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messenger app that connects you to the Connecticut Survivalist Alliance (CSA) in
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FRINGE" is Out in Force!
It has been awhile since our last page updates
but they are now officially underway.
While Preparedness is currently "in Style",
with shows such as "Doomsday
the mainstream media still portrays the "Survivalist Community" as a group of
paranoid inbred rednecks.
Appearing on a show such as "Doomsday
Preppers", should be avoided like the plague for anyone who is serious about
survival. The show has individuals who are of 3 mindsets.
1. Blatantly ignorant of OPSEC and PERSEC.
(Operational and Personal Security)
2. Using the Show as FREE advertising.
(Survivalist Profiteers)
3. Are the true "LUNATIC FRINGE!"
No matter how mainstream "Disaster Preparedness" becomes,
the "LUNATIC FRINGE" that gave "Survivalism" a bad name to start with is
still out there.
The "LUNATIC FRINGE" just can't make it in society and want the
"Shit To Hit The Fan (SHTF) because they think they can be
"important" or "a leader" if society will just hurry up and collapse.
So watch the show and laugh at the incompetency, staged scenes and sales
Just remind yourself that this is "entertainment" and NOT "Survivalism".
The time has
come for Patriots to put up or shut up!
What is left of America,
cannot be sustained by four more years of the Meccachurian.
The problem is there isn't much of an alternative.
The offerings presented by the Republican party are dismal at best.
A third party candidate stands about as much chance as a
virgin at spring break.
We've examined reports by private, and our own
Intelligence Analysts.
The outcomes do not look promising for the citizenry at large.
We can only guess the dire straights the citizenry will be suffering
in just over one year.
In the time period preceding the last elections,
we stressed the importance of emergency preparedness should the
Meccachurian win.
Now, with the crumbling of America's infrastructure,
spiraling unemployment and economics disaster.
We will be stressing the importance of NOT allowing the
to finalize his total destruction of America.
Send us your observations and reports to:
Communication is vital in these challenging times.
Don't Be a
In the "REAL" world,
individuals with a clue understand the importance of communicating securely with
one another.
Militia members, Patriots and Survivalists should maintain open lines of
Keeping these lines communication open is the key element in the overall success
of of restoring the Constitutional Republic,
and the rights declared by the founding fathers, granted to us by God
above, and penned in the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence,
and the Constitution of the former United States of America.
As history has shown time and time again,
there are those with the proper mindset and motivation to act accordingly,
and there are those that act like spoiled children.
Don't be a spoiled child. Freedom is not a game.
The efficient flow of operational details and logistics cannot be accomplished
by those with no sense of OPSEC (OPerational SECurity).
There are just far too many who refuse to practice any procedure that requires
minimum mental capacity,
or any effort on their part.
For those who care about their PERSEC (PERsonal SECurity),
and have a fully functional brain,
visit the CSA PGP
Tutorial Page.
Mexican - American War of 2010
Connecticut Survivalist Alliance (CSA), members and affiliates have gone to:
The CSA units in these states are completely activated. "Tier One" Operations Forces in these states are
also activated
and OPSEC is mandatory!
Do a search on #mexwar on Twitter,
to get the latest headlines from the frontlines!
Hey SNL, Ask for a Birth
The Meccachurian's "brand" if you like is a joke.
The mainstream media is claiming his poll numbers are
but the CSA's own research seriously questions this claim.
If the Meccachurian can be so easily
swayed by the liberal left
propaganda of Saturday Night Live (SNL) in regards to gays
in the military,
what will he be swayed to next by the liberal left?
His announcement of vowing to allow gay men and lesbians to
serve openly in the military can be taken as an attempt to
satisfy his liberal left critics.
The Meccachurian has offered no timetable for his vow, and
even the gay and lesbian
question his sincerity.
To quote a local military surplus retailer,
"Meccachurian speaks with a forked tongue"
Visit Our Twitpics Page
"It is curious how often you humans manage to obtain
that which you do not want."
-- Spock in 'Errand of Mercy'
The Connecticut Survivalist Alliance's (CSA's),
collection of satirical political photos and cartoons.
An irreverent look at the so-called movers and shakers of
Washington, DC.
posters depicting Barack "Hussein" Obama as Batman villain
The Joker have been called 'mean-spirited and dangerous' by
his supporters.
Los Angeles Urban Policy Roundtable President Earl Ofari
Hutchinson says that depicting Barack "Hussein" Obama as
demonic and a socialist 'goes beyond political spoofery.'
