Dave Bader's Account

This page has been assembled from three
at Dave Bader's former web site,
The Think Tank


Where I'm Coming From
What Do They Say and Do?
Is This Guy Insane?
The Story
Poem: Alice in Chains
Main Story
Memorable Statements by "Them"
Such Things Are Known By: Dorthy Burdick
Patrick A. Warden: Mind Control and Mental Telepathy
Martin Cannon
Defense News: U.S., Russia Hope To Safeguard Mind-Control Techniques

Spy Government by Omar V. Garrison
Victims of Electronic Assault - Working to Ban Sound Wave Technology
    Cellular Disruptions
CIA Documents
Remote Mind Control Technology by Anna Keeler
My Conclusions
Poem: Black Sabbath
The Implant Removal

Where I'm Coming From


In 1992 I was hired by a DOD contractor in Northridge, CA as network administrator. I was happy to get the position as I would receive much experience and work with the latest technology in computers. I did learn a lot which has kept me floating to this day, but I also gained a fringe benefit that I could not have conceived of., intrusion into my own mind. The business there was statistical analysis of nuclear blasts using software that did the graphical calculations (only specifics were considered classified which I knew or cared nothing of, and wouldn't speak of if I did.).

After working the job for awhile and visiting the co. Recommended dentist several times, I started noticing that I was having vivid/lucid dreams every night (not normal for me). I wrote these off as just strange because I had no reason to think otherwise. After signing my application for a required security clearance things got worse. I noticed a growing number of people that I didn't know seeming to pay attention to me. I wrote this off as either imagining or greater effects of my security investigation than I imagined. This grew over several months to the point it was driving me nuts thinking about what the hell was going on.

Some of the mystery vanished when "they" spoke to me for the first time (1/93). They started by telling me they were my friends but would avoid all questions as to who they were, what they were doing and how. They are able to affect me anywhere I go with intracerebral tones and voices, as well as physical affects that are hard to describe.

The first few months "they" tried to convince me that they were supernatural, religious figures, and even aliens. I assume they were trying to form a false belief that they are something otherworldly that could be accepted somehow. Maybe that would be possible for someone else, but I am not a dupe of any human belief system except "show me". So they laid into me with synthetic horrible sounding voices, often in endless loops. The memorable one is "I'm in your mind, I'm in your mind, I'm in your mind, etc.". They always hit me the worst (loudness and tone) while driving. I had a 40 mile trip to and from work in CA and often did it at 90+ miles an hour to get to or from fast so the abuse would lessen. It is strange that I was only pulled over once by the police during a one year period doing so.


What Do They Say and Do?

Mostly painful jabbering nonsense. They have a two-way link with my mind and are able to interfere with my thinking processes by speaking to me causing me to lose my train of thought, Say things in my mind that if I were not aware, would think I thought (this is nearly impossible to describe), and influence if not completely control my dreams. It is very hard to describe, they say everything and nothing at all, Meaningless statements most of the time, Direct insults a lot of the time, and teasing my thoughts or actions. I can not figure out a goal here other than to drive me nuts, yet they seem to back off a bit when they nearly drive me over the edge. They want to play with me and I would be of no use dead or insane, this is all I can figure. They are definitely interested in the dream play and often play short produced movies for me that I am participating in. Saturday 9/14/96 they played the most disturbing one to date which ended with a slow hypnotic voice that said "The Think Tank" which sounded like an advertisement (and how I named this page). I only consciously heard this because I was so shocked by the clip that it woke me up before it concluded.


Is This Guy Insane?

No, but it would be the logical conclusion when an unknowing person reads this. It sounds like a case of schizophrenia. I am in a sort of catch 22 situation here. I know what I know from direct experience and they often laugh at my attempts to expose them, but how could anyone else accept what I know? Its a perfect cover.


The Story

Alice in Chains


We chase misprinted lies
We face the path of time
And yet I fight This battle all alone
No one to cry to No place to call home
My gift of self is raped My privacy is raked
And yet I find Repeating in my head
If I can't be my own I'd feel better dead.

I have been the unwitting subject of a painful and inhumane mind manipulation project for over three years now without a clue how to combat it because it is invisible and for the first year, beyond my comprehension. After applying for a security clearance for my job as a LAN administrator for a D.O.D. contractor in California, I was mentally invaded by unknown to me forces of this government. I have no Idea what the goal of this torture treatment is, it makes no sense at all other than to drive me crazy and lose all faith in my fellow man and our so called Democratic society. What I do know is that it has completely ruined my life, health and career which is an understatement. What I'm about to say will classify me as a schizophrenic paranoid by traditional doctors, which is a perfect cover for the party(s) responsible for my condition. I have no history of mental illness and The maddening part is that apparently only I am at the receiving end with no-one to witness it. I ask that you hear me out with an open mind and take into account my research which proves that what I am claiming has already been exposed to some extent. All of my research started in March 1994 when after a long year of torture I decided I had to search for the truth because the truth was not going to find me. Through a long list of calls I found a person (Cheryl Welsh) that was researching the same thing and sent me a large amount of information on the subject of remote mind control / manipulation technology. This documentation enlightened me and scarred the hell out of me because I was reading it and knowing absolutely the truths it revealed due to personal experience.

