S. Flowers

E-mail:   safetyforkids@hotmail.com

A Story of Alleged
Intersystem Cult Abuse

by S. Flowers

The following article lists a series of events that depict alleged intersystem cult abuse that began when I reported child sexual abuse in '91 and '92:

The alleged intersystem cult not only wouldn't file charges against Fred A. for rape in '94, or against Charles W. for drug dealing or rape in '95 and '96, they allegedly had Fred A. allegedely rape me about a month after I was attacked by Dare Program Deputy alleged child sexual abuse and alleged drug dealer Gary H. from central Okla. Gary H. attacked me about a week after cult member Bert R. II was arrested for pot. Although I didn't learn of this until about 9 months later, I was somehow blamed for Bert Roberts II having been arrested for pot. Deputy Gary H. is connected to Pentecostal Cult member Reuel J. H. originally of central Okla, currently of Colorado. He poses there as an alleged counselor in family/marriage counseling and is said to have a radio show about drugs and kids which could possibly give him access to kids there. He has drugged his son RJ H. Jr the past few years (he had RJ sexually abuse my oldest daughter in '91 and '92, (I have several writings from my daughter about these incidents written prior to judge Reg G. having stopped her mpd therapy) and is afraid his son will tell), RJ has been in and out of jail in Denver area for the past few years.

Fred A., who the system has tried to use against me since '94, was raped at age 3 by his uncle, he was also sexually abused near Bakersfield CA, by his mother and father, as an infant and child. His father was allegedly a Mason and allegedly cop who Fred saw kill a man outside of cop duty and acted as if it were cop duty.

Bert R. II, one of the satanic cult members that intersystem cult member judge Reg G. allegedly removed my protective order from in '94, also has roots near Bakersfield, CA, that is where his mother, Karan J. is from. She has allegedly had sex with her 10 year old son Gregg. She was investigated in '97 also ineffectively after her 10 year old son was allegedly caught attempting intercourse with his 6 year old sister.

Bert R. II was arrested after charges were filed by his sister for domestic violence after a paint huffing bout with satanic cult member Jeremy B. 4-2-98. Although he was on probation for pot, and allegedly had pot around a 4 week old baby (my grandbaby) and huffed paint around a 4 week old baby, the intersystem cult allegedly failed to file drug charges or child abuse against him. We would be protected from these people had not alleged intersystem cult member judge Reg G. illegally removed my protective order from them in '94, the same month my oldest daughter had surgery on her cervix which need for was caused by violation of my protective order by cultist Jeremy B., who the alleged intersystem cult of Cleveland County would not file charges against for violation of the protective order before they illegally removed it in 1-'94.

Another person the intersystem cult have tried to use against me is alleged mpd abuser Shawn K. III, who's ritual abuse occurred near Boston and in other north eastern states. Although he is not qualified as an incest therapist, he poses as one in Okla. so he can rape women. I have had several articles published about him.

After Gary H.'s attack, someone put names on the NCIC computer under my name that were allegedly names of Reuel J. H.'s old girlfriends, someone messed with one of my utility bills, someone posed as me and had hospital lab tests done for which they tried to charge me, someone has messed with my car for the past year or so. The intersystem cult tried to use against me a guy who was sexually abused in Maysville, OK (where Fred A. and Gary H. have some type of join connection) by Gary H. Someone messed with my mail a week prior to my court date with Gary H. 10-30-98, where he tried to attack me at court, where they failed to file charges against him.

Allegedly Reg G. is an alleged programmer, an alleged creator of violence, child abuse, child sexual abuse, drug dealings, cult abuse, satanic ritual abuse, and religious ritual abuse.

I have felt that it is my responsibility as a mother, as a cult Survivor, as an incest survivor, to help my daughters to recovery. My responsibility to protect my daughters from the Pentecostal and Satanic Cults of Oklahoma, to teach them self-love and recovery, to teach them to prosecute perps and tell on perps, to help them understand and delete self-destructive behaviors.

I was doing that until the alleged intersystem cult interfered by removing the protective order I had against the alleged Satanists, by allegedly failing to allow me to have a therapist qualified in MPD Therapy (by telling me, no I could not change therapists for my daughter and the one who promoted the alleged Satanists would not admit she was not qualified in MPD therapy, although several incidents proved her lacking, she also had some kind of contract with them) by failing to issue warrants on reports I did against Pentecostal perpetrators in 2 counties of DA'S Offices, police depts, and Child Welfare, and against alleged Satanic cult members for alleged child sexual abuse, alleged drug dealing, and alleged rape.

The alleged intersystem cult owes me, my daughters and my granddaughter more amends as time passes.

The deputies and other enforcement officers who are a part of the cults continue to stalk as they allegedly allow Karen Johnston to allegedly abuse my granddaughter and my daughter. I pray cult member Bert Roberts II dies in jail, and that by some spiritual act Karen Johnston goes to jail for child sexual abuse and drugging of children.

S. Flowers - 5-98

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