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The second part of Pilgrim's Flexcrypt studies,
see pilgrim.htm: Pilgrim's How to crack a PC-based FlexLm license manager,
read and enjoy!
Courtesy of Fravia's pages of reverse engineering
Further FlexCrypt analysis
pilgrim 7th January 1999
Globetrotters FlexLm has been discussed by Siul+Hacky and myself
One of the first stages in analysing FlexLm is to crack the encryption
used to package it:
FlexCrypt is produced by Globetrotter Software Inc
and seems to share may commonalities with FlexLm.
This document analyses the FlexCrypt en/de-cryption program to a stage
that allows decryption of any FlexCrypted package.
This in turn leads into some interesting areas worthy of further
Tools required
IDA ( 3.75 used in example )
W32DASM ( V8.9 used in the example )
Install-shield decompiler ( isdcc V1.1 used in example )
HexEditor ( Hiew V5.66 used in example )
Targets URL
Recommended files
For a full explanation you'll need to download two files: flexlm5.12
and flexlm6.1 ( 4,088,198
Bytes ) ( 7,873,894 Bytes )
The site also contains many other flexcrypted files to practise on.
FlexCrypt basics
FlexCrypt uses a rolling XOR based scheme to encrypt a file.
It uses the same key on 8 bytes, recalculates the key, then continues
through the file.
The key is in some way based on the passkey you must find for correct
The passkey is of the format xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-nn
where the x are hexadecimal numbers and nn ranges from 00 to 99 decimal.
The hex numbers are in some way related to your PC ( hard disc number
/ network card number ).
The nn specifies which of 100 keys was used to encrypt the file.
Only one nn value decrypts the file correctly.
There is a table which stores 100 passkey related values in the
decryption executable.
There are many versions of FlexCrypt available, but there is basically
a 16bit and 32bit.
Both use the same encryption method.
32 bit introduces a file header with some sort of file/passkey check
data included.
All FlexCrypt files may easily be decrypted correctly using the 32 bit
decryption program.
The decryption program is packaged with the install files and is
usually called something
like cryptwin.exe
Command line options for decrypt.exe:
-p xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-nn : the passkey
-t Z *.fc : decrypt all .fc extension files to files with .Z extension
-d n : debug mode, n can take values 1,2,3 each displaying differing
formats of debug info
Stage 1 : how to decrypt the files
Run the install.exe from the downloaded FlexLm 5.12.
This will extract all the files needed for the install.
Run setup.exe
You'll be asked for the FlexLm decryption key in the format
Cancel the install.
We see a setup.ins file : installshield is here
Use isdcc to decompile the install script.
Have a look for the text we saw earlier, xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xx, and
we see:
AskText("Please enter in your decryption key. It should be of the
form xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xx . If you do not have this key, you can
obtain it by calling Globetrotter Software at (408) 370-2800 If you
do not have a key at this time, please press cancel to end t",
"xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xx", string15);
Sprintf(lString1, "%scryptwin.exe", SRCDIR);
Sprintf(lString2, "Decrypting files, this may take some time");
function11(lString2, 1);
Sprintf(lString0, "-w %s -p %s -t Z *.fc", SRCDIR, string15);
This decodes to:
cryptwin.exe -p xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xx -t Z *.fc
where xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xx would be the numbers you type.
-p option is password
-t is convert *.FC into *.Z type
So rename cryptw~1.exe to it's full title, cryptwin.exe, and try
cryptwin.exe -p 0000-0000-0000-0000-00 -t Z *.fc
We end up with zero length Z files. Not too good.
Cryptwin is 16-bit, so let's use IDA to dissassemble it.
At this moment I'm interested in command line options so let's have a
Searching for -p gives us a function at loc_8B6_6C which looks like a
command line parser.
It seems to also accept -x -o -i -e and -d options
What's -d? debug? There's references to DEBUG in the exe, let's try it.
A bit of experimenting shows there are 3 debug levels, with varying
1 writes a log file, 2 displays on the screen, 3 uses pop-up windows.
Stage 2 : Get a valid passkey
32 bit's easier to debug than 16 bit so let's abandon FlexLm 5.12 for
now and try FlexLm 6.1
Clear the Windows\Temp directory and run the FlexLm 6.1 install.
When prompted for the key press cancel and copy all the files into
another work directory.