My real life nightmare began in mid January 1993 about 6 months after applying for a security clearance for my job at a Defense contractor in Northridge California and less than a month after a major dental procedure by a dentist referred to me by the company. One day in January 1993 I began hearing voices talking to me in my mind (although I was not aware where they originated from at first) and a high pitched tone in my ears like a very high frequency radio wave that pulses. I cannot remember the exact date and time because it was the most traumatic experience I've had in my life, and my concern was not to document times and dates at the moment. The voices were at a high enough volume to sound like it were a person in the room with me. At first I believed someone had tampered with my stereo equipment or put speakers in my walls. This was proven false when I went for a walk to escape and I continued to hear the voices. I proved this by plugging my ears, the sound comes from the center of my head. Learning this took me from fright to near psychosis because of their constant attack and my mind not accepting an unacceptable truth. I still played with the idea that the sounds were external to me because the truth was unacceptable to my belief system at the time.

What I have gone through cannot be put into words well. I feel that someone reading this could not perceive the maddening anguish of realizing with concrete evidence that his/her mind was no longer their own and subject to torment by unseen criminals at their whim with no way to protect oneself and no legal recourse against "them". It might be easier for a religious person to handle, He could blame it on evil spirits or something and have hope that his god will save him and if it did stop, he would be no more the wiser. Being a realist to my demise I know that I am dealing with human corruption and as history shows I may have a long time until justice is served (after 50 years we are finally hearing about how our government used unwitting human guinea pigs for radiation experimentation, will I have to wait until 2043 for someone to expose remote mind (nervous system) access technology on unwilling victims?).

I have been mentally tortured for so long now that it is like life as normal (over 1250 days of constant verbal and other attack). My mind had to adapt to the fact that it was no longer alone. It's not like having company over, it's like having a rabid dog loose and your trapped in a room with no doors, you retreat to the corner and try to block yourself from being bitten but your defenseless. You can plead for him to stop tearing you to pieces but animals don't bargain. You can pass out but when you awake he's there snarling at you waiting for you to wake up completely so he can continue the attack. I have been driven to the brink of suicide so many times that it is just an amusing thought now. I have cried for mercy to deaf ears so long that there isn't a tear left in my body, just the stare of a dead spirit. I had no-one to turn to because I knew that what I would say would sound insane. My only hope was that this was some sick joke and it would end soon and someone would explain why they did it and how. I had no such luck and it continues to this day with varying levels of severity.

As the days/weeks/months/years went by at an accelerated rate due to the traumatic stress, I did seek an answer by getting an x-ray of my head (I suspected some kind of device had been implanted in me because I had been to a dentist for an extraction just prior to the invasion). Also the night prior I was driving back from Van Nuys (being severely tortured by the voices) when I stopped for a light, I looked at the car next to me and the man had his head tilted up and was pointing to a spot in his neck which latter turned out to be the exact location of the object, who this was I'll never know. I got the x-ray from a general practice doctor claiming that I felt pain in my throat and wanted to see if everything was OK. The x-ray showed a small metal object below my jaw directly under where my tooth was extracted. I asked the doctor if it could have accidentally fallen there due to the procedure, he replied that it was nearly impossible because it was located below the jaw in the soft tissue of my neck and it would require drilling through the jaw bone. I then spilled the beans and told him the truth, thinking stupidly that he would understand and be on my side with the evidence we just found. I asked him to refer me to someone who could remove it and I made an appointment for an ear/nose/throat doctor (the first ear/nose/ throat I have seen), but the GP strongly suggested that I see a psychiatrist first. I assured him that I knew the correct course of action to solve my problem. I went to the ENT doctor and he gave me a bullshit examination then he asked what I wanted. I said that I wanted the metal object that showed on the x-rays removed. He said that it was like searching for a needle in a haystack and that it should not be removed. I protested and said I would sign a waver. He said that he wouldn't do it without a clearance from a psychiatrist (obviously the two doctors had spoke). I went to a psychiatrist and told him my situation, he responded as expected, he told me that I was suffering from a mental illness and could offer me his costly time and drugs but wouldn't sign anything related to removal of my foreign object. I went to another ear/nose/throat doctor and got more x-rays showing the same thing, but this time I didn't mention anything about my situation and stuck to the story about pain in my throat. He sent me to get a cat scan, I did so and his final judgment was "it would be like searching for a needle in a haystack" and didn't want to do it. Since then I moved to Washington and changed jobs (trying to escape). I have been to two more doctors and got the same results.

The voices started mildly like they were announcing their presence (on a Friday I think). They spoke to me like they were friends but would evade all questions as to who they were and how they were doing it. This was maddening, but at the time I couldn't imagine it lasting more than a few days as some kind of sick joke. Monday came after a weekend that could fill a book (they played up every fear I could come up with to explain their existence, like a torture chamber where your worst nightmares come true, As well as nightmares of their choosing). At this time I was speaking to them verbally as I expected they were talking to me by some means (maybe having everywhere I go bugged and speakered. Which was much more acceptable to my mind than the fact that my own mind was bugged).

