Second Letter to British Medical Association

My Second Letter to The British Medical Association

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Below is a second letter that I have written to The British Medical Association on Tracey's behalf:

Dr. Mac Armstrong
BMA Secretary
BMA House
Tavistock Square

RE: [Copy of Letter to Dr T.C. Li Gyneacologist : Re Partner’s Electronic Harassment]

Dear Sir,

Please find in the body of this letter, a copy of the letter I wrote to my Partner’s Gyneacologist, at the Jessop Hospital, here in Sheffield.

I am asking for your help and ask that you authorise the treatment of my partner’s condition forthwith. Her life is in danger and, as her long standing friend and now partner, please believe me when I say, that she is a decent, honest, respectable woman who I love very much and I am angry that criminals and perverts can do something like this to her and the doctors won’t back her up. The perpetrators of this farce are the criminals, not a woman with her child.

I would ask that you contact Dr Li directly at Jessops before the 8th January. That is when her next appointment is.

Mr T.C.LI,

Consultant Gynaecologist,

The Jessop Hospital for Women,

7 Williamson Road,


S11 9AR.

Re : Tracey Mitchell (“Endometriosis”)

Dear Dr. Li,

Tracey has been suffering with the symptoms I discussed with you in our first consultation, since February of this year.

I am extremely annoyed that the problem wasn’t taken care of during the operation. Whether you believe this or not is irrelevant. There is an obstruction in the cervix area that requires investigation. I insist that this medical investigation is carried out as soon as possible.

I request that you send Tracey for a full set of MRI scans of her womb, pelvic, vaginal, cervical and bowel areas as soon as possible. I also insist that I be present when the images are through and so does she.

I want you to bear in mind that we have a 5 year old son, that needs us both. If anything were to happen to Tracey I will sue the medical profession myself. She should not have this problem now, but she still has.

I am fed up of comming for appointments with Tracey only to be fobbed off with excuses. You and I both know there is more going on here than you care to admit. Please don’t insult my intelligence any more. I have carried out extensive research and I know what I am talking about.

You and I know that Tracey does not have the time to wait for yet another appointment to see a bowel specialist. The problem is the obstruction in the cervical / vaginal area, which is causing pressure on her bowels. I don’t want any more excuses. I know what I am talking about. I can feel the obstruction during intercourse. We don’t make love any more now, because it is so uncomfortable. You cannot tell me black is white because it isn’t. Male hormone treatment will not solve the problem.

I am almost 100% certain from information received from the USA, that if this is not dealt with in the near future that she will die or be left debilitated and I think you do too. All this could so easily be avoided. I want to know what the hell is going on and why there is such a wall of silence and a dodging of the issue, whenever I raise it. I can assure you that if this is not dealt with and anything does happen to Tracey, that I will be seeking legal action against both Sheffield and Warwickshire Health Authorities for medical negligence. Warwickshire is where she lived previously. They didn’t deal with it either. What is going on? You tell me.

If she did happen to die, do you realise that our son Joe’s natural father will get custody and if that should happen Joe will die as well, because his natural father is a pervert and a peadophile. You know this from the statements you already have.

It is therefore very important that Tracey is restored to health as quickly as possible, so that we can live a normal family life.

Let me explain the current situation we are in:

We want to get married, but Tracey cannot get a divorce. I have been unable to get an appointment with a solicitor. Why is this?

We have been trying to get state benefits that we know we are entitled to. It’s taken us 6 months and we are still not getting what we are entitled to. In my entire life, it has never taken me 6 months to get social security benefits. We must have filled in the same forms and provided the same information at least 20 times in the 6 month period. What is going on?

We are in a 2 bedroomed maisonette with no garden. Tracey feels better here. It is a low signal area and built up. However the area is no good for Joe. He is an active 5 year old, who needs space. We may have a chance of a house in Killamarsh, but because of Tracey’s situation we may not be able to move, because it is in a high signal area. You know what I am talking about. If it weren’t for me she would be completely isolated. She cannot even visit her parents in the Midlands because this “condition” becomes considerably worse, debilitating her quite severely (torture).

Tracey’s parents are in their 70’s and are both disabled. They now have no relatives within 100 miles to keep an eye on them, should an emergency arise. Our little boy misses his Grandparents and cannot understand why he can’t go and see them on a regular basis.

So as you can see Dr. Li the quality of life for Tracey is practically zero. All this so that someone in authority, who has made a big mistake and allowed certain things to fall into the wrong hands can save face. I do not agree with this. Why should Tracey have to suffer?

All you had to do was to solve the problem in October at Claremont. Why was this not done?

I can assure you that I will not let this matter drop until Tracey is restored to health and she can have the quality of life, that she should have. At the moment there is no quality of life at all. If it wasn’t for the American medical profession, I wouldn’t have obtained any information at all. Why is there all this secrecy?

The medical profession should be assisting, in bringing the perpetrators of this to justice. What about Tracey’s rights to protect her child and my right to protect my family. You can be assured that I will protect them both, no matter how many letters I have to write. I also want you to know that I am in contact with the press as well. Tracey’s case has already been published on the Internet. If I have my way it will be in all the newspapers as well.

Dr. Li, we need your help and we need it urgently. Please do the right thing and sort Tracey’s problem out before it is too late.

Thanking you in advance. I look forward to a speedy appointment for my future wife. Please phone her as soon as it is arranged.

The above is a copy of the letter I recently sent to Mr Li.

I urge you, as a profession to address this problem as a matter of urgency. My partner has now been suffering for nearly 12 months in all. I want the offending device removed safely and to be given the evidence to pursue the perpetrators of this crime through the legal system.

I look forward to your reply in due course.



David Mitchell



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