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- A.J. Liebling


News for 102899

  Privacy and Encryption Labeled Antisocial By DOJ

contributed by Weld Pond
For some reason this hasn't made much press but it looks like the DOJ considers privacy and encryption antisocial. According to Scott Bradner, an Internet Engineering Task Force area coordinator, someone high up in the DOJ told him that if the IETF was to support encryption it would be an 'antisocial act.'

Actually, private property is antisocial. Under socialism, there is no private property.
Ayn Rand said in The Fountainhead "Civilization is the progress toward a society of privacy."

Wired - It is buried on the second page

  B02K Reviewed By WinNT Magazine

contributed by Weld Pond
Windows NT Magazine has published an extensive review of BO2K. WinNT Mag says that the open source code, its ability to remote admin systems, and its encryption features are all good but derides the product for not having logging capabilities. (It is good to finally seeing BO2K taken seriously)

Windows NT Magazine - Subscription required
BO2K - They are having connection issues at the moment

  MP3 Pirates Beware

contributed by Evil Wench
The International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI) has launched a major crack down on internet MP3 pirates. Targeting hundreds of sites in over 20 countries the IFPI hopes to remove over 1 million pirated songs from the internet. (This will do nothing but drive them further underground.

ZD Net

  Red Herring Reviews Defcon

contributed by Tan
It is a little late but Red Herring Magazine has a review of this years Defcon. They take an interesting view on the changing face of the underground.

Red Herring

  Hong Kong to Create Government Gateway

contributed by Weld Pond
The Director of Information Technology Services for Hong Kong, Lau Kam-hung, said that they will strengthen security by establishing the Secure Central Internet Gateway (SCIG). This Gateway will enable government bureaus and departments to securely access the internet. It will include firewalls, virus detection systems and proactive intrusion detection systems.

Asia Pulse

  .mil and .gov Defacements on the Increase

contributed by Ender Wiggin
If you haven't been paying attention recently the number of government and military web sites that have been defaced has increased dramatically over the last few days. They have been twelve such defacements in the last 24 hours including the second defacement of US Army Reserve Command.

Attrition Mirror - They are haveing connection problems at the moment

Fuqrag, the guy who defaced a server hosted at Fort Meade (headquarters of NSA) has granted an interview with OSALL.

Fuqraq Interview - via OSALL

  CNet Chooses Top Ten 'Hacks'

contributed by Sarcastro
CNET.com did a feature report on the top 10 greatest hacks of all time, of course by 'Hack' they mean some sort of illegal activity. Somehow the Morris Worm only made number 10 and they completely missed the Chinese Human Rights defacement. Not to mention that this is more of a cheap stunt to get advertising revenue by placing each of the ten on its own separate page. So to save you the aggravation here are the top five that they chose, 5. InterNic redirection to AlterNic, 4. Air Tran defacement, 3. New York Times Defacement, 2. Drudge Report Defacement, 1. War Games the movie (How did that get there?) Anyway unless your bored this morning don't bother reading this.

C | Net

  MSNBC Special Report

contributed by UNREAL
An MSNBC Special report entitled "Internet underground" Really isn't all that special. They have gathered together a lot of old content and repackaged it under a new heading and then called it a special report. Unless you have been living in a cave the last six months I wouldn't bother. (Actually this may be months old, first time I have seen it.)


Latest cracked pages courtesy of attrition.org
Last Updated: 11/29/99 at 00:15

#2 NASA JPL Acquisition Division (acquisition.jpl.nasa.gov)
The White House Historical Association (www.whitehousehistory.org)
Wayne Local Schools (www.wayne-local.k12.oh.us)
Ring of Troth Europe (www.troth.org.uk)
Teletubbies Denmark (www.teletubbies.dk)
PC Mac (www.pcmac.com)
Nissan Mexico (www.nissan.com.mx)
#4 Monica Lewinsky's site (www.monicalewinsky.com)
Mastercard Austria (www.mastercard.at)
Honda Korea (www.honda.com.kw)
Gateway Malaysia (www.gateway.com.my)
Faculdade Santa Marta (www.faculdadesantamarta.br)
DellNet Brasil (www.dellnet.com.br)
Boob Shack (www.boobshack.com)
AI Security Inc. (www.ai-security.com)
Unix 9 (unix9.org)

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