Little learning very special tools

special tools

Courtesy of Fravia's page of reverse engineering

Should you feel you have something to add, please contact redme

Some very special links (courtesy of +ghthorne, ThunderTurtle, LordClito, UCF, the Phrozen crew, Panik, Ed!son and many others)

Ok, many of these links won't work any more, yet, the NAMES of the goodies are relevant, in fact chances are that you'll be able to fish out of the web these same progrtams FROM different locations just using a good ftp-search on those names :-)
new part: 30 Sep 98
ftp search for softice

Softice... a site completely dedicated to the best debugger of this planet

SoftICE for win95 v3.25
SoftICE for winNT v3.23
SoftICE for winNT v3.23
SoftICE for winNT v3.23
Using SoftICE (july 1998) pdf
SoftICE Command Reference (july 1998) pdf

new part: 12 Jul 98
Softice v3.2 for Win95: [mIRROR I] [mIRROR II]
Softice v3.2 for NT: [mIRROR I] [I ( + II (]
Windows 3.x, Version 1.52 [mIRROR]
SoftIce Updates
IDA v3.7 Pro Full and Regged Part 1/2
IDA v3.7 Pro Full and Regged Part 2/2
Sourcer 7.0/DOS 'slimline' Only neccesary Files
Sourcer 7.0 & WinSourcer
Sourcer 6.51 for DOS

Quick View 2.46
Win32Dasm v8.9
Patching Engine v3.5Create .EXEs
Patching Engine v3.5 Sources
Private COMpiler v2.7 b9The best, it creates COM EXE and ASM files
Data Crack Engine v3.1 Create EXEs
gPatch v1.2b Create .COMs, with word doc, by JosephCo
Cheat Engine v2.50b2Create .EXEs
DarkStalker's MakeCrak 3.0Create ASM code
RTD Patch Engine v2.0 Create Pascal, C++, ASM and .COMs Files
RTD Windows Patch Engine v1.0Create .EXEs for win32
Win-Trek 1.0
PhrozenCrew Patcher .99g
Byte Hunter v1.3

Borland Resource Workshop v4.5
Win32 Programmer's Reference (3mb) - API reference guide packed (1/3)
Win32 Programmer's Reference (3mb) - API reference guide packed (2/3)
Win32 Programmer's Reference (2mb) - API reference guide packed (3/3)

new part: 4 Jan 98
smchk50.execouple megas Numega's Smartcheck (Lennart)
lotta goodieslotta bytesLotta Numega's goodies (Lennart)
winice 322usual length Numega's Winice 322 (KashmirRED)
pca32_80.exe (Symantec's prog)lotta bytes(KashmirRED)
noru201.exe (Symantec's prog)lotta bytes(KashmirRED)
nsw100.exe (Symantec's prog)lotta bytes(KashmirRED)
old part: 30 Nov 97
UNP412B ZIP22.017 UNP 4.12 (Unpack Compressed EXE's)
W32DASM2 ZIP384.181 W32Dasm 2.0
W32DASM5 ZIP440.977 W32Dasm 5.1
SDM-HV51 ZIP194.838 Hacker's View 5.15
XF-SR651 ZIP281.709 Sourcer 6.51
s-ice280.zip164.881 SoftIce/DOS 2.80
softice.zip995.994 SoftIce/Win95 2.0
m-wice13.zip639.320 SoftIce/Win31 1.52
rsh-si95.zip995.994 SoftIce/Win95 2.0
m-wice13.zip639.320 SoftIce/Win31 1.52
sice-doc.zip639.320 Documentation for DOS-Softice
softice.zip995.994 SoftIce/Win95 2.0
m-wice13.zip639.320 SoftIce/Win31 1.52
SOFTICE WIN 95 VERSION 3639.320 Softice with a mouse VERSION 3!
SOFTICE 95.zip164.881 SoftIce for windows 95
SOFTICE FOR WINDOWS NT995.994 Softice for windows NT
Documentation for WINICE 3.0 FOR WINDOWS 9.5 couple of million bytesDOCUMENTATION WINICE 95

That's really nice is'n't it, even if many links are/will be broken... look at them, work around them... seek the names elsewhere... you'll find everything on the web!


ARJ 2.50a FR Enregistré
PkZip 2.04 FR Enregistré
RAR 2.00
Unp 4.12 beta


SoftICE/Dos 2.80
SoftICE/Win 1.52
SoftICE/Win 95 2.00
SoftICE/Win 95 3.00
SoftICE/Win NT 1.0
SoftICE/Win NT 1.05 (Upgrade)
SoftICE/Win NT 3.0

SoftICE 2.5 Docs (en français)
SoftICE/Win 95 2.00 : Aide à l'installation (en français) by PhaNToM
SoftICE/Win 95 3.0 : Patch clavier QWERTY -> AZERTY 4 APR 97
SoftICE 3.0 Command Reference 30 MAR 97
SoftICE 3.0 User Guide 30 MAR 97

Décompilateurs / Désassembleurs

Disaster 1.0 (Dos)
Masterful Dissasembler 1.00 (Dos)
The Bubble Chamber 1.0 (Dos)
W32Dasm 6.4 (32 bit)
VB3Dis (pour Visual Basic 3)


FakeCD 1.3a
The Cheat Engine 2.50 beta 2 (patching engine)
Sourcer 6.51 9 APR 97


Cours de Crack by Peter Pan (en français)
Cracking 101, 1990 edition
ED!SON's Windows Cracking Tutorial 1.oo
How to crack copy protections
The "Amatuer Crackist" Tutorial 1.3
The Ancient Art of Cracking
The Cracking Manual [Avril 92] + Utils


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