One day a couple of weeks into my forced nightmare I decided to stay at a motel of my choice and escape them, so I thought/hoped. I drove around watching bypassers and knowing I couldn't escape. One memorable person driving a jeep looked directly at me intensely then turned his head to the side of the road, then turned his head back at me with a weird expression like he was saying "keep fighting and we will turn our heads to your suffering". Weren't they already doing this? (I don't know if these people are accomplices to the crime or dupes or ?) I ended up at my grandma's, mom's, uncles place and asked to stay the night. I did and somewhat explained my situation to my uncle (comfortably reading a book). He acted like "wow, that's interesting, but I couldn't help you" (Since then I have written off my family as dupes. It was hard to do this but it was proven to me by logic. (Many comments were made that had to have knowledge but denied it), But there is the possibility that my controllers fed thier comments that led me to issolation, But thats leading to wider conspiracy that i'm not ready to deal with, More likely they were fed lies that they gladly gobbled down.). About this time a girl drove by and screamed something from the street (a girl in her car at the post office looked at me and put her fingers to her head then drew them away into space apparently saying "Your thoughts are being heard" no shit, why won't you really talk to me? I tried to sleep on the floor with a cat howling below me and voices screaming from above me. Sleep obviously didn't work so I sat by the back door and smoked. It was at this time that I discovered or they revealed that I did not have to speak to be heard by "them". I started conversing with "them" ("What do you want") by mental verbalization (meaning, thinking in words). This opened a bigger door to madness. I constantly thought about a way out while being ridiculed about my mental attempt. You could not imagine the frustration in your wildest nightmare.

I went to work a mental mess and tried to survive the day because I still had a worthless common sense that I had to work to survive This went on day after day with non-stop attack from the chanting idiotic voices (My tax dollars at work). The most notable effect on my life was that they turned me into an alcoholic to cope with the psychological pain and to get to sleep (they don't stop when I decided I should sleep, nor do they stop while I am sleeping for that matter). They wake me up at two hour intervals making real sleep impossible. This sleep depravation leaves me in a zombie like state and less able to handle their audio attacks. Also I have lost all faith in people and government because of the obvious signs that my situation is known to some extent or some lie. A notable fact is that my abuse started just after Bush left office and just after Clinton entered

This made the whole thing that much more sickening and unbearable yet I have to, there is no escape (that I have found). After a few weeks they became violent, meaning "they" didn't pretend they were my friends and used the pitch and volume of their usually synthesized voices as a weapon. I woke up to a screeching psychopathic woman's voice uttering high pitched nonsense. Background noise severely worsens the effects of their electronic/verbal attack, for instance being near machinery that whines or hums makes their voices unbearable. On the other hand being in complete silence is just as bad because the voices have a sickening electronic sound that you are completely aware is coming from between your ears. Basically every waking moment is a painful thing that is to be coped with in one way or another, it is an amazing thing what the human mind can deal with without collapsing (completely).

During the most violent period the voices were synthesized to sound like "monsters" low and ultra high pitched that made my ear drums pulse. What they said was either painful nonsense (repetition of words or sentences ("I'm in your mind, I'm in your mind, I'm in your mind, A synthesized male voice that went in circles like a tape in an endless loop). The goal seemed to be to weaken me mentally, which worked but also drove me into furious rage with no one to confront. Can you imagine how maddening it is to be mentally tortured with no way to fight back? Its like being on a chain, inches out of reach of your tormentor that is whipping you and laughing about it with sickening confidence that he won't be caught.

During this period (about April 1993) my brother came to visit from Nebraska. He stayed at my house the first week and I took that week off from work. I had a gravely mistaken hope that my tormentors might give me a break during his visit (they give me just enough mercy to keep me alive). We planned to go for a long drive to Santa Cruz, Ca and stay a couple of nights. The night before we left I had it in with my head people. I demanded them to stop in the name of whatever I could think of. Of course they said [!!!!] you, live with it (by not stopping their painful jabber). I was so frustrated I tried to crush my ear drums to stop them, it hurt but they didn't stop. One memorable female voice (not synthesized) said "I not going to let you ruin this", sounding like I was the one being unreasonable? This continued most of the night and I didn't get much sleep. They got me back though. It's fitting that they can inflict vengeance on me for not gladly accepting my new found fame as a mental tormentee, while I the abused get laughed at for every attempt I make to expose them. After about 2 hours of sleep I got woken up by the day shift lady (a screaming bitch). She gave me a wakeup call that I think I'll remember several lives from now. It was a screeching high pitched synthesized female demon's voice coming from above me in a tone that descended like falling into a bottomless pit. The devil would have been proud of her if one existed, sorry folks, we've just got people to deal with, GOD save us...

I got up and drove into Pasadena to find a map (what I really had in mind was to drive into a wall at 90 MPH. I drove fast but couldn't turn the wheel into a wall). I found a map, plotted our drive and woke up my brother to go. I had a hopeful thought that maybe I could drive out of range of my tormentors radio broadcast (not thinking about satellites at this time). I asked him to drive and we left. What followed was the worst 2 days of my entire three years as Mr. Bill (you know, the clay guy on Saturday night live that got squashed, decapitated, etc. And you all laughed). During the entire drive I was severely tormented with high volume voices spouting nonsense and playing with my fears. At this point I was tiered of fighting (no sleep and hope for a vacation) I just laid back in my seat and dealt with it. After awhile we were at a place that my brother wanted to stop at to take pictures. There was a old church in town that we went into, I sat down and prayed for someone to make the assholes leave my mind. Of course it did not work, in fact they said "we thought you'd try that". We continued to Santa Cruz and my head got more swollen with abuse. We arrived at about 7:00pm and looked for a motel. As we arrived the voices said something like "you have to have a good time tonight" like they were commanding me to do so after 24 hours of sheer terror. I wanted to but didn't see it as possible with people in my head so to speak. After renting a room we went into town (a college town) stopped at a couple of pub's and went back to the motel. I didn't get much sleep due to the voices and woke up a mess (48 hours with about 4 hours sleep). I woke up or was woke up first again and went out driving (maybe find someone to help me, ha). At a 7-11 I flirted with the girl working there (I felt a woman would help my situation somehow). As I walked to my car I noticed a guy sitting in his car in a daze. I had a feeling I should talk to him like he was another victim, but I didn't. I went back to the motel and woke up my brother and asked if he wanted to go for breakfast. We went and I forced down some food. As we left I walked out first, there was a lady with a superior smirk on her face standing there. She said "had enough yet" without greeting me.

