MCF Victim: Tom McClelland

by Tom McClelland

Victim of Covert Drugging and Microwave Weapons

I am a victim of covert drugs and microwave weapons assaults.  Currently, I am a full-time music therapist working in a hospital setting in New York City.  I have been a musician since my early teens, when I began learning to play the guitar and sing.  I am also a Viet Nam era veteran.  The covert drugging began while I was in the service during the early 1970's and has continued against me up the present time in New York City.  I trace the Electronic Microwave Weapons Assaults to April of 1990 and those assaults have continued to the present day.

Targeted in the Military

The first instance I can recall that I had been drugged, through exposure to a toxic nerve gas, occurred in early 1974 while on military duty in Okinawa. One evening, as a food service specialist, I was working by myself on the flight line preparing meals for pilots to take with them on their secret missions over Cambodia.  Then, unannounced, two men who identified themselves as Army personnel said they had to spray my enclosed work area with pesticides.  Shortly after the spraying, my entire body became numb and I collapsed unconscious on the floor.  An Air Force pilot who arrived to pick up his in-flight meals discovered me lying unconscious on the floor and called an ambulance and I was taken to a medical clinic on the base.

Following that incident of being exposed to what I believe was nerve gas, for several days, I continued to suffer from dizziness, weakness, and lethargy.  Unable to continue working, I was given an honorable discharge from the Air Force.  I served three years and seven months in the military altogether and I had also received the good conduct medal after three years of service.  After my discharge from the active military duty, I suffered for years from irritable bowel syndrome and chronic fatigue which I attribute to the instance in the service of being exposed to nerve gas.  I endured some of the same ailments that many Gulf War veterans claimed to have after their return home.

Continued Assaults Through Covert Drugging

I moved from Columbus, Ohio to New York City in 1985 to continue pursuing my music career.  Since at least 1986 to the present, I believe I have been assaulted continuously by the military and CIA with various biological and chemical types of weapons.  One of the major weapons that is used against me, I believe, is scopolamine, nicknamed "burundanga" or "the voodoo drug". 

All of my possessions in my apartment had been contaminated with this type of drug when I allowed agents, whom each pretended to be a trustworthy friend, into my apartment.  Everything from clothing to coats, shoes and suits were contaminated and had to be discarded.  Expensive furniture and appliances, including several beds that were contaminated over the years, had to be thrown out.  A computer I purchased was contaminated. Valuable musical instruments, including guitars, amplifiers, microphones, PA and recording equipment that I had worked hard to purchase over the years were contaminated.  Stereo systems I've owned were contaminated as well as a large collection of cassette and CD recordings.  Also contaminated were large collections of sheet music and music books.  Educational textbooks that I've had to use in my field of music therapy were among contaminated items that had to be replaced.  Also, notebooks from classes I had taken were contaminated, resulting in spending many hours and a lot of dimes
re-Xeroxing those notes.

Recently, I have been more cautious in bringing visitors into my apartment and since June of 1998, I don't believe anyone has contaminated any of my belongings while inside my apartment.  But I've continued to face several other threats by provocateurs with so called "voodoo drugs".  I have had to be careful in many city stores I frequent or avoid them, especially if they have a security guard that checks bags.  In many instances that I've checked bags in a store with bag checker, the contents have ended up contaminated.

I've been targeted with "voodoo drugs" in various places I've been employed since at least 1990.  At my present job, were I have worked since 1997, my equipment and books and paperwork have been contaminated several times causing me hundreds and hundreds of dollars and time lost having to replace items necessary for my work.   I've also been targeted at venues where I've done music performances.   Nowhere in New York City have I been safe from assaults with these chemical toxins.

Assaults With Microwave Weapons

In addition to years of being assaulted with various toxic chemicals, from at least 1990 to the present, I have faced ongoing assaults from secret military microwave electronic weapons.  Effects I have felt from being assaulted with electronic weaponry have been uncontrollable jerking of my muscles, disorientation, memory loss, irritability and extreme fatigue. 

Symptoms last for about 24 hours and it usually takes about three or four
days to completely recover from the effects.  On many occasions, when I went to a hospital emergency room after being assaulted with a microwave weapon, I was told the symptoms were all in my head.

