MCF Victim: Kais Yacoub

My name is Kais Yacoub

I am under the influence of mental control process till this moment while I am writing these words for this reason you might experience a feeling of generality or misunderstanding, It is because I need to be careful so my words come out judged mentally to the level I can be 100% responsible about it. If I am standing with you face to face I am more precise because I am more conscious of your presence.

Till these moments I am hesitating about what to write because what I am going to write, you supposed to have a knowledge about. That how it looks like through the brain washing I went through and I am sure you know alot about it, but what type on knowledge you have I do not know, this made me hesitate for long time to talk about it in addition that the one who controls me can prevent me from even thinking by the minute I reach such a conclusion that if I was able to reach. I am now less poisoned than before so I have kind of mental freedom to think, analyze and respond how ever I am still under mental control.

I will give a short description for the mental control and brain washing so you have an idea, however I prefer to have you know a lot of details before I do that because there is a lot of details that when I mention it will have varying importance and it will change your judgement all the time while you are progressing reading, so don't make a judgement but take the facts in consideration.

My experience with the brain washing started at the age of 14 or at least that what I can recognize, it can be even earlier. My first experience was through controlling my emotions, creating psychological disorders and some of it was directed towards sexuality and another one towards going through depression cycles and all type of short conclusion thinking that support it, and some was towards thinking critically to create a fear from experiencing life.

I lived most of my life from the age of 6 or 7 that I remember suffering from concentration problems that led later to a lot of psychological and behavioral problems. It was accompanied with unexplained physical weakness that supported these psychological troubles.

These troubles stayed with me till the year of 2002, the reason it stayed this long because the one who created it wanted it to stay this long and may be even longer.

At the year 1995 I started to experience severe fatigue for no reason and it started to be more and more frequent. In between 4/1996-9/1996, I started to have hints about the source of the weakness I have but I have no direct reason or in another meaning I was lacking the logical reasons to build a conclusion. With time I started to be more sure that it is because of the influence of a poison with out knowing the type or the source or the reason.

The source of the poison was a family member and some friends, this was at the beginning, till suddenly the poisoning started to be very heavy here it started to include having trained persons coming to my bed at night to do it with the help of somebody to open the door, with locking the door it started to be by food and evaporation. All this happened during the military service, during that period of time I was under physical pressure as a solder which resulted in showing signs of aging and memory and comprehension loss in addition to developing grey hair-in another term I got messed up within few months.

After that I started to think and search about the reason but the organization or the person whom control me mentally was faster, he already created incidents that he can make me imagine and believe that proving it is impossible. He did it by creating incidents related to the political situation in Iraq at the same time he overwhelmed me with some action to support the idea of it belongs to an intelligent work by the Iraqi intelligence or similar entity, the ideas looked like I.D. theft or personal orientation towards a political opinion discrimination or a secret experiment by the intelligence supported by the people because it is type of patriotic duty. Some incidents where created to scare me to shut my mouth and at the same time because it is a mental control if I talk about it the person whom will listen will ask to clear a gap in what I will be saying because it built on a driven conclusion by the mental control person, even me when I used to think about it I find a lot of gaps but I do not have explanation, for this reason I could not talk about it clearly as I am now. I lived in horror mentally, I used to have a thinking that the Iraqi intelligence have a legal point against me and they can control my future through it, or I will be in a dark room for all of my life while another person will be having my I.D. to do political crimes, they made my life a misery by creating these thoughts at the same time my brain could not analyze it for many reasons.

Till here, as I understood it, the organizers of this game was the ***** intelligence and it was believable for the size and the involvement and the personnel whom participated and it is a fact for me, even if they claim it is through an out side agent it is still through them because the agent need to be one of them to do it or controlling them or he will fail no mater what.

After few months a new type of people started to appear, those once have a different shape and personality, they are simple and clean in clothing they some times to make them skip the ironing and wearing the 70's clothes to give the humble and wisdom and conservation shape, silent most of the time, and some was little bit healthier than the others and a main point was shaving there moustaches partially leaving the lower part, these are my observations plus the mental control person influence on me to make me understand it this way. This new group started to play a big role, they started to act as saviors for me and the brain washer started using them to create incidents so he can make me live an episode in my mind, this is how it looks like for me now when I remember it. This continued till I arrived at the United States. I started to be able to realize a little bit what I was going through at early 2002, I did it by taking care of the poison source and that source, the water was as a main source and some food as a secondary source, unless the food was or is prepared primarily for me.

I will describe the mental control as a process then I will follow it with an announcement.