So I have proof that not only am I being tormented to the brink of suicide but average dipshits on the street are aware of it to some extent and think it's amusing to harass me with their comments. We drove around town and I was a complete basket case. We drove by the beach and a girl standing on the sidewalk yelled at us "hey, those people are real you know". At this point I had enough and went back to the room. I told my brother I wasn't well and to go see the sights. He did and got my brains blown out by the voices. At this time there were many different voices and most of them synthesized to sound un-natural. 3 or 4 were their best attempt at monsters. One in particular, a low grumbling/howling synthetic voice was very disturbing (like a warewolf in a movie, but speaking through the howl), and they knew it and used it often. Then there was the screaming she-bitch from hell, a ultra high pitched woman's voice that snapped out commands with authority (as described 48 hours ago). There was no trying to ignore them as I try to do now (12/95). These voices were physically painful to the ears/head. About two hours into this I retreated to the restroom to try and find a razor to slit my throat. I didn't find one. My Brother came back and I told him what was going on. He sounded sympathetic but with no knowledge to offer. I suffered all night and finally drove to the store late to get out of there for a minute. A car with kids in it was parked there, one of them said "he's going to get it tonight". I did, I laid in bed all night while they gave me what they called the monster review. Sounds real stupid but it was horrible and painful. I was/am a man fighting for his own mind and being tortured relentlessly. At this point I was in such a state of sleeplessness, frustration and torment that I considered myself dead already. They lead an allnight routine between my ears with Ms. High pitch as narrator. She wailed out that it was over now but I had to get the review treatment. This consisted of hearing all the most horrible voices they had used on me and after each one the she-devil would claim that that voice would be gone as long as I didn't think about it (remember it). If I did it would return. In the morning I woke up my brother and told him we should leave and he should drive, please. We left and I laid in my seat with my eyes closed hearing them chant something over and over and over. As time went by it seemed to get lesser and lesser in volume leading me to believe it really was over. We stopped at a denny's near the end of the trip and I saw an older man sitting in his car and looking at me. I walked over to him and said "What's going on". He said "Well its kind of like having a bees hive in your ear and it will last for a long time." I didn't know what to say so I went back to my brother and forced down some more food. Of course it didn't end and was back up to full severity the next day.

This "treatment" continued through Jan, FEB, March and April of 1993 which flew by but seems like an eternity like a never ending nightmare,. One of the memorable things "they" chanted at this time was the names of my girl friends over and over like I was supposed to be with one of them (at least this was what I deducted in my tortured mind). I invited one over and she spent the night. They laid off me that night and I got a real nights sleep. So like a tortured animal I deducted that being with her is what they wanted. My reasoning didn't go very far at that time, there was either severe pain or little pain, little pain was the right road instinctively. I was/am in a cage without bars being played with and tormented and my only real thought left was how to get out. I asked her to move in not revealing the selfish reason I had. She said she wanted to get married and I was in no position to object. We did and of course they didn't leave me alone, but at least I had a caring person to talk to. Soon after, their attack was up to the level when I was alone, which drove me into rage that I often took out on her verbally (never physically because that is not possible for me) which ruined our marriage that should have never been by 12/93.

Voices are not the extent of my torture, In the second year of my electronic harassment I have been electrically shocked, had involuntary limb movement (the mussels in my left arm convulse), and very painful pressure in my head, not like a headache but a feeling like your head is about to explode. As well as a tickling sensation in my ears, usually while trying to fall asleep or at key moments. Their techniques and timing are not known to me, the pressure in my head was almost always while driving (seeming to be at key moments) and the shocks were usually while trying to relax or sleep or while thinking about their presence, they like me to ignore them and punish me when I don't.

A normal day for me consists of waking up to their presence (not giving me more than a second before they remind me I'm mentally [!!!]ed). This starts with slow chanting of bullshit with no meaning. By the time I get in the shower (a dreaded place because the sound of the water amplifies their voices in a sickening way) my mind still half asleep sometimes mimics them causing me to mumble what they are saying. Now it is less severe in the morning, unlike the morning terror they put me through the first year, making me think some kind of restraints have been put on them, or maybe they just don't want me to die of a heart attack just yet (last time tested 160 over 120). I drive to work and they torment my mind more and more as the day progresses. When I am alone I am more susceptible to mumbling their bullshit uncontrollably, sometimes heard by others which probably makes them think I'm nuts. It gets worse after work when I try to relax they speak more rapidly sometimes driving me into a frenzy. Often while diverting my attention watching TV or something I will say a complete or partial sentence that obviously didn't originate from me telling me that they can manipulate the speech related part of my brain (I say something that is another person talking to me, using my mouth, you couldn't comprehend this (yes I'm crazy, that's easier to believe)).

I lay in bed for an hour or two or three depending on the severity, fall asleep (which is the hardest task of the day, you have to somehow forget that your mind has been invaded, ignore the rambling voices and relax enough to fall asleep), have several nightmares, wake up and do it again. What kind of sick twisted [!!!]s would even think it would be amusing to do this to someone and who would follow them?