Up until the latter part of 1997, I thought that it was toxic drugs which
caused all the ill symptoms I was feeling, and did not have any concept of the secret technology of microwave weapons.  I read about it, as
unbelievable as it seems, but it took a long time for me to notice certain
patterns of where and when these assaults took place.  They always occurred when I went outside in front of my apartment on certain days and between certain hours, corresponding to my weekly work and activity schedule.  Since 1990 until the present, when I worked part-time and had Tuesdays, Thursdays and weekends off, I had been assaulted with microwave weapons on days that I did not work.  When I have had full-time work, Monday through Friday, I have been assaulted with microwave weapons either on a Friday evening on my way home from work or on a Saturday or Sunday when I've gone out to run errands
or take care of chores.   Incredibly, it did not take me long to realize
that I wasn't getting zapped by the microwave weapons on three day holiday weekends.  As a military veteran, I know that all government employees get holidays off.  So having time off probably helps my attackers to keep up their morale.  I sure would hate to have a job where I had to wait all day and all night for a citizen to step out of their apartment building to zap them with a microwave weapon.

I've also noticed that when I've been zapped by a microwave weapon, I do not feel it immediately at the time when it strikes me.  It's usually about two or three hours afterward and the ill symptoms slowly build up until I can't function normally.  I have discovered that I am targeted right outside of my apartment building and when away from that area I am safe to a degree. Unfortunately for myself, those microwave weapons even destroyed the hard drive of an expensive laptop computer I was carrying.  I've also had several digital electronic pocket organizers ruined by the microwave weapons.  Since 1999, I've been able to thwart some of the microwave attacks by using aluminum screen concealed in the hood of a jacket to protect my head from the dangerous invisible electronic beams.  Of course, the hooded jacket is awkward in appearance and I take it off as soon as I'm away from my
neighborhood, free of the microwave threats.

What Do I Face in the Future?

I've been caught in the tangle of a merciless web with the toxic chemical
and microwave weapon assaults.  Since at least 1974, I have been a
government and military target.  They have declared war on me yet I do not know for what reason I'm a target.  I suppose that unless the atrocities of mind control are exposed to the public, I will have to endure these assaults for the rest of my life.  The secret electronic weapons technology can not only temporarily maim but it can also permanently kill.  Victims of this new technology are not crazy or delusional.  The Mind Control Forum website contains more than enough testimony from victims to prove that old former CIA programs to control the human mind such as MKULTRA continue into new millennium under a new secret agenda that politicians continue to ignore.

Books such as "Earth Rising" by Dr. Nick Begich further document and give credibility to the reality of the present day threat of mind control and the manipulation of human health through the use of drugs, electromagnetic weapons and other means.

I am fighting a war that has taken many casualties over the last fifty
years.  The victims of the government sponsored Tuskeegee Syphilis
Experiments who were not given available medicine to cure them were
casualties of the secret war.  The thousands of victims who were exposed intentionally by our government to radiation were casualties of the secret war.  The government of the United States of America does commit immoral, inhumane acts that go against the all the laws of God on some of its own citizens.  Yet, I have no choice but to fight as it threatens the very essence of my being.  I have always believed in the importance of true democracy and freedom and if I do not contribute to ending the secret use mind control, in the future, mankind throughout the world will be threatened by this dangerous freedom destroying technology.

I have written to Congressman Jerrold Nadler from New York and met with his assistant but was told I need more facts to support my claim.  I wrote to Senator Patrick Moynihan from New York and was ignored for over a year without receiving a response.  When I visited a New York City Police precinct, I was told I need more proof.  In August of  1999, I met Captain Tom White, a police detective from Boston.  He had some knowledge of mind control and informed me of the individual I should contact from law enforcement in New York City.   Unfortunately, Captain White died less than six months after I met him and right after his death, the New York City police detective he told me to contact said his supervisor would no longer allow him to be involved in my case.

Mind Control and the use of electronic weapons technology should be outlawed as a threat to civilization.  The media and the press should expose the evils of mind control technology and the public should be made more aware. As victims unite together to tell their collective stories justice can prevail.  This battle may take years.  But only by victims uniting together can American society be enlightened to the truth and force the politicians to take action to expose the secret dark side of government mind control technology.

I can be contacted by email at:


Tom McClelland


Attached is a photo of myself at an anti-war march in New York City last weekend. I would like to make an appeal to all victims of mind control by the government to attend the anti-war marches throughout the country to get our message across. We are victims of the government and military's non-lethal weapons development programs. Some of the microwave, electromagnetic and biochemical weapons that are being tested on us are being developed to be used on the Iraqi people as well as in other future wars. Let's not passively continue to be assaulted with mind control weapons. Let's join the antiwar movement and be heard. I hope you will publish my message as well as the photograph on your website.

Sincerely yours,
Tom McClelland

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