Little freak should have fried.

Little freak should FRY!

John Allen Muhammad, the brain trust behind the DC sniper terror incident in 2002 (as far as brains go for Negroes), should now be making his way — at this very moment — to hell where he belongs. Right as he expels his last foul living breath and his twisted soul sinks down to oblivion, this blog post goes up on the Internet.

Too bad they didn’t execute his junior partner in crime, Lee Boyd Malvo (right), that creepy-looking Jamaican illegal whom Muhammad lovingly called “little sniper.” The two of them killed upwards of 20 across the county. This “little” SOB gets life in prison watching TV at taxpayer expense, when he should be executed right along with his “father.”

Yep, both of them should have gotten the firing squad, right next to each other. They bragged that they planned to murder 6 Whites a day for 30 days. That’s right. But guess what? This shocking news nugget was purposely ignored by the US mainstream media and only made the headlines in overseas papers. Typical PC media tactic!*


Instead of getting the easy needle, the sorry bastard should have fried, or better yet, they should have held a nation-wide contest for a White firing squad to dispatch his black ass to hell!

Muhammad got the easy way out — a nice, soothing drug to knock him out before they injected him with the real deal. Basically, he was put to sleep like a dog at the SPCA. Which is what he was, when you get right down to it. A whole lot easier than the pain and suffering he inflicted on his innocent victims. By far. How would you like a .223 piece of lead smashing into your spine, traveling at 3100 feet a second, while you were putting away your groceries in some parking lot? Cowards.

Let’s all imagine him, right at this very moment, getting his just desserts deep in the bowels of hell. Some horrific demon with a toothy grin — far more frightening than anything Jew Hollywood could ever dream up — is now viciously chomping away at his spindly, spiritual extremities. Muhammad is feeling every bit the horror and sheer pain as he would if his body was real, as he frantically tries to escape the demon’s vociferous maw and talons. This will go on and on for eternity. Well, at least that’s the idea.

I’m going to time this piece to go up right at the very minute he’s executed. It’ll hit the Internet at the exact same moment the sick Negro gives up the ghost. Let’s hope Beezlebub, or that old Greek guy Hades, has him read it on some monitor down in the foyer of hell: “Hey, Mohammad, come over here and check this out. Some crazy White guy on the Internet just wrote all this about you. He doesn’t have everything quite right — it’s going to be far, far worse. Here, meet the crew of horrible hell demons I have slated for your ugly black butt!”

Yeah, you’re right, I haven’t the foggiest on what transpires after someone croaks. Who does? But I’m certain if a hell does exist, this evil Negro is now there.

One thing I am certain of, on this plane of existence, is how screwed up our media is when it comes to crime. I get people coming here all the time trying to tell me that White people are the biggest serial murderers and child molesters, etc. etc. In their cottage cheese brains, this demonstrable falsehood somehow compensates for all the horrible murders committed on a daily basis by Negroes across the country.

Actual fact of the matter is that far more murderers and sex criminals of any sort have been black than White. Negroes will rape and kill at the drop of a hat. Almost as much as they steal.


Anthony Sowell

Hell, some Negro (right) in Cleveland was discovered just last week to have killed at least 11, possibly even more. It was reported in the mainstream media for about 10 seconds and now will be forgotten by the sleeping masses. Back to the continuous replays of 40 year-old White killer documentaries, like the Zodiac and Manson murders!

I was just thinking about all this the other day. How many times do you see something on the “Zodiac” murder mystery? All the time, right? How many times do you see something on the “Zebra” murders? Never — what is the Zebra murders, you might even ask. It was a gang of Negro pretend-Muslims who required their newbies to go out and off some innocent White out of the blue. Police investigators at the time had a radio call sign “Zebra” when this happened.

These investigators pegged the number at 71 murders and suspected even more in outlying districts. However, the PC and Jew-manipulated Wikipedia goes with the “official” number of 16 killings. Which is bogus. But still, think about it here for a minute: Zodiac killed 5, the Manson’s killed about 8 during their stabbing spree in 1969. So from my meager math skills, 16 is a bit more, wouldn’t you agree? So why do so few know about the Zebra killings? I wrote about all this HERE.

I’ll tell you why. The lousy liberals in the mainstream media can’t bring themselves to tell you the real facts of life, my friends. And the facts are that Negroes are absolutely, undeniably the most murderous race in the US, or anywhere come to think. They kill at 7 times the rate of Whites. 90% of all interracial crime is at their hands, not ours. 50,000 Whites have been brutally murdered by Negroes since desegregation. That’s almost as many soldiers who died in the Vietnam war!

And that’s what we have going on today. A long-running, unspoken of war against White people. You lousy liberals, who might have read so far, just stop and think about the real deal going on for a minute — not what they want you to think on mainstream TV. They’ve lied to you by simply not telling you the full story. And why? Because they don’t want us Whites to get angry when we should be getting angry. Very angry.

These sorry liars want you to call people like me a “racist,” not listening to anything I, or any pro-White might have to say. The real facts are not good enough for them, they have to keep playing a tiresome PC game on your head no matter what. You know in your gut what the real deal has always been, that’s why you lock your doors and windows all the time. That’s why you avoid certain parts of town. Don’t you sit there and try to tell me otherwise.

It’s time for us Whites to come together and put a stop to the behavior of these free-ranging, spoiled and violent blacks. You had better start seeing what’s happening to this country because it’s going to get worse and worse for Whites in the future, regardless of any of your liberal, fair-minded ideologies. Much worse.

Do you want this for your children? Do you want this for yourself when you get older? Think about it, fool.

— Phillip Marlowe

*Yeah, they did shoot that Negro bus driver, but the man was inside the doors of his bus waiting to start his shift and Little Sniper probably couldn’t see at that range that it was a “brother” with his low-magnification, heads-up combat scope.


Mayberry-type Virginia town now under attack from twin Negroes: Local TV video report

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