Andreas M.Wittebrood

27 July 1997

Rijksstraatweg, 113
2121 AD Bennebroek

Male, age 54.

In summer 1975, I was successful to get my certificate about teaching mathematics in Secondary school and I got my first job. A contract for just one year. I liked the children, but not the team of teachers. I felt a kind of indifferent attitude. The headmaster told me in summer 76, the end of a school year, " You are not capable to work within our team", so I was fired, he also said to me "You will never get a job as a teacher again". Germans call it "Berufsverbot!" In those years 1977-1980, I became a loner and outcast, with a poor social life.

On the other hand I became angry to expose the consumer-society. I could not solve the problem between my inner world and the demands of capitalism. Moreover I felt sad about the children, missing a good teacher. I started drinking alcohol and suffered lonely feelings about my existence. July 1980, I decided to go for a while into a mental hospital, voluntarily to overcome a psychotic period. After 10 days, doctor X wanted to give me Haldol, I thought they wanted to break down my personality, to feel like a chemical straitjacket. I got scared of these doctors calling themselves psychiatrists, they don't want to help you, and they want to change your mind to accept capitalism as such. Those psychiatrists are very 'warlike'. After 10 days I left the hospital, without pills and went back to my own place. Once in a while I came back for a talk with doctor X. In the meantime our family doctor came along and proposed that I visit psychiatrist Y. I refused to go, because I want understanding, I don't want to be controlled by pills or any other means. A few weeks later, the beginning of December 1980, I felt a strange hypnotic feeling in my head. The outside world seemed to disappear in a Haze and everything concentrated on myself. At that time, I thought about radiation from my neighbors' house (neighbors being a police officer and wife). It was a low-level radiation of microwaves, estimated 0.1W/[cm].[cm], and 1-10 gigaherz. I stayed home. Sometimes when I went to bed I experienced a "hot shot" which means an intensification of the energy to 1W/[cm].[cm] (estimation) one or two minutes; very hot and powerful feelings under my skull, exhaustion physically and mentally. I went to visit Doctor X for an explanation. She said "It does not go well, how can you bear it in your house, are you using heroin? you seem to be a captain of a sinking boat". Not a word about the cause; microwave radiation. I went home hoping the radiation stopped, but it did not stop. I became more radical and angry in my logic of thought processes because of the continuos radiation and torturing me to death; for instance, ' If suicide is legal it is also legal to shoot to death those individuals who keep this society in place, why, you want to kill yourself '. Doctor X was annoyed, her reply being " If you remain radical in such a fashion you will be wrecked, or you will kill yourself "I went home feeling very foolish, but I knew too little as to the irreversible damage of my brain functioning, due to heavy microwave radiation.

I also knew or sensed; my telephone was monitored, mail examined, my house bugged, even listening to my F.M.-radio they jammed the broadcasts. I was treated like a "subversive" person and at the same time test subject in a horrible remote mind control experiment!

In middle of December 1980 I experienced whilst lying in bed awake the finishing stroke. All of a sudden I got an enormous electro-shock, by remote means seemingly from the neighbor's house, lasting 10-20 seconds, estimate 10W/[cm].[cm] :Then I lost control and experienced a trance from of unconsciousness and pain in my head. I don't know for how long the radiation lasted, perhaps 5-10 minutes. After being unconscious for appro.20 hrs, I awoke with a hot, painful feeling under my skull. I could easily have been killed by heart failure!

There was also a neurologist of a Military Naval Hospital being involved using the equipment at my neighbor's house, with the help of Naval Intelligence executioners, with consent of Dr X and other Nazi-psychiatrists.

Christmas 1980, the radiation was unbearable. I was being forced to kill myself and fled into a forest to think about the situation, the only way to survive seemed to be to gain admission to the mental hospital where Doctor X worked. After a month, Doctor X left the hospital and I saw a new psychiatrist. Seven years as his patient, every week resulted in nothing at all. They say I am suffering from paranoia and schizophrenia. I have seen ten different psychiatrists, and been prescribed many different pills but to no benefit. I have all the symptoms described in the literature relating to microwave radiation including organs like my heart and I do not know how much longer I can suffer this, perhaps a year or two, but not much longer.


  1. Extreme fatigue, physically and mentally, I am bed-ridden and helpless.
  2. Constant headaches; day and night from my cerebral membrane, as if my brain has 'hot spots'.
  3. Irritation, because nobody really understands being radiated by the SS-people, "Nacht und Nebel".
  4. Sleep deprivation, nightmares, and never feeling fully -awake
  5. Memory difficulties and not being able to think clearly and freely.
  6. Immediate palpitations after mild exercise and labored respiration.
  7. Change of personality and nature.
  8. Loss of appetite, I eat only because they wish me to. (I had a hungerstrike for 2 months, they force fed me by a probe.)

The past since 1980 to 1997 means nothing, it is just a 'black hole' in my memories (before I was radiated). The future is the same as the past. "Just a vegetable". I am learning nothing and I forget everything. All I know is the electro-magnetic radiation before my admission to hospital.

Kind regards

Andreas Wittebrood.

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