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- A.J. Liebling


News for 030899

  Microsoft Violates Privacy

contributed by xm
Microsoft Windows98 has been creating a Globally Unique Identifier, a number embedded into the OS partly based on your MAC address. This unique number is also embedded into documents you create and is transmitted to Redmond during online registration. Microsoft claims this number was used for assisting customers during technical support calls. Privacy advocates feel that a large marketing database was being created. Big Brother is happily living among us, and his name is Microsoft.

San Jose Mercury News
Los Angeles Times
ABC News

  External Attacks of equal threat as Insiders

contributed by Megan A. Haquer
The Computer Security Institute's annual "Computer Crime and Security" survey has been released. It says that you are just as likely to suffer an attack from the outside as by a disgruntled employee on the inside. The report claims that the threat from the inside has not gone down but that the external threat has risen to match it.

Internet Week
San Jose Mercury News
Detroit Free Press
Computer Security Institute

  Banks warned about Cyberterroists

contributed by Code Kid
Forget about Y2K, The Office of the U.S. Comptroller of the Currency is warning banks about crackers and cyber terrorists. Here is a choice quote from the article "banks sometimes use a data-scrambling method that is far more difficult to crack than encryption codes." (Ed Note: They only use it sometimes? I wonder if this method is covered by US Arms export laws? Hmmmm)

Bergen Record
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC)
Text of the OCC Bulletin

  WindowsNT not secure?

contributed by Weld Pond
It looks like some mainstream security experts are finnally realizing what hackers have known for years. Windows NT security ain't all that Microsoft says that it is. Network Computing takes a look at just how easy it is to 'own' an entire NT network. To bad they didn't list the tools they used.

Network Computing

  Port Scanning: A knock on the Door or B&E?

contributed by skr1pt k1dd3
Last year the Norwegian Supreme Court ruled that port scanning was not a form of cyber attack but was instead more of a knock on the door. Data Communications magazine has finnally found time to print something about it.

Wired Dec 23, 1998
HNN Archive for Dec 24, 1998
HNN Archive for Jan 14, 1999
USA Today Jan 26, 1999
Data Communications March 7, 1999

  UK drops key Escrow in exchange for security solution

contributed by slimey
In exchange for dropping the key escrow requirements from the Electronic Commerce Bill UK officials have given the IT industry until April 1st to find a way to stop cyber criminals. Good Luck.


  15 year old "Super Hacker" busted

contributed by Arik
A "Super Hacker" in Korea has been arrested by police after 152 people complained about the 15 "super viruses" that he distributed. The head of the National Police Office's computer crime team has labeled the suspected cracker as a "national treasure".

Digital Chosun

  Pentagon under Cyber Attack

contributed by Space Rogue
For those of you following the over dramatic and old news story of the Pentagon being under massive cyber attack here are some links from various sources. These should keep you busy for a while.

ABC News
Fox News
PC World
CBC News
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
The Bergen Record
Los Angeles Times
San Antonio Express
ZD Net
Nando Times

I have more but whats the point?

contributed by Unkown
We recieved a wierd report from an unknown source about an article in a local Long Island NY newspaper about two people who reproduced bank checks with thier computer and then took them down to the local supermarket to get cashed. The news paper then labels these common crimminals as, you guessed it, 'super hackers' If anyone has an online link to this story please submit it.

contributed by Anonymous
We have recieved reports that the following sites had been cracked:

Latest cracked pages courtesy of
Last Updated: 06/14/00 at 19:00

RISX Security (
Creative Approaches, Inc ( (
Der Europäische Hof Hotel Europa Heidelberg (
Hannes Gsell in der Sports Car Challenge 2000 (
Instituto Brasileiro de Desenvolvimento do Coop. (
Igreja Presbiteriana de Vila Maria (
Lafayette College (
Nivea product division, Beiersdorf A.G (
Samchok National University (
V&F Comercial Ltda (
WebAtiva Brazil (
Taejon National University of Technology AI Lab (
Taejon National University of Technology Network Communication Lab (
Taejon National University of Technology Information Engineering Lab (
Taejon National University of Technology Human and Computer Interaction Lab (

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