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- A.J. Liebling


News for 041100

Due to the @Stake corporate training schedule there will be no new news for Monday or Tuesday this week.

  Junger wins in Appeals Court - Code Declared Speech

contributed by Dan
The 6th Circuit Appeals Court has overturned a lower court ruling and has concluded that the First Amendment does in fact protect computer source code. Therefore they have remanded Peter Junger's case over encryption exports back to the District Court for further consideration.

6th Circuit Court Opinion
Associated Press - via World News

  Bullet to Scan Hard Drives of Web Site Visitors

contributed by acopalyse
Code-named Bullet and developed by ISS, this new software lets e-commerce companies scan a Web site visitor's hard drive to see if it is infected with Trojan horses, viruses or other malicious software that could be passed on to the e-commerce site. Few details about the program are available, the release date and pricing has not yet been announced. (Are companies going to warn users before they scan them?)


  Links to Web Sites Illegal

contributed by Evil Wench
The Osaka District Court has ruled that under certain conditions linking one web site another would violate the law. While slightly vague it would seem that simply linking to a site that violates the law could be charged as aiding and abetting a crime.

Asia Biz Tech

  British Companies Complacent

contributed by acopalyse
A study by the Department of Trade and Industry in Britain finds that British business are too complacent when it comes to online security. The Information Security Breaches Survey 2000 (ISBS 2000) found that 60% of companies have suffered a security breach and that 30% do not feel they have anything worth protecting. It was also found that the average costs of each intrusion was only £20,000. The study will be released at Infosecurity Europe 2000 on 11 April at Olympia in London.

The UK Register

  Trio Becomes First Internet Crime Conviction for Hong Kong

contributed by William Knowles
In the first case of its kind in Hong Kong a teenager has been sentenced to six months in jail after pleading guilty to 49 computer crime-related charges. Two other accomplices where sent to detention centers. The trio got to know each other online where they traded name and password information on various accounts. The three have been released on bail pending an appeal.

Agence France-Presse - via Nando Times

  Census Afraid of Electronic Intrusion

contributed by Evil Wench
While the US Census Bureau claims that it is doing everything it can to increase responsiveness it has deliberately played down the online option. The Census feels that they have not adequately tested the security options of the site. So while the site is active and available it is not being publicized. (It won't get broken into if we don't tell anyone about it.)

Online Census Form
Industry Standard - via Yahoo

  Hardware Key Logger Introduced

contributed by Weld Pond
Software to monitor every key stroke has been around for a while but now a New Zealand company has introduced a hardware device that is small enough to be hidden inside the keyboard that does the same thing. The small device known as KeyGhost will monitor and record every key stroke on the keyboard and stores all data within itself. KeyGhost will retail for between $99 and $309.


  Napalm Issue 4

contributed by Kynik
Issue 4 of Napalm has been released with articles on securing Solaris 2.x and musical intonation. (Now that's a weird mix.)


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