Let's try cryptwin.exe -d 3 -p 0000-0000-0000-0000-00 -t Z *.fc again.
Again we end up with a zero length Z file.
Dissasemble cryptwin.exe using W32DASM.
Load the program with the command line options -p
0000-0000-0000-0000-00 -t Z *.fc
Put a break-point on the reference to "%.4d-%.4d-%.4d-%.4d"
Run to the break point then single step.
* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"%.4d-%.4d-%.4d-%.4d"
:00405E2F 6870B04200 push 0042B070
:00405E34 BE60F34200 mov esi, 0042F360
:00405E39 56 push esi
:00405E3A E8A1840100 call 0041E2E0
:00405E3F 83C418 add esp, 00000018
In this case there's a call to 0041E2E0 which returns esi pointing to
the processed string,
which looks something like:
[esi+00000000] - 7375
[esi+00000004] - -553
[esi+00000008] - 2-55
[esi+0000000C] - 21-5
[esi+00000010] - 871.
This string appears to be related to machine specific items such as
hard disk number
and network card number. This string is the first four numbers of a
potentially valid
passkey. The last two digits are the key number used in the test. In
this case 00.
OK, we have a key to try, it's 7375-5532-5521-5871-00
So let's try cryptwin.exe -d 3 -p 7375-5532-5521-5871-00 -t Z *.fc
Again, an error message and a zero file.
We need to repeat the above process using keys 00 to 99 as the last
two digits in the password.
This would be a very slow process using DASM.
So modify the cryptwin program to generate a file with a name of each
Stage 2a: auto generate the passkeys
Copy your original cryptwin.exe to something else, I used dcrypt.exe.
Using your favourite hexeditor, modify dcrypt.exe as follows:
1) Just after esi points to the passkey string, jump to some unused
code space:
:00405E3F 83C418 add esp, 00000018
:00405E42 57 push edi
:00405E43 E80C000000 call 00405E54
:00405E3F 83C418 add esp, 00000018
:00405E42 E9E1B9FFFF jmp 00401828
2) At this unused space, 00401828, replace the existing code with:
:00401828 6A00 push 00000000
:0040182A 6880000000 push 00000080
:0040182F 6A01 push 00000001
:00401831 6A00 push 00000000
:00401833 6A03 push 00000003
:00401835 68000000C0 push C0000000
:0040183A 8BC6 mov eax, esi
:0040183C 50 push eax
* Reference To: KERNEL32.CreateFileA, Ord:0030h
:0040183D E8CC760200 Call 00428F0E <- create the file
:00401842 50 push eax
* Reference To: KERNEL32.CloseHandle, Ord:0017h
:00401843 FF15BC324300 Call dword ptr [004332BC] <- close
the file handle
* Reference To: KERNEL32.ExitProcess, Ord:006Ah
:00401849 FF158C324300 Call dword ptr [0043328C] <- end the
Now run the dcrypt.exe with the command line options -p
0000-0000-0000-0000-00 -t Z *.fc
You should get a file of name 7375-5532-5521-5871
Now write 2 batch files to run through 00 to 99 and store the results:
call test.bat 00
call test.bat 01 .... to .....
call test.bat 98
call test.bat 99
dcrypt -p 0000-0000-0000-0000-%1 -t cab data1.fc
rename ????-????-????-???? ????-????-????-????-%1
This gives 100 files with potential passkeys to try.
Note that these passkeys will differ on different machines.
So now we want to try each one and see when we get a valid result.
Dir all the files into a text file and run a macro to get something like
cryptwin -p 7375-5532-5521-5871-00 -t cab data1.fc
... etc for each key
I checked the size of the decrypted file after each try.
It's non-zero when it's been decrypted correctly.
( further work: you may be able to use the debug error level to tell
you when it's worked )
You'll eventually end up with the correct key for your machine.
Once you've got it you can then use it to decrypt all the fc files.
Stage 3: Repackage so you don't need the key again.
It would be wise to repackage the FlexLm 6.1 so you don't need the key
Delete the cryptwin.exe and the *.Z files then try installing again.
You can now enter any passkey and FlexLm6.1 will install.
Stage 4: Try decrypting another package.
Let's try the passkey we got above with the 16 bit FlexLm5.12
No good.
That's because the 16bit cryptwin.exe has a different set of keys
stored in it's executable.
OK, so let's try decrypting the 16bit FC files using the 32bit cryptwin.
