MCF Victim:Christopher R. Phillip


I have never had a tooth filling, I have never had prosthetic implants, and I am not prone to jumping to conclusions.

I need to isolate the cause of this technology, its source, its provider, and to track the purpose of its illegal use.

I travel the world, and this device (or devices) are not automated to my knowledge. Upon a trip to Bangkok in November, 2001, there was a considerable delay of 2-3 days before the device was perceived.

As a notation, this device became active while I was living in Tucson, AZ.

As a personal notation concerning your truth in testimony, I also have been attacked by an organized crime-group who use this technology against me in the shower, while defecating, and also pervasively during the hours of dark, while I attempt to sleep. The radio similar tones are direct, and persistent primarily during the hours of 2-7 AM.

I have contacted local audiologists, and have received the same disclaimer. They test for perception of incoming tones sent by them, yet they do not have the technology to test for implanted audio devices, nor the resulting audio frequency signals.

Please, I cannot find many other sites on the web which watchdog this technology in use, nor have I been successful in finding an expert who can identify and isolate this "pertaining" invasion into my life.

I have kept a factual record of the details of the attack against me, and gladly will upload it to this forum. Web Log Daily Journal

I pray that our individual prayers, and attention to these hate-assaults against us bring the attackers to justice, and allow us to live our lives without intrusion, without raping violation into our bodies, and without need for worry. Please get in touch.

Christopher R. Phillip
3721 140th Ave. N.
Largo FL 33771
(727) 538-2251
received 6-16-2002

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