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News for 020399

  FAO Leaking Personal Info.

contributed by cipher
Have you bought anything from FAO Schwarz lately? A teddy bear or G.I. Joe perhaps? If so then your name, address, phone number, and email address may have been leaked to anyone with the right URL. We have notified FAO Schwarz but have yet to hear back from them on this issue.
The best part is taken directly from the FAO FAQ

How Safe is it to order with FAO online?

Once again FAO has gone the extra mile for you... our loyal customers. Not only have we firewalled our server but we have installed a SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) to guarantee the security and privacy of our patrons. Ordering online with FAO is now safer than ordering over the phone or fax.

Firewalls and SSL are not going to be enough if you are going to misconfigure things.

FAO Schwarz - Try it and see for yourself (Hopefully they will fix this soon)
You do have to manually change the "userid" field in the URL to get different info. Try "userid=2015470" hehehe

Late Update
Wired picks up the story and wouldn't ya know it, the above link stops working. Go figure.

  Dilbert Cracked

contributed by Shine-on
Someone broke into the United Media's web site that hosed the Dilbert comic strip and stole the email database that contained email dating back to March, 1998. They then proceeded to spam the entire list and offered to sell the list for $5 a copy. Makes you wonder who is storing your email and why people keep this information on insecure servers.

Dilbert Zone
News Bytes

  Hacker Challenge

contributed by Reverend oSiRis
Yesterday we reported on a 'Hacker Challange" sponsored by Reverend oSiRis was the first to get into the targeted system, No word yet on how he got in. The box has been patched and the contest is continuing. Organizers are asking people to please follow the rules and only attack the appropriate boxes. It looks like the only prize you get is the glory. Who could ask for more?

  Audits From Hell

contributed by Carole Fennelly
SunWorld has a pretty good article on what audits should and shouldn't be. Definitely worth a read for those in the 'biz'.

Sun World

  DOJ wants dough

contributed by Space Rogue
The US Department of Justice is seeking an increase to its FY2000 budget to help fight cyberterrorism. 122 million dollars in part will be used to pay for 60 lawyers to help prosecute attackers of the nation's critical infrastructure.

Federal Computer Week

  LAN in Space

contributed by Weld Pond
This has been reported everywhere already but it is way cool. It describes the computer and network environment to be installed on the International Space Station. Looks like they are going to use 10Base2 cabling. Yum.


  Dropped Packets

It takes a lot to kill an AS/400. This one was dropped down a flight of stairs, run over by a forklift, and hosed down with a firehouse but the data was still recoverable.

Maximum Reality let us know about a petition that has been formed asking Sony to stop its lawsuit against Connectix. The petition is sponsored by the Playstation Users Group

ESPeONage wrote in to tell us about some new Y2K scams. Con Artists are trying to persuade certain email recipients to transfer their bank account money and give it over to them for safe keeping during the 'Y2K Crisis'

contributed by Anonymous
Cracked Sites ? - Second time this week

Latest cracked pages courtesy of
Last Updated: 10/30/00 at 21:15

AntiOnline (
Web Travel Guide (
Web Marketing Solutions (
Compahnia de Informatica do Parana - Celepar (
PlanetData (
Blue Star Info Tech Ltd. (
Texas Society, Daughters of the American Revolution (
Alexandra Hammond ( (
Companhia De Processamento De Dados Do Estado (
Mahindra & Mahindra Limited (
Telecomunicoes do Ceara S/A - Teleceara (
Dragon Sparks (

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