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- A.J. Liebling


News for 020799

  Off the Hook may go off the hook

contributed by Anonymous
'Off the Hook' the hacker radio program broadcast by WBAI 99.5FM in New York, and by real audio over the Internet may soon go silent. Pacifica Radio, the largest and most powerful public radio broadcaster, holds the broadcast licenses of WBAI 99.5FM in New York, as well as other stations across the country. Pacifica Radio, will vote on the weekend of February 26-28 to alter the by-laws of the foundation regarding who, in the future, will select the Pacifica board of governors. This will possibly give itself, for the first time, majority control over its own composition and will give board members the total, permanent control of Pacifica and its 300 million dollars worth of assets. This action as well as recent movements by Pacifica to take the organization private has lead some to believe that 'Off the Hook' may be in jeopardy of of being thrown off the air.
(The previous information originally posted to the freepacifica list and the Free Kevin list and sent to HNN Anonymously)

Pacifica Radio
radio4all - More information and a petition to sign

  Virus steals PGP private keys

contributed by Bi0wast3
Opic, a member of The CodeBreakers has written a new MS Word macro virus known as Caligula that specifically targets PGP private keys. Once you have been infected the viruses looks for your private key ring and uploads it to a Codebreakers FTP site. NAI, the owners of PGP claim that this in no way weakens the security of PGP. (So who do you believe? The good guys or the bad guys? Which is which?)

Internet News
ZD Net
Network Associates

  Demoniz Calls it Quits

contributed by demomiz
100% Pure Bikkel, a web site that reported on hacker issues like HNN, is going offline. Demoniz its creator says he wants to spend more time at his real job. HNN is saddened to see such a quality site and excellent resource disappear from the web. They will be missed.

100% Pure Bikkel

  UPT back online

contributed by Space Rogue
Unphamiliar Territory was one of the premier underground BBS systems years ago. They have almost completed the task of putting all the old message bases on the web. This is a great site for anyone who wants to relive the glory days or discover what it might have been like during one of the golden ages of hackers. The message bases chronicle over 10 years of hacker culture.

History of UPT
UPT Message bases

  FAO Leaking Personal Info.

contributed by cipher
On Tuesday HNN broke the story about FAO Schwarz leaking the personal information of its customers onto the web. FAO Schwarz has finnally fixed the problem and the San Francisco Chronicle runs a story about it and quotes HNN.

HNN Archive for February 3, 1999
San Francisco Chronicle

  The Hacker Divide

contributed by rfleming
Respected news site ABC News decides to run major wide scope story on Hackers. The cover a lot of topics including what appears to be a 'generation gap' between the old school and new school. They do get the part about Kevin Mitnick being arrested for credit card fraud wrong though.

ABC News

contributed by technetium99
Last week HNN reported that Iowa State University was complaining about massive cracker attacks. We received the following email regarding that story.

A group by the name of the Paranoid Gangsters has claimed responsibility for the ISU meteorology hacks over the past few weeks. Contrary to what ISU has reported, the hackers are not after meteorological data, but are only exploiting a lack of security in the ISU systems. Most of the security holes were on the meteorological servers, making them the most vulnerable. Fortunately for ISU, most of the security holes have been patched by the hackers. Consequently, one of the servers was compromised by Back Orifice, which was actually executed by the admin.

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Last Updated: 10/10/00 at 03:30

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RCSUSA, Inc. (
Muenchner Symphoniker e.V. (
DATA Software, s.r.o. (
Arpao Servicos de Informatica Ltda (
Scania Slovenija, d.o.o. ( (
Games Workshop ( (
Gustavo Castillo (
Sexy Blonde Cam (
Estudio Charne (AR) (
Guia Virtual (
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