Barack "Hussein" Obama's supporters call us Right Wing
Extremists, they even call us rednecks and racists because
we don't like his socialist policies.
We would suggest they take a look at his plummeting
popularity, We don't like how our moneys spent and
apparently there's allot of us out there.
We do NOT want corrupt politicians in
Washington trying to control everything in our lives.
Yes, Barack "Hussein" Obama is a 1/2 black closet Muslim.
His administration and supporters may deny that fact, but it
is a FACT!
Despite his best efforts, the First Amendment gives us the
right to speak our minds,
So whoever created this satirical poster is speaking their
Trying to ignore our First Amendment right is 'mean-spirited
and dangerous'.
CSA Update
As we advertised,
the Connecticut Survivalist Alliance (CSA)
has frozen membership as of January 20th, 2009.
We still encouraged non-members to send
us situation reports on their local areas.
Rumors to research, news of ammunition or food shortages, military
exercises and movements,
or anything you think may interest us.
We receive 2500+ e-mails a day on our various accounts, although we read
all the e-mail we receive, we are not always able to send a personal
response to each and every e-mail.
So don't despair if you don't hear back
from us!
If you have privacy issues like we do, you can obtain our Public PGP Key
on the CSA PGP
Tutorial page. Remember you must send us your Public PGP Key.
Google Discussion Group
Back in June of 2008, we tried
to restore a public CSA Discussion Group on Google, like the
old Yahoo Discussion Group before the ADL attacked us.
We intended for it to serve as our main public hub
for analyzing and disseminating information which may
pertain to potential threats and concerns to the
Survivalist, Patriot and Militia communities.
Since we have made it so you didn't have to be a CSA member
to participate, we have ended up with non-posting lurkers
for the most part.
Since the group is populate by these
lurkers, our
WebBot searches out News and Open Source Intelligence (OSI)
and posts it to the group 5 times a week.
We need individuals who are serious on their survival.
Everyone has something to share, everyone has something to
learn, and together we can accomplish big things while the
lurkers and slackers fall to the wayside.
Not Our
Every patriotic American should care deeply about the
issue of Obama's citizenship status.
The CSA and its affiliates have amassed an enormous amounts of data
concerning Obama's place of birth. Obama has spent well over a million
dollars on legal fees fighting the various lawsuits against him.
If Obama has nothing to hide, $12.00 for a long form certificate of live
birth would have ended all these allegations. Until such time he proves
that he is indeed a natural born citizen, CSA members and affiliates
will NOT recognize him as President or
The former United States of America will be saddled with Grand High
Sheikh "Barack Hussein Obama" and Congress refuses to do its
Constitutional duty because they think they will now have their
Democratic golden boy.
(at least they're trying to learn English grammar)
plenty for this nation to be awakened to.
We are not talking about the standard conspiracy theories of Bush
orchestrating 9/11, or contrails contain mind altering drugs
manufactured by the CIA, or the Bilderberg Group trying to control the
world. We asked our Intelligence Unit to examine current world events
and try to predict the future.
After examining data, the unit came to the conclusion that our
politicians are hurling us toward an inevitable racial Armageddon. We
don't like dire prophecies of human disasters except when there is
compelling evidence that calamity could be at hand.
After examining just a brief portion of the data they collected, I too
saw that there's a realistic threat of armed racial conflict in the
United States. One of the biggest problems with speaking out on this
topic if you are white is you're labeled a "racist".
In other words, for all the illusory successes of the black civil rights
movement, and despite the deluded or willful belief of so many whites,
that that movement resulted in a color-blind society, the nation remains
a house divided.
The move by factions of the immigration movement is inevitable to create
two separate nations.
There's a limit to how much oppression (in
their eyes), that immigrants will take.
While some immigrants have found dignity and political clout and
economic opportunity, the greater mass of illegal immigrants has not.
Too few whites, however, see, or will admit, that this chain of cause
and effect. They point instead to immigrants supposed genetic
inferiority, laziness deficient values, sexual promiscuity, and criminal
tendencies, or all of the above.
So, what can you do? Well, the first thing you can do is organize. You
can get ready for the storm that is threatening to overtake this nation.
We can't predict when the skies will turn dark and that storm will
strike in it's full fury, but we sense it's coming.
We applaud this effort of a
small group of patriots who have taken
on the Girls of La Raza!
does not ask individuals for money out of their
but we do ask you for your support in our efforts.
Register here and make $6.00 and by supporting us
we make $1.25