Sharon Lucas


The Story
Earlier Experiences

The Story

June 21, 1998

In 1983, I became aware that I was being harrassed in a way that was unique. Experiences progressively got worse, no matter what I tried to do to stop these experiences.

Written in a very shortened form, the following were experienced:

Male voices inside my head talking to me, disembodied male voices in the room, disembodied male voices in the yard of my home, disembodied voices coming from my bedroom closet.

Sounds such as a motor vehicle (a van) with accompanied thumping noises. Male voices accompanying, explaining the action.

Inability to sleep. Miniature "elf-like" men inside my ear, talking. The feeling of bugs on my body.

A clock radio which I had turned off was turned back on again. My husband said, "Turn that off." I told him, "I already did."

Television interruptions. One morning while I was watching the Donahue show, the screen changed and I saw an older man wearing a pinocchio nose. A wall was behind him. "Liar", the voices said.

The sound of voices coming from electrical outlets. I thought my house was bugged. I arranged for a detective to come to the home to electronically search for bugs. He found none.

Uncontrollable emotions. Once, I couldn't stop laughing for hours.

Hearing parts of conversations attributed to others whom I may or may not know. It gave the impression of all of a sudden becoming "psychic".

There was a game. If I lost the game, certain threats would be carried out. One of the threats involved my father. If I didn't play the game, my father would die, among other consequences. The game went like this. There were 10 steps. You were allowed 10 steps and then you could repeat 10 more steps. These steps represented actions (going to the bathroom, going to the mailbox, doing this, doing that, etc.

Once you lost the game (and the game was almost always lost), then you had 3 days to stop them from carrying out their threats. With all these threats, with the house sounding like it is haunted, with little "elf-like" fellows in your ear, etc., it was very scary. I would shake with fear. I have never known such fear as this.

An example of my father dying --

On and on they talked, and then I picked up the sound of a gun going off. They explain my father just committed suicide. I hear the voice of my mother reacting . For several days, I thought my father had killed himself with a gun and my mother hated me for letting it happen. It wasn't until a few weeks later that I knew this scenario was a hoax.

I also heard "radio" transmissions coming from the electrical equipment. Every once in a while, I could make out some of the talk. There were also squeaking shoes.

They also made me believe that a local person wanted to make me a sex slave by keeping me in the basement of his office.

In 1984 in South Carolina, I was absolutely terrified.

I moved to Florida and things improved. However, I still head voices in my head, I still played the game for many months, I "heard" my parents talk in nonexistent conversations, my husband was threatened, m parents and I were always threatened.

I also saw many, many, many cars with bikes being carried atop them, secured by bicycle racks. The inference was that bicycles meant something bad was going to happen. The voices would say "bicycles" when they implied something was bad. I developed a fear of seeing bicycles. unless I knew their presence was innocuous.

The game stopped temporarily after the death of my husband in 1986 from a heart attack. It was resurrected for about a week's time in the late 80s while I was working for Dr. Ed and Dr. Lynn Scheel (1701 SE Hillmoor Drive, Suite 18, Port St. Lucie, Fl 34952).

(I worked part-time for them after hours on Tuesdays to do their medical transcription. I also came into the office during the weekend, at my convenience, to finish the typing for the week).

The "game players", for want of a different term, made me stay at home and I had to play this stupid game until it ended and I don't want to go into more detail than that, at this time. However, they did let me call in to the Scheel's office and tell them that I couldn't come in to work, so apparently they didn't want me to lose my job over this.

The game is forced on you because of the fear you feel and the threats which are made.

My husband, Jim, passed away on April 1, 1986 (April Fool's Day), which seemed to be a source of great meaning for them. "Don't trust us," they said.

He died of a heart attack. The voices had predicted that he would die two years before his death and again they made their prediction six months before his death.

. . . I want to add this: It seems as if I am doing okay now. I take medication and it works wonderfully. I am on Prozac 20 mg a day and Depakote (similar to lithium) 250 mg twice a day. This medicine may go under a different name in Canada or the UK.

It really makes a person hum along and not be subject to so many emotions or forces. It is very calming and wonderful. I can't praise it enough.

Stay away from the Stelazines and its relates stuff. This can cause tardive dyskinesia and although the doctors tell you it is only a small chance, it is also a small chance a person will go through somthing like EM. Stay away from stelazine, thorazine, Haldol, etc.

. . . I have found that when talking to a psychiatrist (which you must have if you are going to get Prozac and Depakote), you will be asked if you hear voices.

I reply this way: I don't hear anything anybody else doesn't hear.

Typical response from psychiatrist: "What do you mean?"

I reply: "Oh, I don't know. The voices of consciousness, perhaps. Whatever you want to call it."

Anyway, that explanation seems to make everybody happy.

Thank you very much.

-- Sharon Lucas


Earlier Experiences

When I was living in Marshall, Michigan in the 60s, I had a girlfriend whose mother worked in a Woolworth store in nearby Battle Creek, MI.

One day, I was shopping in that store and I was in the checkout line. There was a woman in front of me. All of a sudden, I heard voices coming from her head.

The voices inside my head told me that someday that was going to happen to me. Nobody else in the store seemed to hear this woman's head "talk" and even the woman herself, seemed unaware of anything amiss.

For a better time frame, I was probably in the 9th or 10th grade at the time, which would put this incident around the years 1962 to 1964.

All through my childhood, a voice would occasionally, but noticeably, be heard saying, "She is to have a normal childhood." I did have a normal childhood, and for that I am grateful. Things didn't start going wrong in my life until I was 18 or so.

Of course, the first time I ever remember hearing a voice (and seeing the voice) was when I was approximately 4 years old and living in Flat Rock, Michigan.

I was standing in the living room of our house there and I visualized in my mind's eye a man in an older-style brown pants and a shirt. He said something to the effect that he was a dead man and he was going to be with me, implying that he was going to guide me.

We moved away from that house when I was 4 so I know this incident didn't occur any later than age 4.

This was not the only "voice-person" I could visualize.

When this was occurring in Florida during and after 1984, one of voice-persons was very prominently seen in my mind. He was dubbed "Peter" because he was so German-looking and blond., and could have been Heidi's Peter in the childhood story "Heidi".

As I have said before, he could have been a poster boy for German genes. He was a very good-looking man, in his 20s or 30s, a no-nonsense kind of guy but he had a quick mind and a fairly good sense of humor.

I actually saw this man in the late 80s or very early 90s, driving a jeep down a road near where I lived in Fort Pierce, FL. He was in a black jeep without a hood, so I could see him plainly. He, made a very big gesture of putting his finger to his nose, and kept it there as he drove by. I was shocked.

I felt this was his goodbye to me because I do not recall his actual voice or his mind-picture being in my head again. (There were imitations by others, however).

This was not the first time one of these "voices" have told me goodbye. They told me months earlier when they would be leaving and that is when, indeed, they left. It is my personal feeling that some of these "people-voices" are in the military.

Perhaps 4-5 of them actually said goodbye but there were only two remarkable good-byes from these guys. Most of them never said goodbye. Two others indicated they were leaving I only believed one of them.

This is a very long, long story. It has spanned years and years.


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