Let alone the suffering I have gone through with the above conditions, I am "Paranoid" about the possibilities of permanent damage that has been done to my brain and body by concentrated electromagnetic waves (or ?) on my person. I worry that my unknown amount of years in direct exposure to these frequencies may have caused physical as well as mental damage.

My motive in writing this is to hopefully expose my tormentors and gain my freedom which I was supposedly born with. I wish to live the rest of my life in freedom of mind which the lack of is probably beyond "your" comprehension. Also I want to end "their rein" by whatever means necessary to prevent others from a fate worse than death!

I know allot of the above sounds completely paranoid (you would have to be there). In fact this is the barest glimpse into my life for the last two and a half years. Some things I felt would not be at all believable so I left them out. I swear to whatever god you believe in that I am telling the truth here. I don't believe in a god. I believe in common sense (you would have to be there). This is a plea for help from a tortured man.

If anyone can help me find the answer to my suffering by information on those responsible or any means to evade their attack (everything I have tried has failed), I don't know very much about electronics or radio waves but I know that this can be blocked and someone knows how to do it. Also I need to find A way to prove my claim, meaning I need to record their voice assault. I feel a pulsing in my ears when they speak. I need to find a way to record this. Please contact me. I need a doctor not afraid to remove the object in my neck, Can send copies of x-rays.




Memorable Statements by "Them"

"Your train of thought is mine David"
"Find some help for your mind"
"There's a wire in your retina"
"The truth is unbelievable, I'm a stooge myself."
"Do your homework"
"It's not what you think David"
"Your a bastard"
"Be a man"
"Buy a gun"
"[!!!] you David"
"The government lied David"
"Your mind is mine David"
"I maimed you David"
"Kill yourself"


"[!!!] YOU"


"Them" Something that I learned early in life to mean "Blaming an unknown it, in ignorance of facts". But now I find "them" to be fitting in my situation.

dupe (d¡p, dy¡p) noun

  1. An easily deceived person.
  2. A person who functions as the tool of another person or power.

Lieing sack of shit - Self explanitory



Title: Such Things Are Known
By: Dorthy Burdick

Copyright 1982, Published by Vantage Press, Inc., Out of print

Excerpts: Page 106.

"In a footnote I first read of a machine that could read minds from a distance by deciphering the brain's magnetic waves; that actually was going on at Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, funded by the Advanced Research Project Agency of the Defense Department in the spring of 1973."

"Attempts have been made to present human experiments in a favorable light." Page 134

"Since 1973, the Advanced Research Project Agency of the Defense Department has utilized the combined efforts of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, New York University, the University of California at Los Angeles and the National Aeronautics and Space Administrations' Ames Research Center at Moffett Field in California to read minds from a distance by deciphering the brain's magnetic waves. The Pentagon denied the project was secret although a reporter was ousted from a meeting on the subject by someone identified as a member of the CIA" Page 140


Patrick A. Warden
Title: Mind Control and Mental Telepathy.

Compuserve address 73121,1417

August 1, 1993


"The human mind emits electromagnetic waves, known to biofeedback researchers as alpha, beta and delta waves. These fall into the frequency range of from about 10 to 15 Hz."


Martin Cannon

Prevailing Winds Research


Substantial evidence exists linking members of this country's intelligence community (including the Central Intelligence Agency, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, and the Office of Naval Intelligence) with the esoteric technology of MIND CONTROL. For decades, "spy-chiatrists" working behind the scenes on college campuses, in CIA-sponsored institutes, and (most heinously) in prisons have experimented with the erasure of memory, hypnotic resistance to torture, truth serums, post hypnotic suggestion, rapid induction of hypnosis, electronic stimulation of the brain, non-ionizing radiation, microwave induction of intracerebral "voices", and a host of even more disturbing technologies. Some of the projects exploring these areas were ARTICHOKE, BLUEBIRD, PANDORA, MKSEARCH and the infamous MKULTRA.

As CIA veteran Miles Copeland once admitted to a reporter, "The congressional subcommittee which went into this sort of thing got only the barest glimpse."


Defense News

Title: U.S., Russia Hope To
Safeguard Mind-Control Techniques

January 11-17, 1993 Page 29


"The Russian authors note that "World opinion is not ready for dealing appropriately with the problems coming from the possibility of direct access to the human mind." Therefore, the Russian authors have proposed a bilateral Center for Psycho-technologies where U.S. and Russian authorities could monitor and restrict the emerging capabilities."



Fall 1993

P.O. Box 303, New York, NY 10009


Dr. Carl Sanders is especially concerned about the Big Brother implications of the microchip. Sanders is an electronics engineer, inventor, author and consultant to various government organizations, as well as IBM, General Electronic, Honeywell and Teledyne. He also has extensive background in designing surveillance equipment for the CIA, FBI and the customs Department in Atlanta, Ga. Although he worked on designing the microchip years ago, he is now concerned that it will be misused. On a tape he produced to explain his views on the microchip, Sanders says: "Thirty-two years of my life was spent in design engineering with a Ph.D. in engineering, and electronic-designing microchips in the Bio-Med field. Working on the microchip, we had no idea about it ever being an identification chip. We looked at it as being a very humanitarian thing to do." The chip Sanders worked on was only used in medical applications at first. Sanders explains that as the chip began to evolve, there came a time in the project when the team of people out of Motorola, General Electric, and the Boston Medical Center said that the financial return on by-passing severed spines was not extremely lucrative. "We noticed that the frequency of the chip had a great effect upon behavior modification.. the project almost turned into electronic acupuncture because what they ended up with was embedding a microchip to put out a signal which affected certain areas. They were able to determine that you could cause a behavioral change." He says that microchips can be used for migraine headaches, behavior modification, uppers or downers, and sexual stimulants or depressants.

