MCF Victim: Russ Warwick

by Russ Warwick

The following was Russ's first appeal. update from Russ, please view here.

Urgent international appeal:

Dear Sir,

Last year, on November 10th at 11:30 am, I was with my wife and 3 babies, Kuta Beach, Bali. I was holding my 6-week-old baby’s head when 5 men grabbed me from behind and dragged me away to a room to be locked behind a steel door. I was then tied to bedposts and was injected with a drug so powerful that it put me into cardiac and respiratory arrest. I was repeatedly drugged after that. I have not seen my wife or babies since.

I believe they are being set up for a sale.

The incident happened just hours after talking on a cell phone to a CIA agent called James Gavin regarding neuro-electric weapons that were being installed in and around Kuta Bali. I complained about the radiation and told Mr. Gavin not to interfere with my family again.

Just prior to that, I was abducted under orders of Canadian and Australian Government Foreign affairs staff. The terror was under their instructions.

My family was left destitute and stranded.

I was inadvertently involved in highly secretive and sensitive intelligences operations during a revolution in Indonesia. I did not realize what I was getting into. I had declined invitations to join intelligence as soon as I realized the extent of the human rights abuse the special operations entailed. I told my would be handlers that I was simply not available. They wanted me to go to Moscow or Irian Jaya. I have 6 children and had no time for such operations. I then had the weapons turned on me. I have been tortured badly here in Canada as I was in Malaysia and Indonesia. The electromagnetic and microwave weapons interfere with prayer not to mention every single cell in my body.

I have levitated during a training session. I have levitated with an agent and partially levitated with my wife. A Yogi told me that I am one in a Billion. My babies are the offspring of one in a Billion. My babies have been radiated since conception and were born totally paranormal. Electricity from my body has been detected at over 500 feet. My children have been seen walking out of their bodies and Jodilee, was talking the day she was born. My children are very paranormal and their abilities have been demonstrated in front of hundreds of people. My son, Russ has been able to move ice cubes without touching them. Both Jodilee and Russ have repeatedly pointed out sniper positions in Indonesia.

Someone has made a large cash offer for my children. Canadian Foreign affairs is aware of my concerns and seem to be doing all that they can to help facilitate the deal. It was under their instructions that my wife and children were abandoned in the first place. My wife and babies ended up in a CIA house for a week. and, after a year of trying to reunite with them have concluded that the cash offer is a very large one indeed. The abduction, torture and abandonment was very well organized.

I had overridden clandestine communications in Malaysia during parliamentary elections. Intelligence had to get me out fast and they did. A Canadian intelligence agent arranged with local Malaysian immigration authorities to have separated from my 3 Malaysian children. I had to return to Canada. Almost immediately, mobile radiation units move into my area to begin torturing with the intent to silence me on the grid operation. Grids are an array of electromagnetic and microwave devices used in intelligence operations.

My E-mails are jammed. I have sent this out to at least 200 organizations and private individuals and either have the mailings returned or no reply at all. The press refuses to print a word. I have not received a single explanation from the Canadian government as to why the torture. I have not received a single invitation to aid investigators.

I feel a tremendous amount of radiation at times that I get on line. My curser shoots across the screen in a second. My body twitches. I am being tortured. Tortured for saying what I say which only convinces me that I am on the right track. Otherwise, why would I be radiated so badly and for so long? There is an electromagnetic device installed in, around or under or over my immediate position. SISIRS does nothing! I have a pretty good idea as to how the system works and the devices involved. I was involved in special operations in Asia. I spoke up about it. Torture in a democracy! I am shocked such devices are being used in Ontario. Shame on you Chretien!

My wife and babies are in extreme danger and the Canadian Government, when contacted on the matter paints a picture of roses. It is a smoke screen! I am the father and the material witness. I had been set up time and again. Special note, My babies case is as political as it gets

Hamilton Spectator, I find it incomprehensible that after 7 months, you cannot give a single paragraph of coverage! Babies are involved! Radiated babies! Globe and Mail and CBC. What is up?

How bout a story of freedom of the press and democracy! How bout a story on radiated and forcibly abandoned babies? How about a story on abductions and lock-ups. My wife and babies would greatly appreciated public exposure so some help could come.

How bout a story of torture, terror, injections and falsified medical reports. Reports that have been completely fabricated by intelligence to silence me in Malaysia and Indonesia. More reports were falsified in Canada to defer legal action and to discredit me and silence me on the grids that have been installed here in Canada, Malaysia and Indonesia. I have seen some of the reports and can assure any investigator that they totally falsified being one cover-up covering the next and the next and so on. A lot is at stake when my story finally goes public and someone in Ottawa is very aware of this. Where is the press! Radiated babies? Torture? Drugging? Falsified medical reports? Abduction? Abandonment? Baby sale? If this is not news, what is? What’s up? Is there a gag order on my case? Interference of freedom of the press?

I was picked up at a private residence discussing a book deal and was taken to a nut house. My crime? Wear pictures and signs stating that these are my CIA radiated babies to bring public awareness of my family’s plight. I was picked up and told to take drugs or suffer an injection. I was used as a pincushion and for research for 29 terrible days! 8 vials of blood and an array of tests!!!

I have felt the heat of intellegence all too often. At times, it could almost be murder! It has become routine over the past 18 months, shockingly here in Hamilton.

Would the press call me? Once? I do have a story!

Again, babies have been radiated and I have been set-up for exposing a major worldwide espionage operation. The United Nations is totally involved! I can lead investigators in so many directions. The grid operation is huge and perhaps humanities grossest human rights violation in history. Children and unborn babies are caught in the electromagnetic fields. My wife and kids remain in a serious situation.

Canada may have to send a diplomat to Indonesia to sort things out and assist my poor wife and kids to Canada.

It is very possible that the Indonesian government will not let my wife out without a diplomatic meeting of representative from the Canadian government. My case caught huge counter espionage attention during my last trip to Indonesia.

Hopefully another country will offer our entire family sanctuary. I had applied for asylum in Kuala Lumper on the grounds of persecution by Canadian agents. This was done at the United Nations office for refugees. I was put in a nut house 4 days before my meeting by foreign affairs Canada. I had over heard an intelligence operative say to a colleague ’don’t worry, we have the UN covered’, while I was at the Pondok Inn, Kuala Lumper! The Pondok Inn is a CIA operated crash pad used for military radiation experiments. I will point a finger, give evidence and pass a polygraph. There is plenty of hard core evidence to bring a prosecution and open up a story that may very well expose a major global espionage operation involving electromagnetic radiation.

I am tired of being tortured daily here in Canada. I am writing the book on remote viewing. (US military top info). They don’t want the info getting out to the general public and make life and miserable as possible.

The Canadian executive has not responded to any of my complaints.

The former Chretien foreign affairs minister stepped down. It was coincidently just after his staff screwed up with the CIA during a major espionage operation in Malaysia. I was in the middle of that.

I was the person that opened up SE Asia's first Deep-Sea Diving school. My invention, a crystal deodorant is famous in Asia. I have many prominent friends that would vouch for me in Asia. My allegations must be investigated!

Dear Mr. Manely How are you? (Foreign Affairs minister, Canada), would you sir, please forward this to SISIRS?

Would you please forward this to your Dept. of Defense?

Would you please forward this to your Information Minister? I believe his name is Mr. Reid.

Would you please forward this to your Solicitors Generals office? Would you please forward this to your Heritage minister and Hamilton MP, Sheila Copps? She would be very interested, as she has been informed of my case. (I am residing in Hamilton at moment). I, Russ Warwick have forwarded this to them all, and all have not received a response. My babies have been radiated! I pray to god someone somewhere is listening. They were forcibly left abandoned as I was abducted on instructions of Canadian and Australian Foreign Affairs staff in Indonesia.

Would you pls C.C. this to a former minister and mayor candidate, Mr. John Munro? In addition, would you pls forward this to Mr. Martin, the Finance Minister? I will be forwarding this and your response to my good friend, the sultan of Johor whom is a personal friend of the Sultan of Brunei. Thank-you for your co-operation and would you kindly confirm that the above parties have become recipients? Your response will also be forwarded to a niece of a former United Nations ambassador, a personal friend of 18 years. It will be forwarded to some friends that are personal friends of a daughter of a Prime Minister that has his country victimized by operatives that I was formally involved with. I am requesting that you help me forward this as my e-mails are largely jammed and there are major human rights violations that need urgent attention.

Would you please confirm that you have received my mail and that your foreign affairs staff are being thoroughly investigated? I know that you were not the Foreign Affairs minister when many of the laws and violations were committed, but you are now.

Your consideration is most welcome.
Most Sincerely, Russ Warwick.

Dear Mark,

Believe me, if you cross up the CIA or SISIRS, life is murder!

Don’t ever call Canada about radiated babies.

Seems to be an unofficial policy here in Canada regarding the suppressing news of the way ward ways of their secret service and foreign affairs. Don‘t mention radiated babies or that their father had been tied up and injected. Don’t mention about the neuro electrictic mind control operations that the babies’ father was in, both in Canada and overseas. It may be politically sensitive. Yes, mark, Electromagnetic generators wired up to buildings piling and steel girders. That is a part of it.

bye, Russ

Please! This is an international plea. Please contact a Canadian politician or minister. I must get the attention of the executive attention.


Dear Sir/Madame and friend, this is a huge story that must get the attention of the international community. I am shocked that my case has not yet been front-page international news. It will be. I am certain.

I have openly listed below contact numbers of people whom to contact in the Canadian and Australian governments including the home number of a CIA agent. It has been brought to my attention that news groups and others that have called to do a background check have been told that I was a confirmed nut.

They have been told that all was ok with my wife and children and my wife was simply visiting her relatives and my children were in school. Not so! My wife is being manipulated by intelligence; my babies are being groomed and manipulated for a sale.

We all have been radiated!

The people involved in this are looking at life behind bars and, perhaps rightfully so. I, as a father of six would like to see this. The Canadian executive seems to be doing everything possible to cover-up evidence with further fraudulent paper work and sound bytes whenever person calls to see if the story has merit.

The individuals involved on the telephone use derogatory and slanderous remarks, describing me as a paranoid schizophrenic etc. and instruct people who could privately investigate or expose to pay no attention to Russ Warwick. They claim that they have plenty of documentary evidence. Their evidence has been 100% falsified and all is the modus operandi of intelligence to cover up a major eastern intelligence operation.

I can assure you, the smoke screen is to prevent prosecutions and to protect perhaps the Western Alliance largest covert operation in history, not to mention to possibly protect a few executive staff within the Canadian government.

This is their modus operandi but they have left a long trail of clumsy, fraudulent medical paperwork trying to cover-up things up. I can prove this very easily and direct any investigator in so many directions. One hit will immediately lead to the next. I have been set-up time and again due to some top secret, paranormal, espionage operations that I was inadvertently involved in while in Asia. Scratch the surface and a huge clandestine operation and its cover-up will be exposed. Some of the grossest human rights abuses imaginable have victimized my wife, babies and myself. My wife and babies are in extreme danger of being sold, and my wife in bondage. My exposure to radiation can be proven in a second with a simple airport scanner.

I would kindly request that if you know of someone or organization in the international community that may be able to help our family out, it would be appreciated. You could pass this on to them. I have 6 children and all have been badly affected. I also have hundreds of pages of clarifications, documentary evidence and places to go and people to see that will get to the bottom of my family’s plight and expose the grossest human rights violations imaginable.


If you know of a publisher or an international human rights lawyer or a movie director or a literary agent or a charitable organization or an International investigative journalist or a team of them, I would greatly appreciate hearing from them for so many human rights reasons. The Warwick’s family story exposes one of the grossest human rights abuse ever perpetuated by any government anywhere. I as my children's father must get this entire thing exposed and my wife and children to safety.

I am working against time. My family, a wife and 3 babies were forcefully abandoned in Indonesia a year ago and are in danger. Foreign Affairs, who have set me up time and again continue cover-up and relate a different story to those who call and enquire in order to delay for as long as possible a multi-million dollar lawsuit and prosecutions. They clearly do not want an enquiry or any investigation what so ever.

My babies have been radiated. It could be an embarrassment if they arrive to a medical facility in Canada for a check out. I, their father have been radiated so badly, I set off metal scanners! Electrical appliances have lit up in my hand during torture sessions.

The modus operandi of the Canadian Government is to discredit me by labeling me as some sort of nut to whoever calls to make an enquiry. I can assure you that I am perfectly fine. They want me to be silenced and defer any investigation, pure and simple.

Foreign Affairs, Canada had me abducted and injected in Bali, in a clear murder attempt. The Canadian government has had me abducted 3 times and locked up 3 times in 9 months. The CIA had me locked up in Malaysia, inoculated, had my wrists crushed, fractured my leg and broke my nose. It was a clear murder attempt. Again this I can prove with plenty of witness‘s. I was ushered out of Malaysia by SISIRS before I could expose the operation to Dr Mahatir, the Prime Minister of Malaysia.

That is 4 lock-ups in less than a year trying to rescue my family! I was locked up in Indonesia, Malaysia and Canada for talking about neuro-electromagnetic mind control and radiated babies. I have not seen my family since the Indonesia murder attempt. The police in Hamilton have warned me that if I come into the station to make a report ‘see what will happen‘! I was threatened for enquiring as to how I could set up an appointment with the fraud department.

The Canadian government made huge and illegal blunders in Indonesia and it has been one cover-up after another to hide this. I have perhaps 50 witness that could assist in investigations in Indonesia alone.

