
DefWindowProcA(hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam);
// If the IPC Window does not exists create it.
if (!IPCWindow)
wc.lpfnWndProc = IPCWndProc;
wc.hInstance = HInstance;
wc.lpszClassName = IPCWindowClass; = 0;
IPCWindow = CreateWindowEx(
0, 0,
// If failed, no need to retry, disable hooks
if (!IPCWindow)
return DefWindowProcW(hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam);
// If a receiver IPC window is found, tell it we're here
if (FirstCheck)
MainIPC = FindWindow("EMainIPC", NULL);
if (MainIPC)
SendMessage(MainIPC, WM_COMMAND, CMD_IMHERE, 0);
if (!DWPHookOK) // This flag is set once GetProcAddress is successfull,
see above
return Wide ? DefWindowProcW(hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam) :
DefWindowProcA(hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam);
return MyDefWindowProcW(hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam, Wide);
VI. Finding out if eggs (and grandma) are ready.
That's all, now our USER32.DLL with load its code and link dynamically
to it at will. We just need to
write a small application that will communication with it to tell it
what to do:
#include <windows.h>
char ClassName[255];
char DllName[1024] = "C:\\DEV\\IPC2\\EFDll.DLL";
// Tells an instance of USER32.DLL to load the DLL
void SendLoadDll(HWND hwnd)
char *p=DllName;
SendMessage(hwnd, WM_COMMAND, CMD_RESET_DLL_NAME, 0);
while (*p)
SendMessage(hwnd, WM_COMMAND, CMD_CAT_DLL_NAME, (long)(*p));
SendMessage(hwnd, WM_COMMAND, CMD_LOAD_DLL, 0);
// Enumerate all instances of USER32.DLL
BOOL CALLBACK EnumWindowsProc(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam)
GetClassName(hwnd, ClassName, 254);
if (!strcmpi(ClassName, IPCWindowClass))
lParam ? SendLoadDll(hwnd) : SendMessage(hwnd, WM_COMMAND,
return TRUE;
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR
lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
EnumWindows(EnumWindowsProc, 1);
// Dll is loaded, your app is here
// Your app has finished, unload the code now
EnumWindows(EnumWindowsProc, 0);
return 0;
VII. Taste eggs and grandma
Ok now you should know what's necessary to make your own dynamic stub
I hope that it can be usefull to anybody. I had big fun making it, hope
you can have as much i did.
I'll try to clean a bit my code and release it. Its fully working. That
would be a little kick in
the ass of those companies that tries to sell you a Win32hooks API for
***ONLY $4999!*** =)
Peace, harmony.
Lone Runner/Aegis Corp
Big hello to all the Fravias staff and gurus. You 0wn me
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