Sanders feels that this chip may eventually be used for life-long identification, possibly against people's will. This could be done through the "Immigration Control Act of 1986." Section 100 gives President Clinton the authority to implant whatever type of identification is necessary to control the population. Sanders fears that a SmartCard, invisible tattoo, or electronic microchip under the skin may be used to enforce immigration laws. Currently there are several measures pending before Congress calling for a social security card for immigrant identification with a photo, fingerprint digitization, or bar code. When viewing microchip technology as a whole, it is interesting to note the profluence of acronyms and shortened phrases associated with it -- such as AVID and KIDSCAN. It is reminiscent of what George Orwell, in his book 1984, referred to as "Newspeak" -- modified terms concealing their true meaning. The name KIDSCAN seems especially misleading since it psychologically conjures up the positive idea of "kids can" while fogging the realistic image of a toddler being injected with a foreign implant.

The New World Order and the implantable microchip.

It may be many years before the public is faced with undergoing a microchip injection, but if they are the chip will likely be publicized with a list of miracles attached to it. Whatever the microchip may be capable of doing, there are several factors to keep in mind: a microchip can link a person to a computer where personal data can be revealed; a microchip implantation is usually completely irreversible; and it is possible for an individual's location to be known continually if a microchip is tracked with the satellite system.


Spy Government
by Omar V. Garrison

published by Lyle Stuart, New York 1967


In the totally controlled society of George Orwell's nightmarish novel '1984' the individual had one retreat that Big Brother could not penetrate: "Nothing was your own except a few cubic centimeters inside your skull."

But in America today, even those "few centimeters" of cranial refuge are under siege. With the support and participation of the federal and state governments, a multitude of subliminal snoopers calling themselves behavioral scientists are assaulting the national psyche. Their instruments include: Brain manipulation procedures that seek to control human behavior by such means as drugs, chemicals and tiny electrodes implanted in the brain *(and teeth). Some of these secret research projects are being carried out by the U.S. military services.

The over-all program, still in its infancy, is already so widespread and so alarming in its possibilities that it has inspired growing public debate, and has touched off a full-scale investigation by Congress.

The legion of psycho-spies who are prying into people's minds now holds dominant positions in schools, hospitals, armed services, police courts, the U.S. Civil Service Commission, the Peace Corps, U.S. Office of Education, about one-half of the nation's major corporations and a constellation of federal agencies, most of which have nothing to do with security.

The American people have never been consulted about the claims of the behavior pundits that they are entitled to subject everyone to a mental third degree in the name of science. Yet the lives of many citizens in this country-job, schooling, marriage, reputation are already being charted by their secret reports.

Thousands of unwary school children have been subjected to the same unsettling intrusion into their emotional lives, under research projects financed by the U.S. Office of Education and, although the massive testing program was paid for with tax money, parental consent was neither sought nor given.

* 'and teeth' are the editor's emphasis.


Victims of Electronic Assault
Working to Ban Sound Wave Technology

P.O. BOX 67174, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44222 Spring 1991

Dear Friends,

The enclosed information relates to ongoing behavioral research. It is conducted without the knowledge or consent of the targeted individual.

Various governments around the world today are engaged in the manipulation and control of electromagnetic fields emanating from living beings. This is accomplished via a long-distance radar type transmission.

Concerning human beings, a brain-jar technique is employed to engage the frequency following response of brain wave patterns. A constant barrage of sounds and time-reversed waves are then linked into the biomagnetic aspects of the targeted individual. This tactic forces the nucleus to give up information as to its contents.

It forces an individual to give up the contents of their actions: their thoughts.

The focus of our group is to gain the release of all citizens being victimized by the U.S. electromagnetic arsenal.

The weaponry used is classified. The affects of the weaponry are classified. The action is camouflaged by the Pentagon's duplicity of national security.

The technology is undetectable. This is possible through advances in physics: virtual state technology. Simply put, the transmission occurs in hyper space, a mode unassescible to common science or medicine.

Four years ago I was informed by three different sources, two doctors and a party loosely associated with an international human rights organization, that the device is used for torture. It drives people crazy and it elicits forced confessions. Among a long list of other things, I was also told nobody wants to talk about it, and that the medical community would be the last to cooperate in an investigation.

I have found these, and other statements, to be true.

The victims are forced to function under extreme neurological stress, most of them not even aware that their own brain has been cut by the government's sound wave weapons. The doctors responsible are paid well and undoubtedly promised a secure and private future by men such as George bush.

As a society, we need open information on this technology. We need to hear voices that stand out from the cumulative corruption that is inherent in this crime.


History - behavioral research has been of utmost interest to the U.S. Intelligence since the 1940's. The focus gradually shifted from biological experimentation to radio and microwaves.

Program Names - various programs have surfaced concerning control of the individual via radio waves. It is possible for a targeted individual to register SOUNDS, THOUGHTS, and WORDS via focused radio/microwaves.

Chapters not included:

The Brain - control of the limbic system and endocrine systems.
Entrainment - cueing the brains rhythms.
Mind - Wire System - symptoms of the attack.
Injection of Human Beings - large scale entrainment.
Solutions - assescible laws and the politics of science.