Below are a few correspondences, which explains, in part, a huge and terrible story. On request, I can down load explanations. I am always available to sit down and fill in the rest. Again, I could easily pass a polygraph. I have been so radiated, I may very well die of cancer. My crime? Apply for 3 emergency passports for my babies during a revolution. Of course, I exposed the culprits that have done this to my family! Now I am being radiated by mobile units for doing so.

Russ Warwick.
162 Kensington Ave. North.
Hamilton, Ontario,
Tel: 905-5446959

My e-mail is tampered with and often times my letters are hijacked. The operator had told people that my number is not in service. Please try your best to contact me understanding it may be difficult.

To: The Prime Minister of Canada.

Sir, How are your wife and kids? Are they safe and sound? My wife and babies are stranded in Indonesia.

Thanks to SISIRS and the CIA, my Malaysian children are living in abject poverty, trying to study on a breakfast of bread and butter. Their father is an inventor and had just signed a million-dollar contract with a Malaysian company. The money was to go for a house and food for my 3 Malaysian children and the rescue of my Indonesian wife and our 3 babies. SISIRS had me kicked out of Malaysia by influencing local immigration at Johor Baru, W. Malaysia. Foreign Affairs had me kicked out of Indonesia leaving behind my wife and 3 babies. Small world and some times it can come crashing down. Read a real life Canadian made tragedy! A tragedy involving 6 small children

The Warwick’s family case will become political. Laws have been broken. My Indonesian babies may be presently being manipulated for an international sale. Aside from that, international laws, federal laws, local laws and human rights laws have been broken. It is a strong possibility that some of your over-seas staff may be participating in the sale. They have certainly have done all that they could to get me out of Asia thus abandoning all six of my children.

If the 3 babies were your 3 babies, stranded in Indonesia and up for sale, what would you do with the powers under you? Would you use SISIRS? SISIRS, Interpol? It was SISIRS, Foreign Affairs and the CIA that had partitioned our family.

I have ample evidence of what I am putting forward. I have repeatedly requested an urgent meeting in Ottawa with representatives of the Dept of Defense, Solicitors generals’ office, Foreign Affairs minister and a political representative. I have asked Derrick Patry to assist with this so I may present a very serious case. I have not had a reply in months and my wife and 3 babies are in a critical situation.

I was inadvertently involved in special paranormal operations in Asia and it was exactly during that time that I made it be known that I was not available to my would-be handlers. I can give the names and have counter intelligence back this up! Western intellegence had just installed, and pulled the switches to generators in buildings attached to pilings and the steel girders across town to generate electromagnetic waves to create an electromagnetic’s operations field.

Intelligence took a special interest in my paranormal abilities. I am willing to take a polygraph test in Ottawa to give an indication that I could only be mistaken on a fact or two but never lie. Michael Otten and Ross Tysoe would be hard pressed to pass a polygraph test.

There is fraud and corruption amongst some of your foreign affairs staff. This would be easy to prove. I have plenty of witness’s. I can’t understand for the life of me why there have been no prosecutions in my case until now. Perhaps this may be an additional reason your foreign affairs staff is consistently covering up evidence. They have repeatedly tried to influence my wife to steer her and the children to a sale. I have complained to the Solicitors General office and have not received a reply!

Your staff arranged a separation of my wife and babies. I have reason to believe that my family’s case has received the attention of the highest levels of the Indonesian Government. Having said that, the situation may require a Canadian diplomatic solution with Indonesia.

People, involved in the Warwick's baby’s case, if prosecuted will spend years behind bars. It is best for all here in a democracy and Canada‘s reputation in the international community that there is a prosecution. My wife must be located and helped in every way to Canada. A multi-million dollar deal may have been offered for my babies and Canadian staff may be involved! They have certainly have done all that they could to pave the road for a sale.

If it was your children and wife that were stranded in Indonesia and all that you needed was 3 simple passports, would you have them issued immediately? Canada issued the Americans passports to get them out of Iran. There are mechanisms in place to do this. Your life is politics, my life is family. I spend my life raising a family or at least desperately trying to do so. We may have conflicting positions. I have received a response from your office months ago regarding my own radiation attacks and have repeatedly stated that my wife and kids have been radiated. I was inadvertently involved neuro-electric radiation operations/experiments in Malaysia and Indonesia during the elections there. There must be a couple of thousand UN and security personal that are aware of my case. I am being constantly radiated here in Hamilton. I twitch like a lab frog with electrodes. I can hear the machines being turned on and off. It is torture. This is why I want to meet with some from Defense to explain a few things. If it is the Americans doing this, I can assist in investigations.

The Warwick's babies case, left to fester could result in a diplomatic row between Indonesia and Canada. If my kids are being set up for sale and Canada does nothing, there will be an international response because, I, as their father will make sure that happens.

It has been one year now since your staff had 5 men grab me from behind while I was touching my 6 week old babies head, carried away to be lock behind steel doors, tied to bedposts, injected with a drug so powerful that it could have only been meant to kill. I have about 20 witnesses to this. I was untied, forced to take more drugs and returned to where my family was. They were taken away and I have not seen them since. I went into cardiac and respiratory arrest but could not get to a hospital, as Michael Otten would allow no calls in or out. My cell phones were taken away. I, as a father cry daily. Could you find it in your heart to investigate your foreign affairs staff?

I have sent this out to at least 100 organizations and friends around the world, and have received 5 or 6 replies. My message described a serious matter in so many regards. Political, human rights, radiation, fraud, corruption, cover-ups, mind control electronics and military radiation experiments. I am talking about a very serious matter regarding a possible baby sale and perhaps a cover-up at the highest levels of the Canadian government. The lack of response strongly implies electronic jamming on my e-mail.

My e-mails are jammed tampered with or blocked altogether and I am receiving a tremendous amount of magnetic radiation daily. It is used to torture.
It would surely be the breakdown of democracy if it were proved to be a military or intelligence agency involved in this. The people that put the weapons together to radiate people are guilty of the grossest crimes against humanity. We are trying to live in a democracy and a military may be trying to influence undermine democracy in Canada. I am trying to re-unite with my 3 young babies and my beautiful wife. We have to get to the bottom of this. Urgently.

Sincerely Russ Warwick

My babies have been radiated since conception. I have been attacked and tied to bedposts and injected in a clear assassination attempt. I was touching my 6-week-old baby’s head when the attack took place. I have not seen my wife and babies since. The attack was ordered under the instructions of Canadian Foreign affairs staff and took place in Bali, Indonesia. It has been one long year of hell since that terrible day.

I have strong circumstantial evidence that my babies are being set up for a sale. They are totally paranormal and have demonstrated their gifts in front of the CIA and other western intelligence agencies as well as many connected with the United Nations, their friends, associates or agents.

I am working around the clock to bring awareness of what is going on. If you can help or know someone who can, please let me know. Please forward this e-mail far and wide. I have had at least 4 attempts on my life this year. Below is the jest of the matter. Sincerely Russ Warwick

>Please keep in mind that my telephone: number is accurate. People have contacted me. They were told that my number was out of service. They went through the operator. My e-mails are largely jammed transmissions and reception. My curser takes a second to fly across the screen just about every time I log on to the Internet. The radiation coming into the house by both stationary and mobile units is torture. I have repeatedly complained to the government at all levels and to no avail and no relief.

>Dear Russell Warwick:
>On behalf of the Right Honorable Jean Chrétien, I would like to thank you for your e-mail, in which you raised an issue which falls within the portfolio of the Honorable John Manley, Minister of Foreign Affairs. The Prime Minister always appreciates receiving mail on subjects of importance to Canadians.
>Please is assured that the statements you made have been carefully reviewed. I have taken the liberty of forwarding your e-mail to Minister Manley so that he too may be made aware of your comments. I am certain that the Minister will give your views every consideration.

Dear Mr. Day,

Fraud, election fraud, there is a strong case that elections could be influenced by the electromagnetic grids. Sublingual suggestion, via EMF's, could be used to influence. All political parties that have lost the elections may have a strong constitutional case. Prosecutions are possible if those in power are aware of the grids in Hamilton and other cities across Canada. Installed to influence thought. So there may be cheating or the strong possibility of it.

Jail time could await people who radiate a person or population. Read about the operations that I have been involved in. I can down load for you. I have a few hundred pages that point a very clear finger to a very evil radiation operation and a possible baby sale in progress, with the aid of a couple of rouge foreign affairs staff. The CIA is heavily involved in the Warwick’s family case and the radiations.

Sincerely, Russ Warwick.

Mr. Derrick, this is a few messages sent out. Foreign Affairs, Canada

Dear Derrick,

I have reason to suspect that Ory and Faridah are manipulating Wid for financial gain. My family has sent them thousands of dollars to rescue Wid and the children out of Indonesia. They have used the money for other purposes and have asked us to send more. Two days after my mother returned from Jakarta empty handed trying to assist Wid and the children out of Indonesia, Faridah and I talked on the telephone at a time that I called and asked to speak to Wid.

My mother had just left CD 2500 for their passports and airline tickets to Singapore. Faridah, just two days after my mother departed Jakarta told me to get a job and send a couple of thousand over immediately as the children's expenses were high. She then told not to call Wid, as my phone calls were expensive and to use the money instead to send to her for my children's expenses.

Ory had called my mother in Canada to ask her to come to Jakarta and not to mention a word about the trip to me. They told her that it was concerning my family’s paper work etc and that she was to keep the trip a secret. My mother followed their instructions and went to Jakarta to be relieved of CD 2500. I had asked my mother, when I met her in Johor Baru, Malaysia if she left any money and how much. My mother would only say in a very stressed out manner that she left money and it was her business as to how much and the money was to be used for the children's upkeep. Ory and Faridah managed to manipulate the whole money milking scam taking advantage of my mother’s lack of sophistication on not being able to see through a set-up.

This was half a year ago. On the telephone with Faridah, she states that she will allow a conversation with my wife on Sunday’s and at no other time. Of course, I could rarely get her on the phone after that. On the rare occassion that I was able to reach her, she was told by both Ory and Faridah to hang up. Wid, thereafter, could only get out a ‘I love you’ before quickly hanging up.

She escaped out of the house and called me from her location and begged me to find a way for her to get to Singapore and we would leave the children in the care of the people until the passports were ready. I would then have a friend fly down to Jakarta to get the babies out.

Ory discovered Wid’s location and brought her back to the house. Then the brainwashing started in earnest. She was peppered with derogatory remarks about me. She was told that I was ill, irresponsible or couldn’t care less or I was more interested in my first wife, etc.

My two nut house set-ups and Mr. Otten in part perpetuated these fallacies. My nut house cases were totally manipulated with a ton of falsified medical reports, billing etc. They were designed to get me out of the way during special neuro-electric mind control operations both in Malaysia and Indonesia during the elections. During a meeting between Mr. Otten, Ory, my mother and Faridah, there was much misinformation passed around about me.

I have in my possession e-mail transcripts written by Ory detailing false information on my situation in Malaysia that was used to further advance their cause of a family split up by making me out to be some kind of unstable nut. Both foreign affairs and intelligence set up the nut house cases as my own electromagnetic fields were interfering with clandestine transmissions during parliamentary elections. This I can prove. I can call forward witnesses.

Faridah has sent a fax that is totally in the cosmos and states clearly that I am not to make contact and she is arranging everything under god and peace and balance etc. What she means is that she is trying to balance her pocket book. I received an e-mail from her a couple of weeks ago, where she told me that I am not to contact Wid again. She allowed Wid to get in a few words.

Wid told me that I must immediately apologize to both Ory and Faridah for a sharp e-mail that she had received. This was a day or two after I had talked to Wid on the telephone. We both cried for an hour. Both, in our e-mail and during our emotional conversation my wife’s sentiments and words were quite different from the picture Faridah’s paints.

Wid expressed that the most important thing in her heart was that there is not a separation of the family and she will wait for me for a thousand years. She felt helpless as I was here and she was there and there was a great divide between the union. I related to her that it was all politics and that I am seeking international help around the clock.

While I was being detained in Kuala Lumper, under instructions of the Canadian High commission, Ory paid a visit. He, point blank, told me that if I mentioned the CIA again or anything about neuro-electromagnetism etc, that I will not see my family again and added that he could guarantee that. I got him on the telephone a couple of months ago and he brushed off every mention of Wid and the children and told me that it was not his department. He suggested that I talk with Faridah. Of Course, Faridah was not home and refuses to talk with me.

Ory is connected to intelligence and knows what is going on regarding the grids. He has a German partner that is also connected with intelligence in Germany, and the grids. He has demonstrated to me that he is involved in the so-called electromagnetic grids in many ways. The CIA and the Canadian foreign affairs staff may have influenced both Ory and the German. I know for certain that they have influenced Faridah and Ory.

I was radiated and electro magnetically attacked in Bali. Ashes from my cigarettes would shoot out 15 feet horizontally. I came under similar attack but much worse in Malaysia by western agents. The same crowd that had followed me around in Jakarta and Bali had followed me.

Many had UN and intelligence connections. I have been bioelectricity roasted severely by radiation technology. Papers from my pocket have set off metal detector scanners, here, at the Courthouse in Hamilton.

