"You wish. Wait'll you're steering that thing upstairs through
black ice."
Black IC
The life of IC has
evolved. Though I will still list old links and
information for those interested. You will see more
self-reliant information available. An interest that has
taken me from the scene to a more fulfilling interest. I
am an active shooter. Have been since I was knee
high. Only now its a hobby and a major part of my life.
If you don't like firearms or suffer "sheepism".
Hang out for a bit. When I get a shout box running you and
I can tell each other to fuck off and feel all big and buff. |
If you have not shot a firearm. It would be worth your time to experience it. Many people denounce a constitutional right, something our country was
founded upon, as being the interest of the sick and insane. This kind of mentality sucks. If you don't like firearms... Fine. If you have not fired one and profess the
evil in them. Wake up. Take a shot. You may find you like them. You may find you don't but at least you took the risk. Just don't tell us that are lawful gun
owners that we should not have them.
"Always aim Three buttons down. You can't go wrong..." - Grandma -
Everyone should read.
If you don't lets hope you can't cause your an idiot. Reading is
half the battle. Not believing everything you read is the
rest. Ask the tough questions and move on. Here are some
books to get you going. Now all you psych majors can write a psych
profile on who Black IC really is. Have fun pondering your navel
lint. Maybe you should read these and think for yourself.
Freud was wrong. |
Turner Diaries - Andrew MacDonald
Out of the Ashes - William W. Johnstone (Series)
The DaVinci Code - Dan Brown
The Fox Fire Book Group (Series)
Articles and Projects: - Black IC's Articles (More can be found in Phantasy and Cybertek)
Black IC's SIGINT Project and Information - Inactive IIRG Project Viable Information
Black IC's The Mod Squad - Inactive IIRG Project Viable Information
Postcards From The Edge BBS - Cutting-Edge HPAVC BBS from 1993 - 2001
History of Mars-2 with AVI - Really set things off in its day!
Mars-2 Specifications from MEI
- PDF Format
Vesoft and the Hewlett Packard 3000 -
Another risqué article!
Connecticut Survivalist Alliance
Kimber - Continuing The Legacy (Cadillac of 1911 .45 Cal)
Sako - Finnish Long Range Rifles (.378 Lapua Magnum - The Fins rocked with this one)
Computer Related:
Computer Cops - Online Security Professionals
The Combat Zone Network - Online Tactical Competition for Online Gamers.
HTML Presentation by Black
IC/Slapped Together Productions
Copyright © 2000 - 2004 Black IC. All rights reserved.