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We all need some book learnin'

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The New Hackers Dictionary A must have book for the beginning hacker, journalist or researcher. The The New Hackers Dictionary is not only a referance book, but an archive of trivia, anecdotes, and information. This is not some dry list of words and meanings but an entertaining listing of words that describe a culture. This book is available for free online as 'The Jargon File' but owning the hard copy version is much more enjoyable.
Hackers; Heroes of the Computer
Revolution Everyone needs a little history. Hackers; Heroes of the Computer Revolution covers the early days at MIT, the beginings of the Home Brew Computer Club in California, and the start of the computer gaming industry. An excellent look at the road that has been travelled. Highly recomended for journalists, researchers and the just plain curious.

Hacking Exposed One the best books on computer Security on the market. Hacking Exposed: Network Security Secrets and Solutions includes exhaustive information on up to date tools such as nmap, firewalk, L0phtCrack, nessus, etc. It covers numerous techniques that people use to gather information and bypass security systems. If you have anything at all to do with secureing a computer this book is a must read.
Firewalls and Internet Security Firewalls and Internet Security: Repelling the Wily Hacker is a little dated but is still chock full of useful information.
Maximum Linux Security Maximum Linux Security : A Hacker's Guide to Protecting Your Linux Server and Network provides a comprehensive picture of Linux's strengths and weaknesses when it comes to protecting your systems from bad guys.

Applied Applied Cryptography is the must have book for everyone working with crypto systems. Covers various approaches and protocols and includes source code. Great for the beginner or the master.

RunningLinux Running Linux is a great book for those people who are just starting out. Covers all the basics from installation to setting up sendmail.

C Programing Ritchie and Kernighan's bookThe C Programming Language is the standard C language book. If you are going to teach yourself C or even take a course you need this book.

The Twofish Encryption Algorithm : A
128-Bit Block Cipher The Twofish Encryption Algorithm contains all the information in the initial Twofish submission and the first three Twofish tech reports, expanded and corrected. A must read for any cypherpunk.

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