Having said that, during the Indonesia crisis I realized that men in black hoods crouching from roof tops and other places were pointing guns at me. The UN and other security agencies closely monitored me, at the time. This was prior to the Bangli Hospital set-up where I was locked up by intelligence. I repeatedly informed Canadian foreign affairs staff in Indonesia that our family and I must depart Indonesia as our lives were in danger. It became apparent at the airport, upon my departure, under escort, that my family was not, as promised, waiting. I had a gut feeling that some sort of offer had been made for my children. I silently cried.

My children demonstrated paranormal abilities in front of plenty of western agents, agents of all sorts, many whom arrived in tour groups. My son demonstrated that he could move ice cubes without touching them or shoot off electromagnetic charges from his forehead at will etc. My daughter Jodilee could make spoken words just hours after birth and would at times go into spells of adult conversation as if she was an adult. She was less than two years old. Now both of them are gone.

I had often pointed a finger at gunmen who were menacing, from atop of buildings or hidden in cars. I would ask the children where the monster was, meaning the bad men with the guns, to check their paranormal abilities. Repeatedly the children would wave their hands around and would, together in unison, point their tiny fingers in the direction of the gun. Many people had seen them do this many times.

My children are totally paranormal as I am and they are beautiful, intelligent and photogenic, and fair skinned Eurasian. In other words, extremely valuable to a person with money who wants to adopt or use them in further radiation experiments.

People who have seen my children demonstrate their abilities are intelligent agents, UN, defense contractors, representatives of software companies among others. Many seemed to know about the grids and expressed an interest in the paranormal, and electromagnetic, electronic illusions, all part of the operation in Bali while I was there. Many were from the Australian military. Many are millionaires.

I believe there is a good possibility that Ory or Faridah have been offered the promise of a cash payout to manipulate my children's transfer to a rich family in possibly Europe. They are arranging this carefully so as not to draw attention. It seems that they are trying to get my wife and I to split up and perhaps set Wid up with a so-called husband with money where she could be brought legally out of the country and perhaps to Germany. There, she can be booted out of the house or used as a servant and the children manipulated for legal adoption. It is done for cash.

Ory is extremely intelligent with an IQ of perhaps 160 or above. Faridah is all business and manipulating. They plan well and have been involved in elaborate schemes that I am aware of. They need money and have an opportunity. They will be careful so all looks legal. I worry most about Germany due to Ory’s very close German business partner who has shown a great deal of paranormal ability himself and has often visited the house in Jakarta.

He was able to shoot off a laser zap to the throat to start a coughing fit, a favorite secret agent trick that has been demonstrated to me many times with the paranormal crowd that I was in with during my last two trips to Asia.

If my hunch is right and Wid is not allowed to go to the Embassy for a private call to me, there must be a reason. A so-called Indonesian social worker may not have the education or insight to look for the subtle signs of brain washing or the threats my wife is under. She is the quiet, innocent naive type who is extremely worried about causing upset in the house or giving Ory or Faridah any reason to dump her on the street. She would be on the streets of Jakarta with 3 toddlers in tow. She must be very worried.

She is also worried about being separated from the children should she go for the DNA testing as once the children have their Canadian passports; they can only stay in Indonesia with a visa. That is Indonesian law. Wid is worried that somehow she will be stranded behind. She must be made aware that both she and the children will not be separated and that all of the Canadian paper work will be done at the same time. She must be aware that under Canadian law, she would have more rights to the children than I would, once her citizenship kicks in.

Derrick, I am here and not in Indonesia so I am not able to first hand assist my wife and babies. A real expert may have to be on hand to read behind the words that Wid says understanding the background of the case and the possibilities of Faridah and Ory’s manipulation for a possible later sale of the babies. Ory is a very powerful person in Indonesia. He is an intelligence officer. Interpol may have to be contacted to monitor the situation. The bottom line is that the whole thing was manipulated set-up to look legal. My entire case was manipulated to separate me from my wife and kids. Ross Tysoe, Michael Otten and James Gavin would bomb on a polygraph test.

The money transfer could come in the way of a sweetheart business deal to cover up bank evidence of a cash transfer. There are all sorts of possibilities.

Please, Derrick, get this to the relevant authorities so the situation can be monitored. We got to get my wife and children out from the clutches of Ory’s and Faridah’s manipulation and here to Canada. It has now been a year of one set-up after another and one manipulation after another for my family. It can’t continue this way.

Hello Derrick, (foreign affairs, Canada), this is a translation of Wid’s letter to me dated 23 October. It shows that she wants out and to live as a family. It also gives a strong indication that embassy staff yet again cast doubts to her about my ability to care and support. In other words, a form of brainwashing to keep us separated. Someone somewhere has made a huge cash offer for my children and if we look at how Ross Tysoe and Michael have manipulated things, one must wonder if they are in for a payout or commission. I suggest that Ottawa put them under a polygraph test. As I have told you since last year, I am willing to be examined on such a test with no pre-conditions, and no lawyer present and testify under oath.

The below is a translated letter from my wife. She speaks Indonesian.

I am doing a rough translation, as the Indonesian language is quite different.

From my wife.

Hello Russ, How are you, I am sorry because only now I have received your fax and letter. Russ, we are fine here. The children are already grown and smart. Russ you cannot say the things you say to Ory and Faridah and should thank them for their help. We are always with you but we are here and you are there so what are we able to do and my heart is sad. Russ you must understand that you have us waiting for you if that takes a thousand years we will still wait for you. Whatever has happened we must always think well. You must remember my promise to legally register a marriage. Before this is possible you must work so as to not live off the government! I do not live off the government! I do not want to lose the children. For business, I can send you things from here if you send me a sample of what you want to sell there or you can make it there or we can work here to prove we can support ourselves.

The government does not believe you work and they need proof. We won’t be apart for long and we are forever waiting for as long as it takes. We will marry and you will always be our children's father. Hugs and kisses from us.

I have asked the government about the passport process. It will take 2 months more or less but the problem is that you are not working and are living off your mother. This is what the government told me. We would be placed under a social program because their father cannot support himself. Russ, you will not lose the children and they can straight away depart but it is not certain that I can, or not, There may be a delay for me. Russ you must work successfully and stay out of trouble and we remain loyal and waiting. Russ, you like business and I can help, send me a sample of the product that you want or you can make a product there, in Canada, so we can be together again with the same happiness, laugh and have our normal little problems as a normal family, We are waiting for you and we love you honey.

This was the last letter from my wife dated Oct 23/ 2000

Warwick’s comments: Something smells, the fish rots from the head.

Baby sales are against the law under the UN. Radiation is against the law under the UN, international law and the Canadian constitution. Pls forward this far and wide. Human rights abuse! My wife and babies will be forever in your debt. I will scream out for human rights through my books, course manuals on ESP. along with public speaking engagements. I will support your cause if you support my babies cause. I plan to address the UN on a platform of human rights abuse perpetuated by radiation, an extension of the echelon ease-dropping project.

Hello Derrick Patry,

Shortly after my wife’s letter arrived, I e-mailed Faridah and asked her point blank if she was planning to sell my babies. She immediately replied by e-mail and stated; ‘see if I can take my family’, and said that she was sending the family to no-where land and then see if you can find them.

My wife and one baby immediately departed for Central Jawa. Faridah said that she was kicking the family out. This was another clear indication that she is maneuvering particularly when the Canadian foreign affairs got more directly involved. Faridah stated that ‘my embassy can do nothing’! as my wife won’t allow them and that I owed Indonesian Immigration US twenty dollars per day for ten years for my children to depart. That is not true. The children can depart immediately after the Canadian government issues the baby’s passports. All that Faridah relates to me is totally at odds with my rare communications with my wife.

Director general, consular affairs, Canada

Dear Mr. Pardy,

I have reason to believe by strong circumstantial evidence that the possibility exists that Mr. Ross Tysoe and Mr. Michael Otten may be involved in the manipulation of my children and wife. Set-up after set-up and after a year, my wife has no contact with me. It looks like my babies are being set up for sale. I can point to much evidence of corruption, set-ups etc and take a polygraph test and work with investigators. My family is in trouble. Below is general correspondence that is also being used to attract the attention of investigative journalists, human rights groups, UN etc. I am very concerned. It has been 1 year since I was grabbed from behind, tied to bedposts, injected with a drug so powerful that it was meant to kill. I have not seen my wife and children since.

Foreign Affairs Minister, Canada.
Dear Mr. John Manley.

How are you? I would like to urgently bring to your attention the plight of my Indonesian wife and 3 babies, forcefully left abandoned in Indonesia. I have reason to believe they are in an abduction situation by two people named Faridah and Ory, presently residing in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Last year on November 10th, at about 11:30 am. I was grabbed from behind by 5 men in front of my wife and babies and carried to a room to be locked up, tied to bed posts, tortured and injected with a drug so powerful that it put me in cardiac and respiratory arrest. While tied to bedposts, a male tried unsuccessfully to rape me. I was tortured! I have not seen my wife and babies since. This happened under instructions of the Australian and Canadian Foreign Affairs staff in Indonesia along with CIA intelligence operative named James Gavin.

The odd time that I that I have been able to contact my wife by telephone, she would cry and ask me how she could join me. She has run away from her captives and was dragged back. She has been under constant brain washing to steer her away from me and into another life, absolutely no doubt for a cash payout. While talking to her, I would cry with her and let her know that I am desperately working with Canada on our plight.

On the rare occassion I can make contact with Wid, Ory and Faridah can be heard ordering my wife to hang up the telephone.

The problem remains that the very foreign affairs staff that had set my family up for a breakup are the very ones that are supposedly working to sort things out. I have ample circumstantial and hard evidence that they are as corrupt as they come. They have done nothing positive for the past year. Time alone suggests that something, somewhere is wrong. I put to you that it is possible that Ross Tysoe or Michael Otten may be in on a baby sale with a promised commission, or at the very least, turning a blind eye to the extreme possibility. They may be under CIA pressure. My paranormal babies are worth millions to the right buyer. The sale or manipulation towards a sale will go through over my dead body or when they are rescued out of Indonesia. In Canada, if the radiation attacks stop, the family will be safe and sound.

During your internal investigations, did the foreign affairs staff mention that they are tied in with the CIA? Did Steve Vale, consular staff at the Canadian High Commission in Kuala Lumper tell the investigators that he had a half-hour conversation with a CIA agent prior to him ordering me locked up in Kuala Lumper? I had seen the same agent in Hamilton.

Did his colleague, Peter Girling tell the investigators that I had no medical records as I tore them up? He told my lawyer this. He also told my lawyer that he would have to refer back to his lawyers on further questioning. Did he state this in the internal investigations? Somehow a few falsified medical documents made it to Coast prior to my lock-up in Hamilton, so maybe I did not tear up anything. My first wife is a witness that could have assisted your internal investigations. Perhaps I could assist the investigations.

I had alerted Derrick Patry as early as last year of fraud and corruption involving Ross Tysoe and Michael Otten, illegal detainment etc. Derrick and others at foreign affairs in Ottawa have repeatedly told me that it has all been fully investigated and there is no evidence of wrongdoing. Seems funny that during their entire investigation, I was not interviewed a single time and being the principle in the case, how could an investigation been done? This would imply a cover-up.

There are indications that Ory may be involved in the clandestine construction of the grids in Jakarta, one way or the other. I had given a United Nations agent his contact number during the special operations that I was inadvertently drawn into during the revolution in Indonesia. We feared for our lives and Ory had the means to command troops to protect our position. I gave Ory’s number to Phil, the main operator. I, at the time was being recruited, quite willingly, not fully understanding the gravity of what that recruitment entailed. I was with many friends that I knew personally that had also been recruited. When the guns started to point in my direction, I parted company with the ‘English Teachers’ and headed back to Bali to rescue my family. That is where my family’s nightmare began.

Perhaps Ory, through my referral, may have been offered a deal of one sort or another, in part to keep quiet about the grids and be an asset to western intelligence. My wife mentioned to me during a telephone conversation that I was not to mention anything about magnets either on the phone or here in Canada. She used the word ‘magnets‘, as she does not have a clue about the use of huge artificially electromagnetic fields created for special operations.

I realize that the subject may be a little touchy in some circles as it is a biological weapon and perhaps the grossest mass human rights abuse ever. Radiation kills and if it has been tried on a population and if the radiation triggers cancer, even in a single person, that is Murder one. Perhaps this is the reason for all of the secrecy, news black outs and judicial tampering.

If it shortens a few lives, that is mass murder. If the artificially induced energy fields cause disorientation to a driver or a construction worker, and he has an accident, the people who pulled the switches could be up for life behind bars.

I have been so radiated here in Hamilton that papers from my pockets set off security alarms. This recently happened at the Courthouse in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada when I tried to get a floppy to the attorney generals office. This would indicate physical proof that someone somewhere has been using radiation torture on me, as I have complained about so often to all levels of the Canadian government.

The curser on my computer takes a second to fly across the screen during a radiation attack. I have to hold it down to direct it. It feels like pure torture during such radiation attacks. This happens daily, precisely at the time I log on to the Internet. The intensity of the radiation seems to co-correlate to the contents of my e-mails. If I mention certain words such as CIA, neuro-electrical mind controls weapons, echelon, baby sales or EMF’s etc., I get around the clock torture by mobile units and installed electromagnetic cables. Perhaps a form of behavior modification is being used on people. Again, I can easily prove the case with a good investigator. I will do all that I can to uphold law and clean justice in the principles of a democracy that we so cherish. Something has gone astray. I could help in investigations; after all, I am an expert at detecting a fraud.

