Possible Others & UnknownsThe informants will often use "key fobs" which can record audio and video, or will use digital audio recorders when in jail.
Name Notes Ard, Romulus Adonis..................1-5-1977 Barnett, Felicia.............."Mercedes" Beardsley, Ryan...............CI# 1619 Brenneman, Lucas.............. Burm, Ryan.................... Cornelius, Justin............. De, Justin....................???? DeKeyser, Michael S..............DOB: 7-18-1972 Felton, Unk................... Fischer, Jesse................ Girling, Lynn Stacie.........CI #1680 / 2635 Glendale Av., Howard, WI / Arrested - Good example of how the DTF pays people to deal drugs... Gornick, Rob.................. Green, Austin.................DOB: 10-24-1993 / Long criminal history Harris, Eugene................"Peanut" Higgins, Irving............... Hilas, Chad................... Holsonbach, Mariah............ House, Douglas Lyle...........DOB: 12-12-1957 / SSN: ***-66-3011 / 920-490-4492 * Transports drugs from Texas via his trucking job. * Entire family involved in the drug trade. Him and his sons would rob people in Onedia to get drug money to buy drugs in Texas. * Throws underage drinking parties in order to recruit his "dealers." * "Jailhouse Snitch" - Offers legal advice to inmates, but will take any information he uncovers (or makes-up) to "snitch" on you to the police or probabation officers. * Seen talking to DTF agents at the Brown Couny Jail by pod (inmate) workers. Jacobs, Aaron Lawrence? ......"Frog" / DOB: 10/30/1977 / Won lawsuit against the Brown County Jail. Jacobs, Opel.................. Jacques, Justin............... Jones, Jujuan.................CI# 1395 Jordan, Jon...................???? Kerker, Edmund................ Knutson, Cody.................Kody? Landrum, Devin................"Ricco" Lehrke, Asa................... Lewis, Eric N................."T-bone" / DOB: 02-20-1970 / SSN: ***-90-0437 Lor, Yai...................... Matson, Leotis................ Menne, Alex...................CI# 1717 and CI# 1515 Meno, Unk..................... Miller, Jason.................CI# 355 / "Butter?" / Wore audio recorder in Brown County Jail Fox Pod. Owens, Wesley................. Perez, Cesar.................. Phillips, Joel................ Reigner, Keith A..............DOB: 09-15-1980 / 2229 Tetu Dr., Green Bay, WI Salinas, Juan................. Santana, Rafael..............."Shorty" Schreiber, Richard Joseph.....DOB: 07-02-1969 / N7884 Big Lake Rd., Gresham, WI Schultz, Andrew............... Skrobel, Bailey...............CI# 1783 Sparby, Nick.................. Steeno, Jacob................. Sweeney, Brent James.........CI# 6213 / DOB: 9-25-1982 UNIT: MDT452A DISPATCHED TO .LOCN: 1836,,PREBLE,AV, .X ST: N Hu DRUG USE GOING ON .AND HE SAYS IT IS LOUD THERE. COMP SAID RYAN .MURDOCH (SP?) . INC#: 199800075354 CALL: 01:53:42 DISP: 02:14:28 . NARR: IS THE ONE THAT BROUGHT THE.B7:48.SWEENEY BRENT J 092582 2:28:32 HUSSIN.MISSING PERSON OUT OF GREEN BAY PD .2:51:50 SYS/4743298 CASE/98-68814.CONFIRMED OUT OF OUR DEPT. 2:57:10.CALLED 469-1158 TO SPEAK TO JACKIE IN.REGARDS TO HUSSIN SHE 2:58:15 251A REQ. TO PHONE TO.430-1152 HAVE BONNIE SWEENY COME GET .22:57:11 BRENT. 22:57:12 BONNIE SWEENY.CONTACTED AND WILL PICK UP BRENT AT HQ Tarkowski, Jeff...............CI# 975 / Commited suicide in the Alpha Pod at Brown County Jail on March 9, 2017. * Stood on the railing on the 2nd floor tier and jumped off, hitting the concrete floor head first. * Main informant on that large meth ring/bust (Billy Yang). * Was basically "taunted" into commiting suicide. * People would put messages under his cell door telling him to kill himself. * Example of how the DTF exploits people to pad their wallets, then hangs them out the dry (or die...) Tyrone, Jerrell..............."Jobe" / DOB: 03-25-1991 Van Boxtel, Ryan.............. Van Roy, Cody................. Vertz, Unk.................... Vicenzi, Nicole............... Voyles, Brittany Nicole.......DOB: 01-23-1992 / Green Bay, Howard, Denmark (2016) Webster, Onitawala............CI# 8321 White, James.................. Willhelm, Unk.................Wilhelm? Willman, Joel................. Woodliff, Christopher.........
People with uncashed checks from "Brown County DTF" via the Brown County Treasurer.
These are usually "unclaimed funds" confiscated during drug arrests, but some may be informant payments.
Andrew T. "Theoe" "Lance on Royce" "Joe Blow" "Buddha" "Tweet" "Rudy /w glasses"