Cellular Disruptions

EMF's (Electromagnetic Fields) cause the following interrelated cellular changes and disruptions:

  1. The ability to take in, use and release vital minerals (ex:sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, manganese and nickel).
  2. RNA production increases - sometimes by a factor of 10 or more. Cell growth and function become confused and disorganized.
  3. Mutations and cancers.
  4. Carbohydrates-energy and nucleic acid metabolism particularly in the nerve, heart and skeletal muscle tissue.
  5. Interactions with transient free radicals.
  6. Diffusion across cell membranes.
  7. Vital bond angles affecting fits between enzymes and substrates.
  8. Rotational polarization of molecules with specific reactive sites.
  9. Rate of quantum proton tunneling in DNA, affecting genetic code.
  10. Segration of paramagnetic and diamagnetic substances in gradient magnetic fields.
  11. Induced electrical inter - and intra- cellular currents.

We are victims of government sanctioned experimental neuroscience.


CIA Documents

Included because many of the below techniques have been used on me. Showing the corrupt roots of this technology.





MEMORANDUM FOR: The Honorable J. Edgar Hoover
Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation

SUBJECT : Brainwashing

The attached study on brainwashing was prepared by my staff in response to the increasing acute interest in the subject throughout the intelligence and security components of the Government. I feel you will find it well worth your personal attention. It represents the thinking of leading psychologists, psychiatrists and intelligence specialists, based in turn on interviews with many individuals who have had personal experience with Communist brainwashing, and on extensive research and testing. While individuals specialists hold divergent views on various aspects of this most complex subject, I believe the study reflects a synthesis of majority expert opinion. I will, of course, appreciate any comments on it that you or your staff may have.


Allen W. Dulles

OA 53-37


The report that follows is a condensation of a study by training experts of the important classified and unclassified information available on this subject.


Brainwashing, as a technique, has been used for centuries and is no mystery to psychologists. In this sense, brainwashing means involuntary re-education of basic beliefs and values. All people are being re-educated continually. New information changes one's beliefs. Everyone has experienced to some degree the conflict that ensues when new information is not consistent with prior belief.

The experience of the brainwashed individual differs in that the inconsistent information is forced upon the individual under controlled conditions after the possibility of critical judgment has been removed by a variety of methods.

There is no question that an individual can be broken psychologically  by captors with knowledge and willingness to persist in techniques aimed at deliberately destroying the integration of a personality.

Although it is probable that everyone reduced to such a confused, disoriented state will respond to the introduction of new beliefs, this cannot be stated dogmatically.


There are progressive steps in exercising control over an individual and changing his behavior and personality integration. The following five steps are typical of behavior changes in any controlled individual:

1. Making the individual aware of control is the first stage in changing his behavior. A small child is made aware of the physical and psychological control of his parents and quickly recognizes that an overwhelming force must be reckoned with. So, a controlled adult comes to recognize the overwhelming powers of the state and the impersonal, "incarcerative" machinery in which he is enmeshed. The individual recognizes that definite limits have been put upon the ways he can respond.

(Approved for Release) (62-80750-2712X)
(Date: 8 FEB 1984)
OA 53-37

2. Realization of his complete dependence upon the controlling system is a major factor in the controlling of his behavior.The controlled adult is forced to accept the fact that food, tobacco,praise, and the only social contact that he will get come from the very interrogator who exercises control over him.


3. The awareness of control and recognition of dependence result in causing internal conflict and breakdown of previous patterns of behavior. Although this transition can be relatively mild in the case of a child, it is almost invariably severe for the adult undergoing brainwashing. Only an individual who holds his values lightly can change them easily. Since the brainwasher-interrogators aim to have the individuals undergo profound emotional change, they force their victims to seek out painfully what is desired by the controlling individual. During this period the victim is likely to have a mental breakdown characterized by delusions and hallucinations.

4. Discovery that there is an acceptable solution to his problem is the first stage of reducing the individual's conflict. It is characteristically reported by victims of brainwashing that this discovery led to an overwhelming feeling of relief that the horror of internal conflict would cease and that perhaps they would not, after all, be driven insane. It is at this point that they are prepared to make major changes in their value-system. This is an automatic rather than voluntary choice. They have lost their ability to be critical.

5. Reintegration of values and identification with the controlling system is the final stage in changing the behavior of the controlled individual. A child who has learned a new, socially desirable behavior demonstrates its importance by attempting to adapt the new behavior to a variety of other situations. Similar states in the brainwashed adult are


OA 53-37


Remote Mind Control Technology

Anna Keeler


Scientist Allen Frey of Randomline Inc. Was always more interested in low intensity microwave hazards: thermal effects were known. During Project Pandora, the Navy funded such projects of his, as how to use low average power intensities, to: induce heart seizures; create leaks in the blood brain barrier, which would allow neurotoxins in the blood to cross and cause neurological damage or behavioral disorders; and how to produce auditory hallucinations or microwave hearing, during which the person can hear tones that seem to be coming from within the head or directly behind it.

Dr. R.O. Becker, twice nominated for the Nobel prize for his health work in bio-electromagnetism, was more explicit in his concern over illicit government activity. He wrote of "obvious applications in covert operations designed to drive a target crazy with "voices." What is frightening is that words, transmitted via low density microwaves or radio frequencies, or by other covert methods, might be used to create influence.