As I have informed Bob Morrow’s office, Mayor of Hamilton, many months ago, when I first arrived in Canada, that someone has breached the grids and is using them to torture. Nothing has been done and if anything, the radiation treatment has intensified.

It seems odd that detectors have not been used to catch the perpetrators of the cellular mass destruction. Again, radiation kills. It causes chromosome and talimier damage. My babies have been radiated since conception. I have held electrical appliances and have had them light up in my hand while in the house of my Malaysian children. Not only was I being radiated, so too were my Malaysian children. This was done by western intelligence during Malaysian parliamentary elections.

My wife and babies ended up in a CIA operative’s place for a week after my torture and injection, in Bali and subsequently, being financially destitute, made their way to central Jawa with our 6 week old child in tow. I could not in any way help my wife as I was being detained in Bali under the instructions of foreign affairs, Canada.

The orders came from a Mr. Michael Otten, one of your staff, located at the Canadian Embassy, Jakarta. I was subsequently escorted back to Canada under highly unusual circumstances and had to wait for my passport to be returned.

Upon receipt of my passport, I immediately flew to Malaysia to continue my efforts to rescue my family out of Indonesia. During that attempt, I found myself detained again under instructions of Foreign Affairs staff in Kuala Lumper and again had to leave Malaysia, just after a Canadian govt. employee gave a hand signal to immigration, Johor Baru, W. Malaysia. Immigration immediately escorted me to their office and subsequently blocked my re-entry home. I have 3 children in Malaysia, from a previous marriage. I was blocked from entering Malaysia after 18 years of peaceful living there. This happened coincidently, at the time that western intelligence was installing electromagnetic grids throughout the country. Many laser shots were fired from mobile units in Singapore during my stay with my children. I was inadvertently involved in the Eden operation there.

I had to leave six children behind under extremely unusual circumstances involving the CIA, Foreign Affairs staff and SISIRS. This again, I can prove, easily.

I was involved with an English Teachers crowd in Jakarta during elections there. They are under intelligence and deal in the paranormal and electromagnetic fields. Intelligence Canada would know the unit. They are tied in with the United Nations and the various western intelligence agencies.

My babies are fairing skin, paranormal, highly intelligent, Eurasian and photogenic. They are worth a pile of money on the international baby market and I firmly believe that they are being set up for sale. I have volumes of papers and witnesses that could help verify that I have been a victim of torture, fraud, illegal confinement and abuse. It started with Ross Tysoe, Australian consulate and Michael Otten, Canadian Embassy in Jakarta. It has been one cover-up after another on my case. My wife and children are in urgent need of help and perhaps Interpol or the United Nations could investigate and assist. Would you please consider this carefully?

I am willing to come to Ottawa to talk with your investigators, under oath and after a polygraph test, to aid in your investigations. In addition, an Australian intelligence officer named Kevin, from a CIA hot gridded Hotel called the Pondok Inn, in Kuala Lumper told me that I would not see my babies again. He frequents a CIA hangout in Kuala Lumper and has a Malaysian work permit. I can find him and identify him for Interpol as a material witness. Perhaps Malaysian Intelligence could assist. I have some contacts.

Yours Sincerely
Russ Warwick

Dear Derrick,

I have received an e-mail from Faridah and from my wife. The e-mail speaks for myself; Faridah is stopping Wid and the children going to the doctors to have their blood drawn for DNA testing. The embassy called around when Wid was not alone. Faridah had threatened her. Wid states in her fax that the most important thing was that there is no split of the family etc. Faridah states in English that it will take time as Wid refuses to cooperate as she indicates in her e-mail attached. Wid did not say that in her e-mail attached.

Faridah’s letter is totally out of character from how I knew her for 15 years and totally in character if she is trying to manipulate a baby sale. I have talked briefly to her a few times over the year and where she is getting her ideas from or the reasons for it are only designed to hold the family in Jakarta. I have had calls from Wid when she is free to talk without threat. She paints a different story. Wid must be taken to the embassy when she is not under threat and the staff there must do all they can to assist her without negative, what if‘s as they have repeatedly done. That scares my wife.

October 28, 2000
Russ Warwick,
162 Kensington Ave. North,
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
Tel: 905 5446959. E-mail:

Two other similar cases in Indonesia and Malaysia. Both times, the CIA and Canadian Foreign affairs staff was involved prior to my lock-ups.

To Lawyers.

Dear Sir, At the end of July 2000, I was inexplicably detained by St. Josephs hospital. Upon arrival, I was given a choice of sedation by injection or oral drugs. I was then locked up. When the sedation wore off, I was escorted by ambulance to Mac Master University and detained a further 29 days. I was picked up at the private residence of a friend. We were discussing a book project. John has a friend called Martin who is a published writer and he planned to arrange a meeting.

Coincidently, a man from Coast called Monty, whom I thought was the writer wanted to meet with me. The meeting was to take place at 3 pm. At about 3:30 pm, Monty and a female police officer pulled up to John’s place while I was outside having a cigarette. I held out my hand to shake Monty’s hand and to introduce myself. I thought he was the author that John had referred to and it appeared to me that he arrived with a friend who just happened to be a police officer. Monty and the police officer were invited into John’s place to discuss my book.

I began to realize that there had been a communications mix up as Monty seemed to know nothing about publishing and seemed to probe about my health and asked me a several times if I felt fine. I replied each and every time that I felt great and thought it very strange that a total stranger would be so concerned. The book conversation went no-where and Monty eventually asked if I could excuse myself and speak alone with my friend John. It had crossed my mind that Monty was just being polite and cautious and if he was indeed the author, wanted to talk to John privately to see if any introduction fees were discussed to Monty’s arrival. I excused myself to make a coffee.

After 20 or so minutes, I stepped outside of the house to the front steps where my friends were having a discussion. Monty suggested that I go to a hospital for a blood check because I may have picked up something during the 20 years I had spent in Asia. I again replied that I was felt

perfectly fine with no symptoms of any disease. I also told him that I would be going for a complete blood and urine essay as soon as my OHIP kicks in as at present, I was not insured. I am a health nut, aside from smoking, and regularly go for tests in Asia. I had been out of Canada for 20 years and was simply here for a visit, write a book and clean up some legal matters with Ottawa.

Monty told me not to worry about any medical expense and that it would be taken care of. I was not interested in any blood work at that time and thanked him once again for his concern. Monty replied with a threat that he could make it embarrassing for me and have a couple of uniformed police officers come down to take me to the hospital. Illegal threat?

He told me the trip would take an hour and that he would give me a ride back. Once at St Josephs, it was apparent that the staff was waiting for me. I was immediately surrounded. Marty meanwhile presented a number of documents to hospital staff. I overheard him tell the reception nurse that I was both a psychic and a psychotic. I immediately corrected him. I responded that I was psychic and definitely not psychotic and told him that I am perfectly capable of speaking for myself. I recognized some falsified documents that he had laid out on the nurse’s desk from a similar incident in Malaysia. Monty immediately shuffled the documents to hide their view.

A nurse presented herself to me and offered that she was concerned about my thinking process. I answered that my thinking processes took

Place between my ears, and was totally my business just as her thinking processes were her own business. A large man put on some latex gloves and moved closer to me waiting for further instructions.

I was asked to sign some forms for a so-called and urine test. Being suspicious of the hospital staff intent, I declined to sign their forms. I made it be known that I was here under protest and that I do not have medical insurance and that I feel perfectly fine. The staff told me that the expense would be taken care of and asked me again to co-operate by signing the forms. I wondered what could be in my blood that interested the hospital, police and coast so much. People instructed me to sit down. I was in no need of a rest and remained standing or on occasion stepped outside for a cigarette, always followed closely by the female officer.

I was then asked to swallow 3 tablets, one broken in half. I inquired as to why and what kind of drugs I was asked to swallow and the reason why. I didn’t recognize the name of the drugs, didn’t get an answer as to why I was to swallow the drugs and of course declined. The big man with the gloves moved closer to me while Marty ordered me to either take the drugs or be pinned down for an injection. He said that I know the process!

Clearly something was wrong. I told the staff that if they wanted to detain me for research purposes or as it was clear to me by now, drug me for research, my consultancy fees would be CD 3000 per day for a maximum 5-day period. I was intimidated into swallowing the drugs while informing the hospital staff of my protest to this sort of treatment. Government sanctioned drugging?

I was then asked to strip naked and ordered to surrender my possessions. Again, Laws broken? Humiliation? I was ordered to lie down on a floor mattress. The door was locked from the outside with no alternative exit. Not a window to escape out from in case of fire nor a doorknob to turn. Endangerment? Fire and safety laws in Canada? Illegal confinement? Illegal abduction? Mental torture? Illegal intimidation and fraudulent trickery by Coast and the Hamilton police?

The air-con was too cold and I managed to catch the attention of a hospital staff by banging on the door to request a blanket. I was given one and fell asleep, from a reaction to the drugging.

I have plenty of allergies and must use extreme caution taking medication. I reminded staff, prior to the drugging that I had gone into cardiac and respiratory arrest after a CIA attempt on my life 9 months earlier in Indonesia, again under similar circumstance under the instructions of the Canadian foreign affairs, the CIA or both in Indonesia.

I was awakened 3 or 4 hours later by St. Joseph’s staff and escorted to a waiting ambulance and driven under escort to Mac Master University. Abduction again?

Upon arrival, I was asked as to how I felt. Again I replied just fine and enquired as to what was going on. Hospital staffs were looking over a number of documents that originated through Ottawa or Foreign affairs. I was asked the reason I thought I was here. I replied that by now I wasn’t sure, as it was a most unusual blood and urine procedure imaginable. I suggested that I was here under the instructions of someone in Ottawa and it had to do with a couple of on-going cases of illegal detention and falsified billing and medical reports during similar incidences in Asia.

I was told to get some sleep and tests would be done in the morning. I was asked a number of very strange questions such as ‘did I feel suicidal or do I seek revenge etc. I was being talked down to as if I was some sort of nut.

I wasn’t going anywhere as the entrance to the facility had a security

guard that was under instructions to block my exit. Illegal confinement? I was detained in a psychiatric ward and was told that if I left, they would have the police come and pick me up. Illegal intimidation from staff at a hospital?

Over the following days and weeks, I was subjected to some interviews and hospital research. I had 8 vials of blood drawn along with a CAT scan and an EEG. I co-operated under protest. I was told repeatedly that I was detained to within the immediate parameters, and was not allowed to visit the library or anywhere else for that matter. After 2 weeks, I was told that I would be detained for another two weeks but would be allowed access to the library. I was also reminded repeatedly on inquiry that research staff was working for free and that I was a special case. I am a well known to a number of foreign intelligence agencies and the United Nations special task forces for my paranormal, electromagnetic kinesis abilities. So too are my babies have been able to move ice cubes around without touching them etc. This was in illegally installed electromagnetic field in Bali, Indonesia. They are presently in a hostage situation in Jakarta.

On occasion, throughout my imprisonment, I was asked to sign hospital forms. I declined. On occasion I would inquire as to how and when my consultancy fees would be paid and inquired as to the reason that I was being detained. I received only blank stares or a change of topic. There was nothing wrong with me on all of the tests performed. When repeatedly asked as to how I felt, I repeatedly confirmed just fine.

I was allowed to use the patience's computer, which I used daily to work on my book. During interviews with medical staff, I always took the opportunity to promote human rights and bring awareness to the psychiatric profession of some of its outdated diagnosis and treatments procedures. I was aware of some stark deficiencies in the profession, as psychiatry is part of both my book and a teaching manual that I am writing. The book deals heavily in neuro-electric mind control and my teaching manual; called ’Fast Track to ESP’ is about topics of the mind and how to open up to paranormal phenomenon. I developed my own fast track technique. It will be a seller.

I was told that I would be given all of my medical results, HIV, cholesterol, glucose etc when I receive permission to leave but have not received a single copy until now. I was only told that all of my tests were negative or within normal limits. I was never given an explanation as to why I was detained. I was asked by a Dr, Nichols to sign some forms on the day of departure so the whole thing could be covered by OHIP. Again, I refused and it was then, I realized that their intention and story had changed.

They wanted me to sign the forms to have the bills covered by the taxpayers and to leave an official medical record, here in Canada which would dent two other legal cases involving the same techniques, tricks and abductions both in Indonesia and Malaysia.

I was involved in elite paranormal mind control operations in both Indonesia and Malaysia and overrode a communications grid that was set in place during a revolution in Jakarta and again under an electromagnetic grid set up prior parliamentary elections in Malaysia. It was when I started to talk and write about my experiences that I have been repeatedly detained under a trail of falsified reports. How did Marty legally obtain any medical reports on me? Illegal means? Falsified reports? I had never met Monty before. It was while standing outside John’s place, smoking a cigarette; I overheard a communication on Marty’s car radio. Monty confirmed that he had located John’s house. The voice from headquarters instructed Monty to bring me in. Monty claimed that he was from Coast. He had never interviewed me, nor has anyone else for that matter prior to my lock-up. It was predetermined that I am locked up with a pile of falsified reports drawn up from somewhere.

Dr Nichols, the Doctor who had expressed the most interest in me at Mac masters told me that he has to make up a medical record on me stating I had a psychosis. He told me that under the laws in Canada, a person who claims to be able, at times, to pick-up on ultra sound frequencies, higher frequency radio waves piggy backing on regular radio waves at 100Mgz, is not considered sensitive hearing but a psychosis. Very convenient!