This may work as we know the key for the 32bit decrypter.
Well, we get some Z files, no error messages, but the files are corrupt.
Open up a Z file with your favourite hex editor and have a look.
Mmmm, lots of repeating 8 byte patterns.
Looks like we've decrypted the file but with the wrong start value.
Stage 4a: A diversion ... partial analysis of file decryption
Time to look at how crypwin.exe decrypts the fc file.
Open up the disassembled cryptwin.exe from FlexLm6.1, and look at
( Some dissassembly has been removed )
1) Read the file and see if it contains the "FLEXcrypt Copyright"
If it does then this is a new 32bit generated file, else it's a
16bit file
:00402D1D 55 push ebp
:00402D58 51 push ecx
:00402D59 E8D2A60100 call 0041D430 <- fread "FlexCryp"
from the file
* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"FLEXcrypt Copyright (C)
1990-1997, "
->"Globetrotter Software, Inc."
:00402D66 6870AE4200 push 0042AE70
:00402D6B 51 push ecx
:00402D6C E8CFC40100 call 0041F240 <- Compare the 2 strings
:00402D71 83C40C add esp, 0000000C
:00402D74 85C0 test eax, eax
:00402D76 7579 jne 00402DF1 <- Jump if it's 16bit
straight to decrypt file
2) This is a 32bit file with a valid header
The analysis of this next section needs some more work, it may hold
more clues.
The code reads some sort of checksum from the file header
The first 8 bytes of data are decrypted
The data is then compared with something and a pass/fail is
:00402D78 FF7508 push [ebp+08]
:00402D7B 53 push ebx
:00402D7C 6A68 push 00000068 <- 104 bytes of header
:00402D7E 8D8D24FFFFFF lea ecx, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFF24]
:00402D84 51 push ecx
:00402D85 E8A6A60100 call 0041D430 <- read the header data
:00402D8A 83C410 add esp, 00000010
:00402D8D 8D55BC lea edx, dword ptr [ebp-44]
:00402D90 FF7508 push [ebp+08]
:00402D93 53 push ebx
:00402D94 6A08 push 00000008
:00402D96 52 push edx
:00402D97 E894A60100 call 0041D430 <- read the first 8
bytes of data
:00402D9C 83C410 add esp, 00000010
:00402D9F 8D4DE4 lea ecx, dword ptr [ebp-1C]
:00402DA2 8D55BC lea edx, dword ptr [ebp-44]
:00402DA5 8D45DC lea eax, dword ptr [ebp-24]
:00402DA8 51 push ecx
:00402DA9 52 push edx
:00402DAA 50 push eax
:00402DAB E818550000 call 004082C8 <- get an 8 byte key?
:00402DB0 83C40C add esp, 0000000C
:00402DB3 B9FF000000 mov ecx, 000000FF
:00402DB8 8B4514 mov eax, dword ptr [ebp+14]
:00402DBB 2BC8 sub ecx, eax
:00402DBD 51 push ecx
:00402DBE 50 push eax
:00402DBF 50 push eax
:00402DC0 8D4DC8 lea ecx, dword ptr [ebp-38]
* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"%02x%03d%03d"
:00402DC3 6860AE4200 push 0042AE60
:00402DC8 51 push ecx
:00402DC9 E812B50100 call 0041E2E0 <- sprintf first 8 bytes
:00402DCE 83C414 add esp, 00000014
:00402DD1 8D4DC8 lea ecx, dword ptr [ebp-38]
:00402DD4 8D55E4 lea edx, dword ptr [ebp-1C]
:00402DD7 6A08 push 00000008
:00402DD9 51 push ecx
:00402DDA 52 push edx
:00402DDB E820C40100 call 0041F200 <- string compare 8
:00402DE0 83C40C add esp, 0000000C
:00402DE3 85C0 test eax, eax
:00402DE5 7411 je 00402DF8 <- passkey OK, continue
to decrypt the file
:00402DE7 B801100000 mov eax, 00001001
:00402DEC E9B5000000 jmp 00402EA6 <- fail, abort with
error code
3) Decrypt the file, 8 bytes at a time
:00402DF1 C745F801000000 mov [ebp-08], 00000001
:00402E73 8D45E4 lea eax, dword ptr [ebp-1C]
:00402E76 8D4DF0 lea ecx, dword ptr [ebp-10]
:00402E79 50 push eax
:00402E7A 8D55DC lea edx, dword ptr [ebp-24]
:00402E7D 51 push ecx
:00402E7E 52 push edx
:00402E7F E844540000 call 004082C8 <- get an 8 byte key?
