Ed H


Hello all. I am in a very bad situation. People are trying to control me with electronic impulses sent from satellites and other means. Also, someone or some people, maybe even the same people, are attacking me with some sort of voodoo doll(seriously, no joke. I believe in the telepathic abilities of the human brain)

These assholes have been attacking me for years and attacking me nonstop, hardcore for the past year. Somebody out there fears me or used to anyways and thats why i am being subjected to this treatment. They want to make me weak and/or kill me or have me kill myself. I have thought since i was a young lad of about 9 yrs old that i could feel people monitoring and spying on me. Since around that time I have gone through many periods of depression. Around age 13 and 14 I lost all hope in life and came close to suicide and told my parents this they just yelled at me and did not take me to get help or anything which makes me think they have been payed off to "play the game". When I was 14.5-15 years old I started gaining hope and confidence again and was an avid weightlifter and was in love with all God's creation and was on a mission to save the world. I had plans to make sure that everyone was fed, all wars were stopped, and the environment was saved and in general everyone got along. I was planning on carrying out these plans in a gradual way because after all how much can a 15 year old suffering from mind control actually do? So for the first few months of my 15th year on this planet i was very idealistic and had visions of a utopia and told a few people. The CIA, FBI, Big business, and other evil people get scared when they hear this sort of thing. People can become very rich and powerful in a world full of evil, you see. So since i sent out the "red flags" I became even more monitored and controlled. Shit started hitting the fan, I had problems with kids at school and teachers particularly the politically correct ones who seem to have a fucking pole up their ass. I had disagreements with my parents, both alcoholics. My back started shitting the bed, no more weightlifting:(

Throughout high school I started getting involved in various drugs. Last summer when i was 19, i had a horrible mushroom trip. I think the trip was made bad from outside interferences such as microbeams from my enemies. The trip i had was like no other. I did not just see morphing figures and optical illusions. It was like i was being forced to watch and feel disgusting things. I had a vision of me being thrown into a pool of sharks with thousands of onlookers yelling "Kill him Kill him" and i got torn apart. I also felt like i had eels crawling all over me, probably after i was in the sharks stomach with them. After I realized this was not really happening I felt the urge to kill myself. I don't know why but i kept saying to myself "o.k. heres what to do get in your car and drive it right into the ocean." I think they were giving me the option to either kill myself or get publicly executed later. In the words of the great and wonderful Tom Petty, "I won't back down"!!!

After that trip I decided to only smoke weed and sniff coke. I also still did speed, but no trippy shit. In that November of 2001, I developed severe neck pain which was diagnosed as a pinched nerve, a year later almost now I am still in pain. These degenerates are doing the best they can to ruin my life and keep me down. They put impulses into my brain that make me masturbate, then after that my neck hurts, then my testicles hurt, my shoulder hurts, my penis shrinks, it gets worse. I think my enemies have collaborated with very skilled voodoo practicers. These symptoms do many things to me they get me depressed, keep most girls I want from being intimate with me which gets me more depressed, these ailments keep me from my everyday life, make me turn to drugs and alcohol so I become an "uncredible" witness. Basically they are trying to keep me down because they see me as a threat.

Thanks for listening.
God bless,
Ed H

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