He told me that he understood my gift, but is tied within the existing psychiatric parameters in law. He also had to cover himself with something for detaining me for 29 days. During my detainment, I was always very polite, opened doors for patience's and always took time to comfort any one in need. I was also doing research for my book on how the system in Canada works on the inside, including the electromagnetic grids.

There is no way that Coast or anyone else is legally allowed to pick a person up from a private residence, abduct him, drug him, lock him up and detain him for a month without a number of laws being broken. Picking up the odd ultrasound frequencies or discussing this in the context of a book is legal in Canada and is no excuse to detain or imprison a person behind locked doors. I had never been a threat to anyone or to myself for that matter.

I have never given any cause for anyone to believe that I am a danger to anyone in anyway. I have been victimized. Lawsuits or settlements

with the Hamilton police department, Coast, St. Josephs and Mac masters are all possible. I have since received bills from St Josephs and Mac master totaling more than CD 73’000! I think that a settlement with all of the above could reach CD 5 to ten million and rightfully so. The involved parties have all committed gross human rights violations and breached the trust and security that their respective disciplines expect. I have huge trail of falsified reports and documents of which I could present to you should this case be of interest to your firm.

My cash is short, but the case is straightforward and potentially rewarding to us all, especially for the advancement of Human Rights. I believe the nut house was used to send me a signal to me that I should discontinue with my book and all discussions of its contents. It is sensitive in nature to some. Psychiatric wards were being used as tool to punish, shame and discredit. A mal practice settlement. Two related cases could bring settlements in excess of 100 million dollars.

Most Sincerely,
Mr. Russ Warwick.

Dear Mr. Prime Minister,

Hello, how are you? How is your family? Mine is in terrible shape, thank-you. By now, I would guess that you realize that through some of the practices of your Foreign affair’s staff that I am now well known throughout the medical establishments in Indonesia, Malaysia and Canada. News of my family’s predicament has gone all the way up to the Pope and is no doubt front-page news across the desks of intelligence agencies around the world. Your foreign affairs staff in Malaysia and Indonesia is corrupt, pure and simple. I can prove this.

My situation is well known throughout the intelligence agencies of the USA, CANADA, Australia, Malaysia, Indonesia and Britain. Not to mention the UN. You are perhaps buying time or more likely are ill informed regarding my families’ situation in Indonesia. Intelligence certainly keeps much from you.

I have complained about fraud and corruption within your foreign affairs repeatedly and I have complained about the electromagnetic grids that have repeatedly tortured me here in Hamilton. Nothing is done. My children are being set up for sale and I am being radiated! Would you kindly reply?

The only responses that I have received from your office is that all is under consideration, meanwhile my wife and kids are being manipulated in Indonesia and the babies father is being constantly radiated with huge electromagnetic fields and microwaves at my grandmothers house. It is disorientating for her and I would hate to see her fall.

There would definitely be jail time waiting for some of the people involved with what I am putting forward. Let’s catch them and get them behind bars.

My wife and kids are quite possibly being set up for international sale.

Let’s get my wife and kids home, before something unfortunate happens to them.

I would like to remind you as I forward this e-mail; I am being tortured by electromagnetic pulses. It is a crime against humanity and I am hell bent to get my wife and kids home and have the radiation attacks stopped once and for all.
The so-called civil defense grids have been breached in the area of my grandmother’s place and I am being toasted. I am feeling the electromagnetic fields all over Hamilton. They get strong at Brucedale Street. as you travel south into the city.
There are foreign agents in Canada involved in neuro and biological weapons testing. I know some of them personally and can point a finger as to where to send investigators.

There are many matters that require urgent investigation. Thank-you kindly for your attention.


Russ Warwick

I, Russ Warwick believe that the statements, recollections of names, places and dates below are accurate. There are many people who could testify to the accuracy of the following allegations that are presently afraid to come forward.

Subject: Alleged fraud, torture, tampering with evidence, intimidation, falsified medical reports, bribery, drugging, possibly attempted murder by injection, illegal confinement, related to the actions of Foreign Affairs, Canada, their staff, associates or agents.

Principal people involved in this case with Foreign Affairs Canada are:

Derrick Patry: Based in Ottawa. Case Management Officer S. Asia Consular Operations. Division Tel: Canada 613 9926465/ 9965358

Case file No/ Unclassified Jan 17 2000 No. File 99 DPSAR 419949

Michael Otten: First Secretary, Canadian Embassy, and Jakarta. Tel: 011 62 21 738739

Ross Tysoe, Consul, Australian Consulate Jl. Prof. Yamin 4 Renon. Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia. Tel: 011 62 361 235092

Steve Vale: Assistant vice Consul, Canadian High Commission, Kuala Lumpur, and W. Malaysia. Tel: 011 60 3 27183333

Peter Girling: First Secretary, High Commission Kuala Lumpur, and W. Malaysia. Tel: 011 60 3 27183333

Steve Taye: Australian Consulate staff, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia.

Keith Sultry: Consul: Canadian High Commission Kuala Lumpur, W. Malaysia Tel: 011 60 3 27183333

James Gavin: Possible CIA Operating out of CV Krakatoa No 56 Jl Seminyak, Kuta Beach, Bali, Indonesia, which is a business center. James Tel: 011 62 361 756704

United nation High Commission for Refugees Branch Office for Malaysia and Brunei, where my report was lodged approximately March 30, 2000

After my lock up, torture, injection and separation of my wife, 3 babies and my life possessions I was forced to return to Canada on an a one way Canadian Travel Document and accompanied by an acquaintance, Dr. Made.

Once in Canada, I was told that I had bills to Foreign Affairs, Canada of $CD 17’400. 00

I was shocked. Embassy staff in Indonesia spent more than $CD 12’000. 00 without my consent or knowledge. My mother was called by Mr. Michael Otten and asked my mother to forward $CD 2’000. 00 that was sent to Indonesia was done without my knowledge. Ross Tysoe told me that Mr. Michael had requested $

Another letter that may offer an insight as to the possibility that the CIA may be involved in my case. They do not want me to expose radiation experiments. I don’t want them interfering with my family or radiating my babies. We don’t at all get along because of what has already been exposed.

Dear Mark,

It is all a hoax. Huge electromagnetic generating devices are being installed with an array of mobile radiation devices attached. Everyone is threatened into secrecy. The transmissions piggyback over a very wide range of radio frequencies, not just 100Mghz.

I believe the electromagnetic grid system is a global disaster. It is presently being sold to 3rd world countries as a so-called civil defense program. Little do the recipient countries know about the clandestine additions. Additions that can completely paralyze a country at the flick of a few hundred switches. 50 or so paranormal operators could penetrate a city and paralyze a parliament building amongst the array of the machinery. This is being installed by the western alliance security agencies; many connected with the United Nations. I both saw and felt this being installed in Indonesia and Malaysia. Mobile radiation units are presently torturing me. It is painful

All six of my children have been targeted by electromagnetic radiation, lasers etc. The grids are complex and consist, in part of electromagnetic cables, poles and microwaves and an array of electonical devises and satellites. The electromagnetic energy is drawn from the ground, drawn up by the cables, which are installed under the streets, roads and throughout buildings. The cables may be attached to the pilings of buildings and the steel girders. Normal wiring in a house can act as an antennae and transmitter in such a powerful electromagnetic field.

This creates huge electromagnetic fields over a city or operations area. Microwaves are then pulsated into this field. The populations within the fields are is in a constant electromagnetic seesaw pull, back and forward, up and down. This increases molecular vibrations within the population. Molecular vibrations throughout the body and particularly the brain cause a temperature rise.

In the process, natural plasma generation is greatly enhanced due to higher molecular vibrations. This greatly extends our aura field. Our aura is plasma, the 4th dimension of matter. The huge amounts of plasma generated in such a field act as energy conductors in themselves extending from human to human. Head to head or telepathy communications are established. Energy transfers that allow for paranormal sex and electromagnetic body extension used to layer a target enables powerful remote viewing by the highest vibrators. Under such electromagnetic fields, auras are extended and merge with others in magnetic fashion.

The constant microwave and electromagnetic ‘sandblasting’, of our natural electromagnetic brain and body shields is eventually de filtered and electrically realigned to allow for powerful, undisrupted electromagnetic thought and biological waves to be picked up by antennas and processed in a bank of supercomputers to be digitalized.

Our own electromagnetic energy fields, well known in Hindu and Tibetan disciplines could also be described as our psychic or soul filter. Eastern meditation techniques de filter from the inside. This opens up different dimensions to the practitioners. Somebody's military does it from the outside.

Our neurons and body systems have powerful electromagnetic fields which keep much of the radiation naturally generated during thought and body function attenuated in its own micro electromagnetic fields and circuits.

In a powerful electromagnetic field, the 7 charkas become highly active, drawing in universal, (cosmic) energy, which, in turn activate the nadi, the thousands of interdependent energy fields throughout the body. (DNA).

The electromagnetic/micro wave fields are excited and this higher molecular vibration increases plasma and universal energy production multifold, which extends our aura. The open charkas allow for cosmic energy to permeate the body. This allows for telepathy, soul travel, clairvoyance and an extension of oneself as in remote viewing.

Under such electromagnetic fields, the brain waves are realigned to allow for the linear flow of waves, which are received by microwave ease dropping devices; similar to the ones used in the Echelon project.

The brain waves are digitalized and thoughts are read just as radiation signals from e-mails, computers, cell phones etc. are digitalized and translated. Picture a human body covered in iron filings, (aura). Place that body in an electromagnetic field and the filings stand on end. (Aura is drawn and extended). Place two people together and you have a feeling of a soul mate. Energy frequencies from within our heads and body are now unhindered to travel from prior radiation de-filtering of the Charka vortex’s and nadi energy circuits. Energy, including cosmic energy is drawn out by electromagnetic pulls from the grids. An ‘animal magnetism’ of sorts, is effected between more and more people in the operations field.

The plasma and electromagnetic fields allow for clear transmissions of electromagnetic waves from body and brain via electromagnetic conductors. A global grid system is presently being installed in many countries to read population brain wave patterns and to influence thought and modulates behavior.

Buildings disguise huge arrays of antennae's and listening devices. The constant see-sawing of the electromagnetic fields, in an ever increasing soup of plasma and cosmic energy with microwave radiation, eventually de-filters the electromagnetic barrier of more and more people creating more and more plasma and comic energy to build up in the gridded area.

This opens the door to paranormal phenomenon, and influence as the individual aura’s merge and interface with the operators and their computers.

It also leaves a population easily influenced by telepathy, sublingual suggestion or for many, reception of ultrasound radio wave transmissions that piggyback over 100 MgHz. It is a form a massive mind control, where-by satellites beam down into a population the government message or feeling of the day requiring less and less radiation to have the same effect over a population. The best paranormals, whose charkas and nadi have been radiated open become human transmission and reception beacons and further influence a population wherever they travel through their thought and increased electromagnetic waves. Humans can therefore position themselves to effect a larger electromagnetic field perimeter during operations. They are now electromagnetic fields onto themselves.

No one yet knows the long-term effect of fetus or babies with their developing brain and energy circuits. My babies were born paranormal. They had been radiated since conception. Will they succumb to cancer? I pray to god they will be ok once they are rescued. Perhaps some anti-oxidant nutrients will keep cancer at bay. What about migratory birds and species that depend on electromagnetic fields to survive? What about weather patterns? We have had more rain in Canada this year since records were kept. Coincidence or a man made tragedy?

Natural paranormals are the first to be victimized or recruited as they have genetically weak natural electromagnetic cushion. They, in turn have ESP, and pick up on things normal people, with stronger brain electromagnetic insulation, cannot.

The governments take a special interest targeting criminal or national security risks. Once a target has been identified, mobile radiation units surround and de-filter and digitalize the target’s brain waves for an information bonanza. This could easily done to foreign military leaders to render them useless, as state defense secrets will be tapped. It could happen to a Russian scientist or Chinese intellectuals who may have state secrets. It could happen to them in a hot-gridded hotel on an overseas trip.

The technology is as dangerous as it gets aside from the fact that many of us will die of cancer. Blood tests show that I have a low red blood cell count after a couple of years of constant harassment. Hotels are now routinely hot gridded waiting in prey for a target to come along. The switches are turned on and the victim’s mind is read. This is what happened to a friend and I at the Pondok Inn, Kuala Lumper. It happened again at the Eden Hotel, Johor Baru, W. Malaysia.

I have been victimized by a terrible year of extreme radiation blasts. The United Nations knows of this clearly, as it was many of their agents that have controlled the switches. I know many of the operatives personally as many have been recruited in Asia over the years. I have lived in Asia for 20 years.

During the radiation softening up period, reverse EEG’s tweaks all of the electromagnetic fingerprints out altering brain wave frequencies that have been digitalized. They are amplified or attenuated and rebroadcast back to the victim to over ride his own energy circuits.

This is done by electro magnetically tampering with thought processes and the various memory store areas in the brain. These laser pulses over ride that natural brain wave patterns and either attenuated or amplify to electro magnetically express or depress until all micro energy fields or capsulated memory circuits have been tweaked.

The CIA code words for the memory capsules are either radiation pellets (when intimidating a victim) or the brain DNA. (Usual term). Both terms are accurate. The brain energy capsules actually resemble real DNA. A DNA is both a memory capsule and an energy pellet. It is a tightly rapped circuit.

In the usual sense, DNA is a double helix with chromosomes on a pair of strings. The chromosomes are micro memory stores and express various traits well timed bursts of energy during fetal development and on through life.