:00402E84 83C40C add esp, 0000000C
:00402E87 33C0 xor eax, eax
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
-> 8 bytes loop
:00402E89 8A4C05D4 mov cl, byte ptr [ebp+eax-2C] <- XOR
8 bytes
:00402E8D 304C05E4 xor byte ptr [ebp+eax-1C], cl <-
with key
:00402E91 40 inc eax
:00402E92 83F808 cmp eax, 00000008
:00402E95 7CF2 jl 00402E89 <- loop 8 times
Stage 5: XOR the incorrectly decrypted file
As mentioned above, it's as if we've used the wrong start point to
decrypt the FC file.
And from the analysis above we can see it's an XOR decryption.
So how about finding some likely looking zeros in the file.
XOR of zero with a key is zero.
If we XOR the file with the value stored at a zero we may get a
working file.
Open up the html.Z that comes with FlexLm5.12 with your hex editor.
I spy lots of repeats at 40hex, in my case, d361f5a2006ebb12.
Let's try XORing the whole file with d361f5a2006ebb12.
I wrote a little C program to do this, ( main parts only shown ):
void main()
FILE *ReadFile, *WriteFile;
unsigned char xor_table[8]={0xd3,0x61,0xf5,0xa2,0x00,0x6e,0xbb,0x12};
ReadFile=fopen("test.x","rb"); /* Open up the project file to read
WriteFile=fopen("test.z","wb+"); /* Open up the new project file to
write */
while (feof(ReadFile) == 0) /* Repeat until the end of the read file
is reached */
if (init==1)
init =1;
Run this on the files and they look like they should work, but they're
still corrupt.
Stage 6: correct the first 8 bytes of the file
The problem is the first 8 bytes of the data are not correct.
Further work: I think the first 8 bytes have something to do with the
initial decrypt value.
This doesn't pose a problem as FlexCrypt is typically used to encrypt
files with known headers.
For an installshield Z file the first 8 bytes are
For an installshield CAB file the first 8 bytes are
So I modified my XOR code to skip the first 8 bytes and replace them
with the correct header:
void main()
FILE *ReadFile, *WriteFile;
unsigned char xor_table[8]={0xd3,0x61,0xf5,0xa2,0x00,0x6e,0xbb,0x12};
unsigned char z_header[8] ={0x13,0x5D,0x65,0x8C,0x3A,0x01,0x02,0x00};
ReadFile=fopen("test.x","rb"); /* Open up the project file to read
WriteFile=fopen("test.z","wb+"); /* Open up the new project file to
write */
/* Skip the first 8 bytes and write the Z file header */
for (i=0;i<8;i++)
while (feof(ReadFile) == 0) /* Repeat until the end of the read file
is reached */
if (init==1)
init =1;
Run this and your encrypted files are now decrypted.
As before, remove the cryptwin.exe and the FC files and your
installation will now accept
any passkey.
FlexCrypt further work
Now we can decrypt ANY FlexCrypted file.
This includes the FlexCrypt developers kit.
So download this, decrypt it and we get a useful html manual and some
source code.
Have a look a mycode.c and cryptkit.h
It appears that the kit uses FlexLm license data to encrypt the keys
stored in the code.
There's an array fc_keytab[256] stored in the cryptwin.exe
which contains the 8 bytes keys to use XORed with vendorkey5.
As we know from FlexLm cracking, vendorkey5 is the hard one to find.
And we also know it's calculated on the fly from the other vendor codes.
So maybe cryptwin.exe has the necessary license data stored in it's EXE?
Using your favourite hex editor open up cryptwin.exe from FleLm 6.1
Have a look at offset 002a5c0, I think this is the fc_keytab table.
Looking at the rest of the code it seems to have lots of FlexLm code
embedded in it.
And we've cracked this before.
So maybe, by analysis of the cryptwin.exe and the FC file it may be
possible to determine
which key will work, without all the effort above.
The above document shows how we can decrypt ANY FlexCrypted file.
Further work may show the essence of FlexCrypt and it's relationship
with FlexLm.
Thanks to the people out there who continue to reveal the light.
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