Mind Control Forum UK Website

Not Affililiated with MCF USA

Victim Zapped from Adjoining House

Victim Zapped from Adjoining House

Funds Needed for Legal Action


David's 11-98 Update

Tracey's Account

My Account

My first Letter to The British Medical Association

My Second Letter to The British Medical Association

Reply from British Medical Association

Reply from European MP

Tracey's Ultrasound Scan

More MRI and Ultrasound Scans

Letter to Dr. Li from David Mitchell

Letter from Dr. Li to David Mitchell

http://www.mindcontrolforums.com : Link to Mind Control Forum USA

S.M.A.R.T.'s Ritual Abuse Home Page

Welcome to The UK Mind Control Forum website, for victims of Electronic Harassment and Mind Control. The first story to be posted are events concerning my partner, who has been subjected to severe harassment since February 1997. Links to victim's testimonies and other sites of interest can be found at the top of the page.

My hope, as the editor of this site, will be to provide a contact point for victims of mind control, ritual abuse and electronic weapons harassment. The purpose of this site will be to give UK victims a point of contact, although there is a link to my counterpart's website in the US.

This web site will be completely independent in operation from the Mind Control Forum USA, although there may be some similarities and crossovers. This site is to provide a point of contact for UK victims. Ed Light of the Mind Control Forum USA, is not responsible for any of this site's content.

About The Author

My name is Dave Mitchell. I had never heard anything about remote electronic harassment and mind control, until June of 1997, when an old Friend, who is now my partner contacted me. She told me about some strange symptoms she had been experiencing since February of 1997.

What I found out was alarming. I discovered that covert harassment of ordinary citizens is a worldwide phenomena. I started by making contacts in the US, but there are people in the UK now, who are slowly starting to recognise the problem.

The most serious aspect of my partner's situation is that her previous partner implanted her with some sort of electronic tracking and torture device. It seems to have been done during intercourse, as I myself have felt a solid mass in her cervical area, which has made me sore on several occasions.

The aim of my site is to provide a contact and support point for victims and any supporting professionals, who wish to address this very important issue.

Another objective of the site is to gain media attention for the victims of this evil technology. What we are dealing with here is the biggest human rights issue since the second world war. The freedom and liberty of everyone is at stake.

Finally, I urge non-victims who read this site to keep an open mind and remember that this technology is being used on ordinary members of the public, who are mostly innocent victims of intelligence and criminal organisations. As yet the authorities are not recognising the problems posed by this technology. The aim of this MCF UK site and the one in the US, will be to reverse this process and force this issue into the public arena. Then some of the victims of this crime can begin to get some justice and compensation for the pain and suffering they are put through by unethical scientists and criminal organisations, who are in possession of this technology.

MCF UK can be contacted via E-Mail.


Don't use previous addresses