MCF Victim: Sarah Nelson

  Sarah Nelson

(Letter below has been edited and victim's contact information updated on Feb 7, 2002 It was then forwarded to the Mind Control Forum Victims Page)

July 13, 2001


To: Congressman Doug Ose (R-3rd District)
722-B Main St.
Woodland, CA 95695

State of CA Assembly Representative
Helen Thomson (D-8th District)
District Office
712 Main St.
Woodland, CA 95695

Dear Mr. Ose and Ms. Thomson:

I have sent emails to both of your offices but have not received any response whatsoever, leading me to believe the emails may never have arrived and were probably blocked. I am hand-carrying these documents to your offices today. The emails sent to you both are included on the floppy disk and are dated July 9 and July 10, 2001. Please read these.

I want to apologize for the very emotional tone of some of the emails contained on the floppy disk, but some were composed just minutes and hours after being tortured. It is difficult to be objective or unemotional while recovering from recently induced multiple traumas, such as rape and forced drugging. Indeed, there is a book written called "BLUEBIRD-The DELIBERATE Induction of Multiple Trauma by Psychiatrists" by Colin Ross, M.D. It documents the techniques used by the CIA and the intelligence community to deliberately traumatize its victims, such as me, as a technique for mind control experiments. I have this book available for your review.

I am writing to you to ask for your help in exposing ongoing rape and torture by the federal government. This is what I am currently enduring. I am a human guinea pig. I am being sexually enslaved and 'pimped out' as they put it, by my own govt., totally against my will. They taunt me and tell me I am a "Presidential Model" or a "Manchurian Candidate" to be available for high-level politicians and their friends. For over ten years, I have been, and continue to be, brutally raped and tortured. It is just that simple.

My ex-husband, John Nelson, a CIA supervisor and made member of the mob, gets to rape and taunt me at will, after a ten year relationship and seven year marriage. Thanks to his former mistress Sandy Marhoffer's (unsure of last name spelling) personal friendship with the Bush family (her father helped build the Houston Astrodome) they have PERSONALLY been allowed to profit financially and to rape and torture me in person on a periodic basis, and it is all protected and covered up. My ex-husband's mother openly bragged in the Saddle and Cycle Club, a private club in Chicago, that I had been "purchased" thanks to information sold to her by former FBI agent Bill Roemer, so her son, John Nelson, could earn his high security clearance setting me up for CIA torture experiments. Since when are FBI secrets gained from informants (my birth family members were Roemer's mob informants), available for sale to wealthy families? Since when are torture and rape opportunities for sale to the wealthy?

Do you know what it is like to be inside a battered woman' shelter in Santa Ana, CA only to have your ex-husband's former mistress (now his wife) let into the shelter with a mob boss, and to have her announce she is going to sexually assault you-without any fear of being prosecuted? Do you know what it is like to have your ex-husband taunt you and break into your room and place dogs in your bed to make bestiality pornography and to hear him be congratulated for doing 'that piece of work'? Do you know what it is like to have you ex-husband beat to death a child and frame a woman for it-she went to jail-and to be told that it is in our so-called national security interest for CIA agents to be connected to the mob-i.e. my ex-husband will never be prosecuted, no matter what I say or testify? This is the criminalization of our national security apparatus.

I have lost a $430,000 home, my savings, my car and my ability to lead a decent and moral life. I have had millions stolen from me. As a result of side effects of a forced Norplant inserted in my arm before the rapes began, I will never have children and have suffered serious side effects including the total permanent cessation of my period since my early thirties. I have a permanently damaged rectum from anal rapes. I worked hard all my life and obtained a law degree from Santa Clara U Law School. I worked at various times for both the federal and state governments. I married twice and was a law-abiding citizen. I volunteered in my community and lead an active, productive life. Yet, thanks to backroom political dirty tricks in first Republican and then Democratic high places, my life was "sold" to the intelligence covert operators who are worse than the mafia, because they think they are patriots when they torture and rape innocent civilians in violation of the Nuremberg Code.