Just as in real DNA, the brain ‘DNA’, have their information stores, strung on strings wrapped tightly in energy capsules. The CIA refers to these as clams. They resemble clams in shape and appearance. The are black and are connected to strings just as in the double helix that string our chromosomes together.

Brain DNA (macro energy capsules or tightly wrapped circuits) contain brain ‘chromosomes’, (micro memory stores) within those capsules. The brain DNA strings connect the various memory capsules together. ’Macro memory’. When an electrical charge bursts one of the capsules, a memory is released. The brain circuitry stores various related capsules in various parts of the brain, related to the part of the brain that did the work to form the memory. The bursting of a cluster of capsules at once in different parts of the brain can create a stroke of genius. Einstein, Socrates, Plato, Caesar and others were able to do this at will. A capsule is made up of millions of microcircuits storing information gathered from all six senses.

The brain DNA is strung together by cosmic conductor strings that connect all memory capsules together. This process starts at fetal stage.

During electromagnetic field operations the brain DNA capsules electromagneticly unravel into strings. These are known as DNA strings and hold the clams (micro memory stores, chromosomes). Imagine frogspawn inter-imposed in a human brain. The eggs would be the brain DNA or memory stores and all are interconnected by cosmic or energy conductive strings.

During some UFO abduction cases the brain DNA is electro magnetically drawn out of the brain linearly. This looks and feels like flattened frogspawn exiting, usually from the forehead. (Third eye area). ET’s are free to exchange info and at the same time fuel up on plasma stores making its way up the strings. The strings of course are conductors.

In the Echelon human radiation project, the DNA strings are drawn out of the victim and into an operator’s computer chip implanted brain to interface with a computer for an information transfer bonanza. As the brain DNA is drawn in, some of the clam’s ‘memory capsules’ will electromagneticly burst into the operator’s brain releasing a micro stored memory. This phenomenon looks and feels like an explosion. It is the basis of telepathy. The energy burst can be done at will psychically a cosmic pin.

The computers, at present cannot directly receive the information via DNA stings. It must be first processed in a paranormal operator’s brain. Once he bursts a capsule his brain his new brain wave patterns can be digitalized and processed in the computer to form a picture or movie.

Most of the DNA simply passes through one operator to another. The rest of the population is excluded as their psychic or soul filters are insufficiently de-filtered. Their electromagnetic micro force fields remain too strong for the DNA strings to penetrate, or drawn out. The stings deflect off and travel on. They are not yet on the psychic net.

It depends on the stamina, will and tolerance of the operator as to how many DNA capsules he wishes to ‘burst’ and that depends on how much intelligence he wishes to gather. The operator now has a direct contact with the victim’s soul and the information and energy transfer begins. The DNA strings are connected to our soul and spring back like an elastic band. Our last soul travel would be when we die and the soul leaves the body for good. During death, the energy circuits die one by one until there is insufficient energy to hold our soul in.

Over time, many operators seesaw the DNA strings throughout the entire human grid exchanging information bursts to gain remote viewing from any operators vantage point. This has huge military implications.

Huge amounts of electromagnetic and microwave radiation are necessary for the system to work. It can be done in a few short days in a hot gridded hotel room.

The DNA strings always return to the body, as they are an important part of our complicated soul. It springs back like an elastic band. This is why I call the Echelon human radiation project ‘Soul Sucking Grids’! The entire body is connected via memory DNA strings and all are part of our soul.

During the radiation softening up period, new memory areas are identified and excited and more brain radio transmissions are sent back and digitalized in loop fashion. Visions and dreams are also digitalized and rebroadcast the same way. In the electromagnetic\plasma soup, dozens of operators can see and experience the same thing. If they are in close proximity, I see no reason that hundreds could not see the same vision at the same time. Through human computer/interface, thousands could have their soul gridded and experience similar things. Hindus and Tibetans experience similar phenomenon in their meditations and soul travel in the eastern monasteries.

Eventually our souls become synchronized in resonance and complete a common union and common psychic frequency. The military has now established a grid of species resonance. We are human beings! Much of the UFO sightings and abductions would not be possible with out the grids. It is all a transfer and an exchange of information and energy one way or the other.

The most powerful agents simply stare into a computer screen, with his wrap around goggles and ear phones to watch a movie. What he sees is transmitted to the others within the parameters of the electromagnetic/plasma grid. This operator can throw in his own made up mental images by simply tuning out of the movie that he is watching or if the particular agent is agile, interface his own cerebral visions during the movie or burst clams coming from another's soul. All can be superimposed into the common vision. A military refers to this phenomenon as layering.

Acoustics from his stereo add an audio dimension to the show. I have seen military desert storm clips radiated to me in Malaysia and then again the exact same clip transmitted to me in Hamilton. I told them that I had already seen that clip and then heard some muffled conversation. The clip changed to another one showing an admiral in the US navy walking down stairs. I saw that same clip as well in Malaysia. The operators had made a major mistake. The clips gave me the insight as to may be behind the experiments. The clips were used to train soldiers.

The whole global grid disaster is for global dominance. To add to the confusion, many victims begin to have a spiritual enlightenment and they are. Ufo's imagery and real ones cause confusion. The film clips are a smoke screen to cause panic or hysteria.

UFO’s are real and they are a common vehicle for soul travel. The grids take advantage of this by adding compurized confusion.

Gifted and experienced soul travelers, with plenty of cosmic stores can literally make their own UFO's during the early stages of soul travel. Often a soul traveler will be hijack or highjack another UFO when fuel stores run low and the traveler wants to continue the journey.

I have been told that I am one in a Billion by a spiritually well connected Hindu based in Malaysia. He saw the light, as I did. He immediately departed Malaysia to study in India. I would have done the same if it were not for western intelligence dragging me back to Canada for some severe radiation treatment. The CIA had called me their golden boy. I may have a golden halo, but I am definitely not a CIA boy to anyone!

I never had the chance to see my wife and children, never mind study spiritually in India, before being dragged away and tied to bedposts. I would have to believe my guru’s vision. I see so much and have had the western intelligence agencies in my face and that of my poor wife’s and babies radiated face. At times, I wish that I had not been born so gifted and not be around during such troubled times. At times, I feel for Jesus Christ and how he suffered. He had nails driven in him and 2000 years later, I suffer radiation blasts every time I pray. The operators hate any mention of Christ. Psychiatric laws in Canada forbid a prayer before a meal. Both radiation and nails are lethal.

There are better times and places for my family and I to live and be. Perhaps a change of politics may eventually unfold. Definitely there will be a profound paradigm shift in the works for humanity.

I have heard about a prophecy that of a child will be born and the timing of his birth will set of a series of international events that will change history.

A child was born September 18, 1999. His birth was 9 days after his father’s birthday, 45 years later. He was born 18 minutes after midnight. Check the numbers Mark. He has more nines than I do.

That is numbers. Maybe this is part of all of the CIA shit. How bout a father that levitates? How bout kids that talk as adults in spells when they are still babies? They have disappeared and reappeared in front many people including the CIA. My kids are not worth millions, they are worth billions! They are being sold. I cry daily. The Canadian govt. still tells me that all is ok after 1 one whole year. It is a baby sale. I am Psychic Mark and I see this, and I can swear to god on this one. I have never been wrong a single time yet when I get a psychic flash. Mark, as I type this, a machine cranked on and blasted me with a huge amount of electromagnetic radiation that again was meant to punish. I am suffering terribly. It is not only mobile units from the CIA. It has to be the Military here on radiation experiments. It is murder, some kind of military experiment on the population here. That I am certain of but what can I do?

The kids are worth millions and I am worth nothing! I sometimes wish I were dead. It certainly would be allot less painful. I am being used in radiation experiments. I am their father Mark!

I must believe that the child that could set of the series of international events is my youngest, little Russ. The CIA and foreign affairs immediately had me drugged and had that child taken away. His Mother and that child left for central Jawa as soon as the Canadian foreign affairs moved in. He and his brother and sister were identified by western intelligence as being very paranormal. I have not seen my gifted babies since. A multi-million dollar deal may have been worked out for my babies. The Canadian government has bankrupted me when I had to leave behind a million-dollar contract in Malaysia. They are making life and the ability to rescue my family as difficult as possible.

It will take a new and powerful politician to call a news conference and clean up the system. That would all that it would take to burst the electromagnetic so-called umbrellas.

bye, Russ

Dear Mark,

There are here for 3 reasons why they come down. One, they need fuel to get in and out. They are being fueled up by plasma from the grids and use earth as a pit stop. Two, They gain insight to satisfy their own curiosity, and Three, having satisfied the former two are here for a long term prospect of a ready fuel source. How to do this? Influence brain genetics to make us into fuel milk cows. Someone's military loves the show and are the puppeteers. Cosmic interference with our genes. Over time, a pliable human mild cow race will develop to ensure them a ready cosmic source of a most powerful cosmic mix. High Octane cosmic fuel. A major military is presently installing electromagnetic grids around the world to bring them down. I am working daily to put it all together. I am totally paranormal, soul travel at will, change my appearance and people tell me that I can be seen in two places at the same time. My children have these radiated ‘gifts’ as well.

Planet earth is only one of their perpetual stops for the rare fuel source. The fuel source they and a military prize is only produced by living creatures. ‘Cow mutilations’ or a complex hoax? Their booty is a plasmic/cosmic energy fuel. Could it just be a hoax to confuse the masses so they may tend to think more about aliens when they feel excess electricity generated in part by generators connected to buildings piling and steel girders? Are the crop circles aliens or merely lasered by military satellites to add confusion to stall for time to complete the installation of the global grids. Too much secrecy for it to be solely aliens.

The grid seesawing of the electromagnetic radiation over a population is effective in controlling minds, feelings and public opinion. The main paranormal operators become evermore unrestricted electromagneticly to instill a sense of unease, paranoia and hysteria to the less de-filtered people in a population via sublingual suggestion.

The paranoia is used to induce a sense of fear for verbally talking about their experiences. Laws under the mental health act are used to harass whistle blowers. Police, lawyers and the press know what is in for them if they expose. Demotion, bankruptcies, accidents, nut houses or licenses pulled.

The grids were initiated by a military and will be shut down by an apposing military. That will bring us WW 3. Individual cities meanwhile will tune down their grids so as not to reach a critical mass of exposure. Victims will begin to talk. The strongest operators/energy chandlers will become too abundant and a military will decide it is time for the fine tune. Victims would get together in physical protest and scream murder. Perhaps a politician or someone in power will come forward in a major press conference. That would be critical mass and a major realignment of human rights as practiced. My babies have been radiated since conception. This is a crime. Papers from my pockets set off electromagnetic scanners. I have received constant radiation via microwaves and electromagnetic weapons including laser and radar zaps. That is a crime, and also painful. In fact around the clock pain. Devices hidden in a neighbor’s microwave could transmit radiation. Many devices are installed in cars and other mobile units. A ‘World Watch’ van in Kuala Lumper repeatedly circled the block with blasts of electromagnetic radiation while I was there visiting my Malaysian children.

The military must understand that it is not only them that can perform remote viewing. I get plenty of impute and I will scream loud and clear about the whole thing for as long as my wife and 3 babies are being manipulated for a possible sale and the radiation attacks stopped.

I have had at least 4 attempts on my life in the past year. I have been locked up 4 times as well. My leg has been fractured and nose broken. My wrists have been crushed with handcuffs during an attempted murder. I have gone through much to reunite with my family and will work day and night until we are united and I know they are safe and sound. As their father and husband, I would be ashamed to do otherwise.


Russ Warwick

Dear Sir, I would like to bring to your urgent attention of a huge story of human rights issues. I would hope that you or your organization or through a contact could assist, investigate or help in any way. The situation is urgent. I am available 24 hrs a day. I have ample witnesses and documents to back many of my claims. This tells a part of a very big case concerning every imaginable human rights violation perpetuated on to my family, and my babies
I have not seen my wife or babies since being attacked from behind by 5 men, under instructions of Foreign Affairs staff. There are at least 20 witnesses. I was tied to bedposts and injected by a drug that could only have been meant to kill. I awoke to find my family gone. I have not seen them since. It has been one year now and I am desperately trying to get them to safety. I have every reason to believe they are being set up for a baby sale. Too much evidence points that way. If you cannot help, could you please copy and paste this to someone who may, at least be interested. I am working against time. Sincerely, Russ Warwick.

Someone is tampering with my e-mail and messages sometimes come in part or not at all. A fellow did get an e-mail in stating that he tried to call but was told that my telephone number is not in service. I will definitely respond to your call or e-mail. If you are unable to contact me, it could be some sort of electronics jamming. Please try again. My telephone number is definitely in service.

905 5446959, Canada.

It seems strange that after a year of sounding the alarm that something is seriously wrong. The victimization comes by the way of repeated lock ups and the repeated attempts on my life, not to mention the electromagnetic radiation used to torture. Is it possible that there is some truth behind what I am saying? Ask privately your UN friends. Ask privately your CIA friends. Ask privately your media friends. Ask privately my friends from around the world. I am certain that the excess radiation is an addition of the Echelon program. I am not, as the CIA has called me their ‘golden boy’, or a radiation ‘guinea pig‘. The populations in-between the electromagnetic fields are not lab monkeys.