My Conclusions

I have no idea as to the extent of the knowledge and or acceptance of the extremes of my situation, It makes me sick to think about it. Regardless of me personally, I ask you to consider the information presented here. Maybe I am one of the few that knows it is absolute fact from personal experience, but I also know how hard it is to convince an unknowing person of an unbelievable fact. Especially when faced with misinformation.

This technology is real, and we have allot to worry about and allot to do to correct it. With this technology it is possible for unknowing citizens to be subjected to laboratory rat like experimentation, as in my case. But more importantly it can be used to ultimately control civilization, by mental eavesdropping or manipulation for political, business, or other reasons. What it boils down to is the complete loss of human rights and privacy. George Orwell had a pretty good vision of the future in "1984". He was lacking in the technology, but right on about Big Brother. If a small voice speaks out about corruption it is stamped out or made a fool of. Even more horrifying than telescreens, is direct access to the human mind by a race of people that are still producing nuclear weapons and lying about crimes a half century old.

Please don't let it continue!

Dave Bader


Black Sabbath
Sabbath Bloody Sabbath

You see right through their dirty lies
You know you have to learn, the execution of your mind, you really have to turn
The race is run, The book is read, The end begins to show
The truth is out, The lies are old, But you don't want to know
Nobody will ever let you know, When you ask the reasons why
They just tell you that your on your own, Fill your head all full of lies
The people that have crippled you, You want to see them burn
The gates of life have closed on you, And there's just no return
They take your mind away, And you don't care if you don't see Again the light of day
Where did you run to, What more can you do
No more tomorrow, Life is killing you
Dreams turn to nightmares, Heaven turns to hell
Burnt out confusion, Nothing more to tell
Everything around you, What's it coming to
Good knows as your god knows, God blast all of you
Living just for dying, Dying just for you
You Bastards!



The Implant Removal

More Implants Removed From
Possible Abductees

But Metal Object In Man's Jaw
Might Have Human Source

by Michael Lindemann

[Click here for two pictures of the implant removal operation.]

On Saturday, May 18, three people underwent the surgical removal of unusual foreign objects from their bodies at a private medical facility in Granada Hills, California, near Los Angeles. Two of the people reportedly believe they have had contact with alien beings who may have installed the so-called implants. The third person said he did not believe he had ever had alien contact. Instead, he said, the object might have been installed under his jaw during dental surgery several years ago.

The surgeries were performed by a team headed by Dr. Roger Leir and Houston-based hypnotherapist Derrel Sims, the same team that performed similar and much-discussed implant removals last August.

About 30 invited observers crowded a small meeting room outside the operating room and watched the operations on closed-circuit television. Among those present were Whitley Strieber and his wife Ann, Robert O. Dean and his wife Cecilia, television producer Robert Kiviat, filmmaker Paul Davids, attorney Daniel Sheehan, hypnotherapists Debra Lindemann, Barbara Lamb and Donna Higbee, and ISCNI*Flash editor Michael Lindemann. A number of Japanese guests were also present.

The first two operations went very quickly. Both patients were women, and each one had a similar object removed from the calf of her left leg.

These objects were very close to the surface and were removed following a simple incision. They were described by Dr. Leir as "nodules" of indeterminate composition. When excised, each was surrounded by tissue. Both objects with their surrounding tissue were approximately cylindrical and measured about 1 centimeter long by one-half centimeter wide.

Dr. Leir explained that the tissue would be removed from the objects, and then the tissue and the objects would be analyzed separately. Results of the tests might not be available for several weeks or more.

It was not immediately clear whether or not the objects removed from the two women were metallic.

The third patient, a man in his mid-30s, presented a very different situation. He does not believe he has had alien encounters. Instead, he believes an object was inserted into the flesh of his neck below his left jaw during dental surgery for the removal of a molar several years ago.

At the time, he was employed by a Department of Defense subcontractor, and the dentist was recommended to him by his employer. No evidence was offered as to why the dentist or the employer would be involved in placing an implant in this man. However, he said that immediately after the dental surgery, he began hearing two distinct voices in his head. He had himself examined and tested by several different specialists in an effort to rid himself of the annoying voices, but to no avail. Finally, he underwent MRI and x-ray scans, which clearly revealed the presence of a foreign object in the tissue below his left jaw.

The operation to remove this object was much more difficult than the other two surgeries. A device called a flouroscan was used to locate the object during the surgery. Despite clear x-rays, Dr. Leir said that without the flouroscan it would have been extremely difficult to remove the object, which was at least one-half inch below the surface of the man's neck and shrouded in fatty tissue. From the moment of the first incision, the surgeons took 31 minutes to finally remove the object.

I was allowed a brief look at the object. It appeared metallic, silver-gray in color and shaped like a tiny flat disc, approximately 3 millimeters in diameter.

The physicians noted that there had been no scar on the man's face indicating the penetration of such an object from the outside. It is therefore possible that the object was inserted from inside the mouth.

The man had received a local anesthetic and was able to leave the clinic shortly after the conclusion of his surgery. However, his operation had obviously been a physical and emotional ordeal for him, and he declined to answer questions.

The fact of unexplained foreign objects in the bodies of abductees opens a whole new chapter in the serious research of possible human encounters with other intelligence.

However, the possibility that the object removed from the third patient may have come from a human agency points to a very different and potentially alarming mystery. Was this man the subject of some form of mind-control experiment? Is the object possibly a "tag" or "tracking device"? Will the voices in his head stop now that the object is removed? CNI News will continue to follow this developing story.


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