The poison makes my body weak and fatigue, my brain distracted all the time and having less mental ability to think or conclude or make a connection between the thinking elements, a main supporter for this is controlling my feelings and emotions to control my conclusions and that play as a main factor in which path I think in addition to what elements I am willing to use in my thinking, but it is not to an extreme level of control, the prove is if it is I would not be able to tell you what I am telling you, and when the person is mentally impaired he is literally disabled from being further or dangerously or interactively controlled to react normal but he is still controlled, this is through my experience.

While I am highly poisoned I feel all kind of weakness in my body from muscular to mental to organs weakness and deficiency, the poison make the body full of toxins that mess up the chemical reactions necessary to process food and it kills chemicals like hormone and enzyme necessary to function normally physically and mentally. I experienced kidney and prostate weaknesses and deficiencies, it was very harmful to feel it and live it.

The other part is the mental control by the evil spiritual power, the poisoning is the main supporter of this process because it requires a weak body, for this reason it is a crime and there is no other or better word to describe it other than it is a crime. The person who controls me mentally he used people around me, the ones who have a partially shaved moustaches plus the ones he made me think they are ***** intelligence or *** or a combination or a club members, to create incidents so it can be part of episodes or series he make me imagine, he makes those groups give me body language and language hints and changing faces to express different emotions and feelings to make me under stand it in the way he wants to create the episodes, the main factor that give a reality to the episodes is the poisoning other than that all the others are secondary factors to be considered but many times it will be considered because there is no other facts that is more clear or real to consider.

Since I started to take care of the poisoning source, I started to feel the crime that has been done on me while before that the mental control person was able to make me think as if I am the criminal while it is the way around, I started to distinguish the normal human conclusion that a human make a decision according to and consider, and the mental control conclusion that based on inputs and elements created by the mental control person make his sick mentality and it is far away from the normal human concluding thinking process, some times he makes it more imaging other times he makes it more emotional.

I feel the difference through the normal human synchronization between his feelings and thinking and behavior in comparison to the mental control process that it needs to be in certain series and it is hard for him to hold all of it at the same time simultaneously in my brain and each mental control person different in his ability doing it than the other-I feel it after they collapse or release my brain-and in addition to all of this he needs to tention most of my brain (for distraction) to make this successful because if he does not, my brain will be busy with the reality I am living at, this reality can be a person talking to or a task I am doing or a book I am reading, for this reason after it ends the information or the imagination he produce it will be fading because the brain will not be able to process it while he is doing it or it does not go through the normal path of conclusion as the normal thoughts go and this is the main factor of its failure, for this reason if they have recorded things for me talking you will see a lot of contradiction and ilreilvency because of that.

I think for the time being this is enough as a description for the process and I feel I can't describe it better than this why I do not know but I will try in future there is much more to say do not depend on this only to make conclusion.

The announcements I want to make:-

1. I have no relation or a belonging to any political group or entity and I announce that this method of mental control is not a communication method and I do not use it as a communication method and I will not, I use my mouth with a physical sound and with the presence of the person in front of me, more than this ignore it, is part of the mental control to create a useless story, I do not have the mental freedom even to search about these political groups.

2. If a person exposed you to records about me challenge him to show it to me and you will see how he will start sweating as soon as you mention it because I will show you the irrilivancy and how he controls my thinking elements and push me to say what he wants-once they tried to scare me by leaving a recording for me on my answering machine but in fact if he send me a series by mail he will do me a big favor.

3. Don't depend on that person opinion about what I like and what I don't because many times or most of it he controls it to certain level and if he can't he does his best to tension my brain cells so I become idle and disabled from reacting so he can claim what he wants.

4. If you are under similar pressure and want to ask a question about a situation I handled you know about don't hesitate to ask, I will be happy to respond back to you.

5. Through my experience with those evil humans I reached a conclusion that if I do not take this case to the court the criminal who still does the crime he will continue, so I need legal help to prove the crime and take the case to the court. Till this moment the organization whom did it think that they are worthy to control my life and I feel that they are no more than a group of Nazi criminals. I do not hate but when I know that somebody did a crime and he punished me for his crime and later on he likes to influence how do I live, I feel that it is too too too too toooooooooooooooooooooooooo much. By the way since it started there is no human rights or civil rights law they did not violate, for sure the ten commandment they can pass a day with out intentionally brake one on purpose.

6. I will try to post later more detailed words and I will create a chat room but I need to feel physically and mentally better so I can do it at the same time being able to concentrate to do it.

There is much more points to mention but for the time being this will be enough till I can add more, by the way I started writing this letter about 1:00 am and it is now about 5:00am, now you can make a judgement of how a mentally controlled person can gather his mind.

Kais Yacoub.

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