If the Foreign Affairs staff and the CIA in Indonesia could have only taken the time to ask me if it would be ok to hog tie me to bed posts, inject me, rob my grandmother and mother of their pension money, radiate my children, dump my wife and kids on the street and bankrupt me, I would have replied that it would not be a good idea and all of us could have saved a huge problem. I was never asked. My wife and babies are stranded and in trouble.

Below is a recent E-mail from my oldest son who is 13 years old. I had inadvertently sent an e-mail describing the possible sale of his two brothers and sister. daddy do u send baby sale who type to long i never read but i'll ask mummy to read u will send me some snow balls...daddy please send me some greetings before u come here don't forget to bring your video camera ok...bye for now LOVE RUSSELL!!!!!!

Hi honey, sorry I sent you the wrong e-mail. Don’t worry, no one is going to sell your brothers and sister. You will meet them soon. Daddy is here in Canada asking for help. I love you and say hi to Jodilee and Jenifer. Love daddy.

Please note, my son’s first language is Malay/ Tamil, not English. He has been radiated as well and he is gifted. He lives in a two room wooden shack in amongst skyscrapers in Malaysia. I can not help him or his siblings. I presently a subject of military radiation and bioelectric experiments and have been manipulated by corruption to return to Canada, and abandon all six of my children.

I was interfering with the clandestine grids presently being installed in both Indonesia and Malaysia. I told my son that it is getting cold in Canada and that I will send him a snowball. I was joking but he took me seriously. Coincidently, the word ‘snowball’, is CIA jargon for another paranormal phenomenon.

I would hope to attract the attention of a Human rights group and Lawyers to rally around my baby’s case. In addition, I feel that a good way to get the international awareness of what has happen would be to get the story out by film and book. If you know of an interested publisher or movie producer, please pass this on. We are also seeking the help of an international investigative news reporter or news group.

The grossest of human rights abuse must be exposed far and wide. Thank-you kindly for your interest.

Again, the Canadian government’s modus operandi is to discredit me with totally falsified medical papers. A doctor did not write the reports. I have seen some of these reports personally. They were written by a high level bureaucrat, official, contact or agent to discredit me. I can prove this easily with the right investigator. I have practiced mind control and meditation for 20 years and am writing books on mind development and control called, ‘Fast Track ESP, Remote View’, and ‘Warwick’s Soul, Eye of a Holocaust‘. A true drama baby radiation experiments, lock-ups, murder attempts, levitation in special operations, radiated babies and their abandonment, espionage, conspiracy, soul travel, grids, torture, corruption, judicial tampering, press interference etc, etc.

It was because of my suitability for special operations, the west tried their best to recruit me. I did not like the neuro electromagnetic devices they were being used and declined. I have 6 children to raise. I had a very successful business.

The devises are a gross human rights abuse and when I started to talk about it, my life unraveled. It was a very well organized unraveling. The paper trail alone in my case is enough to bring about prosecutions. At least 100 laws have been broken in attempts to silence me.

The forced abandonment of my family was intended to send a clear message to shut-up about what I had learned. Later the devices were used to torture.

I, was involved in what was perhaps the most secret and high tech espionage operations ever. It took place in Jakarta during the revolution and elections. It was the first time that an electromagnetic field operation of its kind was proven successful and this was demonstrated in front of a huge western intelligence audience. The results of the elections were to the West's liking.

The equipment was being demonstrated by the CIA to various western governments for contract sales. I was involved in a very big operation indeed. It is cutting espionage.

My wife and children got caught up in all of this and need urgent help. My case must reach the attention of the international community. My babies do not deserve this.

I can point to other CIA radiated babies in Indonesia. These are the children of prostitutes impregnated by the agents. One is born to a prominent American international lawyer.

Sincerely, Russ Warwick
162 Kensington Avenue. North.
Hamilton, Ontario,
Tel: 905-5446959


Russ Warwick Update

Living cells can now be tracked using magnetic beacons

A fragment of HIV has been used to create minuscule magnetic beacons for tracking living success as they mover thought the body. The technique could be crucial tools for developing and improving stem cell therapies. The cores of the beacons are specks of easily magnetized iron oxide just 45 nanometers across. These are coated with a glucose polymer called dextrin to make them compatible with living tissue. There have been attempts to use such nanoparticles to track cells before, but researchers found them ineffective because most cells would not take them up. But this month, scientists led by Ralph Weissleder at a Harvard Medical School hospital in Charlestown, Massachusetts, revealed a solution. The group adds a snippet of a HIV protein known as 'Tat' to the particles. Tat helps to get HIV into cells unnoticed and confers thee same ability of the nanoparticles, allowing them to invade a cell so that it can be tracked.

Using the nanoparticles, the researchers already track cells in mice and rats. They tag cells by placing them in a solution of nanoparticles, many of which end up in each cell. They act like one big magnet, says Weissleder

These magnets can be tracked using magnetic resonance imaging. In the first experiments, the particles could only be followed for about seven days before they disintegrated. But resent improvements in the coating have bumped their lifespan to three weeks, says Weissleder. The team has tagged both haematopoietic progenitor cells, which from blood cells and neural progenitor cells. Progenitor cells are descended from stem cells, which have the potential to develop into any tissue, and are the earliest level of specialization. Blood stem cells are already given to patients with damaged immune systems. They lodge in bone marrow and produce new blood and immune cells (New Scientist 14, August 1999, p. 6. Exactly how the cells home in on bone marrow is not yet understood, but researchers know that only a small percentage make it. The new beacons offer the first chance to follow the homing of haematopoietic cells in a living animal and gauge how many cells make it to the marrow. That would be quite useful to be able to follow what happens, says Loren Field, a biologist at Indiana University, in Indianapolis, who works with the stem cells. Because the beacons are magnetic, researchers can retrieve the cells after an experiment. That will give them the chance to analyze cells that do make it to bone marrow and find ways to increase the number that reach the target. Researchers also hope to find better ways of getting neural and other stem cells to damaged areas, where they can generate new cells. Weissleder says he group is aiming to carry out trials in Humans within the next three years.

Source, Nature biotechnology, vol 18,page 410


This technology is used by the intelligence service to turn a target into a walking beacon almost immediately. It is spiked in food and drink...I have had this done to me at least six times in Indonesia and Malaysia and was introduced to it by the Australian Military in Jakarta.

sincerely russ warwick

Saturday, December 19, 2000

E-mail address russellwarwick@hotmail was hacked and is invalid.

New e-mail address is

You may also contact me at

I am still the target of Electromagnetic, microwave and electronic emitters. If you have received the below twice, pls accept my apologies. E-mails are tampered with both outgoing and receiving. I have informed Canadian Authorities many times about the on going electromagnetic harassment and torture for many months now. Amazingly, the torture in Canada continues and investigations not forthcoming and the wife and babies remain stranded.

Hello, My name is Russ. I hope this will outrage you. If this can happen to my family, it can happen to yours. I fully understand the information may be sensitive in some circles, but







Updated December 11.

Last year, on November 10th at 11:30 am, I was with my wife and 3 babies in Kuta Beach, Bali. I was touching my 6-week-old baby's head saying good morning to him when 5 men grabbed me from behind and dragged me away to a room to be locked behind a steel door. I was then tied to bedposts and was injected with a drug so powerful that it put me into cardiac and respiratory arrest. There was an attempted male rape.

I was repeatedly drugged after that with my heart and breathing stopping and starting. I spent almost 3 weeks, at the mercy of a Foreign Affairs abduction and subsequent detention with no outside contact with family, friends or Embassy. A Malaysian friend called the Canadian High commission in Kuala Lumper to demand that my family and I are evacuated. The Indonesian military had been pointing guns at our direction. He was told that commission staff physically incapacitated me! It was on the day that I was locked behind steel doors, drugged and tied to bed posts while my family was taken away. All calls were blocked in or out while in detention.

I struggled to keep my heart going from the repeated subsequent drugging. I have not seen my wife or babies since.

Meanwhile my pensioned mother was being asked to send over huge amounts of her retirement money in secret. She was told not to tell me about the transfers.

I am being harassed daily by electromagnetic radiation, far in above normal background radiation. I have repeatedly complained to the government at all levels about the harassment with absolutely no relief. The Dept. of the Environment has yet to investigate the radiation source even though there are elderly and young children in the area.

I have been so badly radiated that my body sets off metal scanners. We received the same radiation as a family in Indonesia while my babies were in fetal development. The babies developing bio-electrics were altered since conception by around the clock huge electromagnetic and microwave radiation attacks. They were born paranormal and demonstrated their mystic abilities in front of dozens of foreign intelligence staff. On November 10, 2000 they were forcefully abandoned as their father was grabbed from behind under collusion of corrupt CIA, Australian and Canadian Foreign Affairs staff based in Indonesia in a clear murder attempt. I have not seen my wife or babies since. Foreign Affairs continue to do all that they can to keep the family separated. The evidence against them is compelling and I am shocked that no prosecutions or even an investigation has been carried out.

I believe that the crimes against my family and myself were done in such a brazen and sloppy way, as the perpetuators did not expect me to live long enough to protest or effect the rescue of my family. Intelligence agencies from America, Briton, Australia, New Zealand and the United Nations were heavily involved in harassment prior to my abduction. There have been 4 well-organized attempts on my life during the time that I began to expose the radiation experiments on my babies. I had managed to slip out each time. The Canadian government, by there own admission had me deported out of Indonesia, via their hired agent dr. Made, forcefully leaving my young family abandoned. My youngest baby being only six weeks old.

I was escorted to Canada by the man hired by Canada whom oversaw an attempted murder. He carried drugs, and informed Ottawa about this. Ottawa did not alert me of the danger nor explain why anyone would want to drug me or the man was on the same aircraft as me.

Upon return of my passport, I flew my way back to Malaysia to see my 3 Malaysian children and continue rescue efforts of my Indonesian family. While in Malaysia under almost identical circumstance I was again drugged, abducted and detained through the actions of foreign affairs staff colluding with the CIA based at the Pondok Inn, Kuala Lumper. Peter Girling (consular) and staff working for the Canadian High commission refused to answer any further questions to my lawyer indicating he would have to refer to his lawyers when queried about falsified documents.

Mr. Girling and Canadian government staff had been caught in corruption, collusion with the CIA and breached numerous laws including laws under the privacy act, international law, human rights law, oath of office and local federal Malaysian laws.

All indications are the babies are being groomed and set up for an international sale. They have been radiated since conception and are extremely paranormal, high IQ, photogenic and Eurasian.

Just prior to the Bali outrage, drugging, tie-up and torture, I had been abducted under orders of Canadian and Australian Government Foreign affairs staff in Indonesia just after applying for the babies emergency passports during a dangerous revolution where Embassies were evacuated. Ottawa does not dispute the abduction but refuses to name the Foreign Affairs staff that ordered it.

Shortly after the torture and during the drugging, James Gavin (CIA), Krakatoa Business Center, No 56, Jalan Seminyak, Kuta Bali, maneuvered my family to a CIA house for a week. I would have to question if it was for further processing both experimentally and sale.

After the tie-up and drugging, I awoke to find people wearing brand new CIA embossed dress and my wife and children gone. I have not seen my wife or babies since and have lost all contact. The Canadian government refused for weeks to forward any possible address citing Canadian privacy laws. They have since capitulated and forwarded an address. I have received over CD 90,000 in bills by the Canadian government without a single original document to date or explantaion.

The message from Ottawa seems to be clear! Keep quiet about the radiation treatment that my babies, wife and I have received at the hands of foreign affairs and intelligence or you will not see your wife or babies again. If I continue to demand an enquiry and prosecutions, life can get dangerous and expensive. I wonder where the outrage in Ottawa is to allow criminal activity to happen and continue without a thorough international investigation. Where, in Ottawa are the orders coming from to destroy a young and beautiful family? Is it an individual, department, ministry or is it the entire administration? Does it fall completely under Canadian Intelligence and if so, where are the mechanisms for redress? Derrick Patry continues to state that there is not a single shred of evidence of any laws broken even though he is very familiar with the case and is privy to classified information.

Falsified documents from Canada and Australia foreign affairs Indonesia has made its way from Indonesia to Malaysia to Canada and used to perpetuate crimes. Foreign Affairs Canada has repeatedly capitulated or has been silent on just about all facts and events including privacy and mail fraud laws.

Once foreign affairs realize that yet another law has been broken their explanation changes completely or simple explanations for criminal behavior are stonewalled. For example, I have been waiting for 13 months for original documents of qualification on the foreign affairs agent that was hired to drug me repeatedly to the point of near death and then escort me to Canada. There are at least 30 witness's to the above.

I was targeted once again by electromagnetic radiation torture in Kuala Lumper in a CIA run hotel called the Pondok Inn. The manager of the Hotel, a CIA front financed by 4 Singaporeans, colluded with Foreign Affairs consular staff based at the Canadian High Commission in Kuala Lumper for about one hour prior to my second abduction and lock-up. Again falsified documents originating from Indonesia surfaced and were presented to Malaysian Federal employees. This case has many witnesses as well. Ottawa refuses to investigate or prosecute.

The third incidence of abduction and drugging took place shortly after arriving in Canada. Once again, CIA and other intelligence agents were in town from Asia and the more falsified documents showed up. I was forcefully drugged and detained for 29 days. This case has many witnesses but again, Ottawa refuses to investigate. I have repeatedly offered my services to Ottawa to aid in investigations take a polygraph on all points and offer all assistance necessary to bring prosecutions and re-unite my family.

