Letter to Dr. Li
from David Mitchell

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 23 August 1998

 Dr. T.C Li,
Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist,
7 Williamson Road,
S11 9AR.

RE: [Tracey Mitchell]

Dear sir,

I feel that I must put my feelings in writing, as the situation with Tracey's health is of great concern to me, as the man who loves both her and her son very much.

Tracey's PHYSICAL problems are in the womb and in the bowel, see MRI scan taken in June of this year below:

 MRI scan of implant

Notice the foreign object I have highlighted towards top of centre. Still the medical profession refuse to admit they are in the wrong. I am angry, that despite paying a huge amount of money in October 1997 for an endometriosis operation, hoping these things would be removed that this was not done. This has not only caused Tracey much physical anguish and pain, but has destroyed our relationship. It has crippled us financially and it has also probably sentenced her to a slow painful death. All this because of medical ethics. I would also like you to bear in mind that this was also responsible for the first miscarriage in February 1998. Despite having a D & C, after the hospital had sent her home in pain and discomfort these objects were still not removed. I want an explanation for this. I want to know how these things got there. Please see the original ultrasound from Jessops taken in February 1998.

 Ultrasound of implant

I am not a medical expert but it does not take a qualified doctor to see that there is something clearly wrong here. I am not accusing anyone of anything, I shall leave that to the solicitor who is working on the case.

However that is not the end of the story, Tracey had another miscarriage in June 1998. The scan shown below was taken at the Mayday Hospital in Croydon in June of this year:

 Ultrasound of implant

Please take note of the two foreign objects. This miscarriage was caused by. You and I both know that Tracey will never carry another healthy pregnancy. Yourself and the other specialists know the real cause of all her problems. It is the foreign objects that I have pointed out in the scans. My god sir, she has a 5 year old child, she has a right to know what is going on. I want to know what is going on as well. More importantly I want to know how these things got inside her. I am a reasonable person, but I will inform you that I have felt the need to go International on this. Those scans have been transmitted to doctors and Journalists all over the world. British Journalists are now showing an interest. I will be honest and let you know that the failure of the medical profession to remove these things will cost them dearly. You have no idea what it is like for her, the constant torture and the constant pain and discomfort.

I find the attitude of the medical profession very alarming. You should be assisting my partner and helping with my investigation. The implication is that at some time in the past that these were put in during an operation, without Tracey's knowledge or consent. The implications for my partner are very serious. The police are also powerless to act because they cannot get the medical back up from doctors. What the hell is going on?

No one has the right to mutilate someone in this way, especially an innocent young woman with a child. These things could ultimately kill her and nobody is taking a blind bit of notice. You know what I am talking about. Just to let you know that I am awaiting confirmation from professionals overseas as to the nature of these things and what they do. One hospital even admitted to me on the quiet that Tracey would not get any assistance in the UK. WHY?

I have taken her to casualty numerous times and nothing has been done. When we returned from Spain she was so ill I got the airport to get me an ambulance. They took her to hospital and still nothing was done. Will you please shed some light on why Tracey has no right to a happy life, free from illness and quality time to spend with her son? If anything were to happen to her that little boy would be in great danger. Nobody has the right to inflict someone with this sort of thing and I want it stopped now, and so does she. She has also been slandered and put through hell as well in the last couple of years. She is a decent, respectable young woman and I want this injustice rectified as quickly as possible so we can settle down and live a normal life. She has started divorce proceedings against the former husband and she feels that her only option is a total hysterectomy. I recall mentioning this to you last year if you remember. You advised us to have a baby. I think that was irresponsible, given her circumstances. Her womb is in no condition to carry a baby full term and you knew that.

You then proceeded to answer the letter I sent you with Good Luck with the next pregnancy. Well you know what happened with that. I have presented you with the evidence.

Mr Li, I am an intelligent person with a certain amount of medical and scientific knowledge. I am also University educated. I know there are things going on that shouldn't be. Please believe me that I know Tracey's problems are very serious. It's about time that it was sorted out before little Joe loses his mum. Everyone I have shared this case with abroad has recommended she have a hysterectomy. They have also stated to me. "Get her to a gyneacologist. I think those images are proof enough of the urgency of her situation.

Please consider my words carefully. This situation makes normal family life virtually impossible. She is in pain most of the time and her life is a misery. Please help.

I would appreciate it if the October appointment could be brought forward as a matter of urgency as I feel this is an emergency situation.

I look forward to your reply in due course.



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