The national security apparatus is being abused for the financial benefit of a corrupt few. Under the protection/cover of so-called national security interests, high level political campaign contributors and politicians are being allowed to make millions of dollars off of my torture. I have had millions of dollars of intellectual capital stolen from me as a writer. Virtually every big name in Hollywood and the music industry, off the record of course, can tell you someone who has made money from my exploitation-while I languish on food stamps and public assistance. I am an open joke in Hollywood, thanks to the government. In addition, they put cameras in my rooms wherever I undress and openly brag about how much money they have made selling pornography out of my showering, undressing and the filming of me being raped. They sell the right, to their insider friends, to rape me--government as 'pimp'.

They have inserted implants in my ears and a tracking device in my posterior-I can never escape. I tried for years. They have an implant radio receiver in my tooth. These devices, used by the intelligence community, are all declassified, publicly documented technologies. They subject me to horrifying heat vibrations and microwaves aimed at my groin, often for hours at a time. Whenever I try to get help, I am thrown into psychiatric prisons and drugged unmercifully. I am constantly taunted and threatened. They tell me they hold meetings periodically to decide whether it is time to kill me yet.

Please take this seriously--not just for my sake, but for Chandra Levy's as well. It is not too late for her. The 'handlers' torturing me openly brag that they kidnapped her and are currently 'breaking her in' via rape as they have done to me. It is not a coincidence that Rep. Condit recently was given a spot on the House Intelligence Oversight Committee. He earned it. He could have spared her what will happen to her now. She will now be subjected to what is called by the intelligence community "trauma-based programming".

There are now at least 5 books that have been written, some available on, from previous "presidential model" sex slaves tortured by the US government. Several have already testified at Senate hearings. One book is "Paper Dolls" by Annie McKenna. I include an email I sent to her and her response on the floppy disk provided to you. The second book is "Starshine: Thanks for the Memories... "by Brice Taylor. She openly speaks of being raped by U.S. Presidents, as I have been, and used by many from Henry Kissinger to Bob Hope and Billy Graham. The third survivor to write a book is Cisco Wheeler, co-author of "The Illuminati Method Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Control Slave" and "Deeper Insights". The fourth book is by Cathy O'Brien author of "TranceFormation of America" and the fifth is a fictionalized account based on fragmented memories recovered in therapy, by Kathleen Sullivan, author of "MK". All of these authors discuss the government's MKULTRA program and its deliberate trauma-based programming. I am being tortured with it now--here in Davis--and have been tortured for over ten years all across the country. I am trying to compile materials to write my own book. But first, I need to escape these horrors. For that, I need your help.

For your review, I have included a 2-part 20-page paper that discusses how this programming works. An Austrian Intelligence Agent Gunther Russbacher, now sitting in prison for revealing these covert torture techniques, wrote it. He worked with the US intelligence community and finds this work horrifying.

The US Senate Intelligence Oversight Committee held hearings in 1995 that were supposed to cover US covert radiation experiments on civilians in the past. Once testimony began, however, first hand testimony also exposed other forms of covert torture, sexual slavery, rape and murder--torture that is very infrequently mentioned in the press. These experiments are still going on and I am being raped and tortured by them.

I am including some documents, based on actual declassified US government papers and the testimony of victims, to give you background materials. These background materials, once reviewed, will lend credibility to my story. I have also included a video for one of you, on Government Mind Control Experiments, produced locally by Davis, CA Community TV (DCTV). (some paragraphs edited)

There are many survivors in the Northern CA area. Declassified documents and books prove that experiments/research was done at Vacaville Prison, in San Francisco, at Northern CA military bases and in Northern CA universities such as UC-Davis, CA.

On behalf of all of the survivors, I beg you to take us seriously and to hear us. I need your help. My mind and body cannot endure much more of this. Mind Control is brutal Nazism.

Respectfully Submitted,
Sarah Nelson
915 L St. PMB-C365,
Sacramento, CA 95814
My emails are: and
My fax/phone message # is: 866-789-3771 (The perps say this free commerical voicemail service is secretly run by the intelligence community--of course, there is no way to know for sure)

Note: I am still be tortured 24/7 and my snail mail, emails, phone messages are frequently censored and destroyed before I see them. Do not assume I will receive your message and hope for the best.

received 2-7-2002

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