As of December 11, 2000, there has been no response or indication of outrage from the police, MPs, Prime Minister, Foreign Affairs Minister, Premiers, Legislature, lawyers or press. This would imply a top-level cover-up. Over 100 laws have been broken including local, provincial, federal, international and foreign federal laws. Clearly the Canadian constitution and oath of office of foreign federal employees has been breached. International treaties have been breached.

International human rights laws have been broken, my babies have been radiated, the family victimized and Ottawa does not investigate. Radiation devices emit radiation and scanners can easily detect the source and catch the criminals. To date the Canadian Government refuses to scan the area around my present location to catch the criminals. Foreign western intelligence uses these devices with impunity in Malaysia and Indonesia and my family has been targeted for experiments. A government that allows this to continue after being alerted many times are in total breach of dozens of laws including the Environment protection act. The case should be front-page international news, but to date not a paragraph in the local paper.

I have warned foreign governments about the radiation devices being used by western intelligence including the Special Paranormal Unit known as 'English Teachers' who operate out of S.E. Asia, train in Tokyo and have a main base in Jakarta. This group use and train with electromagnetic and microwave radiation weapons. They are a special top secret paranormal unit with worldwide connections that attempted to recruit me for operations in Moscow and Irian Jaya. It was the 'English Teacher' unit, under the United Nations and the CIA that initiated my Indonesian problems in Jakarta during the revolution. Australian consular staff socializes with these people at the Santa Fe Bar, Kuta Bali. Ottawa wants me to prove the allegations of criminal activity, so in the hope that counter intelligence in Malaysia and Indonesia, International journalists or human rights groups will assist, I am supplying these details globally to as an international alert and to pre-empt a possible babies sale. I have many more details to point to dozens of witness's at every step of the points presented.

I know many of the English Teachers, paranormal unit personally and have actually levitated with one of the female agents many times during training operations while in Jakarta. I had attracted a huge amount of international attention from the UN and other western security forces in Jakarta and Bali. At one point, I identified a machine gun held by a woman and grabbed it from her. The Indonesian army returned the weapon to her. She immediately pointed it at us, the paranormal unit, with her finger on the trigger.

Intelligence radiation emitters effected my own electromagnetic field causing it to extend multifold. This interfered with very sensitive intelligence communications systems and was a contributing factor in my forced returned to Canada from Asia, abandoning all 6 of my children. My Indonesian babies attracted a great deal of attention demonstrating paranormal gifts by moving ice cubes without touching them, appearing to disappear or walk out of their body and sadly, pointing out hidden sniper positions. These were mainly Indonesian army personal, dressed in black hoods. They had repeatedly pointed guns at us from buildings and cars. My babies, as I, could would sense their positions and point them out to the UN and others. Now the babies and their mother are gone and I believe that a huge cash offer has been made for them. (The babies) There could be no other plausible explanation.

Much military study has been done showing that the physical body is surrounded by a mantle of electromagnetic (EM) energy. The eyes pick up this photonic and cosmic emission, though 90 per cent of this information is filtered out in the energy fields in and around the thalamus.

The remainder is the visual part of what we see as our main reality. Once the very tight electromagnetic energy fields are weakened or de filtered or realigned around the 10% visual-mental arena, our perception expands as our photonic and cosmic exchanges become ever greater and our auras progressively stronger.

Auras are plasma, the fourth dimension of matter and the golden key to the paranormal window. The larger the aura, the greater the attraction to and the exchange of cosmic energy which intern increases plasma production. With this, ESP, clairvoyance, remote viewing and profound insight become possible. Western intelligence is in overdrive on the study of this and its implementation. They, however raise hell to achieve their objective. They are not angels on a spiritual high. They are hell bent on world domination.

My experimental babies, aside from genetics, were born paranormal...the electromagnetic protective barrier around the thalamus had been electromagneticly and micro waved by western intelligence during fetal stage and early infant development thus altering normal bio-electric and neuro-electrical development. It seems that a huge cash offer could have been made for them.

Those who practice a Hindu type of meditation, de filter the energy meridians from the inside with various internal exercises resulting in paranormal/spiritual insight and other dimension phenomenon. Western intelligence brutally accomplishes this from the outside in with intense and tortuous electromagnetic and microwave radiation. Baby experiments, from my own observations are rampant. I personally know 3 babies born to intelligence agents and local prostitutes that show all of the symptoms of electromagnetic over stimulation and disorientation. The poor babies constantly receive an overload of stimuli as their own developing bioelectrical systems were over ridden by the constant radiation they have received since the day they were conceived. The CIA and other western intelligence agencies have wired the babies bio-electrics since conception.

Of course, as far as western intelligence is concerned, human baby experiments are vital to gain a complete understanding of how their machines work in the control of minds, whether that is to influence foreign parliaments or stock exchanges or perceived enemies in Russia or China or influence the outcome of parliamentary elections in Indonesia and Malaysia.

I accomplished the electromagnetic de-filtering process from the inside out, very quickly, by a self-taught technique to do exactly that. In addition, I have practiced gentle mediation and mind control for over 20 years. The western military and secret service learned of my paranormal gifts about 4 years ago and decided to use my entire family for further experiments, primarily for further paranormal research.

If one radiates a fetus since conception, from the observations of my own offspring and that of radiated offspring of western agents in Indonesia, paranormal babies seem to be the result as their energy meridians of the thalamus and the bio-electrics throughout the body is completely altered for life.

They will forever be sensitive to electromagnetic fields and microwave and cosmic radiation, as they have never had the opportunity to develop their own bio-electrics normally. Normal bioelectric meridians protect humans, their brain, thinking process's and protects against profound sensitivity to all manner of radiation, electromagnetic and cosmic.

To rob babies the chance to develop normally is one of the grossest human radiation experiments ever.

We are talking about developing fetus and newborns with their tiny energy meridians and circuits developing in their tiny brains and body subjected to huge overriding fields of electromagnetic and microwave radiation. They are sacrificed to make way for the ever-developing Haaarp and Echelon global ease dropping and intelligence operations.

Much of the electromagnetic and microwave radiation weapons presently being installed in Malaysia, Canada and Indonesia are routinely used to recruit natural paranormals that are able to generate huge amounts of plasma on their own. This plasma is then drawn and channeled to aid in remote viewing and all sorts of paranormal tricks including soul travel and Phycokinesis etc. During secret military or intelligence operations, the true paranormal operators are able to communicate both psychically and act as radio beacons, both receiving and transmitting ultrasound and other transmissions confusing counter intelligence.

It is difficult to make sense of the communications or pinpoint their location. Many transmissions can only detected by other psychics or with supersensitive computerized receivers. Microwaves and electromagnetic devices are used to create communication corridors. The best paranormals radiate themselves and train to develop these techniques. Paranormal operatives of the 'English Teachers' unit practice intensely for 3 hours a day.

As an adult, practicing the slower de-filtering techniques of say Hindu meditation, we have the opportunity to open to the other world with a sound understanding of this world and are able to make sound comparisons. The poor radiated children are born seeing and hearing things that most normal people could only imagine. Who knows what the long-term prognosis is for my babies and countless others that are victims of the grids or intense experimentation.

My radiated children walk out of their bodies, move ice cubes with out touching them, point out hidden sniper positions, go into spells of talking like an adult with facial contortions while they are vocalizing and appear to disappear and reappear. You can't get much more paranormal than that. It is not hard to imagine how much radiation they received in the fetal stage while we were being targeted by western intelligence. The bastards that did this to my family, one way or the other will pay. I have already exposed foreign intelligence operations to the respective governments for human rights causes. Hopefully millions of dollars of intelligence set-ups will be abandoned. My babies are becoming very expensive experiments and the sooner Ottawa investigates and facilitates my families rescue, the better. I am making sure that the international community is aware and watching every move. The babies must have thorough medical checks for excessive electromagnetic radiation as soon as possible. Ottawa ignores their plight.

I have ingested microscopic magnets, coated in a polymer, and spiked with a snippet of virus designed to get millions of magnets into the cells and past the blood brain barrier. This is the modus operandi to quickly magnetize a target. It is place in food and drink. I have experienced this on about 6 occasions being introduced to it by an Australian intelligence officer in Jakarta during special operations. The 'drug' has a slight iridescence to it and the effects are profound. It stays in the system for about a year, as cells die and are replaced. I suspect that this method is widespread and is certainly being used by the CIA in Malaysia and Indonesia from first hand experience and observation. A target will experience a slight fever 2 to 3 days after inoculation.

I have worked on my own mind control for over 20 years and developed an extremly rapid technique to ESP. The CIA and Australian intellegence has taken particular interest in me as have foreign affairs Canada. I was followed everywhere until Canadian Intellengence induced immigration at the Johor Baru checkpoint to bar me from the country. My 3 Malaysian children came down in tears to kiss me good-bye. The bastard's name is on the Malaysian immigration computer anda the immigration officer has been identified and forward to the Malaysian capital.

At the CIA controlled Pondok Inn, in Kuala Lumper, the manager refered to me as the CIA golden boy! He oversees the radiation and drugging of unsuspecting guest to sensitize them, and establish a head to head contact as quickly as possible. His job is to identify enemies of state, drug dealers, phychics, do research and tap any other individual that may have information that would aid the west. He also recruits.

I have been a victim of torture, radiation experiments, druggings, lock-ups, broken bones, murder attempts and jailing during the past year while trying to rescue my family. Poinantly it was during this period that I was formulating and teaching the contents of a book that intellegence does not want out called Fast Track ESP-Remote View and describes techniques involved and how they are applied by intellegence.

The radiation and the techniques used on populations are the grossest human rights violations ever. They are weapons of mass destrution; CELLULAR DESTRUCTION> RADIATION KILLS. Pure and simple.

I have been so severly radiated in Canada that papers from my pockets set off metal scanners. Why I am being targetted and tortured in Canada is anyones guess. Is it a message to keep quiet? Too bad for the spooks because this radiated father is screaming loud and clear when he dosen't cry for his children. Crimes have been commited in my babies' case and God willing there will be jail time for the people involved and the electromagnetic and microwave weapons shut down for good. These are weapons of war to be used in war, not on families, the elderly and babies. We are not lab monkeys to be radiated at the whim of an operative that pulls a switch or turns a dial on machines that were paid for by tax dollars.

My family remains the target of biological weapons and experiments and this is going to stop! My mother and 88year old grandmother are being targeted as I type. Seems to be a multi generation experiment and Ottawa is totally aware of this. Where is the Outrage!

I have been desparetly trying to locate and reunite with my wife and babies for 13 months and would appreciate if you could take the time to copy and paste to any politician, police department, M.P. P.Ms., the world media, human rights groups, medical authorities, victims groups or anywhere in the world that may bring about greater awarness. We need help and fast. If you cannot help, would you please, for the babies, copy and post to someone who is in a position to assist? Warm Regards, Russ Warwick, and God Bless.

The below was written by a friend in Hamilton who is an electronics engineer and has been badly radiated as well in on going Canadian human radiation experements.

Dear Sir or Madam: - As a reference, as far back as 1994 U.S. Senator John Glenn's publicly-expressed outrage that his government has (once again) been found to be engaging in brutal forms of involuntary human experimentation, and his demand, in effect, that any and all forms of this type of experimentation be exposed was heartening.

- A large and growing number of people hoped that the U.S. Senator's expressed outrage was sincere, and that any investigations are not simply a means of diverting attention from complaints centering on the Government's long-term role in involuntary human experiments with non-ionizing forms of radiation.

- For some time now, the U.S. Departments of Defense, Energy and Justice have openly admitted that directed-energy weapons systems do indeed exist, complaints of experimentation with these systems can no longer be ignored. It would seem that this technology has now enjoyed a large-scale horizontal and vertical multi-National proliferation.

- This Letter is focused on complaints concerning experiments with non- ionizing, so-called "non-lethal," directed-energy weapons, surveillance and psychotronics systems. In bringing this to your attention, I am forwarding the interests, currently, of many citizens, who are the subjects of both vicious forms of overt harassment and concurrent directed-energy harassment. - Documents detailing Microwave, Acoustic, Psycho-Acoustic Harassment and Mind-Control Experimentation are widely available, as well as Testimonials from many hundreds of known and documented victims.

- Just as a matter of interest--Defense sponsored "hype" in the media, make claims as to the non-lethal nature of these technologies or in a stunning reversal, deny their existence out right. Many of these claims would appear to be made by those who share a vested, if not economic interest in the proliferation of these "Products".

- They are not gentle systems, as this government would like for the public to believe. Questions, which need to be asked as a preliminary, are as follows:

- In ending, this is a problem, which the Government of Canada can ill afford to ignore. There are many angry people in this country that have been violated with these experiments. It may do well to remind ourselves that not all experimentees have been kept effectively isolated. A number of experimentees recognize the rapidly burgeoning numbers of new experimentees.

Many have also become well seasoned to the mental illness ploy incorporated as a cover-up for this experimentation. At present they must use their own resources and efforts to guide and aid newly targeted individuals in the right direction. We can only hope that others who are also concerned may be prompted to do the same so that this issue can be brought to some level of open inquiry.

It is important to keep the babies and their mother in the International spotlight. They have been manipulated badly and may be still the target of radiation experiments. There have been 5 agencies involved. All it takes is a single determined operatior to continue the irridation from a neighbouring house.
162 Kensington Ave. N.
Hamilton, Ontario,
Tel: 905 5446959

I have hundreds of pages of clarifications on most points mentioned for further inquiry, news item or court case.

Sincerely Russ Warwick.

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